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Everything posted by Mojitogirl

  1. If anyone still needed convincing that they have a social media consultant, Jessa’s latest Instagram shilling ThredUp (how many things are they going to promote???) should convince you. She uses all the influencer words and tricks, and photo angles.
  2. The Duggars must have gotten a great bulk discount from a social media consultant. All these curated, sponsored, new account posts are not a coincidence.
  3. I don’t know he context of this photo but it sure looks like Abbie and JD? Joe? Just announced they were having a baby.
  4. The person who put the “word on the street” about Jennifer’s husband being a cheater was Jennifer herself when she told us that she goes to his office unannounced to keep an eye on him. I think Marge’s apology was crafted perfectly well but I believe what she said about hearing rumors.
  5. Of course they can just like it - it’s beautiful! But that’s not what they said. They specifically called out the cultural significance of the bright, shiny sphere. My comment was in relation to my thought that they are trying very hard (now more successfully through Janas IG) to seem “normal” and as aspirational models of spouses, mothers, and young women but the cult they are representing is actually mysoginistic, oppressive, and damaging. All these pretty pictures, to me, should be looked at as wolves in sheep’s clothing.
  6. I think the pictures of Jana and Jinger with the Times Square ball are hilarious considering that they (supposedly) didn’t have a TV and would never have been allowed to watch such a spectacle of secular music and partying so they probably have no context or idea what it was for. We see you, Duggars. Don’t go pretending you are normal.
  7. I think there’s a fundy photographer / publicist that has been hired to lead the Jana social media campaign. Who knows the reason why but it’s what they all should have done to kick start their public presence way back when.
  8. Jana, Jessa, and Jinger are attending that G3 conference that is also in Atlanta and Jessa has a picture of Laura at G3 as well. I wonder if Jana went to the decor conference with Laura at the beginning of the week. Laura also mentions going to the decor conference in Las Vegas and I hope Jana goes and TLC covers. That would be an episode worth watching! From Lauras pictures, she’s indistinguishable from any other 20-something plus it seems she has a job!
  9. I agree with the poster who said she’s had social media coaching. Her posts are just too well put together, composed, and secure for a person who just started an IG. Most people’s early posts are relatively awkward until they get the hang of their favorite types of posts and photos but hers are polished off the bat and God knows that none of her sisters (even Jinger who sticks to mostly safe pictures of her husband and kid with minimal captions) have set that example. I think, like most things Duggar, this isn’t exactly as innocent as they want it to seem. However, if you are a relatively well known personality, this is definitely the way to go to build a social media presence and I’m glad someone is investing that effort in jana.
  10. There’s also a large garbage bag with To: Josiah written on it. I bet each persons gifts were grouped into garbage bags for easy distribution. Classy.
  11. Derrick has a video of Jill making the sushi. Izzy is nowhere to be seen. He also says that they put up their Christmas tree today sonI guess their “dates” were more important than a tree for their kids. And they definitely don’t do Santa because he mentions having all the gifts out today.
  12. She tags the lady so that her 649k followers can check her out but....there’s nothing on her site about weight loss.
  13. The top isn’t my style but she looks really good. She’s lost weight and her chest is back to normal and she looks age appropriate.
  14. A couple of thoughts... Someone put foundation that is too light on them and they look deathly pale. The cute medium girl on the left had modifications to her dress to add sleeves and close up the scoop neck or she’s wearing a t-shirt underneath. Pathetic. Josie, why, yes, it does seem like a ladies full sequin blouse. Yes, it covers, but full sequins are age inappropriate for her age imo. Every store is doing free 2-day shipping. It would have taken NO effort to pick up gorgeous, matching dresses using a coupon if they wanted.
  15. Besides the mandatory superfluous Jesus talk, that’s a really nice tribute to his mom. It sounds like he saw her with new eyes after spending time with the Duggars for the wedding.
  16. The teaser of someone going off the back is also still in the future. I’ve noticed that they aren’t promoting that as much as they did earlier in the season.
  17. Boob looks like he’s lost quite a bit of weight. He also looks refreshed as does Michelle. They probably took one of those nip and tuck spa vacations.
  18. I’m happy for them and hope that, in their own way, they are happy but JD looks like every college guy with a few drinks in him - sweaty, reddish, a little disheveled, and grinning too wide. Cheers!
  19. Jessa has an Instagram story of dinner at a nice restaurant with Jana and Laura. Sounds surprisingly normal...but then she has a picture of J and L with the heart eyes emoji and “These two” written next to it. I wouldn’t give this a second thought if one of my friends did this about two other same sex friends but for Jessa, it’s incredibly tone deaf regarding Jana. Either she doesn’t read any social media about her family and it’s really a “look how much i love my besties” post but that’s not right because we know she reads media about her family and there’s been recent speculation about Jana. Even Derrick has “answered” a question about the J and L relationship. Or, she is incredibly callous about what social media says about her sister? I don’t care what sexuality Jana identifies with but in their world, it’s a HUGE thing that could impact Jana and Laura’s life tremendously. . Why would Jessa do this to her sister?
  20. I’ve got a popup camper! Would love to do this and explore a little of Arkansas but having a drink around the campfire is one of the great pleasures of camping and I bet they will be a dry campground! Will have to pass :)
  21. I learned that skate board ministry is a thing. Is everything a ministry? Can’t the 2 - 7 pm child activities be just after school care ? Does every little thing for every single person in their orbit have to do with ministry? I mean, after school soccer club at the parochial school is just a soccer team, gymnastics is just gymnastics, volleyball is just volleyball. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around how pervasive this is in their lives despite how much I’ve learned from Churchoney and all the posters that give us an inside the brain view of these people.
  22. I refuse to believe that she has never thought of taking her kids to play outside. She’s kidding, right? At the university where I work, all visitors have to pay for parking as each student can only buy one parking permit. I wonder if they offer swim lessons, art classes, musictime for kids as they do here that she can register the kids for so she can be “close” to the best hubby ever.
  23. Ramona definitely looks the best of all of them - she’s smart to surround herself with people who will make her look great :). Maybe the lady whose shoulders she’s resting on looks ok, maybe the lady on the left with short hair. I live in the land of plastic surgery and these are very very very poorly done.
  24. That seems to have been a commercial establishment what with the sliding doors, big vestibule, and sweeping wide staircase. Since I don’t trust these people, I’m thinking it was for the TV show and he’s living somewhere else. Maybe he’s JB’s project manager/ security guard and lives in a little area? I wonder what JB’s ultimate plans are for it? A church seems more and more likely, IMO. ETA: i bet the bathrooms are public type bathrooms with stalls. I hope there were living quarters somewhere in there.
  25. I also don’t find her videos unhinged. The way she speaks on video is with a similar affect that lots in instgrammers use. It’s an in your face, pretend aggressive, stream of consciousness style. I find her videos funny and she does have an ability to engage the viewer. I think Jessa’s poopy diaper post was a failed attempt at this type of engagement.
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