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Everything posted by aliya

  1. He gives them a food list. These WLS centers have all kinds of lists, what not to dos, etc. As we've seen, though, many patients act as if they've never seen the plan he's provided. They are lying.
  2. I forgot all about that. 2 thoughts - 1. that had to be all kinds of embarrassing and 2. obviously this is not the first time the police thought a big person was hiding drugs in the folds of their skin. All kinds of eww.
  3. No kidding. I live in a college town in flyover country now. I avoid driving around campus because the students are just so mindless. I think some come from small towns where there's no public transportation and they don't know how to walk around traffic. Or, they have their heads down, glued to the darned smart phone, and don't look around at the traffic. That more of them aren't killed by drivers who've just had enough of them is a constant surprise to me.
  4. Yup. We were out until the street lights turned on. Today's parents are so afraid the kid will get snatched, they never let it leave the house alone. I walked blocks to the store - to get my mom's cigarettes (with a note). I also did a lot of the shopping, pulling a packed cart behind me. Lots of work (or exercise, depending on how you view it).
  5. I love meatloaf. Even when I went out to eat, if meatloaf was on the menu, I'd order it. Now there's no meat in my meatloaf, but beans or TVP. Still love it. And don't get fancy with the topping - God made meatloaf to hold up the ketchup.
  6. Maybe the difference is the availability of fast food these days, but it used to be that if you were poor, you cooked at home. Many poor women were good cooks because they knew how to make the most use of the fresh foods available to them. Growing up in the late '50's and 60's, we weren't poor, but we didn't have a lot of processed food. It was more expensive. A TV dinner was a treat. Jiffy Pop was a treat. When McDonald's came along, it was a treat. Otherwise, we had real food all of the time. One thing I notice is that, if they are going to choose fast foods, none of these people choose interesting frozen foods. Stouffer's lasagna isn't bad. There are some pretty good international foods. Amy's has vegetarian food (OK, at this point I realize that I'm delusional). Kashi has interesting food. Even a family size box of frozen lasagna and a bag of salad would be a better, and cheaper, choice for these folks who always complain they have no money, but no...
  7. Years ago I lived in Philly when they were having a number of deaths of children under DHS supervision. A reporter followed a social worker around to see what they were seeing and how DHS worked. She went to an apartment where the mother was out, the baby was in a diaper on a mattress on the floor. The male was busy watching TV in a bare apartment. The child couldn't be removed. It wasn't dirty, it wasn't sick or malnourished, or being physically abused that she could tell. As bad as the situation seemed to the reporter, the social worker said this was tame compared to the hard cases. So, while it looks bad to us, Nicole's kids are being looked after, fed, not physically abused (at least not on camera). They're not going to be removed unless there is way more going on than what we saw. Considering the police left them after the raid, obviously a drug raid isn't even enough to get them removed. I never forgot that article because the scene seemed so horrendous, yet nothing could be done.
  8. There's an extra seat in that Handbasket to Hell.... : )
  9. She's lucky they didn't get evicted (that's IF the landlord knows what happened). I bet they had no right to lease the back apartment. For most landlords, if the police raid, if there's damage like we saw, even if the police did it, you're gone. I bet the dad was so overwrought because he doesn't know if the dealer is going to rat him out.
  10. Clorox wipes? (Seating for one, Handbasket to Hell, this way please...)
  11. It wouldn't be the best for her, but when she said she needed to eat right away (and she might, I'm not 600 lbs, so I don't know), I thought she would have something 'wrong' like a bagel. Not a bag of chips. Jebus H. And what a tone of voice - you cant get your snack so you get all snappy with the person getting it for you 'cause he's not moving fast enough? Pleeze. Hey - and only 30 lbs in a month? At that weight? Doesn't he ask others to lose 50 lbs?
  12. I thought it was the name of the establishment. I kept looking for signs that said, "Clurb," but the sign said "Limelight" or something. Jeez. Whit - nothing like being the big girl at the gay club. You're not exactly forging new territory here.
  13. I work on a college campus and take a campus bus from the parking lot to my building. Along the way we stop at some student apartments. It gets kinda crowded, so I'm sitting down while they end up standing up. Many of the young things wear leggings. Trust me, I don't care if you are a size 0, I do not want your lady parts at face level. No. Put a shirt or skirt on.
  14. 2 days in labor, almost 10 lb, posterior baby - who doesn't understand why, nearly 40 yrs later, he is an only child. : )
  15. Yup. I always think that no one in Dr Now's place knows about volumetrics. These people could have a piece of meat (if that is thier thing) and a huge salad or a bunch of green veg. I'm talking a huge salad, with balsamic vinegar dressing. Or they could break up the salad and have some a couple of hours later if hungry. How about a nice omelet with large sides of tomatoes and mushrooms, which would be filling and have very low calories? They would feel full, tho I'm sure there would still be difficulties when people are used to eating 30,000 cals a day. I remember seeing Melissa in one of the 'where are they now' shows, sadly eating a container of cottage cheese while the kids stuffed themselves. Why not have a bunch of broccoli or other veg, or a big veg salad and the stupid cottage cheese? I think that, having been deprived of the food they like, they never develop a joy in food and a pleasure in eating the many new foods that would not cause them to regain the weight. I find it kinda sad.
  16. I backed out for similar reasons (no hiatal hernia, reflux, tho) - after being on a sleeve page for months, I just saw too many people who had continuing problems. I've been able to lose weight on my own (slowly tho) and will just keep at it. Plus, I learned that the longer you're diabetic, the less likely it is that the surgery will get rid of it (which was the whole idea) and that blacks don't lose the weight that others do. I didn't have as much to lose as most people on the board, and after the initial few visits, I decided against it. I was following a woman on YT who was about 4-500 lbs. When I started following her, she was doing Atkins, which I was thinking about at the time. She finally decided to have the surgery, but went to Mexico for it and paid cash. Well, for the past few years this poor woman has been in and out of the hospital with various problems; and I don't think she lost as much weight as I've seen others lose. I recently learned that she died just before Christmas, leaving a husband and children. She had a large following and was pretty open about her ups and downs. I kept thinking that she believed this would be her magic bullet, but it turned out tragically for her. Obviously the surgery works for many, but we don't see too many of the hard stories. I didn't want to be another one of them.
  17. I can't stand her voice. I am a woman. If I have a female therapist, I want her to talk like a woman as well. After 1 appointment with this person and I'd be asking for another therapist ASAP. I thought I paid attention to this one, but I must have missed his trauma. What happened to him when he was growing up?
  18. I thought for sure Whit would say she was gonna 'cut a bitch.' I was disappointed. Again.
  19. OK, if the class is a twerking class, maybe the gyrations make sense. Hate twerking tho - especially where I've seen videos of grown women urging little girls to do it.
  20. Who the eff is this chick? Medical note? Get low and do sex dances? Lord help me, I have seen a lot and I am not a prude, but if that's dancing, I'm a panda. I do like the guy's reaction to Jiya's class, however. He's starting to see the cracks in Whit's veneer.
  21. We used to live in north Seattle and my son and I were trying to figure if we recognized the apartment building (we didn't). Do you know what part of Seattle she lived in? Not that I'm stalking her or anything...I just miss Seattle.
  22. I'm surprised that he never sends them to someone for a shot. My 86 yr old mother's knees are bone on bone and she gets a shot 2x a year. As long as she doesn't wait too long between shots, she is able to walk w/o pain. She's not doing marathons, but she can get around and do a bit of walking for exercise.
  23. I walked past the TV while she was getting in a van (at some point after the surgery). She got in by herself, no grunting, and slid right in. I said out loud, "Look at that girl get in that van!" I felt so happy for her. And yes, I probably need to stop talking to the TV.
  24. 18 likes. Apparently my mother has children she hasn't told me about.
  25. That would be my mother. "I'm gonna help, but I'll make your life a living hell while I do it." Or the ever popular, "I'll help, and I won't ask for anything in return, but I'll always resent that you didn't give me something in return and I'll bring it up every time we talk." Now back to our show...
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