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Everything posted by Mojitogirl

  1. Jill actually had nice coherent responses to some early comments in that post - it devolved quite quickly soon thereafter although she didn’t jump into that sh** show.
  2. I went down the rabbit hole of the Seewald Instagram and noticed that Jessa doesn’t even follow Jessica (Jill does follow her). I know it’s a stupid metric, but, as Jessa is acutely aware, social media is a huge thing and her not following such a close family member is pretty much a snub. However, the minute her SIL is on a TV show, there is Jessa flaunting her modest and godly ways front and center. I almost get the feeling that there’s no love lost between them.
  3. The hat thing is annoying me more than it should 🙂. So not only is she wearing the same Lauren hat, the coat/jacket look is the same (or very similar) to the look Lauren wore in her hat Instagram post. So has Lauren joined the community closet?
  4. They really couldn’t look any more bored if they tried. And now someone else is wearing the Lauren black hat of imitation - they don’t have any original thoughts either do they? I can’t tell if it’s Jessa.
  5. That’s a nicely designed website. She’s out marketed all the Duggars combined already.
  6. They actually went to a sushi restaurant after Whole Foods (well, they were both wearing the same clothes and it was an IG story right after). Jessa filmed how “worldly” Ben is because he ate a seaweed salad and some sushi rolls.
  7. Jessa and Ben went grocery shopping and then on a “date”. Hope they didn’t buy any refrigerated stuff. I think they are doing staged things and photos for content like Jinger.
  8. I’m having a hard time snarking on her. Everything she’s posted is normal stuff you do with your kids. Plus, I have to give her credit that she bakes homemade stuff for her kids - I bet most kids in America have never had homemade banana bread. She seems committed to the more mainstream path they’ve chosen and due to Derricks law school, she seems to be doing a lot of it on her own. And, yes, when the city left a big front loader down the block when they were going to dig something, I let my kids climb it. Stupid? Probably, but they LOVED it.
  9. The Julianna story really makes me uncomfortable. Yacht parties are a thing and the women are rarely hired because they are great waitresses. Their age difference is too much, the economic power difference is too much, and the way they met just screams pervy old man.
  10. It still bothers me that some of Pris’ nephews have their heads shaved and some don’t. I really hope it was something like lice rather than a humiliating punishment. I have no faith in the child rearing and nurturing abilities of these people.
  11. Rhylee seems to have a good relationship with the other 3 women, not just as coworkers but as a friend. They confide in her, hang out with her and seem to enjoy each other’s company. That plainly tells me she isn’t the devil that she’s being portrayed as. Even Kate, in her talking head, discussed how Rhylee’s blow up with her was like a sister and understood that sometimes people lash out at someone simply because we they are close to us.
  12. ETA: oops, posted and saw all the responses similar. I don’t think her siblings except for Jinger, have married anyone more mainstream. Derrick is the only one with a regular, crappy job delivering Grubhub, he has a college degree from a large public university, and is now in law school in a large public university. I actually think that after Jill, JB tightened up the screws and the spouses of the younger ones come from families that are committed to the JB ideology. Ben could perhaps have guided Jessa to break out of her Gothard cave, but JB tied him down and made them VERY dependent on JB.
  13. I wonder if the Zambia family shaves the kids’ heads for disobedience. Pris really is a trooper and a baby incubating machine. A trip halfway around the world while almost 5 months pregnant while managing 4 kids. Those were the months when I could barely keep my eyes open.
  14. I think their public relations person reads here 🙂. All the young women in the family suddenly have similar social media - from Jesse’s instructional videos to Jana’s gushing love and instagrammable images, to Anna and Jills cute and happy kid shots. All of them are projecting images of happiness, warmth, and love packaged as aspirational social media tidbits and I just don’t think any of them are smart enough to craft this on their own. Someone mentioned Laura? Maybe it’s her. I just can’t find any of their recent social media so cute or adorable or “normal” because I feel they are pushing extra hard to fight the truth about them that every year is learned about by more and more people. The adults in this family are just vile for continuing to perpetuate the long con their parents started.
  15. Jenn stated on WWHL that her and Kate were good friends and got along great during their season. Kate agreed and mentioned something about “that’s not what they show you” suggesting, perhaps, that the editing creates characters to the detriment of the person behind it. Jenn is usually one of the poster children used as an example of Kate’s mean girl bullying but if Jenn herself says that’s not really what happened...
  16. It’s possible that Jessa has negotiated her own contract with TLC. She did post a picture in their corporate building. In that case, maybe she’s cut off from JBs payout system and only gets what is paid to Ben although I’m becoming convinced that the show is his regular full-time income producing job and anything else we see is show driven or done out of sheer boredom. That would also explain the renewed fervor she has to polish up her image with subdued, warmly filtered pictures of cute babies, and those polished videos that she suddenly is producing. We all saw that original cooking video with the sweet potatoes a couple of years ago!
  17. The LLCs in Anna’s name only make sense if they are worried about more lawsuits against Josh.
  18. Fantastic digging. I love me some property records sleuthing. I imagine that most of the paper / ownership shuffling has to do with minimizing tax liabilities. I wonder how much each kidult truly owns their house or if it’s just owned by them in paper. Can the kids sell it off and keep the money or is it still considered communal Duggar property?
  19. Her hair definitely looks gray. It must be the filter their PR person likes to use to make their pictures “artsy”. I think Jessa is using a similar one. The strangest thing for me is that only Jessa and Jana seem to be in attendance. Where are the other sisters and SIL? And why is there a church pew in the house as an actual seating surface (instead of as a design element)? They are so uncomfortable for mindless sitting.
  20. I find it very interesting that Rhylee seems to get along well with the three other women. She socializes with them, and despite her talk about Brian, hasn’t done anything to disrespect Courtney’s relationship. I find in real life that people who are truly problematic and awful are very equal opportunity and are disliked by both men and women (see the obnoxious guest this week no one likes). The men have mounted a pathetic concerted campaign against Rhylee and Kate using the same language and talking points and covering for each other.
  21. Jill is doing it. She’s the closest to Breaking Duggar. Not dramatic, no overt statements, just baby steps, and little clues. Despite that, she still faces criticism from all sides - both for doing it at all, or for doing it the (perceived) wrong way.
  22. I figure that the quitting of Walmart and the running off to Central America was Derricks awkward attempt at quickly taking Jill out of a very dysfunctional situation. I don’t think it was the best idea but maybe they felt that they needed physical distance between her family and their own. Jill may have tried to keep the facade up with those seasons of Counting On J&J but she couldn’t do it and started working on boundaries
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