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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Khris Davis of the A's has five homers in seven games.
  2. Marcia Tremaine stepped through the front door of Salem University Hospital and sighed. Another hospital, another job, another town. She wished she and her family could settle in one place. "I'm Doctor Tremaine," she told the receptionist at the front desk. "I'm here to see Doctor Kayla Brady?" The receptionist looked through a roster on her computer. "Yes, Doctor. Welcome. Doctor Brady is at the nurses' station on the Fifth Floor. She's expecting you." Marcia thanked the woman and took the elevator to the elevator. Kayla Brady was an attractive blonde woman. She had a friendly, open face, and she took Marcia's hand in a warm shake. "I'm so glad to have you here, Doctor. We've been short on pediatricians for several months now. There's one thing I'm going to throw you into right away, though. We're working on a new Children's Hospital Wing, and we need someone with your background to help us plan what we want. I hope you're up for the challenge." Marcia smiled. Her face lit up. "I'm always up for a good challenge" ----- Lafayette Tremaine wasn't impressed with what he saw at the Salem Police Department. Civilians sitting around the desks in the bull pen, people wandering in and out without any seeming reason for being there. No uniformed officers present. He knocked on the door labeled "Commissioner" and entered when he heard a woman's voice calling from inside. "Commissioner Brady?" He asked. The woman nodded and shook his hand. "I am so glad you're here, Lafayette. We really need you." "Call me Lafe," he replied. Hope Brady laughed. "My husband's name is Rafe. I may get confused." She looked him over in a rapacious manner that made him uncomfortable. "I hope I'm not saying anything inappropriate, Lafe, but the SPD really needs further minority representation. We only have two African American officers, and I've been trying very hard to increase our outreach to the community." Lafe frowned "I hope I was hired on my abilities, and not to fill some quota." "No, I'm sorry, I thought I might be saying it wrong. You were highly recommended by the Philadelphia police, and we can always use an officer of your experience and qualifications." He nodded. "Thank you. I'm ready to start. Where do you want me?" ---- Jeff Tremaine was sipping a coffee at the cafe in the Horton Square, reviewing his class schedule. He should have stayed at Penn State, Salem University was a big drop in quality. But his parents had begged him to join them in this new little podunk town, and he had finally given in. It was his sophomore year, he had just started his academic career. He really didn't know what he was to major in yet, though he knew it was not going to be medicine. His mother was the doctor, he had no interest in that career. "Are you ready to order now?" A cute blonde waitress was standing next to his table expectantly. She smiled. "I'm Claire, by the way." He laughed. "Yeah, that's what your name tag says." She looked flustered, and looked down at the name tag. "Oh, yeah, it does, doesn't it?" She laughed, too. "Hi, Claire, I'm Jeff." Claire gave him a big smile. ---- Nia Tremaine was trying very hard to pretend that she wasn't lost. She had thought that her first class at Salem High was in this wing of the building, but she couldn't find Room 117 anywhere. Eventually, she had to admit that she needed help. She stepped up to a couple of girls who were talking by one of the lockers. "Hi, I'm new, could you tell me how to find Room 117?" The taller, brunette girl smiled. "It's easy to get confused. This is the 100 Wing. The 110 Wing is down at the other end of the hall. You're in Ms Bennett's history class, I guess? We are, too. I'm Amy Kelly, and this is Leah Cohen." Leah smiled and shook her hand. "Hi," Nia said, "I'm Nia Tremaine. We just moved here, and I'm trying to fit in." "Stick with us," Leah said, "and we'll help you find your way around." As the girls walked to the other end of the hallway, Nia didn't notice the boy with a letterman's jacket who was watching her.
  3. Because she doesn't trust Rafe doing anything for any other woman except for her. "What if Ben did to my little boy what Clyde did to me?" Rape him? Why did Eve and Jack HAVE to show up? What groundwork were they laying? The last bit from the last commercial to the end of today's show, with all of the different emotional reactions, was really good. OK, I think they just hinted that Haley is Melinda's daughter. But why does Melinda carry around that big ass photo in her purse?
  4. I don't recall seeing anything in the Spoiler thread about Ted's wife.
  5. Gina Tognoni is out at Y&R. Any chance she could be cast as Ted's wife?
  6. Mark Hamill is the voice of Chucky in the upcoming Child's Play remake. https://deadline.com/2019/03/childs-play-mark-hamill-tar-wars-joker-chucky-orion-1202585616/
  7. Silver Raven

    Us (2019)

    I hated Gabriel. He was much too fllippant and laughing his wife's fears off.
  8. I'm definitely not a K-Pop fan, but I do like "ddu-du ddu-du du". It may have something to do with Rose' taking my breath away in the video.
  9. It's the same with Eric and Holly. He has no blood connection to her, either. But then, neither does Chloe, she was a surrogate, not a blood relative. Why did Maggie have more a say over who got the baby over Nicole's family?
  10. Doesn't JJ live in the boarding house that Kate used to own? He has nosy neighbors with peepholes? Did Jack hide behind Eve when Claire burst into the room? Who is ostensibly paying for this stay at the Salem Inn? Tripp is a waiter and Claire doesn't have a job. "You would sell your own mother, if you could remember her name." Ouch, JJ. Love it. "I wish to hell that you'd stayed dead."
  11. At this point, I don't care whether Jack gets his memory back or not, he's already dead to me.
  12. Meggy is traveling to Florida this weekend to receive an award from the Harvey Milk Foundation for "transforming lives by living authentically and advancing inclusiveness.” https://www.sun-sentinel.com/features/fl-fea-meghan-mccain-the-view-award-hard-rock-20190328-story.html
  13. I'm sorry, what makes Haley a user? If it's revealed that Jack's nephew is involved in this fake marriage plan to keep an undocumented immigrant in the country that's somehow going to make Jack the mayor? Is it appropriate for the Mayor to discuss personal matters with policemen? Isn't there a police chief? So much unprofessional behavior in the hospital hallways. My local NBC station did an emergency alert test in the middle of the Jen and Hope scene. I've never seen that happen before. Rex the cheater is upset that his girlfriend kissed another guy. Bwahahaha Claire really is coming across as a psychopath. I wish Show would delve into Eve's motivations, if only just a little.
  14. The death of Ranking Roger coming on the heels of the death of Scott Walker of the Walker Brothers has me shaking.
  15. I kept wondering if the guy was paying any kind of child support to the mother of his six year old. JJ never even mentioned that.
  16. Rex, desperation is not a good look. Is Chloe going to be safer from drug lords in the Kiriakis mansion than in the DiMera mansion? Claire is delusional. Damn, Stefan didn't take that kiss well at all. Gabi seemed to like it, though.
  17. Greg Rikaart tweeted that today was Leo's last day. I don't know if Diana is gone or not, but I would think she would be involved in Giles's wife's story.
  18. Ciara is dressed like a spy in a World War II British movie. Why is everybody commenting on Eric's haircut? I don't notice anything different. Um, Leo does have money. Marlena just gave him a huge check. Yes, Sarah reading Brady for filth. Nice professional behavior, though, Sarah. Is Will's headache caused by the necklace Sonny gave him?
  19. She asked him how his wife was and he said she died two years ago. She said that was odd because she had run across her in Avignon six months ago. He said that was impossible, and she must be mistaken.
  20. "Is this why you're closed"? Eh? Rafe doesn't own the pub. Brady just called Marlena "my mother". Have we ever seen Eli actually work somebody? "This was not premeditated". So, the penicillin just jumped into her hand? Why does Marlena have her checkbook with her in the hospital? And just how much money does she keep in her checking account? There isn't enough scenery in all of Salem for Diana to chew. "The role of Diana Cooper is now being played by Norma Desmond." I wonder if we're going to see Ted's wife.
  21. The Walker Brothers should have had a much bigger career.
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