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Everything posted by TheGreenWave

  1. Good point!!! I am still surprised that Dmitri would be cool with potentially raising/feeding/supporting 5 kids who are not his...but, then again, I'm sure he would absolutely get off on strolling down the street with his 2 wives and 8 kids - he is so gross.
  2. Not sure if this was already answered already - but how does a single mom of 5 homeschool her kids? Apparently she does not work?? What bio-dad would let his kids be involved in that lifestyle??
  3. 1000 times yes to this - these people are certifiable if they think the general public are not going to judge them...when they are on TV!!! Wow! Talk about deluded. Their poor children. I'm sure it is already really difficult for children to reconcile that their father is sleeping and impregnating multiple women and being told that they could go to jail over it because it is illegal when this is their everyday reality. THEN put that on TV??!!? These adults do not care at all about the impact all of this will have on their kids.
  4. My God, right??!! I could not believe they just sat there (especially him) and watched her squirm. Ashley and Dmitri are sick people and I hope that, if they haven't already secured a f*ck buddy for Dmitri at the end of this season, this show is a warning to all women to RUN away from them as quickly as possible. Even if Joselyn brought it up, what on Earth would they have discussed in the middle of a freaking restaurant?? And then for them to just sit there, again, especially him after he had sex with her the night before, while she got up to leave when they were all over her at the group date. Count your blessings, Joselyn. Ashley would have been as sick and manipulative as April is in the Briney household and your life would have been miserable. On a side note: considering how questioning Ashley's family was about the whole arrangement, I am dying to know how they think Ashley and Dmitri are coming across on this show.
  5. ME TOO!!!!! Not even to say, "I can't listen to this anymore" and then leave the house. Women and men were in there drinking and partying as if nothing was going on! AND what did they think was going to happen when they finished gang raping her?!?? I don't believe for one moment that the plan all along didn't include murdering her. What else would they have done? Release her? I would have loved to seen more of the trials and catch a glimpse of their loved ones sitting in court listening to what all of them did to Janet more than 30 years before. Monsters. Disgusting monsters.
  6. I never waited that long (usually between 6-8 weeks along) for any of my pregnancies, but I went to a garden variety OB, not a midwife, so I don't know if protocols are different. Perhaps it is my experience with multiple miscarriages, but I would have never done any "firsts" in front of my other children or on camera until I knew for sure. And, remembering my first one, if this was Vanessa's first one, OMG I feel terrible for having that announced in front a camera crew! Also, not sure if she did take a pee test, but I seem to recall that some cancers can register as a pregnancy due to the hormones? Maybe? Or I just made that up?? That is just so WEIRD. As some have said above, it would be one thing to acknowledge their existence and then say, but they didn't want to be on camera (similar to the Osbourne's eldest daughter who didn't want to be a part of their reality show) - but they just act as if they do not exist!
  7. Agree with you all on He Lied About Everything. It was odd watching her interview her own friends, especially those that were like, "oh, yeah, I could tell something wasn't right." And the wedding dress designers - I felt so bad for them with all of the hard work they did for her. Although, $10,000 for wedding invitations?? Holy sh*t!! Did you all watch Betrayed last night? I mean, the stories featured on that show are all horrible, but good God, that poor woman!!
  8. Good God I hope that was just re-enacted or made up for the show. That scene broke my heart for her. How can you make a statement like that without confirming with an ultrasound? I expected her to say, "I'm having problems with the Doppler, let's get you to a doctor's office/clinic/ER." Nope. Went straight to miscarriage.
  9. Holy grossness. Let's not forget that Janelle Brown's mother married Kody's father. Based on Aspyn's announcement, I would definitely not be surprised if she ended up polyg. Also, that guy needs to shave that beard thing he has going.
  10. And is about double in size from the wedding. I couldn't believe how big he got and he's FT!!!! Also thought that Mykelti was trying pretty hard to sound "adult" in the THs - definitely a different tone of voice then she normally uses.
  11. H AHA HA!!!!!! OMG I am dying over here!!! I loved how Kody is all: "yeah, I like to wear the ponytail for Janelle to hear her growl at me" and Janelle completely shut it down with, "um, so I did that once. ONCE!" Shade. Thrown.
  12. I think that is how it went down too. I'm sure that "morning after" discussion between Ashley and Dmitri was longer than shown on TV, and he probably talked himself into a corner then just finally admitted what happened (instead of sticking with the "another bar" story). He probs got home at like 3 in the morning. On a side note: I know all of the talking heads are done after production, but I do find it interesting that they don't even hide that they were done pretty much all in succession. You can tell by Ashley's purple shirt because she's had it on in like every TH. So, the TH they had about meeting Joselyn was done at the same time as the TH after the Sex Night....
  13. Me too. HAD to be planned. With Mykelti being so obsessed with her "vision" for the wedding, I can't imagine that she would have been cool with impromptu jacket wearing and her "thank you" to FT when she put it on was SO FAKE. She barely wanted the bridesmaids to wear their "pashminas" while walking up the aisle. No way she didn't preapprove the jacket.
  14. So true. He is a classic emotional manipulator. Nothing she will do will ever be good enough because he will be constantly criticizing her. I'm sure he thinks his statements are hilarious, but her self esteem will disappear by a thousand small cuts.
  15. This 1000%. I couldn't agree more with this assessment. Ashley thinks she will look at a "sister wife" as an equal...but, ultimately, she wants someone who can follow her rules and directions and, as a reward, gets to sleep with Dmitri. And for him? Obviously by his behavior with Joselyn it is all about the sex. What I found really bothersome was the preview for next week - Ashley basically saying something like, "she better own up to what happened or it is over." Sweetie, shouldn't you be taking out your anger at Dmitri? After all, he's the one you are "married" to with three children! Makes you wonder what the whole story was with the other potential candidate that Ashley needed a year to get over....
  16. Don't forget to get your badge, gun, and security clearance back as well. H AHA HA!!! Yes, and the guy who got shot in the stomach had no problem driving the get away van!
  17. It was delivered via a LaSalle voice-over as they were running up to the house with guns drawn. Honestly, I totally missed the "how" but figured it was probably lame. I agree!!! Too much mayor talk. Also, I am really annoyed with the plot line that law enforcement tells someone that his/her life is in danger, the target gets all self-righteous and "brave" saying they won't back down, but then puts innocent people in danger because of their "braveness." I mean, if they hadn't shot the boat, it would have taken out more than the mayor. And, then when she decided to go to the refugee camp, she put everyone's lives in danger there, including Loretta. I can't stand that!
  18. In the very least, they could have shouted, "We're going to need a fire extinguisher over here!!" Because didn't they bring the FD with them? I assumed there were firefighters and cops standing behind them. I guess they thought saying "no, don't do it" a few times was sufficient.
  19. Sweet Jesus that was boring. Second to all of you who recoiled at the Strauss 2.0 of that entire scene (really? Is that how people at the FBI talk to one another? Damn) with Barnes and Emily. Despite Paget's decent acting, I was so over that storyline before it started. Also, now I'm all for a New Orleans related story (Go Greenwave!), but Katrina...really? That was almost 13 years ago and we've already seen Katrina related CM episodes. BOOOORING.
  20. Everyone has made a lot of good points on this episode - @Kelda Feegle a snoozefest indeed. I couldn't believe that they actually thought they had tracked down Damascus based on reverse whatevering the eye. They saw the computers at the kid's house...did Red & Co. not think that they would realize they are trying to track Damascus & Co.'s location?? Dumb, dumb, dumb. On a side note, talk about out of character on Samar's "isn't he adorable?" comment about Amar. Vomit.
  21. I'm hoping too - although the did have a production crew up in MI to film her and her friend talking about the sister wife thing. That would be odd to do if you aren't actually going to go through with it. So, maybe it just for the DRAMA. Ugh. Like these folks need anymore drama with all of those kids FFS.
  22. I was totally confused about MattressGate - so Auralee needed mattresses and April had extra? I thought Auralee said in her TH that she needed mattresses, and that April was going to give her the old ones so April would go out and buy the new ones? That didn't sound how it actually went down at the "group meeting" when April said that the mattresses she offered to Auralee were extra, not that she (April) would be getting the new ones.... It's too bad if April is the victim here - because she comes off as totally unhinged (see my explanation of first wife syndrome above) in every conversation. Seriously, why on Earth would anyone want to live in this drama day in and day out?? I just don't get it.
  23. HA HA HA!! Right??!! If I were that coach/vocal instructor, I would have been like, "ok, now imagine yourself as Adele and channel her range...." Woosh.
  24. That was exactly the vibe I was getting during that scene: Translation: "I realize that you've been taking singing lessons...and because we are on camera right now, I'm just going to try to hint you toward a lower octave so you don't attract coyotes during the outside ceremony...." And: completely agree. During all of those hand-wringing THs, I was like, "Honey, take care of your kids. No toddler needs to be out catching the flu during this flu season or worse." No one would blame you a bit.
  25. So true. Besides Ashley saying that she was on board with this because she studied anthropology (WTF??), her facial expressions, mannerisms at lunch, etc., betray her actual feelings about it. When the sh*t hits the fan and he "spiritually" marries Tall and Skinny and starts getting physical, she's going to turn into every other first wife: bitter, jealous, and entitled. They ALL seem to end up like that.
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