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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. I just heard about Bolling's son on another site. I was so shocked and so sad for the family!! His father spoke of him often on and off camera and was very proud of him. Worse still, He was Bolling's only child.
  2. I remember his name from his earlier career with the Pozo-Seco Singers. He was part of that group before going solo - and they sang so beautifully!
  3. Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows - Boyce & Hart: They are best known for writing songs for others (and developing the garage band sound of The Monkees' first album), but this tune (which was used in the Haley Mills' film of the same name) is very much their own. A Sunday Kind of Love - Etta James: Love this tune! Etta James can do no wrong musically. I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos: I always had a love for 50s music - especially doo-wop and rockabilly. This is a classic example of the former. Whatever happened to songs like this?? Surfin' Craze - James Darren: Best known for its inclusion in The Flintstones episode, "Surfin' Fred", it's actually a great surf tune which still holds up. It does seem a bit derivative, especially of The Beach Boys' classics, "Surfin' Safari" or Surfin' U.S.A., but I like it fine. It was also recorded by another surf rock group from the era called, The Fantastic Baggys, but I prefer Darren's version. Java Jive - The Puppini Sisters: A cup of coffee never sounded so warm! Makes me want to find an old fashioned diner on a rainy evening!!
  4. Oddly enough, My paternal grandmother, who'd been dead for over 40 years visited me in my dreams when my father was in the hospital. I was in my childhood bedroom, and we sat on the bed and talked. I missed her so much and remember being so happy to chat with her again! My dad died not long after that; which made me believe she was trying to break the news to me that she was taking Dad home with her. I have had a similar dream at least twice - except it was my family and me touring a house they were looking to buy. The house was impossibly huge: one with hundreds of bedrooms and bathrooms, dozens of living rooms, kitchens, etc. My family and I were all younger - my parents in their 40s and my sister and I as teens. Still not sure of its meaning - if any. I have a tendency to have dreams involving celebs or animated characters. I am not sure what that means. I remember a dream in which I was having a conversation with a famous singer during a party. Suddenly all the party goers disappeared and the singer and I were sitting casually on the bandstand and chatting away like soulmates. I remember waking up refreshed and happy from that dream - but a little disappointed I wasn't dating him!
  5. Truth be told, I have a problem with women who propose to men for marriage. Call me old fashioned (although I think it's less about tradition than the average man's nature) but if a guy wants to go out with you, wants to spend the rest of his life with you, wants you to be mother of his children and grow old with you - HE would be the one making the effort to do so. I feel sorry for women who buy their own engagement rings! They do it in the misguided thought that it's "a new modern world" and that "it doesn't matter", but in reality it's the immature desire to keep a guy in her life when perhaps he isn't ready or interested in that kind of commitment.
  6. I had some reverse discrimination myself back in the 90s. I was working in medical billing back then. I was already an experienced biller and had a knack for closing delinquent accounts. I was forced to leave my previous employer because the practice had chosen to hire an outside billing agency from Canada (another story entirely as they were later under federal investigation for some financial no-nos) so I went to the want ads and found a position with a local pediatrics practice. I had been told there was a lot of turnover there but I figured I could make the most of it. I went about my work when the boss (the wife of one of the pediatricians - who was black) called me into her office saying I wasn't doing my job right. I asked how so? She said I wasn't supposed to call the insurance company to seek out the current address of the patient or to inquire if they were still insured by that company. I told her the companies are the first place you call for such information. That info determine your next course of action with the account. She got all flustered and told me not to do it again. Before I knew it she was constantly on me for "not doing things right" even though I knew they were SOP in any other billing office. I also noticed she was having her "cousins" spying on me. In fact half of the office was filled with "cousins". I kept doing my job the best I knew how and being polite but I knew I'd have to find work elsewhere soon. I later found out from another employee (non - cousin) that this boss's problem stemmed when her husband had an affair with a white biller in the department. The girlfriend was fired, and in compensation, the doctor put his wife in as boss over the billing department (so she could also keep an eye on him as well as nurse her bruised ego). She was always particularly mean to any potential rivals (read: white young females) who might turn her husband's head again. Now I knew why the turnover was high at this place. Finally I'd had enough and quit (I was living at home at that time so I could afford to do so). That witch wasted no time in giving me my final paycheck, taking my work ID and putting me outside the billing office like a bag of trash!! At least I didn't have to suffer her abuse anymore. I had no extent proof of racial discrimination and to be quite frank I don't think anyone would have believed me since when one hears of it - it's usually drawn as white against black, not black against white.
  7. I, too loved WBK when I was a kid. I think the show was best during its first 2 seasons. I started tuning out when Gabe Kaplan left and still refuse to watch those episodes. I think part of the problem with WBK (besides James Komack's mean spirited shenanigans behind the scenes) was that the show had to be sanitized for TV. It was initially based on Kaplan's stand up act which was a bit raunchier. I still think the casting wS well done however. As for ODAAT, I never could warm to it.
  8. So sorry to hear about Joe Bologna!!!! I enjoyed his work as a character actor for years! Loved him in " My Favorite Year". He and Renee came to our studio a few years back to promote "If You're Leaving, I'm Coming With You!" the play they co-starred in. They seemed like down to earth people. I also remember his appearance in The Nanny in which he played a testy actor Mr. Sheffield tries to recruit for a play. He will be missed!
  9. The drugs and alcohol they were both doing probably didn't help matters. True. My Dad and I enjoyed Glen Campbell as a performer (plus, it's great to hear some of the songs he played on during his Wrecking Crew days like Ricky Nelson's "Hello Mary Lou" and The Monkees' "Mary Mary"). I'm reminded of a story my dad told about him. One day while watching him in an interview (when he and his children were preparing for the final tour) my father pointed at Campbell and said he was wearing a partial in his upper mouth. I asked how did he know and he said he knew of an incident at a bar when Campbell was in NYC many decades ago. He got drunk and when NYPD was called, he was asked to leave the bar, but he got angry and pulled the "Do you know who I am" line. Eventually he took a swing at them and one of them clocked him hard and knocked out a couple of teeth. He'd been wearing the partial ever since. Despite his fiery temperment, Campbell always had that gentleness in his singing voice, which was one of the reasons he lasted so long in the business.
  10. Ditto, but you know what happened every time we came up with excellent theories and ideas for the show when it was still in production? They came up with stuff so inferior and ridiculous! I do like the idea of a part of Prue surviving in the form of her astral self.
  11. I think it does. Sure there's the fact of how dated the tech is (circa 1990) but I enjoy it far more than any of the other turtle movies. In fact, I don't even acknowledge anything from "Secret of the Ooze" to the recent remake*. This movie did a far better job IMO on creating the turtle costumes (Jim Henson's studio created them if I'm not mistaken), the voice work for them, the casting of April O'Neil and Casey Jones, and the overall story all worked for me. Whenever it's on, I watch. *I do acknowledge the animated versions but that's different!
  12. I'm guessing the real reason for Alyssa's desire for a reunion may be linked to financial woes. Still, her financial loss could be Charmed fans' gain if done right.
  13. Too bad he didn't beat the crap out of that twerp! He sounds like a hella trouble for all of you and I'd distance myself from him ASAP!! Something is going to go down and it sounds like they'll place the blame on anyone else BUT him! Why is he being protected? Is he : A member of a "protected class" (race, sexual orientation, etc.) which would result in a lawsuit even if rightfully terminated? Related to someone with pull at the bank? Boinking someone with pull at the bank? Wait until you get this update: About a month ago I get called into the office by two people who are my "superiors". One brown nosed her way into a position I was gunning for (Assistant News Director), the other is a token hire from the current News Director who was brought in because they were "friends" at a previous station. The former never liked me (she always put on airs and looked down on me) and I didn't mind much since we didn't cross paths often. I was on the overnight shift anyway (midnight to 8am). The latter didn't even know me or my work since he'd only been on the job a few months and didn't even meet with me or the majority or other photogs/editors in that time because he was out shooting packages in exotic locales with one of our reporters. They call me in and tell me they didn't think my work was up to par. I explain my work is fine as I've been at this job for 16 years and find it strange only NOW someone finds fault with it. I also brought up to A.N.D. about how she stole some of my ideas for news stories. She developed a stink face and said my "passive aggressive tone wasn't welcomed (didn't deny the thefts though!!). They decide to upend my life and put me on the opposite shift (10am to 7pm). This shift makes it impossible for me to anything (nothing I need is open prior to 9am and that's the time I need to be on the road to get to work by 10), and they're closed by 7pm. I tried to explain this but they knew better so I have been stuck ever since. I can't leave the office during the shift and when I try to explain i have doctor appointments scheduled based on my old shift I was told to either use valuable sick or vacation time for them or reschedule them for 730am. Riiiight! Then I tried to use the sick time and after a few appointments, I'm called in and told I'm using too many and this could cause me to open the FMLA. This made no sense to me since FMLA is about consecutive days and my days are more sporadic. Then they tell me to "learn new skills" since the hustle and bustle is slower on day shift. So I go to a trusted co-worker on that shift and do just that. Then I get called in again and am told that I'm not editing enough becauase they don't see my initials next to enough stories. I explained that I was told my primary reason for being on this shift was to learn and editing the shows on that shift secondary (there are three other editors who's job is to edit them) and they put their initials next to everything as they usually do. They said now I need to edit more and put my initials next to as many stories as I can even if there's no story to edit. No script, no source, no direction. So now I have to put my initials next to empty stories and wait for stuff to be written and try to look like "super editor" with my initials next to damn near every story in every show. I ask when I can go back to my shift. They said they would decide. Of course, they are having me learn things I already know how to do and have been doing right along. I go to HR for sanity - all I got a a three on one argument about how I have to play by their rules. Then A.N.D. drops this bombshell during that meeting: "I heard you called [another co-worker] a bitch!!" When did we suddenly return to middle school mean girl hi-jinks? I asked who claimed this piece of garbage (she "couldn't say"). Naturally I denied it and said I have a right to face my accuser and I could consider what she said slander. I was still told I would have to "earn" my way back to my shift and had to play the game. Of course I went to a lawyer to see if I could get this workplace bullying stopped. I showed her all my documentation. What did she say? While she agreed about A.N.D. was a bullying, conniving, lying piece of doo-doo , she said being an asshole is legal in my state and unless the harassment is related to my race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. then I'm out of luck and have to either take it or quit. Now I'm facing another meeting next week to see if I "deserve" to be back on my shift. I know she's trying to get me to quit but I refuse to give her the satisfaction. All the while they claim it's so I can be "the best editor I can be". Just to teach her a lesson, I should tell her how much I love the shift and how I'm adjusting nicely (kind of when Briar Rabbit begged not to be thrown back into the briar patch). For the record, A.N.D. chose to give me a written warning right off the bat for this whole thing! In 16 years I'd never been written up for anything! If there were any issues, they were handled quietly between myself and my old supervisor. This "issue" could have been handled the same way if they were, you know, competent managers. But we're talking about a person who has her own little "exclusive circle" (her, News Director, and a handful of others) and she's been driving away staffers due to her incompetence (in fact, some were so exasperated by her, they quit before even getting another job!). In case you were wondering, yes, I'm looking elsewhere, but it's tough going.
  14. I have a sneaking suspicion the reboot will be confirmed once the money's in for Holly et al. Let's face it, it's usually about the money anyway. That, and of course the sound rejection of the 70s reimagining by the fans.
  15. Why do they keep adapting animated properties into live action??? And why do they keep bringing back properties which were brought back in previous attempts but failed ?? The 80s episodes of The Jetsons were inferior to the 60s episodes and hopelessly dated in an 80s way while the big screen adaptation chose to dump legendary voice actress Janet Waldo for 80s flash in the pan Tiffany? Yes, I'm still bitter over it!
  16. My co worker has been coming in late a lot recently. Last night she overslept again and didn't come in until nearly 3 hours into her shift. She broke up with her live in boyfriend and the fallout is definitely affecting her attitude. I'm not saying her pain isn't real but she really needs to stop coming in so late. I lost both parents, had to battle my sister against false accusations of stealing from their estate, watch my Dad's possessions get picked over by bargain hunters, get shoved out of his house because she wanted to sell it unoccupied, and move into a townhouse which I can't wait to move from. Through it all I still managed to come into work on time and keep my tearful stress under wraps until things settled down. It finally got noticed by our supervisor and she had a one on one yesterday. I just hope she snaps out of it.
  17. When I think back to watching the show as a kid I always remembered Boot. I actually forgot another dog was brought in as a mascot ! Seeing the Henry eps I've become more partial to him. Plus he had an additional purpose. Chet used his ears to polish the brass!
  18. AgentRXS, it looks like you need to supervise the cleaners. When I wasn't able to clean by bathroom properly due to an injury, I hired a service and after giving them instructions, I sat in a chair and watched them. It's the only way to make sure what you need done gets done the way you want it done. A related pet peeve: hired help (in any capacity) who either speak no English or pretend they can't. I'm tired of the smile and nod routine.
  19. COZI just showed the final Emergency! TV movie which had Johnny & Roy promoted to Captain and moving on with their professional lives while reminiscing about their past rescues. I guess that means we're back to the pilot on Monday. The movie seemed to hint that Chet had died in the line of duty - speaking of him in past tense. It was also a bummer that we didn't see the rest of the cast one final time - as opposed to the clips from past episodes. Considering the occasion, they deserved better. A clip show (or movie) are such a cheap way to go out of a popular, long running series.
  20. I'm reminded of a story my dad told me about some vintage road rage from several decades ago: While on the road during rush hour (which never lasts just an hour) on the way into Manhattan, traffic is at a standstill. Bumper to bumper. He noticed in another lane one guy honking at the car ahead of him. Pointless, since no one was moving and honking at them to move wouldn't have changed anything. He saw the man being honked at get out of his car, go into his trunk and pull out an ax. He turned to the car honking at him and began pounding on the hood with the ax. He did this several times before putting it back into the trunk and going back to sit in the car. The other driver stopped honking and probably never honked his horn again!
  21. I think the industry is far too segregated genre wise. There was a time, many decades ago in which you could hear many different genres and artists on the same station. A Supremes song would be followed by a Glen Campbell song, followed by a Beatles tune, etc. There was a time a person didn't have to be so narrow in their love of music - cross appeal was more common. I am tired of the companies aiming for the lowest common denominator in music. Especially songs that celebrate degradation of women. True. I feel left out on a lot of local radio - I'd go insane if it weren't for the miracle of iPods!
  22. I used to love watching the show when it was first run, and watching eps on COZI are still enjoyable but considering how much has changed over the past 40+ years, could Emergency! be rebooted into either a new series or as a continuation of the original? Most might say that Chicago Fire is more or less the descendant of Emergency! but it's all fiction, whereas the original series was based on actual rescue logs. Then there's the thought of rebooting it in either the present (again, sticking to actual rescue logs) or for a change of pace - revive it in the early 70s just as the original series was. Like the pilot, it could take place in LA with the passing of the Wentworth - Townsend Act, or perhaps this time focus on a different team in a different city/state that just established their own Paramedic program. Half the fun could be the retro atmosphere and life before cell phones, the internet and stricter rules on procedures. If it were set in LA in the present as a continuation, we could bring back as many surviving cast members for a reunion (someone awarded recognition for being one of the first paramedics in the style of the "Original 16" - perhaps a newly released documentary), perhaps Johnny or Roy had progeny who decided to follow in their footsteps (In Roy's case, he had two children under 10 which would make them in their 50s now and possibly department brass), while Johnny could have a son in his late 20s or early 30s and is a field paramedic like dear ol' dad (Johnny was a bachelor by show's end and it's possible he didn't have any children until the 80s or 90s). Plus we could pad out the real rescues with a bit of comedy/drama between the cast. Thoughts?
  23. Caught an episode on COZI which made me wonder who was in charge of checking scripts for accuracy. The episode (I think it was one of the TV movies that aired circa 1978) was seemingly based on "Towering Inferno" (1974). The fire is in a tall skyscraper and several different engines (everyone other than 51 oddly enough!) with firefighters yet unseen previously are helping Roy and Johnny fight it. While going door to door to find any trapped persons, Roy & Johnny do what no one should do when there's an emergency in a tall building: using the elevator to go from floor to floor! Not surprisingly, they get stuck between floors and have to find a way out. I'm no expert as far as I know but firefighters use stairs (gear and all) to go floor to floor - they never ride in elevators of burning buildings. I also can't help but wonder if the TV movies were less about real incidents and more fictional in their storylines. The writing and acting is also rather clunky - even for the times.
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