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  1. I think someone mentioned it on here already but it was reported somewhere before by Melissa IIRC that shorty would acknowledge and talk directly to the cameras way too much in their first visit so they couldn't use most of the footage and that's why the visit wasn't shown.
  2. Such a bummer we might not get some of the other seasons. I hope some people may have a change of heart, especially if New Orleans becomes really popular. I would love to watch anyways even if a few cast members were missing from each. Maybe they could do a shorter version on those ones. It just would be nice to see and catch up with people from the other seasons. The 90's child in me is living for this mtv nostalgia!
  3. 😂😂😂😂 perfect description!
  4. This woman. I also read she is moving to New York (part time🙄), I hate Mom shaming but wft!!! She has lots of very small children. I hate the fact that I have to go to work everyday and be away from my 2 little ones, I hate it! She needs a punch in the throat.
  5. Ugh I just saw that. No matter what our opinions of Vicki may be, Briana should not allow him to treat her mom that way. Obviously she is a grandma probably over the moon about having her first granddaughter. He's such a POS. ps Ryan nobody cares about your gender reveal nearly as much as you think they do
  6. someone's gonna need to wash that rail
  7. David always came across as an arrogant prick to me.
  8. Hope all 3 of their followers enjoy!
  9. Haha same, but I think you got it, it’s a piece of hair!! I tilted my phone to see it from a different angle and I’m pretty sure it’s it’s just a strand of hair. Optical illusion!
  10. Please tell me more. I find This highly entertaining 😂
  11. I will say she looks very pretty here, especially that top photo and has some very cute kids.
  12. Haha, Yes so I had trouble too because I also thought it was a horrible photoshop fail, but as someone had said above she is wearing black gloves and her arm is bent at the elbow as if maybe she is waving. Hope that make sense!
  13. Omg I see It now! 😂 I had to stare at it like one of those magic eye books.
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