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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. And then of course all you have to do is make sure that the background looks like the background of your home/office, but in reality you could be sitting in a car outside your murder victims house. Then you just excuse yourself for five minutes to do the job and the cops won't suspect you because you surely couldn't have made it to the victims house and back in the time you were off-camera. (You'd probably need to spoof your IP address so it would look like you were where you were pretending to be...and I have spent way too much time thinking about this...)
  2. That's the story of my writing life! Even when I was in an active fandom, I always tended to gravitate towards the uncommon pairings and the less popular characters to write about. On the other hand, I would occasionally deliberately write about characters that didn't seem to be getting much love in fanfic, so I suppose I can't complain too much.
  3. It's been a long time since I shopped anywhere that bagged my groceries for me, but I do tend to arrange them on the conveyor belt in the order in which I want to bag them myself - chilled, frozen, papery items etc. Occasionally there'll be kids doing the bagging, trying to raise money for their school or club and usually I'll just tell them that I'll give them a donation anyway, but to keep their hands off my bags.
  4. Meh, I can handwave that with the assumption that things could have deteriorated since his last checkup. And if he'd been having regular checkups without anything coming up, then maybe he just assumed that everything was always going to be okay. What bugged me about the storyline was that while they were given the options of either a risky surgery with a 20% mortality rate today and no more surgery required or a safe surgery today and the risky surgery in 5 years time. Nobody thought to ask whether waiting 5 years to do the risky surgery would increase or decrease the possible mortality rate. I would have thought that knowing whether you'd have a better or worse chance of survival in 5 years would be an important factor in the decision making process.
  5. I do miss the heady days of my earlier forays in fanfiction. When I was writing about ER and NCIS and Torchwood and the shows were still running and every story would get a ton of hits. I lived for the comments and reviews. The actual numbers, I don't think I was really too concerned about them at the time. (possibly because I started out on the newsgroups where there wasn't any way to track readers) But even then, I'd post something that I'd put my heart into and had worked on for ages and it might get a small reaction, maybe a few reviews. And then I'd post something that I'd tossed off in an evening and I'd get masses of reaction to it. There's no accounting for the whims of fanfic readers. In some cases, it could easily be that the writers of the other stories have accumulated fans and followers simply because they've been doing it longer. But I completely understand what it's like to give your all to your writing and not get anything back. It still gives me a little thrill every time I check my email and see a notification for a new review or like or Kudo. I just wish I was better at writing reviews, because even when I absolutely love a story, I can't always articulate just why.
  6. I used to find it difficult to ignore canon in some respects. So if a character I liked, left or got killed off, it sort of put a damper on things for me and a lot of times I couldn't bring myself to keep writing in that fandom. It's usually easier to pick and choose the canon I want to keep when the show is completely done and dusted and I know that there's not going to be any more episodes coming along to mess up the view of the characters that I already have. I'm currently working on a CSI NY fic that I'd started back just before the third season was about to air. So I'm pretty much ignoring a lot of the later seasons, and it's a lot easier to do now that that show is finished, rather than when there were new seasons airing that kept messing with the story I'd plotted.
  7. I have gone through sooo many fandoms! I finally learned my lesson about not posting multi-part fics until I actually had the whole damn thing written (or at least plotted), because I'd say I left a few unfinished stories in pretty near all of them. Although I did go back and finish two of them after 12 or 13 years when I regained my interest in CSI NY earlier this year, so maybe I'll revisit a few of my older fandoms as well! I'm on fanfiction.net as Cein https://www.fanfiction.net/u/14782/cein , Archive of our own as Ceindreadh https://archiveofourown.org/users/Ceindreadh/works and Squidgeworld as Ceindreadh https://squidgeworld.org/ Squidgeworld is a relatively new archive that replaces Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve, which archived a lot of stories on mailing lists, back in the day.
  8. Of course Leland would bring popcorn to listen to David preach! I loved the bit in the exorcism where he just stops and waggles his eyebrows at David before resuming making noises. Poor Ben. But he should have started sending texts rather than calling if he wanted to save on his battery.
  9. ER was my first dive into fanfiction back in the day. Back then it was all about the newsgroups and fanfiction.net was only just starting. I got back into fanfic earlier this year when I started picking up CSI NY reruns. There's still a bit of action on the main sites, (Archive of our own and Fanfiction.net) but nothing compared to when the show was airing. Which is a pity, but that's the way it goes.
  10. Ceindreadh


    I would love to see her make the podium again, but I'll be happy if she makes the finals and gets through it without injury.
  11. I think that's what happens in the Modern Pentathlon. They do get a short interval for a test ride with the horse, but they're still effectively strangers when they compete.
  12. Ceindreadh


    In Women's gymnastics it's called a Mo Salto after Mo Huilan. IIRC, a few Chinese gymnasts used to do it in the late 90s, but it fell out of favour when they changed the code of points, because it was difficult move to connect to or from and these days they're all about using connections to increase their Difficulty (D) score.
  13. I feel like I'm missing something with the tea set. Why did Kristen feel the need to dump it in the first place, just because Matilda had the same one?
  14. We don't know the respective locations of the task force headquarters, the hospital and the restaurant. If the hospital was significantly closer to the restaurant, it could be feasible. Especially if the team got stuck in traffic and had to run the last part of the journey. I loved the scene with the helium balloons. Especially Dembe's comment about it being childish, heh!
  15. Flower girls are usually in addition to adult bridesmaids in UK/Irish weddings. Not instead of.
  16. IIRC, Harper chose to be a Training Officer because it was better paid and would help her in her custody battle.
  17. I don't think it was OOC of Phyllis. Yes, she was raised by a single mother and was more than likely sympathetic to Nancy's situation. But any sympathy would always be tempered by her annoyance at Nancy just up and doing a runner with her daughter without and forethought or plan for the future. Nancy shirked her responsibilities as a student midwife, she disappeared without telling anybody where she was going. She deserved a good chewing out for that, regardless of her motivations.
  18. Vic's mother is Polish, hence the pierogis. The Greek tradition of smashing plates was something that a customer told her about
  19. To be fair, in some cases it's because they think the murderer might show up.
  20. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I was sobbing my heart out when I realized that Moira had found June. I just hope that (a) June agrees to leave with Moira and (b) that whatever organization that Moira is there with is allowed to bring refugees out of Gilead.
  21. Ahh, the Viking Splash Tour. Much better fun than a wine tasting!
  22. I've just finished rewatching Season 1 of CSI NY and I get so annoyed with Stella and Aiden for wearing their hair loose, especially when processing evidence. I mean, I get that TPTB don't want their cast covered up with proper crime scene suits and hoods, but they could at least spring for a scrunchie or two to keep their hair out of the way.
  23. Theraputic fibbing. I didn't know there was an actual name for it. I do remember dealing with an elderly family friend who was in a nursing home but kept thinking she was still in her own house and she used to tell me to go into her kitchen and make myself a cup of tea or get a drink from the fridge. And it was just so much simpler to say "No thanks, I'm grand without it" rather than trying to go through the rigamarole of explaining that there was no kitchen to go to. Reynolds was an idiot. You don't jump into a rescue without telling somebody what you're doing. And it's not like they were in the middle of nowhere. It would have taken two minutes for him to get upstairs and find somebody to alert to the situation. I feel for Iggy with his comment about "How bad did he look before" when people are telling him he looks good now. But that's the problem when you tell people you're trying to eat healthily or diet, they'll feel obligated to to compliment you so that you'll be encouraged to keep on with it, and that can backfire as in Iggy's case.
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