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Everything posted by aliya

  1. OMGosh. I was in prep school when the nuns went from a full habit to a suit. I remember one asked a friend of mine to get her some hair dye at the store. Boy, that was a long time ago. I'm getting my roots done tomorrow. I have no plans to go grey until I stop working, and maybe not then. A person out in the world has to look like a human being, for goodness sake. : )
  2. Look closely - you can see the tape. In the first picture, go straight up over her ear and you'll see tape. In the picture to the right, the hair appears to be thin and you can see at least one and maybe multiple pieces of tape. Aren't extensions usually attached to hair, like braided in or something, not taped?
  3. WTH???? She's got tape in her hair??? No wonder y'all are snarking on her so. Jeez... On a side note, as a child, I cut my bangs when my mother was out. Realizing this might be problematic, I taped the cut hair to what was left of my bangs. As if my mother wouldn't notice...
  4. I guess even my cataract surgery isn't helping me with this. I don't see her taped extensions. I just did an image search and didn't see anything strange on various recent pictures, either. Maybe I don't know what I'm looking for. Can someone post a pic where the extensions are obvious?
  5. I'm trying to think of this as an accessibility issue. What if someone had surgery or some kind of condition (maybe very sensitive neuropathy?) where they couldn't wear anything on their feet? Could they be kept out of stores? Only grocery stores? Only restaurants? I don't know. Should they be made to put a blanket over their bare feet? Don't know. Again, if they aren't actually walking around barefoot, can you keep them out? How much dirt is being tracked in on the wheelchair wheels? It's an interesting issue to consider. I'm no friend of the ACLU, but sometimes they come in handy.
  6. Kinda part of what I was saying - he's not walking, he's not going to step on anything, he's not going to fall.
  7. Maybe this is an indication of why these people have food control problems. Try digging ditches, standing on your feet all day working at Walmart, watching 3 little kids as a stay at home mom, being an EMT... I could go on. "Long and tiring process" to do voice overs. Give me a break. I guess it was a long and tiring process to make good food choices so that you don't wind up being 600 lbs.
  8. I wonder if the store let Sean in barefoot because he was in a wheelchair and wasn't going to walk on the floors. I live in a university town where the Walmart backs up onto cornfields. I'm pretty sure the stuff on the bottom of the farmers' shoes is worse than Sean's bare feet, and they let the farmers in.
  9. I had stuff to eat before it went bad, so cucumber, garbanzo beans, guac, onions, and pico de gallo with a sugar free jello cup chaser. We'll see if I'm hungry later. : )
  10. I thought it was just me. Maybe I've seen more sick people or had to deal with a sick kid, I don't know and don't get so turned around. Maybe I hate my mother. Could be. I just thought Whit was way too emotional IN FRONT OF THE PATIENT she is trying to help. You don't have to be Patch Adams with a clown nose, but a little more rationality and control seems to be better than being so weepy and babyish. You can leave the room and cry if that's your thing.
  11. My son would have shot me by now. Just sayin'... If Babs really had a hemoragic stroke, then maybe she's lucky to be here: https://www.drugs.com/health-guide/hemorrhagic-stroke.html Up to half of the people who get them die. The survivors are often left with life-long problems. Not good either way (tho death is probably the worse option). : ) My cousin, who I remember as a vibrant person, a dancer, a fun person, is now a shell of herself after 2 strokes. Years after, she can hardly speak and is pretty much homebound. Her 100 year old mother is more lively and mobile. I don't know what kind of stroke she had, but at this point, it doesn't really matter.
  12. Babs is a better woman than I am - I wouldn't have gone to that stinky, messy, hell-hole of a house to be taken care of by Whitney, who can't even tie her own shoes. I'd be right up in my bedroom, near my clean bathroom, with my computer and a TV; they can bring the food to me.
  13. For some strange freakin' reason, I was thinking of this just the other day (I think the extended version might have prompted me). Though it's not much, if you don't have things like student loans, mortgage, or car payment, and if disability meets many of the family's needs re food (food stamps), maybe rent, etc. then why couldn't Gilbert live off of the $4-600 a month he gets as a carer? He's sure not spending it on clothes. I thought Lupe looked bad in the face when she was heavier. Losing weight in that area did not help her out. Whoever said she looked like the judge from The Wall was right.
  14. Re the World's Fattest Man (Paul Mason) - I am FB friends with him. He had more skin reduction surgery late last year I think. He has been in an out of the hospital due to recurring cellulitis. He posts classic UK TV comedy clips, which is fun. I'd say he's getting along, but the cellulitis thing has been depressing for him.
  15. They have been married/together 9-10 years. She has been big all of this time and likely had fertility issues associated with weight, and she was sick for a long time. It would not be surprising if, since she has lost weight, they tried to have children. Many people get married and look forward to a family. I think he was all kinds of wrong to have sex with her after the surgery like that, but I'm not going to say he's trying to prove his manhood or whatev by wanting children.
  16. Ha! That was my first thought - "Please don't leave me, Lupe. I'll have to get a job!"
  17. Wait, what?? He had sex with her after surgery? She's got some kind of mold now (probably not, but that's what he said)? Good grief... eta - am I the only one who likes the background music they use on the show?
  18. On the UK show 'Fat Doctor,' the doctor frequently takes out the gall bladder when doing WLS to avoid gall stone problems. I thought it was over kill, but maybe not.
  19. Pauline got a little miffed with the doctor, who didn't want to recognize her pain, and found herself a pool. I think so many of these people have been mentally and physically immobilized for so long, it doesn't even occur to them to do water exercises.
  20. Mother of Mercy. It's "I'm doing well." Not, "I'm doing good." I'm about to come through the TV...
  21. They got portable commodes. I had to use one in the ER while I was hooked up to a bunch of machines (you haven't lived until you've had to pee behind a curtain with a bunch of people on the other side). I don't know if Lupe would fit, but she's lost weight and is a bit more bendable. Maybe she would. Plus, I bet they have plus size commodes. It sure would be better to have a commode that needs emptying than to deal with a bed pan. Plus, it would get Lupe sitting up and moving.
  22. Yeah. I loved how they talked about their sex life while showing Gilbert washing her off after using the bed pan. Sheesh.
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