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Everything posted by aliya

  1. General rambling: Well, ignore anything good or forgiving I may have said about Lester. As he was asking his wife to get the passports, I thought something was wrong, but as soon as he gave her his coat, I knew some stuff was up. Bastard. He knew she might be killed and sent her in anyway. I have to admit my mouth dropped open during the elevator shoot out. Not expecting that. I gather that neither did Lester. The scene with Molly's husband (why can't I remember anyone's name?) in the postal vehicle when Malvo goes by was a bit scary. It reminded me of the trooper in the movie. Thank goodness Malvo didn't shoot him. I would have been too freaked out. Every time I see Keith Carradine, I think about him in 'McCabe and Mrs Miller.' Time changes us all, I suppose.
  2. 1. I fell asleep for a moment and when I woke up, Molly was pregnant and Lester was winning a salesman award. I thought someone on the show was having a dream. 2. Why do people expect Lester to get punished? People get away with worse everyday. Now, if he keeps messing with Malvo, he might have an issue, but short of that, bad people often get away with their bad deeds. I wouldn't be surprised. I don't need Lester to go to jail or die for the show to have a suitable ending. 3. Loved the scene of Molly and Gus in bed. "We're doing good." I didn't get the connection between the stamps from the movie and being a postal emplooyee, but nice catch.
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