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Everything posted by netlyon2

  1. 1. In Season 3, when asked what he did with his share of the gold, Silver says that he gave up his claim because he saw no way to keep the gold and remain a member of the crew. 2. Silver colluded with the two scouts who were sent back to watch over the wreck of the Urca; they lied and said that Spain had already retrieved the gold. Therefore, Silver and the other two had to remain with the Walrus crew to maintain the lie. He went to Max and asked if she knew a crew that could go and retrieve the gold while he was traveling to Charles Town with Flint's crew. Presumably, if he had left the crew right after they heard that the Urca gold was no longer available, Flint would have grown suspicious and moved to stop him.
  2. I'm so worried! I mean, the Lemonading is funny and all, but I'm super-invested in their relationship. I hope you're right about it just being melodrama on Titus' part.
  3. I think Max has every right to be frustrated with Eleanor (and Rodgers) running off (a) during this volatile time with the pirate trials and (b) leaving nutbar Berringer in charge. That's just asking for a disaster to happen, and Max--as usual--will be the one left cleaning up the mess. There's an interesting parallel to the pirate/Maroon alliance where Max and Silver are the ones holding their respective coalitions together. While Silver has Madi acting as his proxy, Max is left to try and manage Team Civilization with a disgraced extremist who seems all too happy to burn everything down (and clearly doesn't trust Max or care about the street). Eleanor's comment about Berringer reads to me that she is hoping for Berringer to go fire-and-blood on any resistance so Rodgers will have plausible deniability.
  4. Okay, so I've been increasingly hopeful that we would get a sappy love song/ballad that Barry sings to/about Iris. This has to be it, right? Ah, the possibilities . . .
  5. @diet7up I'm not sure about marches around the world, but Twitter advised me to hop on over to CSPAN, where they're broadcasting the DC march. ETA: Joy posted an interview with Maxine Waters (I assume she was a planned guest) on Instagram: Also, Ashley Judd was fire!
  6. In the live-tweet I was watching, that line was definitely a hit. I think it's also important to note that the line came from someone who has lived as a boy discovering what it means to experience the world as a girl. At first, when Tip wanted to join the army, I thought she was recklessly ignoring the potential dangers of running off with an unknown group of soldiers. When the captain seemed pleased with an idea and she went along with him, I was actually flipping out a bit (and totally relieved that he *only* sold her to the orphanage). Those decisions make sense, though, when I remember that Tip probably still sees the world as a boy.
  7. Well, this morning they had one guest on who described it as a dose of "realism." I'm sure he said something else, but I had reached the Mute button by then. Further proof that MSNBC learns no lessons: 1. Framing the Women's March and this "presidential" visit to a prayer service as equally-important stories* 2. Cutting into Joy Reid's coverage of the march (at the point where she is focusing on the Million Women March of 1997) to switch to the prayer service for no discernible reason 3. Continuing to broadcast this prayer service (it's been about 25 minutes by my count) with the "Breaking News" banner and no updates on the giant demonstration happening downtown How, Sway? * I know the goings-on of the President are important, but this seems like something a network would do on a slow news day, not when there's an historic event happening. I'm telling myself that it's because Joy is reading someone for absolute filth behind the scenes and they need time to recover.
  8. "Under President Obama . . ." Yeah, I shed a few tears. [And they delayed *that* intro to broadcast some BS speech that I refused to watch? Okay, MSNBC, I see we really learned from election season.]
  9. So, this bit from the article gives me hope: Cassandra's outfits make a bit more sense to me when viewed as a desperate attempt to reflect life or something. Hopefully, now that the brain grape is gone the hyper-zany ensembles will be as well. TBH, the outfit in this episode wouldn't have been too bad if it weren't for the extra shirt. (Maybe I've become desensitized, lol.) I, too, loved the dress at the end. Ugh, here's hoping! It's weird, but I wasn't surprised when she went there. In fact, my reaction was more like, "Oh, this again!" Yet, for the life of me, I can't pinpoint a scene where Cassandra being interested in Jenkins was established. Unfortunately, I don't feel invested enough to go looking for it. Even when I acknowledge that Leverage has far more episodes (and therefore opportunities for character development), Librarians still falls far short (of, say, where the Leverage characters were near the end of Season 2). And that's okay; Librarians is fine as a fluffy show. I recently realized, though, that a big part of my problem with Flynn is that I keep wondering why Eliot hasn't knocked him out yet. ;-) I enjoyed the bit of insight we got into Jones during the Cindy episode, when he talked about his reasons for becoming a thief. I think he feels more rounded to me than the other two "kids" because he actually has had character progression in addition to the showcase episodes. I hope they continue that with him, and start to develop the others, too.
  10. I don't know when it happened (probably with The Point of Salvation), but Jones has become my 3rd-favorite character on this show. I definitely think they've toned down the super-obnoxious traits from early episodes; I'm not sure if that has coincided with greater depth and subtlety in Kim's acting or if it created the improvement. Either way, I like it. So, I realized that I not-so-low-key ship Baird and Jenkins (who are my top two characters on the show); their relationship has become pretty awesome. It also, at least to me, shows another way that Flynn is redundant: Jenkins is filling the role that the show wants me to reserve for Flynn. Jenkins is the "Dad" of the group, the one who is a real partner to Baird and guide to the younger Librarians. Honestly, even the age disparity doesn't particularly bother me at this point. Jenkins has been around for well over a millennia, but if he were played by a younger actor, he and Eve would be such an obvious pairing that even Noah Wylie would think Flynn was around too much. [Wow, I didn't know that I cared this much!]
  11. I'm not in the Boston area and don't know much about the Globe, but I wonder if/how many other news outlets will announce similar intent. The Globe editorial board’s resolutions for 2017
  12. I don't think I've seen him mentioned here, but my Twitter TL is showing a lot of support for Tom Perez as the next DNC chair.
  13. EXCLUSIVE: How 'Boardwalk Empire' Led Jeffrey Wright to Say Yes to 'Westworld' In addition to discussing the movie vs. television issue for actors, Wright offers some great insight into how/what/when information is divulged on a show this complicated. Some things he knew all along; others he didn't (to the point where his script had a redacted scene). It reminded me of @arc's post upthread, about how Jimmi Simpson only guessed his character's secret based on the knowledge of the makeup team.
  14. So, this dropped last week and I realized that I hadn't seen it posted here. Opening Scene of S4 Premier I've already been worried about Flint going after Madi since she is the tether that keeps Silver from being completely drawn into Flint's bullshit. Now, I'm wondering if Flint is somehow responsible for Silver going into the water in the first place (perhaps influenced by these two gifsets). After all, we still don't know what really happened when Billy went overboard. The showrunners said that Silver emerges from that ordeal in the water as the character from Treasure Island, and I wonder how much of a role Flint plays in that part of the metamorphosis.
  15. I agree with all of your post, and with this section especially. Here are a couple of articles that I read and shared with other fans after I saw (and loved) the movie on Friday. Jyn Erso Isn’t Revolutionary; Her Co-Leads Are The Star Wars Universe is Proliferated with Brunette White Female Protagonists: How "Star Wars" forgot about black women (Of particular note here is that the Han Solo prequel movie appears to have cut out a black woman character who is part of his canonical backstory and replaced her with yet another white woman.) ----------------- On the subject of the Cho/Swinton conversation, I think a couple of things bear repeating for those who see nothing wrong with Swinton's actions: 1. The problems that Cho and many people of color have are not with Swinton's words, but the content of her messages. It is quite possible to phrase disrespectful demands and responses in a seemingly-respectful way. It is also possible to be disrespectful without intending such, particularly when your words/actions flow from a place of privilege. 2. Swinton's request was just the sort of laziness that many people of privilege like to pretend is "reaching out" to others. It was evident from her first e-mail that Swinton did nothing to educate herself on the issue before making the arrogant assumption that a woman with whom she had no prior connection would have the time and inclination to do the work for her. I could go on, but I think I'll just link to an article by Gene Demby at NPR's Code Switch, which speaks to the issue far more eloquently and effectively than I could. I will end by encouraging those who see nothing wrong with Swinton's initial request or subsequent responses, who see Cho's description of the exchange as a misrepresentation disproven by the release of the e-mails, to spare a bit of consideration to the fact that many people of color (and probably many women, once they think about it) are familiar with Cho's experience and viewpoint because it's something we deal with on a far-too-regular basis.
  16. Very apt comparison, especially since Heroes is another show that was initially lauded for the diversity of its cast and uniqueness of its premise, only to abandon both in favor of stale cliches and a focus on "fan-favorite" (read: white) characters.
  17. I'm really enjoying your commentary; it makes me want to fire up my DVDs/Netflix! It's nice to see someone else who enjoys Fred and Gunn together, as well. I remember really despising Wesley's mooning about since Fred showed up; of course, it's turned up to 11 during this arc. I can never not love "Loyalty," however, since it's got Darth Burger--my third-most giggle-inducing moment of the show. (The second-most being the rando dancing from "She" and my top being almost any moment from a certain episode in Season 5.) I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the rest of Season 3! . . . Okay, yes, I just went and watched the Loa scene again. STILL hilarious!
  18. I had AM Joy on in the background this morning and I'm pretty sure this was the topic of a panel discussion. At least one panelist pointed out that the only way Dems could really help is with money, since visible Democrat support for a candidate in Louisiana would probably do more harm than good. Very interesting - I had the same thought when I saw the headline on Twitter.
  19. So, I binged this show last Saturday and have been cautiously obsessed* for the past week. I'm stoked for the remaining two episodes. First off, I now have "Something's Gotta Give" playing on loop in my brain. Interesting how the title was called out by snot-nosed Charlie, but those song lyrics are so applicable to Mike. I wonder if it was intentional. In any event, I'll eagerly await the Bawson fanvid using the song. (yeah, they got me on the ship) OMG, Ginny was sooo annoying during this episode. It drove me crazy until I remembered how I felt reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." I kept getting irritated at Harry and wondering what was wrong with Rowling until I recalled that 15-year-olds ARE pretty fucking irritating. Same with 23-year-olds, I guess. It's interesting how much I identify with Mike. Ginny gets me on the black woman score, but Mike is around my age and his situation (moving into the position of mentoring much younger coworkers) just really resonates with me right now. I am not loving shifty, shady Will, and I'm glad that Ginny seems to be somewhat hip to his game (just willing to give him what he wants, probably out of guilt from their childhood). I don't think what we saw of him in this episode contradicts the little we saw of him before. I'm also glad that Ginny didn't kick Amelia to the curb (which is where I thought things were going) because I love the character. Anytime someone is disrespectful to her, a part of me roots for Jessica to come out and play. On a shallow note, do people talk about how much Kylie Bunbury looks like Geena Davis? Is it just me? Especially when she smiles and the dimple gets to winkin' and I'm like "Aww, baby Dottie!" [Okay, maybe it is just me.] * I haven't watched anything on Fox (other than home team NFL games) since a fateful Friday night in April. I wasn't going to watch this show, but Tumblr broke me down. Well, Tumblr and MPG.
  20. More new stuff! Black Sails: Creating the World (slightly spoilery) I have so many questions! Fandom Following: Black Sails, or How to Write Women IGN: Hannah New on How Eleanor 'Adapts to Survive' . . .
  21. I know! It's like I keep visiting a place where I might run into my ex, but I still go there because I'm stubborn that way. Also, though, I miss our little community almost as much as I miss the show I used to love. (*runs off to spend time with her promising TV rebound, Black Sails*)
  22. Ugh! The "Africa" thing drives me bonkers. Even if they're just trying to avoid naming an actual country, you are totally right in that they could just say "Zambesi" and be done with it. I'm quite looking forward to the sister-team-up. These 5-minute episodes are making me feel like a junkie, though. Just give me a full show, already, animated or live-action! Why can't we have nice things?!
  23. So, @Trini posted the new "Superheroes All Week" trailer in the Media thread. The good people at westallengifs did the Lord's work and .gifed the two seconds of Barry and Iris: http://westallengifs.com/post/152079235789/superheroes-all-week-trailer
  24. Season 4 Trailer: (*runs around the room, falls out, gets up to watch it again*) NYCC panel with all my favorite characters, plus Eleanor! (I kid; she's growing on me):
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