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Everything posted by Real4real

  1. Can anyone tell me where they were eating in the last episode? I meant to write it down and then forgot! I’m traveling through Indianapolis soon and thought it would be fun to go somewhere I’d seen on the show. I’m open to suggestions though! Sadly I don’t think I can convince Mr Real to drive through Bates Hendricks to see if I can spot any of their houses.
  2. Well, they just killed “Spring Awakening”! It’s now “The Death of Spring”. Gotta say, I am not a fan of the “f” word, but changing it to “hosed” is just stupid! I kind of hope that they gave the principle his “cleaned up” version and then just do the play as they’ve rehearsed and let the chips fall where they may. Of course, that probably would mean Ted Moseby will be out of a job. Oh, wait! This is Hollywood so there has to be a happy ending, right? Everyone will LOVE it and hail Ted as a genius as the PTA’s heads explode!
  3. Just saw the promo today and got that feeling you get when you’re on the roller coaster and it’s clicking up the first incline—you know the one, where you feel kind of excited but also filled with dread?
  4. Gah! I did NOT need to see Ryan in his shirtless fireman’s outfit getting ready for sexy times again. NO . . .just no. Re Jon and Molly—I am not a fan of Molly, but if I remember right, it seemed like Jon was making some pretty crude sexual “jokes” leading up to the honeymoon night, plus he put a ball-gag in the welcome basket. I thought it seemed like Molly was trying to be a good sport, but she looked very uncomfortable at that point. So, not a fan of Jon either, but no one deserves to be treated that way.
  5. Wow, the nerves must have been fierce tonight! Definitely have heard better from almost all of them. I thought Maddie was awesome, liked Marcio, Michael, Cade, and Gabby. The rest were just meh for me.
  6. This was such a strange episode—that girl’s behavior as she was telling her story was bizarre. She seemed to be so cheerful and smiling while she was talking about the man who was supposedly involved somehow in the death of Natalee Holloway who then went on to ATTACK HER and in the process, she KILLS him. How is that a happy story? It was just so odd.
  7. Well, that was underwhelming. Glad to see that I am not the only one to be wondering what I just watched! I guess I hoped that they would provide a FEW answers, but maybe they are counting on a second season to start bringing things into focus. I appreciated the djinn theory that Rahul posed here earlier--that sort of makes sense to me. I don't get what the psychic connection was between Ramone and Farid. Ramone "seeing" things from Farid's life was somewhat explained, but why was Farid seeing Ramone's mother? Why was Ramone going to the volcano? Where were the security people who I am sure would be posted to keep curiosity seekers from doing exactly that!? What were all the shadows that appeared around Ramone when he faced the burning man at the base of the volcano? So many questions . . .sigh.
  8. This! As the show has progressed, I am becoming more and more convinced that "off-stage" Catie is an act that she is playing and the end game is the "miraculous" transformation she will make. She won't even need to lose 10 pounds--she just needs to wear clothes that fit her! Seriously, her clothes look like she picked them out of the dumpster behind Goodwill. So bad.
  9. I only mentioned the two couples because they were so recent and in the same week--the other couples broke up pretty soon after the show aired! I see that (former Bachelorette) Rachel has declared that she is "shocked" that Dean and Leslie broke up! I think that she might be the only one that didn't see that coming!
  10. Where are we discussing the massive crash and burn of TWO of the couples in such short order? Dean and Leslie, and Claire and Benoit. What a shock! Looks like Courtney and Lily are the only couple left standing--the golden roses should have totally gone to them!
  11. Gah! My eyes . . .not enough bleach in the world to unsee that disturbing dance off. It was so wrong in so many ways! Is anything happening at the apartment that they are actually supposed to be working on? It seems like there are a lot of workers around collecting a paycheck, but I can't tell that anything has changed.
  12. How is CH saying that we've never seen this ending before? Maybe Arie is planning to actually propose on AFTR? I don't remember Mesnick proposing, just asking if she would give him a second chance which eventually did lead to them getting married. Or maybe somebody shows up pregnant? Now that would be a dramatic ending that we haven't seen before!
  13. TPTB, please throw money at Courtney and Lily--I would watch their wedding for sure! Bet it would be a blast!
  14. Why were they making the rejects leave in the middle of a blizzard? And with no coats? I'm sure they were probably just going down the road to the local Motel 6, but still! Dang, that wind looked COLD!
  15. I think Tia ruined her chances when she showed up for the rose ceremony in a wedding dress! She scared him off for sure! As much as he claims to want this, deep down I don't think Arie is really ready to marry anyone.
  16. So was the first rose ceremony on the second night? And they didn't tell them it was elimination "Survivor" style? It looks like everyone was expecting it to play out like BIP so they rushed to make a connection and secure their rose rather than playing nice with everyone. It looks like they are bringing in new players next episode--how long before the contestants figure out that they should vote out the connected couples to increase their odds of someone new coming in that they can "connect" with? I have to admit, I kind of liked the spoof on the Olympics! It was kind of fun to see them compete for the date cards, but it definitely looks like there is at least one ringer. It will be less interesting if the same people keep winning all the competitions.
  17. And we now have our first 911 call with Andrea and Lamar's parking lot shouting match. Who will be next?
  18. Really enjoyed watching these kids! Glad to see that they are planning another season. Congrats to Owen!
  19. I wish she would do the six week checkup that she used to do with her old show. I liked seeing if things really changed!
  20. I don't know if I can continue watching this one--I feel like there is no one to root for. The male ex-cons are kind of scary. The female ex-cons seem like grifters. The Russian girl is the only one so far that seems like maybe she might get some traction since she has her family behind her. The men and women who are with them all seem delusional and super needy. It just feels like we're about 5 minutes away from a 911 call most of the time.
  21. Still so sad that Henry is gone . . .sigh. I really thought that Milo and Rahanna would be the final two. Milo has been so consistent--it was sad to see how devestated he was at the end. I'm ok with Owen and Rahanna though. Rahanna needs to step it up if she wants to win! Owen killed it this week!
  22. I don't get why they would be bringing in another girl at this point--if Yolanda wanted 6 girls, then she should have waited till she had 6 girls to start. "I couldn't find her. . .", yeah right. It took her all of 10 seconds to ask her photographer friend if he knew of someone and, what do you know--he DID! What a shock! This doesn't seem fair to any of the girls, including the new one. The original 5 have already put in a fair amount of work to have someone new just dropped in on them, and the 6th girl will not have the "benefit" of any of the previous lessons/challenges and the coaching from Yolanda that the other girls have had. The 6th girl has also missed out on potentially winning any of the prizes that have already been given out. This just seems designed to stir the pot. I will be surprised if Lilyan gets a redemptive arc--her personality and attitude just seem so unpleasant.
  23. I think that Jepthe and Shawniece need major help with communication. It's like they are speaking different languages! I really think that the word "stranger" means something different to each of them. For Jepthe, it's his way of saying "I don't know you, I need baby steps in this process". For Shawniece, she hears "stranger" and it's a full stop for her. Maybe it's the editing, but sometimes their misunderstandings are just bizarre. I wonder too what their birth order is--I know they both come from big families. Jepthe seems like maybe a second child (doesn't seem to have the drive of a first born), and Shawniece seems like the baby of the family.
  24. I would be interested in seeing how they chose the girls as well! I assume that Yolanda had a hand in choosing so she must have seen some potential in Lilyan (and now she seems to be completely over her!).
  25. Yeah, I didn't get how this helped the dad out at all. The kids had no money to buy him out and it said they ended up getting a "silent investor" at the end anyway--they should have gone with the investor they had. He seemed like he really cared about the brand and I'll bet he would have been willing to work with them to make a deal. It looks like they didn't even try to negotiate with him. I thought it looked like Tabatha had her eyes done too. Maybe it was just Botox. Glad she's back! She's fun to watch!
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