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Everything posted by catrox14

  1. I really think they are doing it to get viewers for nostalgia sake considering the ratings are in the toilet.
  2. Okay, so I am really, really, really,reaaaallly, annoyed that the Supernatural giant poster they finally out up at the WB is S15. I get that it's because it's the final season poster. It really rubs me the wrong way that Jack gets that kind of honor, when IMO his presence has largely ruined the show. So, it left me to wonder why it had to be the s15 poster? Why not a current pic of OGTFW? I don't think Jack deserves that kind of legacy. So why do it? Is Dabb angling for a Jack led spinoff?
  3. I was wondering when they got to Bobby's place. Given that Bobby and John didn't get along back then or ever, seems weird they would have done it at Bobby's place, though.
  4. It was at the beginning of "Everybody Loves a Clown" my guess it was in the town of the hospital wherein John died.
  5. To me , it doesn't matter if Sam and Bobby gave Dean props as a hunter at any point, because NOW Chuck the author (aka Dabb) is NOW having Dean say Sam is better at everything than him, and no character is given the opportunity to refute that comment not even Sam. At this point, this tells me what the author of the work thinks about Sam and Dean. And I don't see Dabb walking that back ever.
  6. I did read your entire post. Deciding that those who dislike Jack the character want him to be the murderer, is a headcanon at this point. I didn't address it because it's basically your headcanon to which you are entitled. That said, nothing in the narrative has suggested Jack didn't kill her. Not even Jack. And I think it further suggests that Jack did kill her because he showed restraint with his grandmother. He got some control at that point, but had none with Mary.
  7. Beyond being the older brother, Dean saw his mother burn on the ceiling at 4 years old. That is the formative thing that affected his entire life. I don't think anyone ever gets over something like that. Aside from that, Dean always questioned Jack's basic nature from birth that he was going to be evil because Lucifer spawn. And now Jack intentionally killed her with just a thought. So yeah, Dean had plenty to be upset about with Jack and still does. The problem is the show never let's Dean be right about his distrust and attitude towards Jack. He's faced with Cas and Sam insisting that Dean is in the wrong about him. Which would be okay if they didn't make it seem like poor widdle Jackie is bad because of mean old Dean, nevermind that Jack is, in fact the Spawn of Satan. It's a bad storyline from the beginning that should have never er seen the light of day. I wouldn't be surprised if it was BuckLemmings attempt to spinoff freaking Lucifer into his own show wuth Jack. I'm not convinced that still isn't the intention.
  8. He forgave Cas when he prayed to Cas in Purgatory and Cas heard it. I don't think he has forgiven Jack though . Nor does he have to in order to work with him.
  9. Kripke may not have any creative control at this point unless we learn he had a hand in writing the ending. Itbsquite likely he accepted the ending to avoid any issues with the current showrunners and was telling Jensen to do likewise. That's just my speculation. Who knows. I could see Jensen not liking an ending that diminishes Dean more than anything else.
  10. I thought Jensen said that Kripke told him he was too close to the storytelling and that he needed to detach himself from it emotionally, not that Kripke himself necessarily like the ending. I could be wrong too lol
  11. I though yanked him up was because he was in his home place and Lucifer rose him and bound him to him so he was a Lucifer's Mercy at that point. I don't think God locked him away or anything.
  12. I don't recollect the show lore specifically saying it only applied to pagan gods. It's a thought form, and it exists because someone believed it existed IIRC. And Canon means nothing, so why not indeed.
  13. Instill dislike what Dabb et al are doing to the guys, and this episode still implies that Dean and Sam only have their skills by virtue of a god giving luck back. The narrative is still ignoring the learned behaviors and skills (over 20 years in Dean's case) that made them good at hunting, etc. I thought last night that maybe the boys should approach Chuck as if he is a tulpa. Like maybe if they just decide he doesn't exist, and ignore him, he'll just fade away.
  14. Let me correct myself. When I say "Dean doesn't love him" it's the narrative saying it when it's convenient for Sam or anyone else to be the more kind person, the more loving person, the more heroic character than Dean, the more anything than Dean. Yet the show has Dean do and say things to prove his loyalty and devotion to Sam, Cas etc and then condemns him for doing that. When the show lets Dean have true moments of independenence from the emotional, and mental abuse he takes from Sam, Cas and even Jack, then it's framed that Dean is somehow wrong to do it. Even his relationship to Benny, which was probably the closest he had to independence from Sam and Cas, was inevitably framed as wrong because Sam was upset by it. It should make Dean complex (and I see him as incredibly complex) IF the show gave Dean some perspective at the time. Jensen does his best to pepper Dean's head and emotional space into the role but when the tell and show undermine Dean it puts Dean in the mean guy caricature. IF one doesn't necessarily pick up on what Jensen is playing, IMO, (MMV), then Dean the caricature is what stands on film according to the other characters and the narrative. It amounts to Dean just doesn't love anyone in the :right' way. Hope that helps clarify what I mean.
  15. I didn't imply that nor did the show. Where are you getting that question from out of what I said? I guess I don't really follow what you're trying to say here.
  16. And yet Sam has been shown to say that Dean holds him back. And the narrative in many cases has taken Dean off screen and away from Sam, so Sam can grow. Dean himself has been made to say several times that he has to let Sam grow up to Sam and to other characters. I, for one, despise that Dean is both expected to prop Sam, cajole Sam, and encourage Sam, and at the same time the narrative criticizes him for doing it. Then when Dean criticizes Sam, and now Cas, and Jack, he's mean and doesn't love him. And I don't expect the narrative will never not do that to him.
  17. Saw this on Misha's Instagram.. Is Cas digging a hole to make a Crossroads deal? This looks interesting at least
  18. Which the show never lets him move past or overcome because they never let him or any other characters refute it verbatim, so to me they are saying that Dean is the shitty character Dean says he is.
  19. Sam was never against Jack and he seemed to not care that Mary was dead either. So him embracing Jack was no surprise. If Dean disallowed Jack's presence then Cas and Dean are on the outs again. That said, the only way they can walk this back is for Jack to to do something that not even Cas can tolerate and he sides with Dean against Jack but why would he if Jack is the way to kill Chuck? At this point, I don't see Dabb moving away from the throughline he's been setting up for Jack to be the new God. It's just so dumb. IMO, This could also be saved and be much more interesting if it was OGMichael!Dean and Lucifer!Sam going against Chuck or even a swerve of them having to take out Jack should he become God because he's soulless. But fat chance that happens. Speaking of soulless things, does Chuck/God have a soul?
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