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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. I admit that I was a little disappointed that Psi and Salbra survived. Don't get me wrong, I did like them as characters and I'm glad they're not dead, but I wish they hadn't been effectively killed and ressurrected. All through the ep, the jumps between the scenes had me feeling that this was some sort of dreamscape/virtual reality game and when Psi and Salbra showed up again, I was sure that that was going to be the 'answer', so I was almost a little dissappointed by the actual reveal.
  2. I think The Long Winter is one of my least favourite books of the series. In part because it was the last one I read - IIRC, I only got read it for the first time a few years ago, whereas most of the other books I would have read and re-read many times growing up. But what I really don't like is that there's so much of the story that's told from a viewpoint other than Laura's. It's not the same with Farmer Boy, because even though that's all from Almanzo's POV, there's no jumping back and forth between viewpoints.
  3. Not to mention that (IIRC) Charles said that company told him to let (Hiram) take what he wanted and put it on his account. While he may have known damn well that Hiram and Docia weren't going to settle up, that wasn't really his problem.
  4. Season 4 is starting on UTV on Wed 10th September at 9pm.
  5. IIRC, it happened a few times in the book. The first time Jack was chained up and Laura wanted to let him go. Ma cooked them a meal and I think they took tobacco and were going to take the furs that Pa was keeping to trade for a plough and seeds. Another time it was the Osage leader who showed up - Pa was there, but couldn't speak his language so they just ate together.
  6. One thing I wondered was why Almanzo didn't get to go to the Academy with the other three. Or indeed, why all three of them only started the same year. I'd have expected it to be an age thing with the kids all going when they hit the right age - although maybe it was just artistic licence so as to have Almanzo the only one helping out on the farm. And one thing that I just can't get my head around is the distances. It's only ten miles to the cousins farm but when the parents go to visit, it's a week long trip away from the kids. And the Academy is only a few miles away from the farm, but again the kids are boarding there because (presumably) it's too far to travel to be a day pupil. It's one thing that always gets me about these books.
  7. We don't know what birth control Jane was using and nothing is 100% effective. Accidents happen.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, COE never happened. There were only 26 episodes of Torchwood and Ianto isn't dead. (After COE, I stopped watching DW until RTD had left the show because I didn't trust him not to screw over another fandom)
  9. After it had been in the cinema for several weeks, I finally let a friend of mine persuade me to go to Titanic in 1998 with her. I expected to be bored to tears by the romance and just counting down the minutes until the iceberg showed up and I could enjoy the 'disaster movie' element of it. But in spite of myself, I did actually enjoy the pre-iceberg part of the movie as well as the sinking. (not enough to ever bother re-watching it, but I definitely didn't feel like I'd wasted the price of admission)
  10. 2015 looks to be the release date of the projects, not necessarily the filming date. 1 is listed as completed and 2 in post-production, so he's probably already done with them. And the two in pre-production could easily have filming completed before 2015. AFAIK, a lot of shows would have a first call on the services of their main cast, so anything else that BC would be doing would have to fit in around Season 4 filming.
  11. I had to pause the ep during the graveyard scene and aftermath because I was laughing so much at it! Loved the scene in Henry's office when the DA said 'tell me about the feather' and from the look on Henry's face you could just see the relief as he realised it was all over. The last bit with Branch and his father was (for me) a jaw dropping moment. I couldn't believe that Pa Connally was just so cold hearted. Damn! (and yes I may have paused the ep a few times to admire a clean shaven/suited up Branch :-)
  12. So the dead guy was confessing to a crime in Dublin and they have a British cop coming to deal with it? Uh, no, I don't think so. If they wanted to have Frankie practically swoon over a British accent, why not just set the crime in Belfast?
  13. (posting from the shallow end of the pool) Branch looked all kinds of hot in his civvies. Is it wrong of me to half hope that he doesn't go back to being a deputy so that he can dress like that all the time? ;-)
  14. Val Kilmer is is my favourite Batman and Batman Forever is my favourite of all the Batman movies. Objectively speaking, maybe it wasn't the best of them, but it was the one I enjoyed most of all.
  15. The Towering Inferno freaked me out when I saw it. Especially the scene where they're all queuing for the elevators and the doors open and a burning man hurtles out into the crowd. (for ages after that, if I was waiting for an elevator, I wouldn't stand directly in front of the doors just in case it happened for real) Bigelow's (Robert Wagner) death was also a disturbing scene, in part because he was about the only actor I recognized in the movie and just to see him running and catching fire and falling down was pretty upsetting. (in fairness, I was only 9 at the time and only watching it because it was the Christmas night movie that year, and since my mother loved Steve McQueen and Paul Newman, the whole family had to watch it)
  16. AMEN!!! Torchwood was already on my watch list, but this was the episode that put Torchwood on my 'plan my entire evening's viewing around' list. And I put the blame squarely on Ianto. (I still believe that he should have been the audience identification character rather than Gwen) That he was clearly scared of his wits but still willing to sacrifice himself to let Tosh get away, that's a true hero. (and yes, he did look hot in jeans ;-) IIRC, this was also the episode that set off my loathing for Gwen. Starting with her ridiculous 'who did you last snog' game. Tactless enough if you take two seconds to think about the fact that for one of your co-workers you can be pretty sure that the last person they snogged had only recently died. And even if Gwen had forgotton about Lisa when she'd suggested the game, she gets reminded of the whole Cyberwoman situation by Owen's answer and two seconds later she's *still* gobsmacked when Ianto mentions Lisa. (heart of Torchwood my arse). Then we have her giving up her gun and getting captured. Her insistence on 'having to know' the why behind the cannibals. And her clear shock that there are bad people in the world. (I know Cardiff isn't exactly murder central, but as a police officer, surely Gwen should have some experience in crime?) And then of course there's the ending with Gwen and Owen. Poor little Gwen not having anybody to shag, um, I mean 'talk to' about the days events. Blech.
  17. AFAIK, the habit is the whole outfit. The thing on their heads is a wimple.
  18. I was at one of the cinema live broadcasts and I nearly laughed myself silly in places. The guys did look like they were enjoying themselves - even or maybe especially when they flubbed a line or two. I'd say pretty near everybody in the cinema was singing along for the 'spontaneous' encore (as well as many of the other songs) Well worth the money, IMO.
  19. I'm sure I read something (years ago) about how it was a safety issue, that ML didn't want the girls getting hurt from walking around barefoot.
  20. So Branch is trying to investigate a murder (Hector) and attempted murder (himself) that took place in Walt's juristiction. But Walt would rather he investigated a crime that took place outside his jurisdiction just so he can clear Henry? And Branch is supposed to be in the wrong? Don't get me wrong, I totally understand why Walt wants to clear Henry, but he should be doing it on his own time and not using the county police resources. I'm actually liking Sean more than Vic right now. But I'm guessing (if he's any sense) he'll be moving on now that he's seen for himself Vic's feelings for Walt. The whole idea of not bringing a phone was stupid. If they didn't want to be contactable, they should at least have bought a burner phone for emergencies, like, I don't know, running your car off the road. (and what sort of idiot doesn't fully charge their phone the night before a trip?) As for Sean giving up the number, I'm guessing he figured they were dead meat anyway and there wasnt much to lose.
  21. I thought that she soaked the shirt so that when she threw it at her interogator it short circuited the taser device he was holding and the resulting electric shock incapacitated him long enough for Jessica to get the jump on him.
  22. Ordinary sugar, maybe grind it up a bit finer, with cocoa/drinking chocolate for flavouring. Might not be pefect but should be acceptable in a pinch.
  23. All I can say is 'bloody hell'! (in a good sense of course!)
  24. In Monty Python's The Life of Brian, the scene where Brian tells the crowd "You're all individuals" and the crowd replies "Yes, we're all individuals", the line "I'm not!" was improvised by one of the extras.
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