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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. Because some people can't afford real meat. And some cultures include it in their cooking as a main ingredient. Also, psoriasis is still an issue for a lot of people. There are now a lot of biologics to treat it, but so many people either don't have good insurance, or their insurance won't pay for it here in the US. (As a dedicated watcher of Dr. Pimple Popper, she sees a lot of people who can't afford treatment for their issues, or their doctor doesn't know what to do). But yeah, the mom up and left the kids...never checked up on them? That's cold. Does that mean she'll leave her dying kid when the going gets rough? I also don't see the teen mom returning home with her parents to be a tenable situation. The mother will get mad and start emotionally abusing her again. And the kid is 15! Both major plotlines were downers.
  2. Midge runs true to form...she always acts out when she doesn't get what she wants. And that come-to-Jesus speech about what Susie owes the mob has been building up for awhile. I mean, they have done a lot for her...from not killing her to getting her a Broadway house...Sophie Lennon is lucky Susie dropped her, otherwise they'd be wanting a taste of a network show. Alex Borstein is just one of the best actors out there.
  3. FYI: from my experience with European dryers, yes they are that slow.
  4. As a side note, some people may remember the Staten Island congressman, who was a former FBI agent, who ended up doing time for tax fraud.
  5. Roy and Jamie are Butch and Sundance, complete with "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" I don't think Rebecca and Hot Dutch Houseboat Guy had sex...but they shared a real intimacy. Wasn't the getting wet/going upside down another part of the psychic's prediction? I'd like to see McAdoo do Shakespeare. Don't worry...bout a thing...coz every little thing ..gonna be all right...
  6. I think there was a time when Jenny Agutter was transitioning from child actor (she worked A LOT) to leading lady, and she went to Hollywood to see if she could get some big screen roles (according to Wikipedia, she moved there in '74). She did have some big roles in American and British films. She moved back to England in the '90s, and did more TV work, with some film roles. I'm glad she didn't stick around LA and get a ton of plastic surgery. Oh, and here's a link to "The Railway Children," the 1970 film that put Dame Jenny on the map as a child star! (Free, with ads).
  7. I've realized that I'd be happy if TPTB decided we were in a multiverse where George doesn't screw around, even if he has to die.
  8. I'm glad to see so many people have picked up on Eddie being pushed to date as though he HAS to. He's also been through a shit ton of things, and as far as we know, is still working on himself. He's allowed to take his time until he & Buck realize they are right for each other. ;-)
  9. I LOVE that movie ("Logan's Run"), which also featured Farrah Fawcett!
  10. While he's been rehabilitated as a character, Fred's always saying things out of turn, doing slightly dodgy stuff, and getting in trouble because he doesn't shut up. I think this was another strong episode, though both the wife and I said: "he's going to die now," when Pops went upstairs. The Council bathing scheme was illuminating. As late as 1968 (thanks, Dr. Exposition!) there were still people living in tenements that didn't have indoor bathrooms. The elderly folks who needed bathing (I remembered the scene where Sr. Evangelina bathed the workhouse survivor) did need that kind of care. And Matthew's reaction is why he's such a strong character. He's a rich toff who could be all "let me take you away from all this" to Trixie (who wouldn't go), but rather, he's immersed himself in Poplar life and is questioning his own role as someone who's profited from the poverty, and what his obligation is as someone who has a lot.
  11. I thought this was a really strong episode that mixed and supported its themes well. It was about leadership, taking responsibility for doing things the right way, helping other people, and had a good ol' family sing-along. (The child actor playing Maddie & Chimney's kid is very sweet and natural on screen.) "Buck! You died!" is going to be a catch phrase for awhile, I think. I really don't know that the character of Buck is capable of any real growth, but everyone puts up with him. I want to know why Hen hasn't looked into Denny's father's background. Does he have a record? How did he get involved with Hen's scummy ex? And of course, he did relinquish his parental rights, so he can't really petition for custody. And insult to injury: Hen is behind in her continuing ed credits BECAUSE SHE WAS IN MED SCHOOL. On the other hand, she'll probably ace the courses. ...and that's why you need safety cages over giant mixing machines...
  12. Makes you wonder what kind of mom Midge would have been had Joel NOT cheated on her. (I doubt she would have found her way into a career of any kind otherwise). She was determined to be the very BEST housewife on the UWS, and might have turned into some kind of crazed uber-mom for lack of anything better to do.
  13. I'll disagree about Rebecca/Ted being endgame. She is a rich lady with a whole life in London, and I don't think she'd be caught dead in Kansas. And Ted is eventually going back to the US. I'm still thinking Trent Crimm is her match. And maybe they let Ted go home alone, because he's ready to start again. (It also has me wondering whether Beard goes back with him, or stays in England.) Honestly, I don't give a shit about Nate and who he ends up with/where he ends up. Though if Roy/Keeley isn't endgame, I'll pull a McAdoo and throw a chair at my TV!
  14. One guesses that Esther isn't going to have kids! And loved when Midge asks if it should take longer to become a rabbi than a lwayer and Ethan answers: Yes. Abe is, and always has been, a self-centered asshole, redeemed only by Tony Shalhoub's performance. Crazy as they are, Moishe and Shirley seem to be better parents than the Weissmans. I'm now very interested in Joel's path. He's not mentioned at all in the flash-forwards, and we know he's actually more of a hands-on dad than most at the time, and seems to know more about the kids' day-to-day lives than Midge.
  15. It makes sense that Esther is gifted (to the point of genius, maybe). Her grandfather was a professor of physics at Columbia, her uncle a scientist/analyst for the CIA. Ironically, as a woman in science, Esther would/will find that there is a huge amount of sexism and blockers in her career (still are to this day). So in that respect, she's following a similar path as her mother.
  16. kwnyc

    S03.E05: Signs

    At the risk of profiling, also think she is Eastern European, and there is no stare of contempt like an Eastern European stare of contempt.
  17. Just checking in to say how much I love this show.
  18. kwnyc

    S03.E05: Signs

    Ted took a huge step when he used the tools Doc Sharon gave him to fight off the panic arrack. And he followed that by doing what he does best: motivating his team. It was another huge thing in the last episode when he was able to tell Michelle how he felt and set up some boundaries. Personal growth and healing don't make for the most compelling physical actions, but Ted is becoming a stronger, healthier person. End game for Ted is going to leave him prepared for whatever comes next, and I hope that doesn't get lost in the fireworks that I'm sure will occur at the end of the season.
  19. kwnyc

    S03.E05: Signs

    (Why do I think Roy is telling how to get revenge on someone from experience?)
  20. I went to college there and that's when I fell in love with the Os (I worked as an usher for them all through school. Os are my AL team and Phillies are my NL team.) And remember: Gregory likes BALTIMORE pizza. (Not!)
  21. You have to suffer a lot to be an Orioles' fan. ;-)
  22. I'm pretty sure they didn't count on an actress in her 70s (then) AND the show sticking around this long! Judy Parfitt turns 87 this year...
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