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Everything posted by aliya

  1. Bullet to the head. Now. Ungrateful b#*$*## "I will drop you at the homeless shelter." I love you, Dr Now.
  2. I come from a family of 5 girls. There is such a different dynamic with guys and their fathers. If my stepfather had said, "Don't be a jerk." we would have all broken out in tears.
  3. "A perfect storm of dysfunction." I love it
  4. I can't believe I've listened to this mess at work. Twice. When you listen and don't watch (hey, I'm supposed to be working...) the voices just grate on you like crazy. Lisa's half dead tone, excusing everything she does. James' whining and yelling at people who are helping him. These are people you can't help but dislike, even when you don't see them (I'm torn with Lisa. She's obviously beaten down, but Greyhound runs every day. If you want me to be sympathetic, take Bayley and get out.). This is where I want to smack people... Do not lay up in bed moaning, "I wish I could get out of this bed." or "It's not fair that other people get to do things I can't do." James actually sounded angry that he couldn't leave the bed after his father got sick. Dude, you weren't in a car crash. You don't have some degenerative disease or condition. You ate yourself to this state. If you wanted to walk, you'd have taken matters in hand when you were 3-400 pounds. Don't complain to me that there's stuff you can't do when you've brought this on yourself. TLC hit pay dirt with this one. I might even pay $1.99 on amazon video so I can have a version with good sound and picture, compared to the terrible versions (to avoid copyright issues) on YT.
  5. I don't know if someone addressed this (so many posts!) but there are mobile dentists who go to assisted living facilities, etc. I also found info on dentists that do home visits for the elderly. Dental schools often do outreach in poor, underserved, or rural areas, so if James wanted dental care he might be able to get it.
  6. I had to look and see if we had drive thru liquor stores in Iowa. Apparently we do, but the lists seem mostly to be convenience stores. Yup - get your gas and liquor at the same time. Actually, I find this less shocking than I did when I first moved here and found hard liquor in the drug store. I've lived where there were state stores and just don't think of going in to get bread and whiskey in the same place. I don't drink anymore, but it sure would be convenient if I did!
  7. For those interested in body donation, I thought I remembered seeing something about a 'thank you' event for donors families at my institution. They appreciate the gift. I didn't know until reading the article just now that they can return unused remains to families. Deeded body memorial service
  8. That was me. As I looked at pictures of him, one was of him exiting a house with some blue robe/jumpsuit thing on. I swear he reminded me of Qaddafi in his hey day.
  9. Somewhere (maybe here, I don't know) I recently read that the pudginess was caused by his internal organs kind of changing position because he is bent over the operating table so much. There were a number of responses where people cut him major slack if he became misshapen in the service of others.
  10. Yeah, but they'd have to get up and go to work. This way they can stay at home all day, with occasional grocery store runs. If the obese person can make it to the bathroom, much of the really unpleasant part is taken care of. We've seen people playing video games or on their phone all the time - shoot, you don't even have to sit in the same room with a lot of them. I can see why a caretaker job would be appealing, even if it pays poorly.
  11. Yeah, I thought that. But I also thought this - unlike a lot of these caretakers, he's working. I'm pretty sure he's not doing brain surgery, and whatever work he's doing may be physical. Even if it's not, anybody can have a bad job that makes them less than likable when they come home. So, he's working all day and coming home to doing a lot for Tracey, who's been home all day, and he's tired. I dig it. I just saw the part where Dr Now approved her for skin surgery. Anthony seemed pleased for her. I'm gonna cut him some slack right now. We'll see what he's like by the end of the show.
  12. Actually, when I was pregnant, a crazy neighbor pulled a shotgun on my equally crazy husband in our apartment. Crazy husband had only been back from his combat tour in VietNam a few years and was not about to get shot in Portland. 'Nuff said.
  13. Yeah. I'm thinking it might not be too bad if he gets with the program and is willing to be needed in new ways. She's going to need a lot of work on those legs. I'm gonna say Anthony has job security for awhile yet.
  14. I don't mean to laugh, but that was funny. I understand how you feel, tho. Back when I started my PhD program, I went to the university faculty dentist for one thing and ended up sitting through a dental plan that would take the next three years, including having gums cut down, crowns, and root canals (that's with an 's'). As I worried about all the work to be done, the hygienist, a Russian emigre said (picture your best Russian accent here), "Don't vorry. We be like family." No kidding. By the end it was like having a long lost cousin from Russia.
  15. In addition to gasoline soaked drawers, you will need to get a hand basket, as in 'going to hell in a hand basket.' Speaking of caskets, check out Walter Hudson's casket (scroll down). Welcome aboard.
  16. I thought the same thing. You just know that for one second, the poor woman thought maybe she had read it wrong, and here she was on TV, etc. Great post! btw, I read the Reddit posts. Almost had to get myself some Chucks, they were so funny.
  17. I was a high schooler and a neighbor asked my mom, a teacher, to help her kids with reading. My mother got me to do it. : ) The first thing I did was ask the kids to get a favorite book and we'd start from there. OM Good Goodness - no books in the house!!! I'm gonna say, based on the neighborhood, they could have afforded books; these people just didn't read.
  18. My grown son hates for me to even talk about the show. I'll start to say something and he'll say "I don't want to hear about that #*## show." Then I say, "OK, OK, I'll stop. But just listen to this one thing..." It's a dance we do.
  19. If I may ask a question? You say you realized it was 'himself' when you went to high school. Didn't your grade school teachers speak properly? Your minister/priest? News anchors on TV? When you read books, even children's books, didn't you see it was 'himself'? Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm just intellectually curious about this in terms of language acquisition. People hear what they hear at home, but couldn't you tell from other people speaking that something was wrong?
  20. Tell me about it. I just had cataract surgery. I thought that was for the elderly. 63's not elderly, is it? : )
  21. I wanted to say something so bad, but then I thought, maybe her first language isn't English. Maybe there are hearing problems. Maybe she's typing on her phone. What a polite group we are - no one said anything!
  22. I think the guy with the basket was another show ("I eat 30,000 calories a day"?) It was a big black guy - and when he didn't get his food in a basket, there were relatives in the kitchen making food for him. I actually watched some Brookhaven the other day. I think the only videos on YT are pretty bad quality. I remember one guy showing the food - it looked awful. I'd be ordering out as well. I don't know how to put in the other post about Lisa not being able to find work, but I bet Lisa might get work in home health care. I don't think she's a bad person, she tries her best to take care of James and I don't think we saw her raise her voice. I bet she would be good with a nice elderly person who needs a light lunch and an arm to hold walking around the block.
  23. My DIL admitted to me that when she first went out with my son, she thought he was a little strange. He had a bag of 'meds' with him - Pepto, anti-diarrhea pills, aspirin, spare contacts, band-aids, sinus spray, eye drops, etc. He says he like to be prepared. I've had to talk him down from a few episodes - and the new walk-in clinics don't help as he can go to one for a $5 co-pay. The hypochondria is strong in this one.
  24. I'm doing some work, listening to James on YT, and looking at the responses here. A couple of random thoughts: 1. James's screaming at the EMTs made me wonder why they didn't cut a hole in the side of the house like they've done for other people. This made made me think of Walter Hudson (look him up). His casket was enormous. I think WLS may have been in its infancy back when Hudson was alive, so maybe his only choice was Dick Gregory. I remember hearing about him and Michael Hebranko on Howard Stern's show eons ago. 2. Last Sunday, while mentioning my own upcoming eye surgery (1st eye done, all is well), I learned that one of the women at church is having hip surgery soon. I have never heard a peep from this woman about her hip, though when she discussed the surgery with me, she said she was glad to have it because she was in pain. Today, for the first time, I noticed she had a bit of a limp. Let me say it again - not one word from this older lady about how much pain she is in, but James cries like a baby. As Mrs Slocombe used to say, "Weak as water!" 3. James, "Diet's going good! Exercise is going great!" Lying liars who lie.
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