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Everything posted by TheGreenWave

  1. This is what I thought too. I have a hard time believing it was another guest. Ok, so the detective said that the POLICE released all the footage they had - that doesn't mean the crappy footage wasn't doctored by the EMPLOYEES before being turned over to the police. The fact that the employees only had access to the roof to me was the primary relevant fact. No wonder blogs popped up on this one - it is so ridiculous of an outcome. In the very least, wouldn't have the coroner found that the manner of death was "Undetermined" not "Accidental"?? Good God that elevator footage was creepy.
  2. Did any of you watch the episode of the Cecil Hotel last night? WTF?? The police/coroner ruled it was an accidental drowning?? Ok, so the police detective they were interviewing stated that the public doesn't have all the information related to the case (do we ever?), but holy hell, I cannot believe she got to the roof from her 5th floor room, through the security door w/o tripping the alarm, climbed up the water tower, lifted the lid, threw her clothes into it, and then climbed in and closed the lid?!?! Did anyone see this in the news IRL? That was just crazy....
  3. Me too. Also watched the "mini marathon" of like three episodes and liked the two investigators (Fred Paige and Lise Olsen). I agree - I don't really have a doubt that this guy is the murderer. I think he only back-tracked about killing the eleven and shooting the guy (in broad daylight in front of people) because he thinks by some miracle of God that he is going to get parole.
  4. Liz has not taken one moment of self-reflection on what happened all of last season. In this episode, we see the mother sacrifice herself for her kid (side note: I really didn't understand her "blacklist" placement. Was she the Endling or did she just use those tactics to get the other golden bloods? Hard to believe she went from Syrian refugee to blacklister in few years) and I couldn't help but be reminded of the fact that Red used Liz to smoke out Mr. Kaplan by having her kidnapped and putting her life in danger. Like the opposite of this mother, yet, Liz has abetted Red in all his machinations this season - because RED IS HER FATHER. And, of course, we have an entire "mother sacrifice" story w/o mention of Agnes. Liz is just too busy having her fun daddy/daughter time I suppose. I too was rather entertained by this.
  5. Exactly. I had initially hoped it was a set up, since it appeared that the killer was following the team, and LaSalle was going to jump out once he confessed to Percy. But I guess that would have been more logical then them not realizing the killer was following them along the same trail Anderson took. Yeesh. Instead, I was honestly surprised LaSalle was on the street instead and it was her "true" reaction. And, agreed, the "city mouse" mention to flag that she was in danger was way too contrived in order have the weird conversation again.
  6. This also made me cringe. I was thinking: he's destroying a 150+ year sidewalk in the middle of the Quarter with a hammer! Bad idea to advertise. Also, I don't ever remember vendors inside the cemeteries - but perhaps I've been out of New Orleans for too long...
  7. Me either. I seem to recall an almost kiss maybe last season and a similar conversation as this episode: we are only going to be coworkers, but not a full-on convo regarding their relationship/feelings. She was super pissed/jealous when the baby momma showed up, but no actual meaningful conversations. This wasn't a bad episode (although my standards are low), but I was surprised at Percy's reaction on the roof. I thought she was near-tears when the dude was holding a gun at her and I couldn't figure out why she was acting so upset. I mean, she was undercover in a drug ring. But, perhaps it was the lighting....
  8. I kept waiting for Tom to finish off his ridiculous diatribe to Red when they were "arrested" with: "I don't believe you when you say you don't lie to Liz...you know, like a body in a suitcase." Yeesh Tom - nothing like sending the bat signal up that you have the freaking suitcase!!! Idiot!
  9. Don't forget - she can also make a quarter disappear. Clearly an unequivocal sign that Red is her father. Notice how Previously TV no longer does those funny write-ups of The Blacklist anymore? Not that I blame them....just not worth the time. or villa strong-arming. That scene reminded me of why I was cheering Mr. Kaplan on last season. I don't mind Red killing his fellow baddies, but that makes me hate Red - and stupid Lizzie for having no problem going along with it. YAY, let's scare some innocent folks today, Dad!
  10. LOL! thanks for the laughs - I too, would be supportive of Gregorio, along with her squinty eyes and duck pout, to follow her One True Love to Montana. :-)
  11. Totally agree - it was better, but just boring. And I'm pretty sure the FBI, while conducting an "off-the-books" investigation (whatever that means), would have no permission from the Bureau of Prisons to take an inmate out of custody (don't get me started on the scene back at Gregorio and Percy's apartment) and then just flip her into protective custody because her brother was going to help the Feds and she wants to live in Montana. Yeesh. So, the exact thought about the clothes went through my head last night - Percy's nearly see-through blue shirt and black bra and Gregorio's ripped jeans were a bit too casual and I actually took notice of both.
  12. I just got around to watching this one and episode two, because, I feared I would be disappointed (because I loved, loved Mr. Kaplan so darned much!) and it certainly lived up to my expectations. I hated this season premiere (agree, @mandigirl, this felt like a reboot it was so off-tone). Great, now we are going to have to watch Red REBUILD HIS EMPIRE for the first half of this season with the most compromised group of FBI agents on the planet, two of whom are making out in the elevator at work, and his wise-cracking comic sidekick "daughter." Vomit. Other annoyances: Harold goes back to saying some variation of: "why should I help you?" "We are the FBI, we don't do that." "I need another blacklister." Ugh. Ressler's garbage storyline - seriously, after Mr. Kaplan's body part farm, you don't think "Cleaners" keep insurance policies you dumb ass??
  13. Echoing the sentiments already stated: I was cautiously optimistic (because I really love Jason), but I have to say that I enjoyed watching this. I might have even cracked a smile or two. Jason is as charming as ever and the cast as a whole has good chemistry. Also agree with others that the super secret weapons military meeting took me out a bit (reminded me of Timeless with the university prof as expert consultant), but overall, I'm in too.
  14. Am I the only one that wants to take her hair out of the pig tails and brush it? Like every episode...that thought is in the back of my mind.... #INeedALife
  15. I think this episode title is supposed to be #1 Fan? Anyway, I guess the irony was lost on Pride when he admonished Ms. Cray-Cray a few times for kidnapping him in order to get what she wanted....Pot, meet kettle, Pride. But, a much, much better episode than the premiere, however, they really need to stop having the most-famous-guest-star be the perp.
  16. I honestly thought they were going to go for the empty lot. Not only did they essentially have to rebuild the whole house, but the aerial shots showed it to be pretty close to the neighbors. At least with the lot, it didn't look like the houses were super close. And, despite the talent going into the renovation, I don't think I would be happy climbing a ladder every night to get to the bedroom.
  17. Exactly. I had never heard of "front loading" garages as a negative until I watched HH. Considering that is so much more common than a "side loader" or whatever, that criterion on a wish list would practically never occur (at least, in the places I've lived)
  18. Just caught this one too. I really do not like Chip Coffey (esp from his Paranormal State days) but I really hated that he told that poor woman to "let go" of her dad. I can't believe he said that to her!!! I would have told him to f*ck off. His attitude reminded me of how Sylvia Brown got on Montel after her popularity went through the roof. Geez, man, be a little sympathetic. Anyway, I've caught about 5 or 6 episodes so far, and, agree with you all that they are cute together and I thoroughly enjoy their reactions to the "responses."
  19. I'm not sure about inter-agency relationships like this, but it does seem to happen ALL THE TIME on this show. Plus, I don't think NOLA is any more of a hot bed than, say, Phoenix or something. I just don't understand why they are so far gone with these stories instead of sticking with the procedural aspects of the show - especially since that is what is most interesting to most viewers, not this crap. At least NCIS (OR) knows where their bread is buttered on this point. Also, what I find most hilarious is that Gregorio was originally one of those annoying "other" agency reps that everyone hated at first because she was FBI. I guess now that she is officially NCIS, she can act like a jackass just like her colleagues. Forgot to add: this sums up perfectly the attitude of the characters of this show. It should be NCIS: NOLA - We Are Righteously Rebellious
  20. LOL!!!!!! Tin cup and all.... And, agree with you. Obvs they've tried some temp agents before that just haven't gelled (hello, JLH and Tripplehorn), but I thought he was pretty good - especially with Garcia.
  21. And speaking of not subtle - so they don't want DHS to go in with guns blazing, so they send only Pride and LaSalle, but they are spotted anyway and engage in a shoot out. Ok. And the barge wasn't even manned in any way? So no one was just, you know, watching it to make sure no ne'er-do-wells tried to get onboard and cause mischief? The same apartment that Gregorio almost gets killed in - the whole, "wow, that was close" - but super awesome apartment...let's rent it! Yeesh.
  22. So, I guess that Patton is the only adult that works at NCIS: NOLA (oh, I mean, N'awlins, because "it matters"). Holy geez, I almost deleted it about 15 minutes in. Ok, so I get it, we've all had super awesome bosses leave and get replaced with someone we don't care for. But to act like a bunch of 11 year olds (sorry, 11 year olds) on the job was so dumb my eyes hurt from rolling. Who wrote that garbage?!? I wanted to smack Gregorio for the unbelievable amount of disrespect she (and everyone) showed to the temp replacement. I also almost died when they are all bitching to Loretta that they need to "follow the rules" and "fill out paperwork" and she responds: "that's ridiculous!" I half expected her to say: "grow up and do your damn jobs!" No such luck. Also, why the hell is Pride only on probation?? Dude should have been arrested for kidnapping and attempted murder, but whatevs. Fill out some NCIS paperwork and you are back on the job, because, you know, he cares about the city and all. And no one cares more about N'awlins than Pride. Ugh. I agree - this would have been better as a two-parter season opener because this actually would have been an interesting plotline if they hadn't resolved it in 5 minutes and explored it a bit more (especially the home-grown aspect of it). I also had to laugh when they told the riverboat captain to get the hell out of there once they dropped him off because of your point (2) above. Again, who wrote this?!? At least we got to see Jimmy Buffet singing. So, yay.
  23. Thought that just popped into my head on this episode, but not surprising considering the stories of others: I thought it was interesting that Paul stated he was "using" CO$ tactics back at the friends who confronted him about the resignation letter and he couldn't believe they didn't realize it. Now, granted I don't know the particulars of the "tactics" other than they sound very ordinary self-help to me, but it is almost like they retrain you on how to think and that is extremely difficult to stop in your day-to-day. No matter how long some of these contributors are out, they still fall into the CO$-isms and use cult-talk in the interviews. It has got to be a long re-learning process on how to be/think normally.
  24. Ah - thanks! On your second point, holy sh*t. It's already bad enough that CO$ is so mentally damaging to people - denying individual identities, denying homosexuality, denying that mental disorders exist, denying treatment of medicines for those disorders. Now that? Nothing like robbing you of part of your racial identity. My God.
  25. Does anyone else recall the rumor that both Isabella and Connor were adopted from Scientologist mothers? I can't remember where I read that, but, now that I've been watching this series about how there are forced abortions because children are a no-no in the Sea Org, this theory doesn't sound so far fetched....
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