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Everything posted by netlyon2

  1. @Jeanne222, thanks for starting this. Texas Flip 'n Move is one of my favorite house flipping shows! What do you all make of the changes to this season? In addition to adding a whole new team and a sorta-new team, it seems like they have cut the time spent on the auction process and are doing more single-focus episodes. I don't miss the auctions much, although I did like when they had each team discuss what their price range would be before the bidding started--that gave some interesting insight. (*whispers* I kind of have a crush on Myers Jackson. please don't judge me too harshly! ?) PS @mojito, I'm amazed at the number of people who "have land" that needs a house on it. East Coast city dweller here, so for me land ownership usually means you bought a house that came with the land under it and maybe a backyard, too. Maybe.
  2. @ktwo, I was coming here to post the same article. As soon as it mentioned the awkwardly inappropriate "And now" clips, I was like, "Holy shit! It was that guy? Makes perfect sense."
  3. netlyon2


    Aw, I'm proud of Ari! I mean, to the extent that a viewer who doesn't actually know the guy can be proud ??‍♀️ MSNBC's Ari Melber Is Proving Up to the Challenge Also, ☕️
  4. @ElectricBoogaloo It was really cute. We went on Halloween night (my friend's birthday), so it was rather like a viewing of Rocky Horror Picture Show: audience members in costume, riotous applause at each major character's introduction, collective recital of iconic lines. Some of the choreography, songs, and acting choices were questionable, but that's why they're running it down here before going north.
  5. @illdoc, that was the moment I fell in love with the show! I also love all of Faith's arc, from Season 1 to Season 4, and the reverse trajectories of Slayer and Watcher. Really, I don't think I could appreciate how much Wesley had changed until I saw him interact with Faith again; each was so vital to the other's identity. I'll also throw in some love for Faith's "Break me off a switch, boy . . ." line to Connor. "Smile Time" is definitely the most hilarious episode for me, but the funniest moment/bit has to be the Loa aka Darth Burger. I giggle just thinking about it. My favorite image from the show is Lilah watching the storm in "Rain of Fire/Apocalypse, Nowish." (Wow, all this off the top of my head! Somebody's ready for a rewatch.)
  6. Went to see "Mean Girls: The Musical" last week and a friend of mine pointed out that Curtis Holland (Season 10) was a member of the chorus. Admittedly, I had to look him up to refresh my memory:
  7. Off the top of my head, other favorite moments: -Snow Job when she has to hang off of the ski lift ( "Oh yeah. Help.") -Three Days of the Hunter when she's supposed to get caught stealing the press credentials -Double Blind Job when Ashley wishes her good luck and Parker takes offense (really any Parker/Ashley interaction is gold-"She kinda looks like a terrorist!" "Nice girl. Funny teeth.")
  8. They may have just done a closet with hook-ups. I think the price point would have eliminated any grander plans (like building a new laundry room off the back of the house, which the did in a different flip). Was there a garage?
  9. It was so great when they used the same scene from the Scottish play in the finale. Full circle and all that! And then Parker's version was straight-up unintelligible gibberish. Sophie's "I hate you all" is a go-to response when I get frustrated with people.
  10. And I'll be creating a viewer's guide so I can show it to my Intro to Business students on Friday. We're just finishing a discussion of corporate responsibility and the government's role in business, so the timing is perfect. Thanks, John! Just quoting for truth since I can only "like" it once! Ugh.
  11. Ugh, I have to reframe my thinking. I own all the seasons, too, on DVD and iTunes. As much as I rewatch episodes, I never think to do it on Netflix. Hopefully, I'll remember next time.
  12. netlyon2


    Question for those who watch MtP Daily and/or watched Greta vS's show: did Chuck Todd do the "toss" from MtP into the 6:00 show before The Beat with Ari began? Since I didn't watch the 6pm hour until Ari's show, I wasn't sure if this was something Todd has been doing or something he just started. He seems really bad at it. Granted, I'm one who doesn't do well with second-hand embarrassment and awkwardness, but it's been painful. Ari is still trying to get a handle on it, too, but he's got some experience from subbing for Rachel and Lawrence. It makes me wonder if they started doing it due to the popularity of the Chris/Rachel/Lawrence shows. They're already using that Joy/Rachel handoff as an ad; maybe they've decided to expand it as part of a branding strategy.
  13. That's an interesting point. I always saw Fiore as the more ruthless and dangerous one, so I figured he would have been the demon if they were the couple. There were definitely times when he seemed more . . . naive, I guess, than DeBlanc (the anxiety over calling up to heaven comes to mind), but Fiore was all about the brutal punishments when it came to getting Genesis back in that can. Fiore was firing up the chainsaw while DeBlanc was trying to sing Genesis out of Jesse. Fiore was about to read Genesis the Riot Act, until DeBlanc shushed him with "We're not doing that." No wonder Genesis ran back to Preacher. Oh dear, I think I talked myself 'round to making the case that Fiore *was* the angel, just for the vengeful, smiting version of God! ETA: Excellent point, @johntfs. Let me amend my statement, then, to say that I saw Fiore as the one more likely to have been the fallen angel, rather than the angel from Heaven. Hmmmm. . . now I'm wondering how much of the show will deal with that battle between Heaven and Hell. I believe that Season 1 established that the fighting is still going on; Fiore and DeBlanc said that "neither side" knows about Genesis, IIRC.
  14. Lately, I've found myself responding to every new and crazy scandal by linking it with the most relevant episode(s) of Leverage. Today's offering: Hobby Lobby to pay $3 million fine, forfeit ancient artifacts So now, I'm off to watch two episodes: - The King George Job (for obvious reasons) - The Miracle Job ('cause they're basically building Bibletopia)
  15. netlyon2


    I think part of the problem is that Ari isn't really suited to Rachel's format. He does much better filling in for Lawrence on The Last Word, IMO. I don't catch The Point very often, but I think a more fast-moving format with multiple guests participating in a panel discussion better fits his style and strengths. At the least, it would hide those flaws that you mentioned, which are more obvious on a show like Rachel's where it's all about the in-depth conversation with one guest at a time. Since Ari's the network's chief legal correspondent, he's the one that other hosts tend to bring on when they need to understand case law or sometimes determine if something is actually illegal (vs. unethical, unpopular, etc.). He could probably build a show off of that. I tend to watch national news more than local, so I'd probably put his show on as dinnertime background at least. I wonder if Joy doesn't want the hassle or commitment of a weeknight show. She's definitely made an impression on viewers and had an impact on how the network covers things.
  16. @topanga, I think the tank was in the wall, which is why Jonathan had to re-frame the area. I assume the studs were too close together or something. I had the same thought regarding how you would service an applicance that is concealed behind the drywall or paneling. I figure that the little lighted panel was the mechanism for flushing, but it seems too small to give any access to the apparatus behind the wall. Then again, what do I know about fancy toilets? (Well, I do know that it was weird that he didn't install it in the master bath if it was so great. I'm too lazy to go back and look, but I'm fairly certain that the oh-so-awesome floating commode was the only one in the house.) Count me among those who would have given Drew the win. I think that whole "judge based on whatever criteria you want" thing is leading to some pretty uneven judging. It make sense, though, if they'd like to maintain some suspense and keep one brother from running away with the whole thing. In terms of resale value, I still think Drew's adding two bedrooms is a slam dunk. That's provided, of course, the right buyer appears in whatever time frame they have set, since the win is based upon an actual sale instead of an appraisal.
  17. Toby Stephens tweeted today that they're finishing filming:
  18. Ugh! Here you are, poking at old wounds. *runs off to AO3 for a hit of Ichabbie fic* I'd imagine that the "I'd love a show where the leads just stay friends*" crowd has particular trouble with this show, where the fact that this woman is loved and cherished and has relationships is the very premise and core of the show. * [but only when there's a black woman involved and I can't insert myself into the relationship through her character because that would mean that black women are actually women and we know that can't be true and now I'm off to see "The Beguiled"!] ETA: Giles weighs in
  19. What I found hilarious is that Cassidy was clearly offering some life experience there. I was like, "How do you even know to combine those two things? You know what, never mind!" There is so much potential for zany flashbacks and random knowledge from his 100+ years. I, too, see Jesse/Tulip as endgame, but would be totally down with an OT3 situation. I just need for Cassidy to have higher standards for himself. Jesse was his "best mate" after one conversation and barfight (where he came to Jesse's aid), and Tulip angry-shagging him in the back of her car was "making love." Granted the affection and loyalty among them has grown and been proven since then, but gee, Cass, you deserve more than the bare minimum!
  20. Dear Rachel Maddow, First off, I must say that I hold you in the highest esteem. Like my fellow PTV posters, I particularly appreciate your commitment to ignoring the noise and reporting the news. That being said, I have noticed a problem that has been plaguing you recently and would humbly offer the following assistance (courtesy of thesaurus.com): With great respect and affection, netlyon2
  21. I totally agree about the kitchen. Upon reflection, I think changing the hardware on the cabinets (to either natural wood or something visually connected to the olive green) might have been another way to help the cabinets and island speak to each other. Hey, I love Nashville Flipped! Troy is so adorkable in his enthusiasm.
  22. But @Kohola3, what do you do when it's time to entertain? I mean, if HGTV has taught me anything, it's that every house, apartment, condo, trailer, houseboat, and yurt has to have a giant space for entertaining at least 10 people in style, with all of the bells and whistles. ;-) So, I continue to prefer Drew's house, but I've been thinking for the past week or so that his house is going to end up attracting Jonathan's target market: a family that wants to buy a vacation home. In this episode, I figured Drew was toast pretty early on in the game. In addition to having to replace those pilings (which, yikes!), he spent a good chunk of his money installing a new boat slip, a feature that wasn't nearly as splashy as the margarita bar. I don't know if the Good Bones ladies even noticed it (they surely didn't mention it in the footage that went into the episode). Yet, it seems like something that a homeowner would want and look for in a property. (Does anyone know how a boat slip would work in a rental? Would the owner make a boat available to renters or would they bring their own? Is it a feature that would attract a specific type of renter who would pay a premium for the house? Soooo many questions!)
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