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Everything posted by netlyon2

  1. I figure (hope) that they address it in the start of the first episode, call the “truce,” and just move on. I’d prefer that they don’t address it at all—just move forward as partners who are no longer married—but then people would say they were fake and inauthentic or something. I maintain my position that Nashville/Page and Duron (sp) was all about testing the waters. I hope they’ll also include a moment or dedication for Frank. I still get a bit misty when I happen upon one of his episodes.
  2. Not only am I not excited to have JHud back, I’m also worried about this combination. Kelly was fun and cute in a season with chill-ass Alicia and a relatively low-key Adam. Will that charm remain in a season with another showboat (and a potentially spazzy Adam)? Imagine the times where Kelly has been like, “OH MY GOD, ALICIA KEYS, BLAH BLAH BLAH!!” and Alicia barely engaged with it. Now imagine how JHud will respond. Yeesh, I’ve terrified myself. ?
  3. I’d say the universe (multiverse?) agrees with you about Caitlin. ?
  4. *sees headline* https://jezebel.com/over-half-of-a-french-museums-carefully-curated-paintin-1825650940 *adds The Frame Up Job to her weekend plans*
  5. @dleighg, where I am (DC), month-to-month is a lot more expensive than a longer-term lease, so I assumed that was the reason for the rush. They seemed like they had a very firm date for when they wanted to move. I wonder if they looked at multiple places, so Karen and Mina had competition that wasn’t discussed on the show.
  6. @Wayward Son I wondered if we were also supposed to think that he was using Jessica to get to Trish the whole time. That was certainly the impression I got with all of his “family” talk. All in all, murder is bad, but HulkMom probably did Jessica a favor there.
  7. Not just “answer to”! He will hold a gun to your head and ask “What’s my name?” in order to *make* you call him that! ??
  8. OMG, that’s why he looks so familiar! Good to see him creepy-duding it up again.
  9. @SnoGirl, it took me a smooth 30 seconds to realize that “Franklin” was Foggy! Honestly, I’d be cool with a whole episode just following Foggy and Marci on their daily routines.
  10. This popped up on my Tumblr dash and made me smile. “Two Live Crew” rewatch in my near future, I think. http://didyouknowblog.com/post/171272545506/sleight-of-hand-artist-apollo-robbins-is-so
  11. For me, the real value of having Ross in the film is to give insight into Killmonger’s *American* identity. Yes, the experience of being black in America is a vital (and sympathetic) part of the character, but so is the American military training and tactics that helped to create the very inequalities that he wants (or claims to want) to redress. Ross is our window into that, from his first comment on Killmonger (“No, he’s one of ours”) to his ability to pinpoint the reasoning behind the act of burning the heart-shaped herb. What I find fascinating is that there are so many possible combinations of motives for that one sacrilegious act. Was it actually a strategic move as Ross thinks? Or was it more of a knee-jerk reversion to colonizer tactics when faced with the idea of another person ruling, an expression of his insecurity? Hell, maybe I’m overthinking the whole thing. I really love that the character is such a complex study of “[becoming] the monster so the monster will not break you.” PS Shuri is 16, I believe. Her maturity and poise can easily be attributed to being raised as a princess in a country that emphasizes the responsibility of the monarchs as caretakers for the people.
  12. No judgement here; I own the whole CD (though “Thinking of You” is one of my least favorite songs). Have you seen the video for “The House Rules,” directed by Timothy and featuring an Aldis cameo? Like, I’m no fan of bro country (or any country, really) and actively hate the use of women as wallpaper, and yet . . .
  13. @SunnyBeBe, I’ve also been wondering if (and how much/often) they use . . . gasp . . . the homeowners’ actual furniture. There have been a couple of times when Erin’s mentioned things belonging to the owner. That would be yet another refreshing aspect of the show: using people’s actual belongings instead of staging. I really, really enjoy this show, for most of the reasons articulated by you all. The Napiers seem like good, sensible people who aren’t acting super “on” for the cameras. Erin is up to the challenge of designing for a variety of tastes and styles—which keeps things fresh and interesting—and Ben’s woodworking is just straight-up competency porn. I find that the rare episode that annoys me is due to the homeowners rather than the Napiers, which is just the nature of the beast, I guess. (*whispers* also, Ben is very attractive)
  14. This conference call transcript—and Rachel’s glee in recounting it—is uh-mazing! “‘Can’t even run a bleeping phone call’ except he didn’t say bleeping.” ? Then the Rick Roll into commercial? ?
  15. Yes, please! What bugs me (other than the ensembles themselves) is that they’ve always felt disingenuous to me. Like, Kimmy Schmidt’s outfits annoy me, but feel authentic to the character. Cassandra’s outfits feel like the wardrobe team is a pair of teenage boys dressing their manic-pixie-dream-Barbie. Maybe they’re going for the teen trying to be sexy thing, but it . . . idk ??‍♀️ I concur. It also felt out-of-the-blue; I wish we had a full episode for the temple freeze-up so the stakes could have been higher.
  16. Oh, “City of”! I was already going to love the show since Angel is my Buffyverse fave (socially awkward hermits gotta stick together), but “Can you fly?” just won my heart! [grudgung credit to “Sense and Sensitivity” for “Be a rainbow, not a ‘pain-bow’.”] I’ve never liked Kate, so I struggle to separate my opinion of “Lonely Hearts” and my opinion of her. I’ll try to do so in my next (virtually inevitable) rewatch.
  17. OMG, @navelgazer, she’s been driving me bonkers! I kept trying to FF her on Saturday, but she was there for almost the whole show. ? In a rational world, I’d prefer to have discussions that include a variety of viewpoints, but I can’t deal with the constant spewing of canned (often false) talking points in lieu of reasoned discourse. At this point, I can’t even stomach Katon Dawson, who used to be a conservative voice I could appreciate on these panels.
  18. netlyon2


    @Padma and @Medicine Crow, I wonder if we’re seeing the negative effects of this past year on Chris. During the election into the beginning of this administration, he seemed to take an . . . I guess academic view of what was happening. Like he would report the outrageous stories and discuss the information that was coming out, but he didn’t seem to actually believe that there was Russian interference and conspiring with the *rump campaign until reports of the *rump Tower meeting hit. I remember thinking that he seemed shocked that this stuff was probably real because I remember feeling frustrated that he was just getting it (especially when Rachel has been on this all along). IDK, it’s just a theory. In, our next round of Seriously, MSNBC?:
  19. Is this season done? I’m seeing ads for Flip or Flop Nashville now. I like that they’re extending the brand to other areas of the country, but I feel like Ft. Worth had a really short run.
  20. I posted this in the network topic, but wanted to put it here since Rachel’s got the headline: Rachel Maddow closes 2017 by beating the pants off Sean Hannity
  21. netlyon2


    @xaxat, that’s hilarious! ? Good end-of-year numbers for the network: Rachel Maddow closes 2017 by beating the pants off Sean Hannity
  22. netlyon2


    Wait, what? Joan Walsh is a staple MSNBC contributor! ETA This feels like an unforced error on MSNBC’s part. Not only is there a #KeepJoanWalsh campaign going, but some pretty dope journalists are starting to ask what will probably be uncomfortable questions for the network. Thread ?? E(again)TA the denouement to this bit of drama
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