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Everything posted by aliya

  1. I eat gummy vitamins! I love 'em. Lets me have 'candy' first thing in the morning.
  2. How y'all doing? Just getting in - what a difference seeing the clip of Nikki at the theater then and seeing her now. I wasn't sure she had lost much at first, but I see the difference. Good going! I'm eager to see what she's able to do after skin surgery. Isn't it nice that she's helping with her brother, not just to help him, but to give her parents a break? And a father that enjoys time alone with his daughter to talk to her, etc. Very nice to see. Off topic - wearing someone else's tights? Eeeewww.
  3. For most people, it wouldn't be. I'm thinking that for a black woman working in retail (notoriously low paid) with 2 kids, one of them autistic, a guy with a decent-paying job who was interested in marriage and accepting of her kids did seem like a good investment, no matter what size he was. Also, if he was doing long distance trucking, he wasn't around all the time, so that may have been a plus.
  4. I'm a DC native. Most of my family is still there. I never go back tho (learned to love the rest of the country) unless I have a conference.
  5. So Teretha has gastroparesis. That's too bad. It is my biggest fear as a diabetic because it makes it next to impossible to control your blood sugar, which leads to a bunch of other complications. Derrick's face is so full and puffy. He's not that overweight, so I assume it's part of the kidney failure for which he is receiving dialysis. I just want to tell these people to go whole food, plant based. Black diabetics are more likely to have kidney problems. My uncle was on dialysis for 2-3 years before amputations and sepsis took him. My mother is diabetic, but in good control (uncle wouldn't listen to the doctors). This stuff is serious and I don't mess with it. I'm vegetarian (mostly vegan) for the animals but also in the hopes that I don't wind up on dialysis. I've been diabetic 20 yrs and my kidneys are still fine (I get tested several times a year). I hope they stay that way. And yeah, Chad looks a lot older.
  6. Yup (tho I left the house for a bit). I can't deal with just staring at the TV for the extra comments, tho. I have it on in the background while I do other stuff (like FB).
  7. Wouldn't you know it, my son comes over while I'm watching the show, the show he can't stand for me to talk about. I did manage to spout off about Teretha leaving a rehab center in Houston and then realizing in Detroit that she and her helpers couldn't do what was needed at home. "We don't have the equipment..." Of course you don't. The equipment is in the rehab center. Jeez Louise. What an idiot. But like so many others, she knows better than Dr Now or anyone else, for that matter. What is the belt for? I noticed it, but since it wasn't holding her up (like suspended from the ceiling or something), I couldn't figure out its use. Still not sure about Chad taking the family around, but it seemed to be working. The son and I got into a whole discussion about 1) the low rate of black marriages, 2) what did Aisha see in Chad at first, 3) what a decent person Chad must be to take on someone else's autistic child, 4) Chad talking about supporting his family, which was refreshing, and 5) dang those stitches look awful. Wouldn't the prospect of skin surgery, which seems traumatic, be enough to get you to watch the scale? Son then proceeds to tell me his weight loss and exercise secrets and why he's so special. : ) If Nikki is next week, I hope she's done well. I think she's another one who will need skin surgery for mobility as opposed to looks. She had a very large stomach area.
  8. Not good. He needs to keep himself in line. I'm torn about taking the fam on the road. I've met people who pulled their kids out of school for traveling, but they were on a boat, or in an RV, not sitting in the cab of a big rig. For hours... You may want to rethink this one, Chad.
  9. 2 UM degrees here and relatives by marriage near A2 and in the UP. It's a small world.
  10. "I've been working really hard and I know I've made progress." Famous last words for a lot of these people. eta - Gaining 19 lbs in several (3?) months. What the heck are they eating? I can see gaining 5 lbs or so from not paying attention, but you have to do some serious eating to gain 19. For most people, you'd be out of your clothes if you did that. Something would tell you it's time to step away from the donuts when you couldn't button your clothes anymore.
  11. OK, stuff girly girls need to know - why does Chad have gloves to get gas and do I need them? Do they come in cute colors? Should I be protecting my hands at the gas pump?
  12. I remember Chad and actually paid for his story on amazon. I hope he is still doing well. Hey Mama A!
  13. I wonder if she's gotten to the part where they tell you that being rude and in people's face all the time does not win friends or help you to influence people? If I had a teen with her attitude, we'd have some serious relationship problems.
  14. Jiya grates on me so much, I turned the sound down when she was on. What is she getting her PhD in and did she mention where? I'm a PhD and have been on a number of admissions committees where I interviewed candidates. The PhD process is long and intense. You develop a relationship with your advisor (for good or ill). Faculty have to have the sense that you are a person they can work with without a lot of angina. Jiya doesn't do that for me. I don't get any sense of the scholar about her. eta: I admit to not reading all the previous posts. I guess we can all be academic snobs together. She wouldn't be one of my students. Did she say she was going to one of those for-profit schools?
  15. Ding! Ding Ding! We have a winner!
  16. Whoa - Whit is developing one of those hips that you see on 600 lb people - the kind where they pull back the sheet to show some weeping mess and say, "They tell me this is really bad, but I can't see it. The drainage really smells, though."
  17. I admit to occupying what few brain cells I have left on other stuff during the show. I missed the jelly reference. Surely it's OK to call strawberry jelly, jelly (tho strawberry preserves are better)? Was someone talking about something besides the sweet, wiggly, jewel-like food we all know and love?
  18. Not only that, but as a lapsed lawyer, I'm gonna bet these are the same people who want to sue because the operation 'didn't work' as Now said it was supposed to. I agree that someone has to confront them if there is going to be change. Does he have to go off on them the way he has lately? I don't know. We don't see everything. Certainly he hasn't done this to everyone. Perhaps the instances we see are the most egregious and most needful of a smackdown. I'm OK with that.
  19. I'm a widow with a grown son. We share passwords when needed. I've given him my debit card to use for me when I couldn't leave the house (he should have bought the items for me on his own, but that's another issue...), we share a lot of financial / personal info that maybe parents don't normally share with children, but since he is my 'emergency contact, ' as it were, it is sometimes necessary. I trust him implicitly. I know him to be a man of honorable character and high credit rating. : ) All that said, I would not co-sign on a house or car for him. I don't want to be responsible for someone else's financial issues, especially now that he's married and there is another person in the picture. I would give him whatever money I could spare, but co-sign. Nope. Not gonna happen. Listen to some of the calls that Dave Ramsey gets and hear how people have been screwed by their loved ones.
  20. My bishop's wife just had hip replacement. It turns out that she already had a thin fracture, but they went ahead with the replacement. This is increasing her recovery, and she can't put weight on the leg yet, BUT she is up and moving with a walker. I think she's almost 70. Surely Sean (or his mother) could have done something to avoid his situation. Wouldn't it be terrible if mom, in a misguided effort to spare him pain after the injury, had him rest in bed and he never recovered the way he should have?
  21. I thought I knew what the ombre style looked like. Apparently I was wrong.
  22. I meant to ask this earlier in the season, but keep forgetting - is the brown hair/blond hair thing a look now or has she just not kept up with doing her roots?
  23. Go back to his original episode. I asked about that and someone provided a medical explanation. Basically, he needed the problem to be looked at at the time. The issue to me was, if your kid is injured like that, wouldn't you move heaven and earth to get him the care he needed? I don't know why she didn't.
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