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Everything posted by ABitOFluff

  1. Because Rumples an asshole. Get it through your heads!
  2. After the introduction of the Olympian Crystal, I was going to comment here that I was expecting the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to show up next. Now I hope they go through the instructions on how to use it (from the Book of Armaments, of course).
  3. I'll have to give the CS podcast a listen! I've been traveling so much lately, a good 1-1.5 hour podcast fills the time nicely.
  4. I'm going to miss The Muppets. It wasn't perfect, but it was enjoyable and really funny at times.
  5. I never listened to Greetings from Storybrooke, but I gave up on the Once podcast. Last season, they were getting too biased against certain characters and getting too many canon facts wrong. Seriously, I don't even rewatch any episodes, and I can remember these things! Same with Afterbuzz TV. They had a few good hosts/guests but one of the regular hosts was the worst with facts and also blinded too much by her Regina fan goggles (she actually suggested that Sir Percival should initially have tried to talk to Regina about the time she slaughtered his entire village). I have caught the Captain Swan podcast, and that was fun, although sometimes there was too much talking over one another. So, I haven't listened to any podcasts since 4B. I think with so much intelligent discussion here, the members of this forum would put together a great podcast. OT, in another note, if anyone is a fan of the Monkees music or TV show (or even if you're not), I highly recommend the Zilch Podcast. I've been have been in online forums with one of the mods since 1997, and all the mods know their facts. Each episode has been full of good stuff.
  6. I don't think I'll ever get sick of CaptainSwan, but I definitely do not want this show to become the Hook and Emma show. While I'm thrilled with all the progress they've made individually and as a couple, now is a good point to slow down and let the other characters shine for awhile. And that's what's going to happen, just as it's happened throughout the series. People seem to forget, save for some really nice scenes, almost all of Season 4 was pretty disappointing to CS fans.
  7. I enjoyed the hell out of that (pun intended). I like how they redeemed Arthur. That's how you do a heroic bromance. The CS reunion was better than I imagined. I don't know why people consider it tacky. Where was he supposed to show up? That said, I'm disappointed we didn't see the lost souls, but hopefully that will be Arthur's first order of business. I'm so going to miss the Blind Witch and Cruella.
  8. I noticed the dark jewelry and thought it was his DO jacket, but I wasn't sure. I like that jacket better for some odd reason.
  9. Wow, so there it is. And yet, I'm just happy for the CS reunion. I figured it would come towards the end of the episode I feel bad for the hobbit child, but I guess Robin needed to go to move Regina and Zelena closer. Will they raise Pistachio, er Robin Jr., together?
  10. I'm not only hoping they cut Merida and gang again, but I'm willing to wager they actually do.
  11. Actually, I think I read that during Colin's con panel in London, he indicated that Hook would find out what Rumple did to Milah, so you might be on to something there.
  12. This is my first rant in this forum, but I need to get this off my chest. I work from home and keep the TV on in the background for company, so I actually have LOT of commercials to rant about. But the current Time Warner commercial with the neighbors crashing a couple's open house is going to give me an aneurysm. First, selling a home is stressful enough, and having an open house means cleaning and evacuating the home for a whole afternoon in hopes of attracting a buyer. These asshole neighbors completely ruined it for the couple, because who is going to want to buy a home in a neighborhood filled with these people? Second, no one else has Time Warner already? What kind of special snowflake neighborhood is this? Also, like most people, my wifi is secured with a password I can barely remember. How did they all hack into the couple's wifi? And if it wasn't secured, wouldn't these freeloaders already know about the free wifi in this house? Ugh, I thought the Moore family was bad.
  13. I agree though, as lovely as the CS goodbyes were (my god, I don't think I recall Colin ever tearing up that much), I really hope this is the last farewell they ever have to have. They've had more goodbyes than literally any other characters on the show.
  14. As with most of the Greek myths, they did play pretty fast and loose with the Orpheus myth. I don't remember ambrosia even being a part of it, only that Orpheus had to trust Hades, and that the shadow of Eurydice was following him out of the Underworld. Emma had no reason to believe Killian would be there because Hades already screwed them over. She probably held out hope, but resisted the urge to go back and get him.
  15. That's what I was thinking too. So does anyone else think Hook hitched a ride in Pandora's Box? It would serve Rumple right. I'm glad Hades didn't turn out to be another WoobieVillain. He was giving so much boo boo face this episode, I couldn't help but laugh every time. So yeah, if the pirate says don't trust someone, maybe believe him.
  16. I remember that! Not a lot scares me, but the whole buried alive scenario creeps me out so much. Same with that movie The Vanishing with Keifer Sutherland and Jeff Bridges. So no thanks. What are all these Tumblr theories based on? Pure speculation? I'm not going to take any of them to heart.
  17. I thought they might talking about Zelena too, but then Hook has been pretty sympathetic towards his #1 CS shipper lately. Maybe they mean Cora. Unless this exchange is all sarcasm and snark it could be anyone, even Belle.
  18. Ah, the Million Moms. Such an influencial group, all hundred or so of them. It's clear that none of them even watch these shows, but I guess they need something to do to give their lives meaning. I ran across a positive review of the episode written by a lesbian fan. Of course there were comments by someone objecting against the storyline because they watch the show with their 10 year old daughter. But, of course, murder, rape and torture are total family fare and perfect subject matter for discussion around the Sunday night dinner table with the kiddies. I think I first discovered what homosexuality meant while watching a sitcom back in the seventies. We had a babysitter that night, and I asked her, "What does gay mean?" She told me it meant when two men or two women kissed and hugged and/or fell in love with each other. Simple. Dear bigot parents, it's not that hard.
  19. I'm in North Carolina, and while there are a lot of moronic bigots here--the worst of all being our Governor and General Assembly--believe me,a lot of us here are against that unconstitutional bill. However, I can't image who Courtney would be doing. She must be doing some generic religious nut. That said, I'm really worried because I have tickets to see RPDR:BotS in May. The show is actually booked into one of the biggest performing arts center in the state (in a very LGBTQ-friendly city, I might add). But considering all the cancellations here lately, I wonder if I should just go ahead and make other plans for that night. On a positive note, this past Saturday I did get to see Alaska in NYC doing Cher and Cher Alike with Handsome Jeremy. My love for Alaska has just grown even more. She's stunning in real life and her singing was amazing. She's my queen for life.
  20. For me the Ruby/Dorothy story was simply a fluffy, fairy tale. Viewers complain all the time about missing the fairy tale stuff. Well, they got one! And if it's between two women, then so what? It didn't enrage me, nor make me swoon, even though I appreciated their long kiss at the end. I was what it was. True, it happened quickly, but no quicker than most Disney romances. I think the writers accomplished exactly what they meant to do. And if Dorothy's a horrible, unlikable person, then so am I. She was grumpy at first, but she wasn't the worst ever.
  21. I knew what was coming, but I was sort of hoping Toto would give Dorothy the TLK. Hey, a grumpy girl's best friend is her little dog! In the end, I didn't mind the idea of Red and Dorothy and I liked their kiss afterwards.I wasn't really invested in MulanRouge, and Mulan will be okay. She find her own warrior. The big win for me was the CaptainCharming moment, of course, and Snowing in the cemetery, and Snow and Red. And the Blind Witch. Belle just continues to confuse me. A sleeping curse? Yeah, they had to cut down on her screen time eventually, but why even go there? Hate to say I wont' miss her. For the first time, Zelena bored me. I'm not sure I like this constant self-pity.
  22. Right, and I never really trusted her after she made Dorothy hand Toto over to Miss Gulch.
  23. Zelena had a point, what did happen in Kansas? Watch, Auntie Em will be the real villain.
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