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Everything posted by evilmindatwork

  1. Ahh. I guess I rarely pay complete attention. Thanks @CofCinci. I think I still interpret that scene as she started crying but they still weren't sympathetic, and the "tried" part was a figure of speech. But, I know I tend to be overly sympathetic to her.
  2. Did Cate actually say she fake cried though? I thought her exact wording was that she had a meltdown? I think her distress at missing the appointment was genuine, she knew she fucked up based on her reactions in the episode. I don't doubt that Cate tries to manipulate situations to her advantage but i don't think she consciously does so.
  3. Yeah, if it's only over the license that's ridiculously harsh.
  4. I agree @SPLAIN but I think the narrative for Tyler after 16&P and during Teen Mom has been more heroic than Cate's. Tyler's story is the one of the heroic guy who stood by his woman during a pregnancy, an adoption, and HE'S JUST SO HOT AND SO AMAZING. Cate is just the girl who gave up her baby and should thank her lucky stars that a sensitive hot dude like Tyler stood by her. That also seems to be the story that their families and their community push on them. That's not the narrative WE, on the boards, see, but I don't think they read the boards. They read the mtv comments, their instagram, their twitter feeds-- the teenagers who reach out to them see their story a lot differently than we do.
  5. Lol. The first girl said she wanted to work part time, which is not a sign of incompetence by any means. The second essentially told her basics about how the shop needed to be run. Farrah is not competent, or someone who likes to learn new things, and would be essentially working the same service jobs as these girls if she hadn't lucked into 16 & P, so I don't know why she's so full of herself. ETA: Boba balls are delicious both in tea smoothies and frozen yogurt. BUT Coba the boba looks terrifying. That girl knows nothing about either writing or marketing.
  6. But then she'd have to admit that she's not the best, most top quality writer, with the most diversity of experience in typewriting million dollar words.
  7. I have depression too @leighroda, and I have similar motivation issues. I'm usually fine at work and school, but have real trouble keeping my apartment clean and making myself do things. My current battle is making myself go to the gym to finally lose the weight I gained over 3 years of law school. I have time to do it, but sometimes driving to the gym, and finding parking is a chore, and I just don't want to (or, to be more precise, I want to but it's work to make myself do it). I am rarely bored though because I am fine hanging around my apartment, in fact I love it. I think they're using the word bored in a different context than we are though? Like I am rarely bored but I also am fine, not unhappy, with hanging around the house and doing the stuff I want to do which is sometimes watching bad television. By bored, maybe they mean they don't have the motivation to leave or do an actual activity... I mean, I guess I watch Teen Mom out of boredom and post on this board because of boredom, but it's not an activity I am really all that reluctant to do. Maybe she means she's fine but bored because she doesn't want to do a Tyler approved activity.
  8. I'm not sure that I've ever seen poor little Nova smile or giggle. She just waddles around with a blank look on her face and beds down with the dogs. It's really sad.
  9. Maybe she doesn't like white? I never wear white either. Most of my married friends lived with their now husbands before marriage and wore white at their weddings. I think they liked the idea of the traditional white dress, I doubt they were trying to signal that they were virginal. Also, regarding the tattoos, I personally don't care for Maci's tattoos, but she obviously likes them or she wouldn't have them. I don't really think there's a need for her to cover them up if she likes the way they look on her.
  10. Exactly this. I wish I could like it a million times.
  11. Tyler's face is so puffy. He looks so bad, I don't understand where he gets off criticizing Cate's eating habits.
  12. I think besides the breast lift, the surgery is to remove past lose skin from her weight loss? I remember Amber lost a lot of weight in a short period of time in an early season of Teen Mom, so the surgery could be more for that than any actual losing of weight.
  13. @Katt, that's totally great that you have the determination and will to do that. I am single but if my husband was constantly eating junk food around me, I think that I'd probably give in and do the same. If Tyler loved Cate and genuinely wanted to succeed, he'd at least join her, while at home, for a few weeks so she can get started with a solid foundation. And, as you noted, your husband doesn't bitch at you about things he himself is doing.
  14. Pretty sure Larry is his bio dad. I think Ryan was a teenage oops.
  15. Wow. Wow. Wow. Usually the producers delight in stirring up some shit but you can tell that the Australian producer genuinely likes Larry and Jen's relationship and feels really bad. She's not even trying to needle but actually attempting to calm the tension.
  16. There was no happiness in C & T's scenes. Tyler was put out about having to plan something for Cate, she was completely indifferent to everything whether it was Nova Lox or the horses, and neither of them cared even a tiny bit about each other. There was no happiness in those scenes. It kind of reminds me of the last 4 months of my marriage, except we actually still had some level of affection and enjoyed our conversations, despite how awful things were between us as a couple. T & C will never pull the plug though. Neither of them have hobbies or interests that would keep them busy through the awful first six months of a separation.
  17. I wonder if Cate makes less money than the rest of the moms because MTV considers her a package deal with Tyler.
  18. They don't have any legal rights to Carly. Their visitation is dependent on the kindness and goodwill of Brandon and Theresa.
  19. Cate should have made sure she never appears again on MTV. She's the star of the story, she gets to pick. This woman hates this girl whose suffering she and her son are actively profiting from. I couldn't believe the look of glee in her eyes and the mugging to the cameras when she figured out she was hitting a sore spot.
  20. Debra is probably not as educated as she claims to be.
  21. I think Cate should do whatever she needs to do to feel better but I'd hate for her to internalize the idea that she deserves to be treated badly because she's fat. I know she's already internalized it but her self worth shouldn't come from being thin or hot.
  22. I don't think this is a scam because Kim probably wants to return to Paris one day and wouldn't want to be on the outs with the authorities there. I feel bad for her. No one deserves what allegedly happened to her. She was probably afraid they'd kill her, rape her, or mutilate her. It's not like this was in anyway a predictable situation. Yes, she can probably better weather the financial fall out from this better than the rest of us, but she's still a human being who was afraid for her life and safety in that moment. She deserves empathy, no more and no less. Also, who knows how many times she's tried to call Kanye's phone before she found his assistant? I know that when something bad happens to me, I call my parents, and they don't always answer because they have a life and jobs. They probably have a plan in place for emergency situations for how the other person can be reached during performances and interviews. He probably cancelled the show because 1) he wanted to stay on the phone with Kim; 2) he needed to sort out a plan of action; 3) he was too upset to continue to perform after getting that news. All of those are valid human reactions to an emergency.
  23. I don't know anything about her and haven't really seen her host anything. Never really stick around to watch the after shows so can't comment on her intelligence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. All I know is that she's conventionally pretty in a way that Kail definitely isn't. MTV probably looks for savvy, emotionally intelligent producers, just look at Heather and the girl that produces Catelynn, they know how to push everyone's buttons-- for hosts they just want a pretty face.
  24. I don't think Kail is ugly either but she's not TV pretty. Most of the MTV hosts, especially the women, are model pretty. Kail is attractive enough for real life but women aspiring to be in front of the camera, in a professional capacity, are expected to be gorgeous. I think that Nessa girl who hosts the after shows is dating an NFL athlete. Idk about you, but I don't think Tom Brady is calling Kail anytime soon.
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