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Everything posted by evilmindatwork

  1. I just found this show and forum and I'm jumping into this very late but couldn't resist. Apologies. I know a lot of foreign educated doctors so wanted to contribute my knowledge of the process (first gen from an immigrant family so it comes with the territory). The people I know, unlike refugees, planned their immigration tend to be have some degree of economic privilege. Usually foreign educated take a series of licensing exams (most the same as American educated doctors) and then apply for residency. I know one person who had to apply for multiple residency rounds over 3 years but she ultimately did get one in a rural area (anecdotally speaking most people I know got a residency within the first application round). Two friends from high school-- who were born and raised in the US-- deliberately went to a medical school in their parent's native country. They came back every summer to do preceptorships and, I believe, take exams. They made this choice because they knew they wanted to be doctors and didn't want to spend 4 years studying for an unrelated degree and wanted to go to medical school right away. Completely agree that my experience is more anecdotal though and that your study is likely more representative of the average person's expereince. The fact that doctors like this exist and are very common is a very good reason for it show up in a medical show. It is a very common experience for women who have diseases particular to the female anatomy. I've expereinced doctors like this as well as friends and family-- people tend to treat doctors as gods who can do no wrong especially when it comes to their work, I think it's important for them to be shown as flawed and sometimes bad at their jobs.
  2. why would he train for a career at this point though? he has a career-- it's mtv. he's making far more doing a reality show than he would at a normal job. i think we all need to stop expecting this show to be canceled, it's gone on for 10 years now. even if the show gets canceled, they'll shill stuff for insta-- they all have dedicated fans who'll buy those products. sadly (i'm an old so i think it's ridiculous) that is a lucrative career path these days
  3. I love them, I do. But I was hoping Michael and Ash would be one of the OTPs because Shazad Latif is gorgeous and I just want to see his face.
  4. The Souls of Black Folk was published in 1903. I'm not black but I am an ethnic minority and my experience is that we code-switch: the way people talk about their group to outsiders isn't always the way they refer to themselves with insiders.
  5. I'm honestly so mad about this and it's interesting that it's obvious that the cast didn't seem to have much solidarity for her.
  6. Yeah, I don't think this episode has really aged well. Getting him deported. He sucks because he was stalking the owner's daughter and taking peeping tom pictures but getting him deported for being essentially anti-war is not something I can really be gleeful about.
  7. No, I'm talking about s3 episode 5 "President Evil." I don't really have a problem with Veronica accusing Weevil or Logan, for that matter, but how that suspicion is never dealt with or addressed. With Logan-- it happens a lot less after the middle of season 2-- and she's his significant other so we see the reasons why he would be forgiving of that trait. With Weevil it's a very unequal relationship where she's usually on top and I don't know why Weevil would put up with that treatment.
  8. I also think there's just a lot of weird racial and economic aspects of the show that show alludes to but doesn't explore. Like the ways in which Veronica will instantly and openly jump to conclusions about Weevil (like with the casino mugging) that she won't about Logan or even Dick. And even though Weevil sometimes does call her out on it, he will also help her or forgive her without any discussion of herr previous offenses. Also while Veronica considers herself an outsider to the 1% in Neptune the show never really explores why she has a marked preference for socializing and dating within that class. While they're willing to show the excesses of rich Neptuners, the more middle or lower class inhabitants of Neptune are definitely thought of as not good enough for Veronica which is a bit of a contradiction to the message of the show or even Veronica's self-professed ethos I thought. The message of the show is very anti-rape/ misogyny and the unfairness of the class privileges but I think the story-telling often contradicts what the message is supposed to be? Are we just supposed to forget that Dick was planning to date-rape Madison with the GHB? Veronica is much angrier at Madison than she is at Dick and while Madison is a terrible person, she didn't purposefully drug Veronica while Dick/Logan were the ones who procured the drugs. I think Rob Thomas does better with minority characters in iZombie but I also wish he'd explore Wallace in a way that didn't always make him a less intelligent extension of Veronica. Veronica is like the star investigator of the university and a straight A student but Wallace is stuck struggling to balance a class with basketball? It's just weird. I do really love this show a lot but maybe I'm more sensitive to these messages because I'm watching it for the first time as an adult.
  9. Yeah, I came to the show recently and maybe it's becasue I'm not the target audience but I don't like his acting or Logan's character at all. I was really surprised because I remember friends in college who watched the show live would rave about him. But I find him unattractive physically and his character is emotionally abusive and sometimes physically too(though obviously some of it is learned behavior from his childhood). The other thing really unsettled me is how willing people are to dig deep into and redeem wealthy white male characters in a way that they don't do for a character like Weevil. Someone like Logan can learn and grow because he's perceived to be intelligent (and is given many chances) but Weevil who probably had to support himself from a very young age is just pitiable.
  10. I have PCOS and I really don't think Maci does. I think it's a condition she lightly googled when she needed to lie about her pregnancy and now she has to stick with the storyline because it's out there in the world.
  11. I use SoCal, Nor Cal also. I don’t know Cali just sounds cutesy to me, maybe? I’ve personally never heard it used by locals @Mkay isn’t LL Cool J from NYC? It’s fine in music, I guess. Language is relaxed in music for the sake of rhythm etc. Anyway I’m not really a hugely nit picky person, and honestly didn’t really mean to attack anyone with the post. I was just talking about my personal preferences and what I’ve observed.
  12. Does anyone actually from California use Cali? It drives me nuts when my non-Californian friends use it and I usually gently tell them not to. I don’t think it’s shame to use SoCal @GreatKazu? I think it’s lingo that we locals use? When I’m too lazy to type out California, I just write Ca, I don’t know Cali just never sounds right. Haha. Yes! I’ve been dating or thinking about dating after a divorce and for the most part, I opt out of the market.
  13. Javi is a band-wagon jumper! I’m a lifelong Bay Area resident and I’ve always supported the Warriors, even through the hopeless years. What is he jumping on our fandom for? Where even is he from? Somewhere in Pennsylvania? Just because he has mtv connects and reality show fast money he can get good seats at games and he thinks he’s all that. Eta: I wouldn’t care normally but Javi annoys me so I’ll take anything I can to roll my eyes at him.
  14. And, Javi has a child and has been through a divorce. You'd think he was over that phase of his life and would have developed better habits about keeping his private life private. .
  15. Lol. She’s about 4 years YOUNGER than me and I look like a teenager compared to her. She’s had kids and I haven’t though, so maybe I should give her some leeway.
  16. It makes sense because the twenty somethings depend on the show for their livelihood. Randy dgaf because he’s fine with or without Teen Mom, he probably enjoys the notoriety and the extra $s but he doesn’t need the show.
  17. @GreatKazu thanks so much! I so appreciate how supportive you've been of me through this time. It seems like a small thing but it helped so much.
  18. You guys! I finally found a gig!! I'll be a contractor but it's better paid than most attorney jobs I've had and, while full time, has good enough hours for me to study for the Bar while working. It's also the sort of company that, in the long term, will look good on my resume and will be beneficial to have connections in. It's such a relief, I'll be able to squirrel enough away to be moved out of folk's house when I need to. This has been such an emotionally and physically exhausting year for me but maybe, hopefully, will have a good end. Anyway, hope I am not tempting fate by posting this here but wanted to celebrate with y'all since I've posted so much sad stuff here recently.
  19. People tend to have different tolerance levels for what they view as 'clean' though. Clean is differrnt from neat or organized. To me, clean means having non sticky counters and floors, basically clean to me means hygienic. I don't think of mess as dirty nor do I mind things that I use regularly being scattered on a counter. Right now I have makeup scattered all over my bathroom sink but I don't really think of that as dirty just messy. You can be clean without having everything perfectly stored away in a designated spot, just my opinion. I have ADHD and my brain has never been one that understands organization, I've stopped giving myself grief about that and just focus on living as minimally as I can and cut myself a break as long as washing is done. If my house isn't smelly or sticky or gross, I think I've done my job. Her house maybe perfectly hygienic, just messy. Honestly, I don't really think I've ever noticed that Chelsea's house is dirty or messy... I just think it's fine for everyone to have different tolerance levels for what they can bear in their own home. Honestly, I think my clutter makes my home look lived in.
  20. I think part of the issue is that while Gracie is neglected, they also force Ali into some of the more physical activities that probably Gracie excels at but Ali struggles with. So then, they fuss over Ali and poor Gracie is like 'what the hell? I ran a home run/ caught a fish, and am getting no praise.' Both girls should be in activities they excel at and enjoy. They don't have to do everything together and would probably get along better if they understood that Ali has some issues so she just has different strengths than Gracie-- then Gracie wouldn't have to feel guilt about the situation, and Ali wouldn't have to feel inferior either. ETA: i don't understand why they don't put Ali into chess or the school spelling bee. That way she can be challenged and feel a sense of accomplishment without being physically drained.
  21. Watching them a pose and preen for their pictures while Jace and Kaiser ran around sunburned and hungry was absolutely disgusting. I don't agree however that Jenelle is remotely comparable to the other girls. Her level of delusion and vanity is pathological and absolutely sinister. Jenelle is going to be taking a selfie while David drops one of those kids out of a window, it's seriously terrifying to think about how detached she is from her children and her environment. Kail, Leah, Chelsea, and Briana are also very flawed but, for the most part, they are loving mothers. Their level of self obsession isn't comparable to Jenelle's. I've worked in child protection court (Illinois) and I feel like what we are seeing play out with Kaiser & Ensley is not so much an 'American' society thing but a cycle of abuse that recurs over multiple generations in families. I feel like David was probably raised similarly. I'm not sure about Barbara, who seems to be attentive and competent, but she's talked about how Jenelle's dad was abusive so there were probably similar things happening with at least one parent when Jenelle was a baby/ toddler. It's really sad to see those kids so neglected. My brother has a 3 month old and we are all picking that baby up and talking to him and carrying him around and cuddling him. he's never in a room by himself or lying alone in a cot. It's baffling to me to see how nobody interacts with Kaiser and Ensley.
  22. If this is about a paternity test, good for him. I don't have children but no brother of mine is going to bond with a baby until he makes sure that he's actually the dad (exceptions are for marriage and very well established relationships). I do wonder why they didn't get one sooner unless Karl was stalling. If my brother's occasional hook up buddy became pregnant, under Karl like circumstances, on top of being MARRIED to some other dude, I'd also advise him to establish paternity as soon as humanly possible. But also, none of my brothers even at ages to 16-25 would have been banging a married/ separated woman with kids at all.
  23. Wow, those poor kids. I thought twins were deliberately placed into separate classrooms when they start school? That's what happened to my ex and his twin when they started kindergarten. My cousin also wanted his twin boys to be placed in the same class and the school said no. They were public school systems in different states (also, many years apart lol) so I always thought that was standard policy across all education systems.
  24. When I was in my late teens/ early twenties I probably had fun casual chats with the few parents in my classes but I certainly wasn't hanging around their houses or hanging with their kids. I went to class, work, the library, the beach, parties, and concerts/ plays. I don't really think I'd have been open to dating a parent just because I don't think someone with parental responsibilities would have fit into my lifestyle. Also, my friends and I would have given severe side eye to absentee dads trying to live it up. Don't understand how and where Karl finds all these hanger ons. Even now, at 30, most of parent friends barely have time to go on a walk with me, I DO visit them in their homes but it's certainly never a prolonged party. Their lifestyles are so weird to me.
  25. The logistics of Kail's future attorney bills and proceedings are blowing my mind. Every time she has to adjust custody with regard to those three kids are going to be 3 separate court/ mediation proceedings. Possibly in front of different judges? I can't even imagine the legal fees she's going to rack over the next 20 years.
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