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Everything posted by Real4real

  1. Run, Kate, RUN. Don’t look back! Just get away from him. Get thee to a therapist, post haste, so you can know in your deepest heart, without a doubt, that you were not the problem in that ‘relationship’.
  2. I would have liked to see more from the group round performances. There were 98 left after the first round and what did they show us? Maybe five of the groups? Are there more tomorrow night? It sounded like they are going to the solo performances tomorrow. I wonder if Shay is proficient at Braille yet? Didn’t she only lose her sight recently? Yay to her teammates helping and encouraging her! And Luke giving the one guy his boots—aawww! But also eewww!
  3. I was willing Kate NOT to get into that car with Luke . . .then praying that the camera person would snatch her back from the death in his eyes (shudder). Is it too much to hope that when Kate and Luke show up for decision day, the ‘experts’ will not even let them answer and will just give them the divorce papers and a HUGE apology for ever putting them together. This is so scary and sad.
  4. Hannah, don’t beg! Be thankful! You dodged a bullet!
  5. Dmitri has seemed disinterested in the competition ever since Michelle won for the look that totally ripped off his style. He seemed relatively gracious about it at the time, but I think he was disappointed they rewarded Michelle and disappointed that Michelle never owned it.
  6. Watching the Oscars and saw a preview for the next season of Am Idol. Was that Evelyn auditioning??? *Edit to say, read back and saw the earlier notes of her being on AI, so it WAS her! This should be interesting. Wonder how far she’ll go!
  7. JCP will produce a blue hoodie with orange drawstrings ‘inspired by Project Runway Allstars’ —coming soon to a mall near you!!
  8. So Coltee saved a bundle on the dress. Any odds on how much he’ll spend on the lawyer? Personally, I’m betting on a public defender.
  9. Did Pastor Cal choke back a laugh when Jona announced his plans to propose to Brandin? Wait, maybe that was me . . . I still don’t get what he sees in her—somehow I’m just not convinced she is the one leaving thoughtful little notes for the hotel staff! That seems like something Jona might actually do! This is sad, but I still can’t remember the names of the boring couple—I caught her comment that she broke up with her last boyfriend because he wasn’t texting her. Is she someone who must have constant validation when not in the same room as her SO? That doesn’t bode well for their relationship, with the amount of traveling he does. He needs someone who has an identity beyond their relationship, strong/confident enough to stand the time apart. I did laugh when he told her parents what he does for a living! Speaking of bugging out eyes, how about when Kimber told Shannon’s Mom and sis (and apparently her own parents!) that she had lived with FOUR (yes! FOUR—count them on her fingers!) guys before she ‘moved in’ with Shannon!! I think Shannon was probably praying for a hole to open up in the floor and swallow him up right at that moment! I find the thought that Jada might be an actress hired to boost Chris’s image pretty interesting! But, I kind of think he is looking for someone to be a mommy for his daughter while he’s out playing gigs all night. While Jada’s ‘hotness’ level apparently came in second place (for him—I think she is really pretty!), he has been all about her sweet and caring nature. I think she’s in for some heartbreak with him.
  10. Wow, just watched the last episode and that was an hour I won’t get back. Psychobabble is the perfect word for it! Did each of them “face their fear” and they just showed us a few? Maybe I fell asleep for part of it? I get the fear of heights—poor Chris looked like he was about to pass out. But what exactly was Shannon scared of? Horses? He didn’t seem to have any trouble hopping up on his horse and riding off into the sunset! Gee, I’m afraid of champagne and bubble baths . . .Pastor Cal, help me e e! On a shallow note, I would have loved to see what Isabella would have said was holding her back in the fire exercise! “My beauty and brains are holding me back because I keep attracting the wrong guys (sniff).” Once again, Jona mystifies me with his commitment to the brittle Brandin. Eric seems like a decent guy, but they are a super boring couple, at least what they are showing us. Chris’s comment about temptations was a big red flag—as was his humble brag about his 1.5 million followers on social media. And good point about his initial attraction to another woman! Hope Jada isn’t a jealous type!
  11. The petty petty princess flames out again! Run fast, run far Tyler—and don’t look back. I found it odd that apparently the only reason Tyler and Isabella could give for their being “soulmates” was that they found each other super hot. I would have thought that after nearly two weeks (didn’t it say we were on day 13?), they would have found some other compelling reasons to be together. So, what is up with Branden? Super handsy with everyone but frigid with her chosen one? It sounded like we were almost into #metoo territory. I just don’t understand. Apparently, Jona doesn’t get it either. This episode felt pretty uncomfortable all around. None of the couples looked very into it during the “touching exercise”. Maybe the experts were hoping the sexology focus would get more than one of the couples to hit the sheets. TBH, I would be super uncomfortable having to do that exercise with a camera crew in the room, but I think the real problem is that none of these couples seem very genuine. I think they needed to give the singles more time to mix and mingle before declaring themselves. Everyone just seems to be very guarded—like maybe they are not sure if they picked the right person?
  12. Guess what, Isabella! Your ‘loss’ in the communication game just showed all of us that you are the losingest loser who EVER lost. Sheesh, take about 1000 seats and get over yourself. Your claiming that it is all about how you need to work on your communication is total bs—you’re a sore loser, end of story. Your real loss will be Tyler, who seems like a decent guy.
  13. Dave: I do have feelings for you, Amber. Amber: But I need you to TELL me how you feel. Dave: I AM telling you, I DO have feelings for you. Amber: No, no . . .I need you to TELL me how you feel! Dave: AMBER, I DO HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU! (aside) Amber: Dave just won’t tell me how he is feeling. Me: GAAHHH! I feel your pain,Dave.
  14. I was just coming here to ask the same question! My son walked through the room just then and read it for me: “Dear Tara, If you ever need to talk, I am here for you. I want you to know that you are not alone. You mattered today and you matter always. Maggie” Ahh, to have young eyes!
  15. Dave can’t talk to another girl, look at another girl, be in the room with another girl, walk past a girl on the street, buy a tomato at the store that another girl might have touched. . . but at least he can rest easy in the fact that the only girl he will ever be allowed to acknowledge EVER again will consistently misconstrue literally everything he says. How special!
  16. I think Tristan is from Houston and opened his first locations there, then decided to try expanding to Dallas. Then he said at one point that the Houston locations were suffering in his absence so he wants to return to steer things right. Plus it sounds like all his family is there.
  17. Now that’s all I can see! Oops, meant to copy the comment about Michael Jackson!
  18. I suspect that was a bachelor brush-off . . .”Let’s see where this goes in the real world.” Yeah, right Kamil!
  19. Shushanna has officially lost every single one of her marbles in the sand. Poor NZ Jordan tries his best to help her find just one, but nope! No marbles for you, Shu!
  20. What I don't get is Eric moaning about Angela leaving (sniff sniff) . . . “She was my girl” (sniff sniff). Dude, she didn’t leave, YOU sent her home. His limo ride definitely felt like an audition—too little, too late!
  21. HATE the idea of Colton being the Bachelor. I feel sorry for the women who would be on his season—he doesn’t want a relationship, he just wants more air time.
  22. I actually felt like Teen Mom (the very first iteration) was trying to be something of a cautionary tale, showing starry eyed girls who were just sure that ‘their guy was never going to leave them and they would be a happy little family forever and ever’, getting smacked upside the head when reality sets in that *shock* their guy bails on them, all their friends disappear, they can’t figure out how to be up half the night with a crying baby AND finish high school AND have a job so they can afford all the things you need for a baby, let alone have a life. How many episodes ended with the girl crying, wishing they would have waited? And we can see nothing has changed—each one of them thinks they will be the exception, whether it’s on Teen Mom or Unexpected.
  23. Was that Benoit’s audition? So many man-tears . . .or not!
  24. I thought Jon left the room to throw up some more like he did on the way to meet her. Any odds on her being pregnant before leaving England? And where is Mama Chantal when you need her? Things just got a whole lot more stupider. The whole lot of them are just cringe-worthy.
  25. Dleighg, thanks! I’m sure that was it! It had “city” in the name, but I couldn’t think of the rest. When I searched restaurants, nothing came up with that in the name. Thanks for your help!
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