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Everything posted by ABitOFluff

  1. Nope, nope. The mental hospital stuff is all a huge misdirect. Haha, A&E, funny joke. Besides, they never reveal the next arc so early. #pleaseletitbeamisdirect
  2. On the bright side, ABC must have confidence that a Hook centric will be able to pull in viewers that night. It's possible some fans would rather watch that than the 1000th annual showing of The Ten Commandments or The Sound of Music.
  3. Could anyone link the funeral spoilers in the Spoilers Only thread? I'm so lost Please and thank you.
  4. The Neal and Emma scene played out exactly how I thought it would, so I'm okay with it. But still, why did he even need to show up? Anyway, I'm glad Neal is in a better place and has no other reason to come back. Did Snow not immediately react more negatively to James' kiss, because maybe he's a tad bit hotter than David? Nice acting by Josh. I'm looking forward to more James. Hook may have had only 2 seconds of screentime, but I thought it was incredibly effective. Everyone now knows the stakes are high, and it's awesome to see the Charmings standing by Emma (at least for now). I loved the whole thing with Regina and Henry I. He would have been a wonderful grandpa to Henry II, and he deserves to finally be in a better place. Finally, I'm going to enjoy Greg as Hades. I thought he was pretty on the mark. But yeah, they need to never do the blue CGI hair ever again.
  5. I agree One Thousand and One Nights needs to be done! I've hoped that they would go further into Greek mythology because there is so much more material that hasn't been touched on. Maybe when the dead leave the Underworld it causes the rest of the gods to descend on Storybrook. So the brothers could be Ares and Hephaestus. And if they continue with mythology, then we'd better see Athena and Emma teaming up.
  6. If I remember my Catechism classes correctly (and from what I observed from my own father being given Last Rites), the Last Rites are provided to a dying person to clear their souls to prepare them for their journey to enter the kingdom of heaven and the final judgement of God. Confession is a big part of the Last Rites. As long as you confess and/or a priest blesses you with the Sacrament of Confession, you're good. Also, the Catholic Church used to have a belief of limbo and pergatory, where those who hadn't been fully forgiven for their sins waited to be absolved of their sins. This is what I'm thinking the OUAT Underworld is like. So, I'm thinking the title has to do with the pictures of Henry writing in the story book while dead people such as Cruella and the Blind Witch surround him, and their Last Rites and moving on the afterlife/heaven/paradise or whatever. In summary, I don't think the title means anyone else is dying, but that the dead are moving on.
  7. I think that's exactly it. It would be out of character for her to say, "I totally would have saved you if you were my one true love, but you weren't sooo..." If Emma could save someone, she would. That's our Emma.
  8. I think they were filming 5X20 this week, so they're still in the Underworld. Various speculation seems to point to this being the last episode there, and the pics from the night filming indicate there are some kind of negotiations between the Nevengers and Hades.
  9. Funny, I wonder if they were trying to go for something light with the ball in Camelot and the Regina/Charming dance lessons. Perhaps it was an attempt to parallel the Princess Leia/Prince Charles dance. However, instead of ending the ball fighting of the Black Knights in the EF, we get a dead SIr Percival and a mortally wounded Robin in Camelot. It kind of ruined any lightheartedness of the scene. I guess you can count the Spell of Shattered Sight as lighthearted, but either way, it's been a long time, and it sounds like it's going to be a long time.
  10. My friends can't understand it. It's a stupid, silly show, but it's our stupid, silly show. I'm just happy the hiatus is almost over.
  11. I loved that and the ovation he got from the audience. Mary Poppins is one of my top five all-time favorite films, and Dick Van Dyke is a national treasure. I'm so happy to see he's still stepping in time.
  12. Elliot Knight has been cast in new CBS murder-mystery, American Gothic.
  13. Panthers!!! I've been ridiculously excited all week. It feels like Christmas!
  14. Not a podcast or OUAT related per se, but since we'll be seeing Hades in 5B, I thought i'd post Linday Ellis' review of Hades in pop culture: https://youtu.be/3c51pwfaBrM?list=PLWdTF5Fulcweik3A23rGgc28o_FO8NCmV
  15. We got hit early with a lot of ice and snow today, so a lot of businesses were closed. But I was smart and went to the grocery store on Wednesday, and also picked up a liter of vodka. After watching The Chew earlier this week, I made beef stroganoff for the first time. I may have overcooked the beef a little, but it was incredibly tasty. And just because of the weather, I made salted caramel brownies. As long as the power doesn't go out, I'm set for the weekend.
  16. Exactly. Old buddy MRJ is in town. The boys go out, and the wives go out with Jen. Why should this even concern the fandom? Like I like to say, "Not everything is about you."
  17. Of course, it completely debunks their theory that no SQ and more Hook means everyone hates the show and that it's on the verge of cancellation.
  18. Whose fans reign supreme? Vote here for your favorite pop culture each week!
  19. I know what I hate, and I don't hate this. :) It's not bad really. The apple motif is stale, but that poster is likely to be hanging in ABC's Times Square Studios (at least the Dark Swan was). I know those piercing blue eyes would make me give it a second glance. If it draws any new viewers, it will have done its job.
  20. I followed one of the notes on Souris' post about the Funko sales to a SQ Tumblr, and wow. Basically, they reject actual data in favor of "a few people online said they went to a store, and Regina was sold out, and the clerk said they coudln't give Hook away. I work on an e-commerce site. I can tell you what the best sellers are, but I'd have trouble telling you the worst sellers, but here's a hint. IT'S NOT BASED ON ATP STOCK!!
  21. Most holiday breaks end right after New Year's, so hopefully we get something later next week.
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