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Everything posted by configdotsys

  1. Bennett and Amelia (I believe they knew each other more than they let on) were able to parlay their acting, quirkiness and desire to be on TV into a cult following as if it was some miracle that these two peas in a pod just happened to be at the same audition for this show. It reeked of a set up from the jump, to me. That said, I did like them in the beginning but their act got tiring to watch pretty quickly. Their quirky personalities-- played up heavily for the cameras-- seemed to be a matched set, but Amelia's quirky contained a serious side, which is proven by her graduating from med school. Bennett did not appear to have a serious side at all. I could not picture him having the discipline to make it through med school. That itself shows that at least some of Amelia's silliness was manufactured to take advantage of being on television. I'm sure Amelia is still quirky in her own way, but she has a profession now that requires a lot of her time. The stint on the show is over and it's time to grow up. If she is coming home after a long day to a pigsty, and a miserable, unmotivated, and most importantly to me, unwashed spouse, I could see that being a huge problem. Maybe she had enough. Bennett's "cuteness" will get him a lot of sympathy but to me he is another one of those types that are adorable to everyone that does not have to live with him.
  2. I don't see it as a matter of being blind. We all view life through a different lens and our views are skewed by what we see and to an extent, our life experiences and tolerance levels. None is any more valid than another. For me, from day one he wasn't interested in her and showed that to her in numerous ways. And she did become unhinged because she wanted it to work. She wanted him to be something that he isn't. Accepting the fact that they were not a match did not seem to be an option for her. Like you said, they want different things so of course there is always turmoil. I cannot understand how anyone can live on the edge of a meltdown 24/7/365 because they refuse to accept that they're just not a match for one another.
  3. Desperation. She won't say anything to him because she wants a warm body next to her. She's like an obedient little child that will do anything not to piss off their parent. I find it beyond nauseating. I can't feel bad for her. From day one she has put up with so much shit from him and then decided to have a kid with him. As Judge Judy says-- paraphrased-- "If you want to hitch your wagon to that and live in misery, go right ahead. But to bring a kid into that?" People on shows like this have options. She's not suffering in some silent misery like a person dependent on their abusive spouse for everything but isn't on television so getting help/out has many barriers. If she approached the show's producers and asked for help with counseling or whatever, she could get it. I'm sure her family has seen the program and knows what she has been through with him. What do they think of all this? Why hasn't Jepthe been cancelled by the family for treating her like shit? It's like saying, "You know, it really hurts when I hit my thumb with this hammer, so let me just do that repeatedly." If her family saw her doing that, they'd grab her hand or intervene in some huge way to impress upon her that this is not a good thing to do. She's lazy. She has a man. Getting a new one will take time, effort, and possibly lots of tries before the right one comes along. With a kid in the picture, she will have to deal with Jepthe forever, and having a small child makes developing and having a relationship with someone new a bit difficult. She's not up to any challenges. She went on a show to find a spouse so someone else even did the legwork there.
  4. To me, Shawniece has shown from day one that she's a doormat. Jepthe does his thing, whether it's cheating on her, treating her poorly, being a lazy bum, and she takes it all because she wants to have a man and will give him anything he wants. It's a great deal for him.
  5. There comes a point when you become an ass. Shawniece reached that point with me during their season with all she put up with from him and it only got worse later. He has never been into her. And she knows that. I have no tolerance for that kind of desperation.
  6. Hmm. I downloaded the app and don't see that channel in there. If I search for JJ it says, "Title not available."
  7. When I read this, I had to recheck the air date because I could have sworn that we've seen this all before.
  8. Lawrence comes across as one of those people who says stuff like that entirely for the purpose of making himself look good. I will never forget Lily in the car-- after having gone through a pregnancy before-- was simply explaining to him how painful childbirth is and he put her down the whole time telling her it's only painful because she believes it is. Disrespectful douche. He reminds me of some people in the millennial and Z generations that form opinions-- which they view as fact-- based on what they "feel like." The examples on Judge Judy alone are too numerous to count: Defendant: "I was giving her the money back but I just feel like I shouldn't have to give her any more money because she slept with my boyfriend." JJ: "I'm telling you what the law is..." Defendant: "But I just feel like I don't owe her anything." JJ: "I don't give rat's behind what you feel. I'm telling you what the law is..." ::insert attitude face and eye roll from defendant:: When the host was asking Lilly's mom and later her step father how Lawrence was doing, it looked to me like they were doing everything possible to not say what they really feel because he's explosive. Will admit that I hated Jenna with a passion during the first few episodes, but she totally grew on me. They did her dirty with the early edits.
  9. I am only guessing here, but throughout the entire season, I got a controlling dick vibe from Jenna's father. I know he totally caves when it comes to Jenna, but that's daddy's little girl. I can totally see him being a dismissive know it all and mansplaining everything to the ex-wife during their marriage and treating her as if she's a turnip. Ex-wife doesn't appear to be a prize but he may have driven her so crazy during the marriage that she takes pleasure in needling him just to piss him off. He shows off his manhood by telling her that she is not allowed to enter his driveway: she pulls up and comes a tiny bit into the driveway to piss him off... that kind of thing. I could be reading this all wrong but the look on the new wife's face throughout the season when they were on the couch talking was of a woman that knows her place.
  10. I think they intentionally replaced the 'g' with a 'j' to get the jaw part in there ("jaw dropping modification"). My DVR was at 100% full yesterday and I saw that I had Part 1. Did they air them on consecutive nights? I deletd stuff but may have missed out on recording Part 2. From the small number of comments, it doesn't seem like it was much, but then this show hasn't generated the convo that it once had. Perhaps they'll put the show out to pasture.
  11. I am team Alex. I get the earthworm reference and think he's profoundly non-communicative but Tyra has always come across as a shrew. Going away to college and cheering was a despicable thing to do when you have a toddler, and then when she comes home, she's not happy to see Alex. She doesn't jump into his arms. She says she wants to spend time with Layla and ignores Alex. What does she expect him to do? She also has a terrible habit of saying "my child" about Layla even in front of Alex. I can see why he is finding entertainment elsewhere. Tyra's tears are laughable. If she watches the show, she'll see that she treats him like shit. I do think he's a ticking time bomb and does everything in his power not to react because if he does it will be explosive. There's only so many times you can do that though. I can Tyra's conversation with him about going away to college as her telling him that she's going and that's the end of the talk. Alex knew there was no changing her mind so he was like whatever. Grandma, seeing their relationship in tatters, is fearful that if Tyra and Alex don't work it out, Tyra will take the kid and Grandma will be destroyed because it was she that is essentially raising Layla. Alex should have told Tyra that if she was leaving town to go to school, he was filing for full custody of Layla and she can file for visitation when she is done playing carefree college girl. Did not know this was the finale. Have not watched it yet, but it sounds like a doozy. I hate tell alls as well and agree that they enable the producers to mail it in and leave us wondering about so many things as the weeks pass knowing they can provide all kinds of drama at the tell all.
  12. I thought exactly the same thing. The tired, working late thing... hmm. I get a strange vibe from Ethan. He seems like the everybody's best friend type guy. He just seems very detached and emotionless in the talking head parts. Very matter of fact: "So taking care of a baby is stressful." Not seeing any sort of passion for a teen romance even pre-baby. I wonder how much stress Ethan's father put on his own parents when he became a teen father. Welp, now it's his turn. If all the stresses have driven him to have an affair, then he's a total low life. I'm actually a bit surprised this show is still on. From the paltry number of comments here, it's clearly not a ratings bonanza. That is a little unfortunate because it is better presented than the Teen Mom shows in my opinion. I just wish it didn't take 10 episodes for all the babies to be born. First episode should be a backstory of the couple, the next few should be an intro to the family dynamics, 4-5 should be all the babies being born, and the rest should show the major stresses of parenting an infant. Instead we hear the same thing every week about how hard it's going to be. It's like going into an echo chamber until the kids are acutally born.
  13. People typically purchase things like the Glowforce, Cricut and Silhouette Cameo so they can make personalized items to sell on sites like Etsy.
  14. Whoo-WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Me too. I found something so funny about watching his feet as he just sauntered around the office.
  15. I was so glad to see that commercial back! Loved it. It's probably only a matter of time before our friend the Camel shows up again... Mikemikemikemikemike...
  16. Totally. That's why most of the comments under a YouTube version of this commercial say that it celebrates letting your kid die and other such nonsense.
  17. Totally. I would bet that every single one of us have been in a situation in which we heard a pet, a kid, a neighbor, person outside, etc., scream, yell or something and we immediately get this "oh shit!" feeling because we just know that something is wrong. I am beyond sure that every single parent has heard noise from their kids and can read it very easily: "What's going on in there?" and getting up to check it out vs "OMG what the hell was that!" and bolt. It's instinct. You can tell by the person that is in distress if it's an emergency or not. This mom, like every other, would have known immediately if her kid was in danger. The kid cut himself/herself. It happens. You wash it, put on a Band Aid and get on with it. It shouldn't require parental theatrics: "My baby! OMG! Are you okay? Let me wash that and put a Band Aid on. Are you sure you're okay? Oh, you poor thing..." Lord. This is why there are so many neurotic kids that are incapable of handling things without not only adult help but heaps of praise that they "made it through" getting a shot at the doctor, or getting a cut tended to.
  18. I'm finally caught up with all the episodes. First of all, why the hell does it take 8 episodes for them to give birth? Every week is like a rehash of the one before: disagreements, whining, and the ever present "They have no idea what they are in for." It really drags on and on. The lack of discipline from parents today is something that really makes me raise an eyebrow. When Aliya (however you spell it) kicked Lilly while she was on the couch I almost lost it. Unacceptable. Stern warning the kid's face. But no-no-no, hitting and throwing objects just does not and never will fly. She's a dolt. I worry that Lawrence, Mr. You Need to Discipline Her, will be more lax with his namesake son so before he's in the fire, he needs to stfu. I wanted to punch him in the face when they were in the car and he was blowing off the pain she was describing. "It only hurts because you believe it does." I swear... I just can't. Jenna is a product of her parents. Her father is an arrogant, dismissive prick with this "I'm expected to put my tail between my legs and take it." Oh please. Ya big baby. There was a point in an earlier episode in which Jenna said the mother was not allowed to pull into the driveway to pick up Jenna. I get a Betty Broderick vibe from the mother in that it seems the father just drove her mad. He reeks of being a controll freak except with Jenna. The new wife likely puts up with a lot of shit from him and stays quiet. These are exes who get off on pushing each others' buttons. Jenna being so young does not understand that dynamic and thinks putting toxic people in one room will result in Kumbaya "for the baby." She needs to buy a clue. Aden looks like that guy in that show Bates Motel. Seems quiet, and meek but has a bit of a psycho vibe to me. He comes across as weird. His practically whispering "Go fuck yourself," to Jenna was eerie. I could picture him hitting her with a shovel at some point. I am having a hard time reading Taron. I can't stand Reanna but she's a petulant 15 year old wrapped up in 15 year old drama. Wait untli the baby comes and mom tries to guide her. She'll be all about "it's my baby, leave me alone." To me, Tyra wanting to go to college is admirable but going away for a month at a time to a distant school is wrong. It's not a binary choice. She can go local. She will never be a full time, professional cheerleader so this cheering for her is essentially an outlet. You don't get outlets when you have a baby. You don't get to pawn off your responsibilities on others because you need a monthlong break every month. She didn't see Alex for a month and when she gets home, she completely ignores him. Awful. I feel most sorry for the grandmother who has probably seen both Alex's and his mother's tempers plenty of times in her life. Now there is a baby involved and while she'd love peace and quiet at home, she is fearful of telling them all to get the hell out and support themselves. I get that grandmas love their grands, but this lady, at 65 and looking 75, is likely raising this kid and doing most of the work. Finally, Myrka. First, someone said way, way back in another thread that Ethan gave them a gay vibe. I agree with that. I can relate to well to Myrka's shock and disbelief in an earlier show that Ethan and his family laughed and joked in a diner and seem to actually like each other. Myrka thought that was totally fake and only happens on television. She is my twin in that regard. I canot relate to Ethan's family or any family where "fun" is part of daily life. Just not relatable in any sense to me. My mother would have been just like Myrka's with zero bending. She would not have come to any shower ever. Her views would not change and she would feel zero guilt. People (like me) with parents like that are aware from a very young age that these are the rules, these are the consequences for breaking those rules. Then you live your life proceeding at your own risk. There is no room for surprise when you break a rule and the hammer comes down. She was warned. Right or wrong, she was aware of what the consequences would be. Sorry for the long post. I've been out of the loop for a while and had DVR troubles. Apparently there was a marathon of this program not long ago and I was able to get all the eps from this season. I did not get the tell all though, which makes me sad. Will head over and read that thread now.
  19. Of course, it is awful that this happened, but the news is blowing this up because it's Peloton and while I have zero interest in their products or "cool kid" vibe, I think they are being singled out because of who they are. A child can be seriously injured or killed on any treadmill or many different types of moving fitness equipment. If the owners left the treadmill were negligent or irresponsible, the brand doesn't matter.
  20. I am very late to this party as I am binging this today after getting my second covid shot but I have to say that I can so relate to Myrka. My mother would have had nothing to do with me if that was me. I actually don't know that I would have survived telling my parents news like that. When Myrka said that she went out to dinner with Ethan and his family and was like, "This is fake, that families like each other and joke around," and that only happens on TV, I wanted to weep because that is SO me. I still to this day in my 50s view families who joke around and stuff as something only seen on television sitcoms. I cannot relate to that in even a tiny way. I don't know what happens with Myrka's mother but if her mother is anything like mine, she will continue to hold the same attitude towards Myrka and the grand kid. She essentially said at one point that she doesn't care about the grandkid, only her two kids. In a way, I am glad they are showing Myrka's mother because people need to know that there are parents just like her out there. I know because I had one myself. My mother would not have bent an inch. She would have zero problem disowning me. I think more foreign born parents are like this. At least mine were.
  21. I've never liked Kail. I think she's trash. But going back and looking at a picture of her with Jo from way back when they were dating and Isaac was not born yet, she is a fresh faced girl in good shape. It is just an absolute shame what she has done to herself all in the name of, well, what exactly? I don't understand what improvements are made to young faces when the do these injections and stuff. I understand if you are older and want to soften the wizened look of an older face by getting these treatments. That serves a legit purpose and probably provides a confidence boost to the person getting it. But the younger people? I just don't get it. Kail got heavy and had acne issues but those are thing that one can take care of if they are willing to put in the effort. These lip injections and nose jobs are just so not necessary and she looks worse and more plastic and fake with each new look. I don't know anything about this stuff but once you start getting your lips blown up, does that stuff disintegrate and you have to keep getting this stuff replenished regularly? It would really scare me if my face was dependent on my being able to drop a few thousand every six months to maintain. What if you don't have the money? Does one's face collapse?
  22. I believe she passed away some years ago. I'm not sure if that would stop them from airing that particular episode but I'd love to see some of the old classics. They really need to release DVDs of the seasons or put them on Netflix or something now that she is retiring.
  23. I'm wondering if that is the case, though. It was not mentioned on the program. The plaintiff requested that they meet there to authenticate the bag. I would guess that if the defendant balked at going in, she would not have handed over almost three grand. But she did. Why JJ didn't pursue this line of questioning is puzzling to me. I am really hoping that since they are pulling out the oldies these days that we'll see to revisit the cheeseballs and the VFW Ladies' Auxliary brawl. Ah, interesting that she still handed off nearly three grand with no verification of the bag's authenticity. That's just nuts.
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