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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. So Branch is trying to investigate a murder (Hector) and attempted murder (himself) that took place in Walt's juristiction. But Walt would rather he investigated a crime that took place outside his jurisdiction just so he can clear Henry? And Branch is supposed to be in the wrong? Don't get me wrong, I totally understand why Walt wants to clear Henry, but he should be doing it on his own time and not using the county police resources. I'm actually liking Sean more than Vic right now. But I'm guessing (if he's any sense) he'll be moving on now that he's seen for himself Vic's feelings for Walt. The whole idea of not bringing a phone was stupid. If they didn't want to be contactable, they should at least have bought a burner phone for emergencies, like, I don't know, running your car off the road. (and what sort of idiot doesn't fully charge their phone the night before a trip?) As for Sean giving up the number, I'm guessing he figured they were dead meat anyway and there wasnt much to lose.
  2. I thought that she soaked the shirt so that when she threw it at her interogator it short circuited the taser device he was holding and the resulting electric shock incapacitated him long enough for Jessica to get the jump on him.
  3. Ordinary sugar, maybe grind it up a bit finer, with cocoa/drinking chocolate for flavouring. Might not be pefect but should be acceptable in a pinch.
  4. All I can say is 'bloody hell'! (in a good sense of course!)
  5. In Monty Python's The Life of Brian, the scene where Brian tells the crowd "You're all individuals" and the crowd replies "Yes, we're all individuals", the line "I'm not!" was improvised by one of the extras.
  6. Because this fic never gets old http://sam-storyteller.livejournal.com/126227.html "Trying to communicate" aka Torchwood meets an lolcat.
  7. William Devane wasn't credited until the end of last week's episode, and IMO he was on screen for easily as long as Tzi Ma was this week.
  8. I was an original series fan growing up and I remember the first time I saw a picture of the 'new' crew I thought "No way, this can't possibly be Star Trek without the original characters". It didn't air in my country for a few years, and by then I'd read so much about it in SciFi mags - and had even bought some of the tie-in books - that I was ready to give it a chance and I just never stopped watching.
  9. And people who work for firms who don't move with the times :-) I work for a small firm (7 staff) and they *finally* started with the direct deposit earlier this year. Prior to that our wages clerk had to write out all the pay cheques every month. The down side for me is that because I'm with a different bank than the firm, it doesn't appear in my account until a day later than usual.
  10. Really Jack? You rescued Chloe from the CIA site where she was being tortured only 8 hours ago, and now you want her to waltz right back in there to help you? I don't think so. And screw you for not even maybe thinking that she might have a problem going back. (granted she had other plans anyway, regardless of where he wanted her to go) I think the only thing going through Ian's mind was the paving stone. (what, too soon? ;-) And they killed Jordan....you bastards!!!! (would have much preferred Heller to be dead - although nice work show, keeping William Devane's name until the closing credits) I really thought he was going to make it out, and that when Kate got to the scene he'd have spilled the beans on Navarro. But I guess they had to have Jack be the one to find the mole, grrrrr...
  11. Miss Claudette may not have been there the last time Vee was inside. I know Miss C would have been in prison, but possibly in maximum security since she had a longer sentence to serve.
  12. It was a beautiful send off episode, and I was tearing up through most of it, especially all the scenes as each individual character had their little moment of grieving. (sniffles)
  13. Pretty near all of the fights on Hercules The Legendary Journeys should be on this list. Even more so for the fact that Kevin Sorbo and Michael Hurst trained up and did most of the fight sequences themselves. There's one especially good one (IMO) in Siege at Naxos between Iolaus (Michael Hurst) and Goth (Brian Thompson). It's unusual because most of the fight scenes are brawls which cut between the main characters, but this is a one on one fight with only a few cuts away to reaction shots from the watching characters. Iolaus is only about 5ft 7 and wiry, Goth is over 6ft tall and built like a tank, but Iolaus eventually wipes the floor with him. And you can see that for pretty near all the fight, that's MH doing his own stunts. (FYI, if you ever get a chance to see Michael Hurst doing his one man stage show 'No Holds Bard', grab it with both hands. There is a seriously awesome fight sequence in that as well, and yes, it's a one man fight sequence...trust me, it makes sense when you see it!)
  14. In all honesty, I did not see that played out on screen at all. I thought that Gibbs gave Jenny little to no respect for her position as director, and it makes me wonder how he lasted as a marine with his lack of respect for the chain of command. Even in her first episode, she tried to lay down the law with the "on the job it's director or 'Ma'am" "there is no off the job" and pretty much the first thing Gibbs does is tell her he's going home to change and makes her come with him if she wants to talk. Granted, I'll admit that I'm no fan of hers, but I was even less of a fan of the way Gibbs treated her.
  15. With the mention of the blood donations, I was thinking that that could be how they were able to find his DNA at the cremation site. Somebody got the blood and planted it. Just hope the clinic nurse isn't involved, I loved how happy he was to see Branch up and about!
  16. I think it helps that she wasn't raised rich. IIRC, she only got her title and money after a few people in line before her died during the great war. So she knows what it's like being on the other side of the class divide.
  17. (waves hand) I remember Yellowthread Street! Too bad it only lasted so short a time.
  18. As soon as Rosa sped off in the van I was shouting at the screen, hoping she'd cross paths with Vee! As for Alex and Piper, I don't know what Piper's motivations were, I guess we could argue that she only wanted the parole officer to actually check up on Alex a bit more often. I mean, if Alex hadn't been holding a gun when he showed up, I'm sure she could have easily denied any plans to skip town and gotten away with it. Then again, Piper knew about the gun, so maybe she figured that if the PO showed up and searched Alex's place it would be found. Of course, given that calls are in theory monitored, more fool Alex for saying anything over the phone anyway.
  19. Oh I love this show! Came across it last year when both seasons aired, but it wasn't until a few months back that I realised that the eps - 57 mins long - had been cut to fit in an hour long slot. So I've since been working my way through the uncut DVDs.
  20. The lighting the beacons sequence in Return of the King. Sends a shiver down my spine every time I hear/watch it!
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