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Everything posted by evilmindatwork

  1. Is that Gary's mom during the vow renewal ceremony? It looks like she's lost a ton of weight.
  2. Yeah, I am really jealous of her. My dream in life has always been to broadcast every intimate minute of my life on national television. Along with that, I want one of the defining moments of my life to be fabricating a domestic violence accusation against the father of one of my kids because he found a new girlfriend. I honestly have no problems with her photoshoot though I, personally, think it's a bit silly, but I wouldn't trade any of Kail's money for her life. Quite frankly, despite her efforts to present an instagram curated lifestyle, I think her personal life seems exhausting and emotionally draining.
  3. If she lived closer to Leah, Gary and Kristina may actually expect her to show up for visitation. Or, on occasion, drop off/pick up Leah from school.
  4. I wonder if she's the same with her daughter or if her protectiveness only involves Tyler. IF the latter, it would explain Tyler's ego and entitlement. But, this is an honest question, is it fair to expect her to side with someone other than Tyler? He's her kid, when he speaks to her it's his side of the story, is it fair to expect her to clearly see Catelyn's issues? Sadder to me is not that Tyler's mom supports Tyler, but that Catelyn doesn't have a similar fiercely protective parental figure.
  5. Kristina is cute. Amber, despite her heinous personality, has a very pretty face. Gary definitely seems to punch above his weight class (heh) with his girlfriends.
  6. What I've learned from watching Teen Mom is that a lot of behaviors that I thought were innate/ inherent common sense are things my parents taught me. So many parallels between Debra and Farrah, and Farrah and Sophia. Basically so many examples of cyclical dysfunction. It doesn't really have to STAY this way, does it?
  7. From what I can see, I think Sophia must be very socially awkward. Lots of kids are, but her combination of awkwardness, entitlement, and feral behavior, probably makes its difficult for her to make friends. Honestly, those are all behaviors you can be trained out of, but nobody even bothers to correct or teach her anything. I feel really bad for that kid.
  8. I really just need to know for certain how much they're making and how they're doing it. Can Kail be pulling off a substantial profit from her non- Teen Mom enterprises?
  9. The thing is, given his connections, family, and USC network, Rob would have been able to leverage whatever entry level job he had to a higher paying one, which would have been comparable, if not equivalent, to the sisters. He didn't have the patience to prove his credentials or do any initial bitch work. At this point, I am guessing his behavior alone has closed many doors for him. I understand where he's coming from because I come from a family of extreme overachievers (ivy league schools, careers at multinational corporations), and work in public interest law. Despite being a lawyer, I am the family "slacker" (not really, I just mostly have different priorities) and they look somewhat askance at my choices. But I love my job, and a different pathway wouldn't have worked for me. Rob doesn't seem to have passion, and only seems to be motivated by $$$$, bling, and partying-- I don't necessarily think that's entirely his fault because he wasn't raised to value anything else. I think it's really hard to find your way in the world when you both: 1) know you'll never be on the street; and 2) don't have a passion for something which makes you money, as opposed to only the RESULTS of having money. He wanted all the trappings/the appearance of wealth and fame without busting his butt to make the money.
  10. Last season her brother sat her down and tried to talk her out of her engagement. He also expressed some concerns during the reunion show. I think he avoided being too vehement because he was afraid of Amber's reactions. Either he's choosing to quietly wait this out so that Matt doesn't keep Amber from him or he's already been cut out off Amber's life. I think her brother is married with kids and lives out of state, I am not sure that he has the time or means to be overly involved in Amber's life. It's sad, her brother seems to be the only positive influence in her life. Gary seemed to be trying, at least for Leah 's sake, but Amber doesn't take him seriously at all. Matt is sketchy and scary, I feel quite scared for Amber.
  11. I think he maybe saw entry level salaries and compared it to what his sisters were earning and felt entitled to the latter. He didn't want to put in grunt work for pennies (at least compared to the lifestyle he was accustomed to).
  12. Yeah, Rob was a good looking kid before the weight gain. Even now, if he dressed better he'd probably not be ugly if nothing else.
  13. Maybe they're targeting social peers instead of followers? I'm a little bit confused by it too.
  14. Yeah, this is what I find so confusing. Scott clearly earns less than Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe but he still finds a way to do appearances and shill products. I guess Scott benefits by having an entertaining personality but why couldn't Rob do the sorts of things Scott does? Club appearances, product licensing, instagram advertising? Did he choose not to or was he just not given similar deals/ opportunities? I mean, he couldn't do sexy bikini like Kylie, but Rob is similarly insipid and dumb, and still could have found a way to market his milquetoast personality by appearing on Bachelor type shows. I am just confused as to which came first, did Kris completely neglect in favor of the girls or was his depression so crippling that he could do nothing?
  15. At least with Michael and Debra she gets free baby-sitting. I mean, there's some twisted love for Farrah there despite the creepy dysfunctionality. There's nothing in it for Farrah with Simon besides a TV boyfriend which, I guess, could mean everything to her.
  16. I would love to see a producer actually tell Amber, "Girl, he's not good for you and will probably kill you for your money once you're married." Matt is the type of guy to take out an insurance policy on Amber and then poison her for years.
  17. Is Farrah's delusion so strong that she can't see that he's using her for paid vacations and that she's essentially his sugar mama? Or do they have some kind of deal where she pays him to pretend to be her boyfriend on TVbecause 'only ugly girls are single'? If the second is true she should find a more professional employee because I'm sure a different actor would actually pretend to be into her for the right benefits.
  18. It is creepy, it's like a weird Munchausen type thing, it's absolutely not in the best interest of MTV & its producers for these girls to grow in healthy ways and get their life on healthy and happy track.
  19. Wow. Farrah totally bulldozes through every single question asked in that Doctors episodes. I so ENVY her lack of self-awareness.
  20. I will never understand the name Maverick.
  21. But why now? She was pregnant without the benefit of a ring twice before- why demand one the third time? It's bizarre to me.
  22. Hashtags are basically a filing system. So, if you click on a trending hashtag, for example a popular today was #HillaryHealth, it should lead you to other tweets about the same topic. ETA: sorry if I read you wrong and wrote a condescending explanation and you actually meant why the GIRLS use all sorts of weird hashtags and not what they're actually meant for.
  23. I don't really think Jenelle and Kail are comparable at all. Kail is, in her own way, a spiteful and mean witch, but she clearly loves her boys and attempts to care for them. Kail leaves her kids with family who are capable, willing, and feel joy in caring for them. They have not been physically or emotionally left to fend for themselves. Finally, when she's home with them she's a caring and loving mother. She interacts in them ways that are meaningful and nurturing. She doesn't feed them and then lock them up in a dark like we've seen Jenelle do to Kaiser. I think she's a flawed parent but everyone is. Her relationships with their fathers leave a lot to be desired but she's improved with Jo over the years. I don't think Kail, while imperfect, and in many ways a heinous person, is in anyway comparable to Jenelle as a mother.
  24. Agreed. I was in a 10 year relationship from 17-27, it ended with a deeply broken heart but no kids. I wouldn't trade the relative freedom to explore careers, going to graduate school, going to concerts, traveling, making friends, moving to new places, and just being silly for any of their lives despite the money. I grew so much in my mid to late twenties and I think it only happened because I was privileged enough to fail safely-- I wasn't really looking after anybody but myself, so making relatively little money wasn't a worry as long as I could pay bills. At 28, I'm more worried about having a family and finding a partner, but it'll happen when it happens-- if it doesn't, I can't say I don't have a satisfying life. I feel sad for Leah that her mistakes were deeply harmful not only to herself but her children. I don't know if she would have had insight or fortitude to learn from her mistakes though.
  25. Right, that's what I don't understand! There are so many divorces so it's not like they assume their marriages will be lifelong. Why is it considered to be such a necessary step?
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