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Everything posted by evilmindatwork

  1. Haha. Not every single day though you're pretty busy everyday. We have 4 major events basically and the parties are usually on the weekends, but you consistently have friends and family wandering in and out of your house. It's a very social time for families and friends. In the US though, in my experience, most of these weddings are condensed into one long weekend, especially with people who have family in different states. It's still busy, social, fun, and eventful but not as elaborate or long as it would be in the "home country."
  2. It's Chelsea, she's not the most academic person in the world. I don't think she thinks deeply about the nuances of words she's using in her writing.
  3. I hope so too. Amber, as is, is not a fit custodial parent. However, if Gary manages to truly piss her off, I can see her waging hell to get Leah for the sake of revenge. To minimize complication, I hope Gary is documenting every damn thing. I believe Amber, unlike Jennelle, truly loves Leah, but it's a primal, instinctive, animal love. I don't think Amber, despite loving her daughter, knows how to take care of herself much less a child.
  4. This is somewhat off topic, but I honestly wonder if this show will ever end. It's been going on 7-8 years now? At this point, these girls may have made enough to never work again. I know that I'd be pretty comfortable if I'd been making upwards of a 150k for 7 years. Maybe not enough to never work again but definitely enough to feel safe and confident about my ability to withstand some financial blowback.
  5. Yeah, I don't understand the confusion. One really good thing about Maci is that she's maintained her relationship with Ryan's parents and lets Bentley spend a lot of time with them. Bentley is never going to have questions or resentment about Maci keeping him from Ryan. He'll know exactly what happened, and why, because he has unfettered contact with both sides of his family. Personally, I didn't have kids with my ex, and while I don't keep in touch with him, I still talk to his parents every couple of months. They've known me since I was a ditzy 17 year old, and have a sort of parental pride in me, and we all love each other as individuals. It happens, you don't just stop loving someone just because the initial tie you had to them dissolves.
  6. Agreed GreatKazu. If I get married again, I'd probably elope, I am an introvert, and don't want the stress of planning such a large event. But my first wedding was 3 days long with different events ( again, not that unusual in my culture)-- I did it to make my parents happy. In the subcontinent our wedding events are spread out over 2 weeks. So, yeah, Chelsea and Kail don't bother me. Kail bothers me because me she's a rude-ass social climber, who couldn't even pretend to like the women she asked to be her bridesmaids and hear out their concerns.
  7. I come from a culture where weddings are a big deal (South Asian), so I don't really think it's awful for her to have two events. I, personally, hate being the center of attention so I'd cut my wedding ceremonies down to minimal fuss but love attending other people's weddings. If she's not going broke for it, who cares? I think I felt annoyed by Kail's wedding because it was super dramatic and she was rude as hell to people who were trying to help her, I think, if MTV airs Chelsea's second ceremony/party/whatever she'll be pleasant and her drama will be minimal so I'll happily watch.
  8. Seriously, pay your back child support before getting new boobs. Maybe pony up to send Leah to a really nice summer camp/ immersive program.
  9. What does this mean? Also, wasn't Amber fat before she had Leah? No hate, I am currently plus sized and am the largest I've ever been. So, technically, hasn't her body been better SINCE she had Leah and lost weight etc?
  10. So, Gary and Kristina were talking about upcoming changes with Leah going to Amber's every other week but then Gary said he didn't want her at Amber's during the school week. Were they talking about Leah going every other weekend then? Isn't that the current visitation schedule? I was confused any that conversation.
  11. Guys, I am terrified that something terrible will happen to Gary and Leah will have to go live with Amber and Matt. I really don't want that adorable little girl to be stuck with those two slouches.
  12. Heck. I am single, no kids, live in a one bedroom with my dog, and make less than half Kail's salary, but a cleaning service is definitely a luxury I budget for. I hate, hate, hate cleaning and it totally saves me from a foul mood over the weekend. That being said, my only other big expense is travel so it's not like I spend a ton of money otherwise... Some people just hate cleaning and it's worth getting a service to delegate something that makes you unhappy.
  13. Hah, I think you mean Cate probably wouldn't hike again, but isn't Michigan known for being woodsy and beautiful? I am from the SF Bay and live in Chicago for now, but most people I know from Michigan are fairly outdoorsy hiking/hunting/kayaking types.
  14. I think this was true in the past but not anymore. Gary is a lot more settled after the birth of his new daughter. I think it took him a while to kick Amber because she was his first love, but he seems to realize how toxic that relationship was, and how lucky he is to be in a stable one now. He doesn't even try to needle Amber anymore but communicates essential things in a straightforward way, "please make sure Leah brushes her teeth." That's the most basic thing you can ask of a parent.
  15. That's the saddest thing about Cate's story. Every person on her part of the story hit the jackpot on her personal tragedy but spends the majority of their screen time shitting on her looks, her illness, and glorifies Tyler who contributes to her sadness.
  16. Maybe she's promoting the swimsuit or the travel company? In that case, the swimwear company or someone else paid for the shoot. Who knows? It would be weird to just randomly pay for the photoshoot herself (unless, as pointed out above, there's a major mile stone like a marriage/ anniversary etc).
  17. @Brooklynista, he's writing 3 books right now ok? :)
  18. Hahaha. Life! My parents actually liked him and still do. They didn't think I was emotionally ready to be in an intensely committed relationship. Looking back, I wasn't; and looking at C & T, I'm really glad we broke up when we did.
  19. Honestly, I am not a parent but I was in a relationship in high school that my parents gently encouraged me to pull away from-- from that perspective I get Kim. I see what all of you see in that she criticizes all of Cate's faults and none of Tyler's, but Tyler is her kid. My high school boyfriend was a really great guy but he wasn't going in the same direction as me. I considered going to a different college to be closer to him, and my parents just weren't into their 16 year old daughter making major life decisions based on a teen relationship. I don't think it's bad for Kim to want to Tyler to have some breathing room from a relationship that became too serious, too young, and lead to some heavy consequences for both these young people. From the parenting perspective I get Kim. I don't understand her malice towards Cate though, Cate has been nothing but sweet to her for years--I am a little surprised she doesn't seem more attached to this girl she's watched grow up.
  20. I am only 4-5 years older than her and neither have I.
  21. Matt, unlike the dogs, deserves to live out his days in that manner. I am only half kidding. I don't even think Amber wants Leah to be hanging out in the living room with her. Did you guys catch that Leah has a TV in her bedroom? They want that lively little girl to be as sedated as possible during her visits. If it were socially acceptable, Leah would be in the basement with the dogs.
  22. She had all the dogs locked in the basement when Leah came in. I suspect that's how they're going to live out their days in that house.
  23. I can believe Amber is this dumb but I am still horrified by it.
  24. How dare he say that he earned it? Did he pay anything towards the down payment? Is his name on the deed?
  25. I don't know about Morocco but not all countries with a Muslim majority require people to follow religious dress codes. I suspect most Moroccans, citizens of a country which attracts a large pool of foreign tourists, are used to western women walking around wearing whatever even if the expectation is for native women to wear more conservative. Again, I'm not sure what the laws are in Morocco but I've personally lived and traveled in Bangladesh (where my parents are from), Malaysia, and Indonesia, all Muslim majority countries-- people traditionally dress more conservatively but there isn't a legislated and enforced dress code where women can legally be punished for not wearing sleeves or covering their hair or whatever. Though, I agree, that Nicole should be more respectful of the culture of a country in which she's a visitor.
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