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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I thought it would take a while, too. I would have preferred to get to know everyone, and then have certain things happen at the end of the episode.
  2. I can't believe TWD has been on for eight years now. It doesn't seem that long, even as it's been painfully slow at times. I remember watching the first episode, just after I'd found out that the first of my five little dogs, was living on borrowed time, so I wasn't feeling good, but I was glued to that first episode. I loved the black and white, too, and Morgan and his son. So much has happened since then (mostly bad - I get the Eeyore seal of approval, if he approves of anything at all). This decade has sucked. Just feeling really nostalgic right now.
  3. I think it's on the AMC site. I checked earlier, and saw something that expires at some point. Unless it's just highlights. I visited the site, thinking about watching the episode, but I haven't.
  4. When my dad cut his hand badly in December, I panicked, and unwrapped gauze and some bandages that I'd bought for our dog (who can no longer walk). I had no idea what to do, and he was supposed to go to the VA clinic the next morning, because he could barely move it at first. I was annoyed when he didn't. I don't know what Steri-strips are, went with what I'd found in the store, and I was not calm. There is no way I would be digging a bullet out of someone.
  5. This was my first time watching season two. I might re-watch the first season (I saw it four years ago). Hate what they did to Doakes, and hate even more, that they made the British woman so many awful things, rolled into one.
  6. I don't read those books, but they are either portrayed as sad, lonely romantics, or as sex-crazed women, flirting with anything that moves.
  7. I'm watching Dexter, and *he* is intimidating, without being showy. Like the guy from Terminus. I remember the jokes about baristas, and that's what made it so chilling, along with seeing things like the pile of children's teddy bears. Negan has nothing on the termites. It would be scary to be surrounded by hundreds of men, in the dark, blocked off from escaping in all directions... but once he starts talking, I picture them just raising their hands, "Ooh, pick me!" I really don't want to be saddled with Negan, anymore. Why couldn't he have been the surprise death? Since they veered from the comics by killing Carl, and made up new characters to waste our time/torture us with.
  8. I might look it up just for Morgan. My DVR has been messed up for a few months, so it didn't record the show, or Talking Dead. I still have no interest in watching the kid die. I do wonder how Judith has grown so much, and yet Maggie doesn't even have a baby bump.
  9. I saw that again earlier, on an episode of Dexter. He gets sliced in the arm, by an attacker, and what happens? Girlfriend patches him up. Cleans it off, puts those tiny pieces of something over it, and then covers it with a huge plaster. He has insurance, he was attacked by someone - he wasn't committing a crime - so why not get it seen to at the ER? Ugh.
  10. I thought this entire season was supposed to be all-out war.
  11. So Gabriel is still alive - I wonder for how long. And what's his name with the haircut. God, my memory is so bad now, at least with this. Eugene. I guess he's the one who is faced by Daryl and Rosita? Same here with the deja vu @AngelaHunter I had the same thoughts as I was reading. I also saw Chandler playing a game on Twitch, something to do with Xbox, on Friday, for a couple of hours. I didn't stick around to watch, but I guess that was another media thing to generate interest in both the game, and TWD.
  12. I just wanted to say that it's nice to see so many posts here again. :) I thought everyone had moved to Facebook.
  13. Me. I won't be tuning in "live" and I have no interest in watching Coral die. I will also tune in to see Yvette (hopefully) have a go at Gimple. I think they keep track of people recording it on DVR, or watching it that way, or watching it on-demand. I've seen that mentioned in articles, they keep track of who's watching on their sites, and through their channels on-demand. So, if I ever choose to watch, I will most likely find it online, where it shouldn't be.
  14. I was just thinking the other day, that I didn't finish watching Reaper (I watched one episode, when it premiered, and the rest a couple of years ago, when the ABC app included it). I thought I recognized that guy from somewhere. I'm glad that Tyler and Kevin are friends again. I expected the bay buyer to be Tyler. :) I couldn't believe Yvette and that guy ate the pizza, but I liked it when he was asking Kevin why he thought they ate it, and told him to expand on what he thought of. I also really hope this gets renewed. I always look forward to it, and wish they had a longer season.
  15. Haha! Yeah, they seem to be doing that a lot more now. I just barely remembered who Gavin was, when someone said he was the most palatable saviour (I forgot what they called themselves, briefly). I need to just stay quiet, because I miss being really excited for this show to be back. Although after losing Herschel, I was miserable, and wondering why I watched. I followed that episode up with Family Ties, so that I could sleep. It was still a nice surprise to find it back one night, when I wasn't feeling well, though. Four years ago. Damn.
  16. I'm glad I found this show, and am now sad that I have to wait a couple of months for the new season (and will have to watch one episode per week, instead of a few at a time). I don't think the FBI would be that stupid - they knew they were involved with several con artists. They kind of lost me a bit with that, but at least they left the money with the FBI, and the bumblers got the ring (?). What I like most about the show, is the friendship between them.
  17. Mum said she was allowed to yell or just "express herself" however she did, when she gave birth over here (the US). In England, when she had me, the nurses apparently frowned upon it. She had an epidural, but they missed their target (?) with the needle. She said her legs numbed, so she was still in pain, and trying to grab a gas mask from my dad, to put herself to sleep. I make enough noise when I have horrendous cramps. I can't imagine trying to get a baby out of me.
  18. I don't mind Jules. I don't understand them getting concerned over Maddie being upset or freaked out, though, considering she stole from them, and used their histories (or those of their families) against them, so they wouldn't contact the authorities. Richard did something, because his mum was really sick, and they punish him for that? It's not like he murdered anyone.
  19. I was thinking the same thing. Did the sister or aunt say what they did for a living? I can't remember. I'm so glad I found this show on Netflix, though! I also wish that there wasn't a "doctor" though. I don't like evil overlord-type stories. I would have preferred that they were just a team of scammers.
  20. I started watching this on Netflix tonight, and am now on episode 5. I like it!!
  21. I'm still watching the episode, and I'll probably watch again, but I wish the dad wasn't seeing a prostitute. I only watched a few episodes of Six Feet Under, when it was on, and I keep meaning to look it up on Amazon, since I saw it there a couple of years ago. I remember the characters that someone mentioned above. I am interested in the supernatural story line, and I liked Ramon choosing to see the therapist, without his parents there. The dad's speech at his party, seemed a little forced, though - even though I could relate (being depressed, too). It felt like they were trying to do something similar to The Newsroom, some years back.
  22. I love Blackadder. I used to try to get mum to sit down and watch TV, when I was a kid. When I was maybe thirteen, fourteen, she finally started to watch some of the stuff I'd told her about, and she got into Blackadder, too.
  23. I've never even had one. I remember the actress Michelle Monaghan said she wasn't that modest, so her chest being exposed in a movie, didn't bother her (I know a wax doesn't involve a woman's chest, but it was her comment on her lack of modesty, that stuck with me). I, on the other hand, was horrified when a family friend waltzed into the bathroom, when I was in the shower. I can't imagine getting a bikini wax with friends.
  24. Gilmore Girls. I used to watch some of the shows mentioned here, but I haven't since I got Netflix (and watching older shows just depresses me now). I loved the Golden Girls, but I haven't watched it since my mum died.
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