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  1. Yikes! I'm embarrassed for him. He's handsome, but then he opens his mouth. Same deal with Karla. She's beautiful but has such a flat affect and no sparkle. Both a little too in love with themselves.
  2. I agree that Bronwyn was drinking on an empty stomach and had a lapse in judgment/sanity. What's with all the day drinking? Take away the booze and take away the drama I guess. Not a good look for anyone. None of them can handle their liquor and should not be encouraged. And yes, Meredith looked incredibly impaired!
  3. I think by "swag" Camille means cockiness/confidence/ a touch of arrogance. Tom is kind of shy/passive/lurpy. Mind you, he seems like a perfectly nice guy but not super "take charge" or full of himself. I hope she can see past the male "image" she has in her mind to the kind person before her. It's fascinating to me to see how the participants have their checklists of expectations from their partners as if they are accessories, not people.
  4. They looked very stiff and tense when they were standing at the end of the show. Definitely sensing some tension.
  5. When Juan busted out his guitar I was cringing so hard. That was SO bad. His ego is HUGE and I'm here for it! Madison talking about how beautiful she is was also a Big Fat No. She and Allen are not a match but she is being gracious about it. Tim and Camille? I don't know, but she seems sweet. The other black couple isn't going to work. He's way too serious and she seems pretty wild. The yellow eyeshadow was really bad. Michelle and David? He asks her if she drinks? I don't believe him when he says he doesn't crack open a beer at home. Nope. Not a match. I don't blame her for spinning out. Smoking is also a deal breaker. This season is going to be good. I'm already offended by all of it!🤣
  6. And she's a Nevada Senator!! Juicy!
  7. He doesn't strike me as very bright, or interesting.
  8. They have the same rhinoplasty! I really like Jenn and find her more real and natural than many before her. I'm looking forward to this season!
  9. Nicole looked completely hammered to me during the Mach-mood drama. Her face was bright red and it probably doesn't take much to get her wasted. Where does Mach thinks he's going to go? Why are they together? Let the poor man sleep and think about your alcohol intake, Nicole.
  10. No one has commented on the fact that Austin kept saying I don't know, when Becca asked where he was last night. You don't know? What are you, 6 years old? He said it twice. He was like a deer in the headlights. Not a bright one, that Austin. Becca definitely got some bolstering from having her girl squad there. The whole dynamic was very girls against boys. Not that I see a problem with that. Emily's top was a crime against fashion. Where does she buy her clothes? Clare and Cameron sure were blowing sunshine up each other's asses when they met with the "experts". What a crock. It is clear they loathe each other. Brennan has really convinced himself that he was trying. Another sign of his pathology. Yes, he's a dick, but I think with a better match he wouldn't be so bad.
  11. Becca also said early on that she has AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis). This has nothing to do with diet or exercise! It is a genetic condition. My brother has it. It is debilitating. The "Healthism" model is bogus. Exercise and diet are not the only drivers of health, nor are they moral failings when they are not compulsively attended to. It is a dangerous and disrespectful narrative to those with health challenges. No doubt, exercise and diet are important, but one size does not fit all when it comes to health. And just because she has acne does not mean she isn't clean or smells!
  12. Who on earth is doing the eyeshadow on the ladies of The View? (besides Whoopi) Jeesh. I love me some eyeshadow but it's awfully heavy handed!!
  13. What happened to Yara's mouth/nose area? Her face is EFFED UP. Watching pillow talk, wasn't sure where to post this. She really should have left well enough alone. It's painful to look at her.
  14. Maybe I'm a fuddy duddy but i was dumbstruck by the flying sausages whacking the women in their faces. Could they be any more crass and vulgar? It was humiliating and tasteless. And I was appalled. I know times have changed but when I was a single 20 something in the 80s there was not a prevailing message of getting married and having kids. Its like we've gone backwards or social media has pushed this agenda. I mean you lived together maybe. Had kids maybe, or not. Now there seems to be so much conformity and groupthink. Yes obviously people got married and had children but it seemed more organic and less contrived. I see a lot of messaging in our entertainment and social media that I wouldn't have expected 20, 30 years ago. We haven't come a long way, baby. Joey is cute and it will be fun to see where this all goes.
  15. The Emily/Brennan situation is so weird. She was giving Miss Piggy vibes big time last night. And what's with the chewing on her mouth constantly? She needs to get that under control. There were so many missed opportunities for conversation with the fishbowl questions. Why weren't they talking more? Wasn't that the point of the questions? No fan of Brennan, but she was overly harsh with him about wanting to get out of the hot tub. I'm ready to pass out after 5 minutes!! Everyone's hating on him, which is mostly warranted, but she's no prize either. Becca and Austin are dead in the water and Chloe is in for a world of disappointment.
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