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Everything posted by aliya

  1. I can understand it being a safety risk, but how is someone on a handicapped scooter a security risk?
  2. This made me smile. My mother was a very large woman when she was younger. She taught K-3 and told us she would get the kids to behave by threatening to take them to the cloakroom and sit on them.
  3. I just thought of something - if they are still in Houston, it would seem that Lisa and Bailey are even more trapped by care giving. At least in KY, they had other people come help with his bathing, etc. Now, are they by themselves? Jeez - what a burden that must be.
  4. 17! new stories. Yay. As a diabetic who can no longer eat vast amounts of processed carbs, I have to admit I was a bit jealous of the big container of spaghetti. In my youth, it would have been pretty easy to knock that back, but I think the difference between me and a 600 pounder is that I would have been full and they probably have other food with that. eta - they let you roll up to the take out window in a scooter?
  5. So the therapist doesn't see junk food in the fridge. Some thoughts - you don't have to eat junk to be fat. I'm sure plenty of people eat regular food, just lots of it, and are very overweight. Also, they do a lot of take out. The therapist needs to check the trash cans. Why hasn't he been paid? Wouldn't that be through insurance? James can hardly function, you'd think that even Medicaid would cover somebody to work with him.
  6. OMGoodness. These people are so misguided. "Life is too short to focus on weight loss when they could be living life in the fast lane" Jeez. As a fluffy black woman, with a mother who had to have been 350 lbs or more when I was a kid; with a sister who, until I introduced her to vegetarianism, was double my size most of our lives; and various aunts and cousins who are fluffy as well; I know from big black people. We have so many health issues that happen to us because of our weight, looking at these people, I can't imagine that they think all is well. This isn't to say they shouldn't enjoy their lives, but part of that enjoying (and keeping) their lives should be better eating and doing some exercise. I find them painful to look at.
  7. I've never been on a cruise, but I've been on ferries. I can't imagine going barefoot on them - nor can I imagine that the ship would even allow you to go barefoot. Maybe she took the shoes off for the picture (I can dream).
  8. Is it me or has anyone else noticed that in the scene where Dr Now talks to James about the 100 lb+ weight gain, James says, "Don't start with me." Then Dr Now says, "Are you telling me not to start?" Love ya, Dr Now. I betcha "don't start with me" is something James says all the time, as if he could get up and do anything about it. I'm thinking James hasn't made much of a change. If he had, I'm sure he'd be all over social media or doing a paid interview (not that I'd blame him for getting money for his story). I also don't see anything on Lisa's FB page.
  9. All I could think was, I haven't been in a coma for 10 months and she's got better handwriting than I do. Also, was that a realistic trach tube for someone in a coma? I've seen people who've had to have them in for a long time, and they are little tube things at the neck. But maybe it makes a difference if you are walking around and if you are in bed the whole time, don't know.
  10. My local station isn't showing all of this season's shows. I have to go to amazon.
  11. I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad she had a good time with us crazy folk. Don't forget to take care of yourself in this stressful time, Anchorabu.
  12. Doesn't he always go after GMs who want talk up to owners, tho? I'm thinking of the guy out in Utah (tho there must be more), at the Shakespeare festival city. I don't think that was the only one. And $200 a night? In KY? Nope. I kind of forget what the place looked like, but wasn't it like a motel? Don't people stay in motels because they are inexpensive? I stayed in one once because I needed to be near the airport for an early flight after an out of town interview. I'm a single woman and was really scared having that door right to the outside and being right on a busy street. I don't care how much it costs, I'm staying in a regular hotel with hallways and security. I'm sure stuff happens in nice hotels, but I couldn't get over the door and big window being right there for anybody to break in. I'm sorry; I'm still shaking my head over the fact that these people leased that mess of a hotel. Jeez Louise.
  13. So they leased the building and were going to do all kinds of upgrades to a property they don't own? They read (but obviously didn't understand) the lease provision that could leave them out in the cold after all their work? What. the. heck. Anthony must have felt sorry for these guys not to just walk away. I think Anthony was obsessed by the pool because it was nasty to look at, a breeding ground for insects, a danger to guests, etc. You'd either have to cover it over or fix it so it could be an attraction for the hotel. And yeah, the 'manager' didn't know what she was doing. The guy tells her about all the problems and her first question is about the permit, rather the cost of repair. I belong to a fairly conservative religion and I still can't see why I'd go to visit an ark. In Kentucky. Out in the middle of nowhere with no other tourist or cultural attractions. I'm going to go out on a doctrinal limb and say there were no dinosaurs on the ark. I think they said the woodwork was done by the Amish, and I saw a lot of Amish walking through, so that might be interesting to look at, I guess.
  14. Sad to see Henry's story repeated tonight. He was so happy at the end, so grateful...it's just sad to know how it all ended for him and Ms. Kirk. Poor, sweet Henry is gone, but despicable Penny and James K. live on.
  15. I think it was around 2007; that's when 'Half Ton Mom' (Renee Williams) came out. I'm not sure if Brumley was in the same show or not. I vaguely remember that at the end, they said her story enabled other morbidly obese to call for help. I thought he was one of them. He was also shown briefly on Henry Foote's show (may he rest in peace). Henry is shown visiting Brumley and giving support. There are also some YT videos with him, but only clips, not a full show.
  16. Surely going to hell w/this, but the scene where James is squeezing into the apartment door always cracks me up. Yeoooowwww (at about :56) On a serious note, what is it that pains his legs so? Is it just moving them with the cellulitis or is it that they are so big that squishing them together is painful? I think about the show with Kenneth Brumley - his legs were huge and permanently spread apart. They also had to cut him out of his house.
  17. It's been a number of years, so I can't recall which one, but on one of the UK shows, I saw a guy whose weight was in his stomach and he had to use something like a walker with a seat to hold his stomach. Lord have mercy - you'd think that before it got to that point, you'd change your eating. But, I guess that's why it's not just about the food; surely something else must be going on mentally for a person to let themselves get so big.
  18. I guess I'm strange. I actually like playing HK reruns on YT while I do computer work. I also have a set of DVDs from the first 7 or so seasons. So, I actually remembered most of them, tho I could do without Elise and Robyn (what a clown ). I dislike the season Robyn was in because of all the drama and screaming; I hope the women can keep it together for a few shows before people start going full-on stupid.
  19. I've seen this a few times and had to comment on something. At one point, when talking about her relatives bringing her food, Diana says she'd starve to death if they didn't bring food. I lived in Seattle. Even back in 2001 you could get Albertson's to deliver food. That's #1. #2 is, maybe if your relatives didn't bring you all that garbage, you would lose some weight. You wouldn't starve (as Dr Now says, "You've got 800 pounds on you." Love ya, Dr. Now). She has her relatives bring food because she likes being waited on. I liked Diana, but in many ways, she was no different than the rest of them. They cry, moan, rant, or whatever to get others to do what they want because they just don't want to do the work themselves. Are there any 600 lb people on this show who don't have enablers? As bad as being morbidly obese is for these folks, they like where they are and having people wait on them and they have found people who will do it. Sean liked his mother waiting on him and never pursued treatment for his foot. James K liked Lisa and Bailey at his beck and call that he was fine with having Bailey leave school (because, God forbid he should be looking out for her future and her education. He's only her father). Others have whole families so entwined in their need that they all leave home and go to Houston just so they can wait on the obese-ee there. I find all of this fascinating. The show is about so much more than the surgery.
  20. And gee, I thought I got a townhouse condo so my house wouldn't be too big and wouldn't encourage me to get too much stuff and live beyond my means. : ) I guess I'll need to work on getting my mind right.
  21. What? For Omaha??? I just looked at the listing. They must be nuts. I live in Iowa. I betcha the housing costs in Omaha and my part of Iowa are pretty similar. I got my 3 bdrm, 1800 sq ft, 3 bath, fireplace, 2 decks, full and finished basement, A/C and heat ('cause I'm still wondering how they manage that in a tiny house) for $142,000. No way on God's green earth would I spend that kind of money on a tiny house, even if it is actually 2 tiny houses - and I moved here from Seattle, so I know from overpriced housing.
  22. OMGosh. I came home early and ended up watching a bunch of these shows while doing other stuff. I wanted to slap all of these house hunters. It's a tiny house - you aren't going to be doing any large scale entertaining! It's a tiny house - something's gotta give. Either you're not going to get full sized kitchen appliances, or you're going to sleep in a coffin over the living room, or you are going to have no space for clothes storage. You want open shelves, but you want to tow the house around - there's no storage, where are you going to put all the shelf stuff when you're driving? And yes, it's going to be a pain and a half with little Hendrick (Hendricks?) running around the yurt. I wanted to tell that woman that her sleeves were going to catch fire if she wasn't careful. Something that just dawned on me as I watched these delusional people - are these places air conditioned? Where's the heating element (and don't tell me it's the wall mounted fireplace blasting hot air at face level.
  23. I just want you to know you are not alone in the James K fixation. : ) One of the things I noticed is that the medics are quite curt with James when they arrive in Houston. They yell at him to keep his hands in (I understand why they would need to be firm, but the tone of their voices is not the way you would speak to a person who hadn't otherwise driven you crazy on the trip to Houston). They also yell at him for something else. It seems that James yells at Lisa to get into the ambulance, "Get (the f..k?) in here!" I get the general feeling that the ambulance crew would have tipped the gurney over and left him on the sidewalk if they could have gotten away with it.
  24. I'm diabetic. I get a dilated eye exam every year. I just had a post-surgery exam today (had cataract surgery a few months ago). I am not going to my internist's office to get an eye exam and I'm sure not standing in the hallway to do it. Besides, at my eye doc's office, they use a TV screen kinda thing; the charts are long gone. If I had diabetic retinopathy, I sure as heck wouldn't be going to a bariatric surgeon for treatment. I think this comes across more snippy than I mean it. I'm just thinking out loud and hoping like heck no one is getting his/her eyes examined at Dr. Now's. So, another thing I just thought of - I know we all joke about Dr Now being in a strip mall, but it dawned on me - maybe he needs to be where the seriously obese can come up in an ambulance or have quick wheelchair access, and, there might be elevator issues with that kind of weight. It makes sense for him to have an office at street level and not some fancy office in a high rise. That's for people like me. : ) Not for the James K and Sean types. : )
  25. Stuff you don't notice until the 20th viewing --- I'm watching Christina's show. Dr. Now is standing in the hallway and you can see three eye charts down the hall, up against the wall. Why does he have eye charts in his office? Is there some correlation between vision and obesity that I don't know about?
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