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Everything posted by catrox14

  1. I have to say, I would not have skipped Slice Girls, because it was way more than just man butchering Amazons. Dean had a rather important tie to the episode.
  2. catrox14

    MLB Thread

    Ugh. The DH is the worst that ever happened to baseball. Manfred is tied for being the worst thing to ever happen to baseball. FFFFFFFFFF If they put in the NL I might be done with baseball.
  3. Oh great. This just gives Tinhats more fuel for their shenigans. Sigh. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  4. I wonder if they might be doing some kind of variety show on the CW next year? Like a Sonny & Cher thing? They are pretty funny together
  5. I was a bit confused. How do they get to 7 episodes when it unlikely filming will begin inJuly or August?
  6. I've long said on the Arrow forum that Sara and Dean would be a good match. Ship name Dera? Sardean? Yes SarDean it is!
  7. The Impala wins Best Non Human Character Other Categories still to be announced.
  8. Yeah! That's my boy! Dean Winchester wins Favorite TV Character for Canadagraphs Awards. Sam was 2nd and Castiel was 4th https://canadagraphs.weebly.com/polls-and-awards-blog/best-of-tv-awar ds-2019-winner-favorite-tv-character Supernatural wins Favorite TV Show
  9. If this article was actual interviews with Jensen and Jared, how could that go to print saying he filmed it if he didn't? So presuming he did film it, maybe he did it during his winter hiatus? Or during the season? He's the EP so maybe they did it in Austin? I guess someone will fact check it or something. I thought it was really weird.
  10. Article about the end of SPN in the Austin Chronicle. Curiously, it says Jared already shot the pilot for Walker? When?? https://www.austinchronicle.com/screens/2020-04-03/killing-demons-and-blasting-sabbath-15-years-of-supernatural/
  11. My Favorite War Movie is "Gallapoli"
  12. Sorry. I'm the worst! But I really do love some of those for multiple reasons! LOL So Soylent Green: ....Yeah.....I went to see that with my older brother and I was way too young and it totally fucked me up. So that's what I remember. A good memory though is going to see Star Wars with my mom. LOL.
  13. I'll play: Favorite movie: Tie between Gladiator, WestSideStory, and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Movie that makes you remember your childhood: Soylent Green (it's a long story. LOL) Favorite Tom Hanks movie: Tie between Cast Away and Forrest Gump Movie that makes you cry: Brian's Song (Original) and Gladiator Favorite 80’s movie: Valley Girl Favorite comedy: Tie between Fast Times at Ridgemont High & Office Space Favorite sports movie: Field of Dreams Favorite horror movie: Halloween (Original) Most overrated movie: A Star is Born (2018 version) Favorite gangster movie: The Godfather Movie you can watch over and over: Tie between Gladiator and Field of Dreams Movie with the best soundtrack: I can't possibly pick one.
  14. I love him. Please let him be hinting at something as well. Either way, he's a beautiful dork.
  15. I don't see your point? The official SPN twitter tweets all kinds of things that have little resemblance to SPN at all.
  16. Likely? No. Possible? Yes. Typically, J2 lead the way with comments etc to fans, yet this time it's Misha. JMO
  17. Makes me wonder if they have other commitments already that won't work to finish? Hmmmm
  18. You know what would have made this episode 100% better? No Jo and Ruby. But mostly, Alt Sam and Alt Dean refusing to leave the bunker and getting into a battle for the bunker with the boys. What a dumb episode. Just so dumb.
  19. My word. The spin on making Ruby a good guy is hilariously awful. Why can't they just let her be a villain who had only ill intentions all along? They could even make it that the guys are even going to enemies to help take down the Common Big Bad named God. And sorry but Genevieve was not a good actress. Neither was Katie Cassidy who gave Ruby one note....snarky. Genevieve gave her one note...seductress without much nuance. Ugh this is so stupid. Maybe Eileen will kill Ruby lol. I wouldn't be surprised if they just go full soap opera and have them fight over Sam
  20. Genevieve doesn't seem to remember what happened at all. Nor does Dabb, if Genevieve is saying something about Ruby's POV. OR she thinks Sam and Dean killing her is a betrayal. Either way, I don't want to see Ruby again.
  21. Whilst Jared might be able to free himself to film a proper end to the show that may not necessarily be true for Jensen since there has been no news from him as to what he is doing after SPN ends. He may already be committed to something else. The rest of the cast and crew could all be committed to other things as well.
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