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Everything posted by evilmindatwork

  1. The British educational system did not/ does not require a bachelors degree to be admitted to med school. Their medical degree is their university degree, I think they have additional training/ residency requirements.
  2. @mamadrama, if you ignore someone I think you won't be able to see them. Not sure if it works both ways though.
  3. Hah. I think I'd be ok with working with either Cate or Maci. I don't think they'd be the hardest workers but probably pleasant to be around and fun to grab lunch with. I like my coworkers to have a baseline of competence but I also highly value a pleasant work environment. Farrah, I'd only put up with if she was Elon Musk like savant. If she was only merely competent AND highly unpleasant to be around, one of us would have to quit that job
  4. Eh, some people just look older and it's not necessarily our fault. I have pcos and had my first period at age 10, my mother was devastated. As an anecdote, once in eighth grade, age 12, please note I was actually younger than most of my peers, I was talking to a friend while waiting for our bus to go on a field trip, one of the Spanish teachers (subbing as a chaperone) asked what I was doing there because "this is an 8th grade trip" when I explained that I was an eighth grade student he was incredulous and kept telling me I looked at least 16 years old. This was a highly uncomfortable moment for me because, well I wasn't 16, I was 12. He seemed angry and accusatory as if me looking older than my age was somehow my fault. I never ever forgot that moment. I am 28 now and no one tells me how old they think I look now so I don't really know whether I look my age or not, I think my ex husband looks younger than me and he is 5 years older. The thing is, I take good care of myself, exercise and diet wise, but I do have a medical syndrome that plays havoc with my body. It can be frustrating for people to offer opinions about their perception of my age and my lifestyle. Some of us look our age, some younger, some older, and that sometimes has more to with how our genes work than individual negligence. I know it's an asset to look younger but not all of us are that lucky. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be small, skinny,and vulnerable looking. It just wasn't my fate. I don't think I could look that way even if I ate a salad with vinaigrette for every meal for the rest of my life.
  5. No, I really wanted Louis to remain friends with Alison's dad! I really hope that they bring that character back. I want Louis to have a friend.
  6. This is truly terrifying. In what world is Tyler "hot"?
  7. What happened to Amber's family? Specifically her brother? Wonder if Matt has succeeded in cutting her off from them.
  8. Lol when Cate said, “I just want a connection,” with regard to buying a horse, and the camera cut straight to poor little Nova. Does anyone else thinks the reason Matt is upset about negative public coverage is because it makes it harder for him to find another woman to con?
  9. Any elementary school teachers? How would you guys handle a kid like Sophia who is clearly being modeled bad behavior at home? How would you convince them to behave in class, teach fellow students with respect without, I guess, criticizing their home life?
  10. I know I'm being an ass but can someone tell me what Farrah described? I was working late today and haven't watched the episode and may not have time to this week.
  11. I can't bear it. I almost want to quit watching this show because I feel like I'm complicit in every terrible decision that these people make towards other living things.
  12. No more living things for them though. Can we just buy them automated stuffed animals?
  13. She looks a bit like Dolly Parton in that photo though Dolly Parton actually looks good for her age lol.
  14. Not sure how old Kail is but I am at LEAST 5 years older than her and I look much younger.
  15. There many helpless neglected living things on this show
  16. I would take a really nice honeymoon or a vacation anytime. Experiences over material goods anytime. Unless I can buy a nice city apartment. THAT I will sacrifice travel for :).
  17. Did you see the bit about Cate wanting to buy a horse? I honestly think that can be a legitimate purchase but with the pig and Tyler's strained patience, I think Cate may be a shopping addict or something like that.
  18. If they're trying to come to the USA. Universities in other countries don't necessarily use the SAT/ ACTs. Some do but not all.
  19. Not that I think this is the case for Leah, but people can and do improve as students. I had a friend who barely graduated high school, went to community college, transferred to a public university, and not only is she in med school now, she is at one of the more prestigious medical schools in the country. She underperformed in school for whatever reason but we always knew she was smart.
  20. Not to excuse this but I think Gary was trying to find power where he could, so he used snark because he couldn't physically fight her. I think it's a common DV dynamic, I've seen it with both my clients, and family members who have been in physically abusive relationships.
  21. I don't get why he doesn't just ignore or block those people. Engaging makes it worse.
  22. I remember, at the time, Amber had many defenders because Gary made passive aggressive comments/ threats(TwoP days?). But I don't really see how Gary being a smart-ass had anything to do with Amber repeatedly shoving his head against a wall. And, honestly, at the time, I couldn't look at those scenes, I never realized how actually bad they were. I know that the MTV crew isn't supposed to interfere but I am not sure I could witness something like that between people I know and not intervene.
  23. I watched a couple of episodes from the earlier seasons and Amber was so vile to Gary. I know she was struggling with addiction, but those DV scenes are hard to watch. Poor Gary was in tears for so many episodes. It was interesting to see that he was Leah's primary care taker from the very beginning. He'd come home and fetch her from the crib, change her diapers, play with her, etc. It explains why Leah never really seems to expect much from Amber. Gary was her primary parent since infancy, Amber was someone who occasionally pick her up from the crib to dress her in princess outfits. Amber's idea of parenting was and continues to be so shallow. She literally thinks buying Leah candy and a party dress is meeting her needs. Even Amber's brother, for the most part, seems to mostly be on Gary's side throughout those early seasons. It's also interesting to see Gary's friends letting him know how abusive Amber is, it's an interesting contrast to Cate's story where her family consistently implies she needs to cling to Tyler because she can't expect better in the future.
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