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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. I kinda feel like he did that in purpose. I can see these 2 playing into the stereotype of a man being unable to cook a meal without setting off the smoke alarm. I wonder if they will have a blog post about this in the next few days. Best hubby ever can't cook, lol.
  2. That was a very big news story in Lake County back in the 90s, I thought everyone knew about it.
  3. I don't let the people in my life know about my posting, but if I explained to my mother and older brother about my fascination with religious cults they would understand. I got into studying religious cults after a multiple murder where I lived. This was an offshoot of the Mormon church where a whole family was murdered along with a few other people. The barn where the bodies were buried was on a somewhat busy road near a park and on the way to the cemetery where my grandparents are buried. We would drive by the barn pretty regularly and talk about it. The last time I was in the Cleveland area we went to the cemetery and drove by the site. Someone now has a house where the barn stood. Pretty creepy.
  4. Way back in the day my dance class did a routine to New Attitude for a recital. There were no splits involved. I'm glad both Eureka and Kameron brought it.
  5. Yep, I probably typed that quickly on my phone
  6. I really am. I know there are many reasons to avoid alcohol that have nothing to do with Derrick' s smugness.
  7. I'm shocked that he actually admitted that Jesus drank wine. I can't stand the ones who insist that Jesus drank unfermented grape juice instead of wine. Of course Derrck and Jill don't drink alcohol, they are better than the rest of us.
  8. I think she has that waist trainer on along with some sort of shaping tights. Her skirt is laying too smoothly on her lower body for her to to have something on.
  9. That means we could have had both Guinn and Jessa pregnant at the same time. That would have made for intersting TV. Or Spurgy could be older than an aunt or uncle (this did happen in my family).
  10. I read about that in a biography of Prince Charles. Apparently the Queen was very keen on Charles marrying a virgin. Charles waited so long to get married that the pool of eligible unmarried virgins was so small he did not have much of a choice of bride. There were only young girls like Diana who were barely out of their teens.
  11. According to Buzzfeed, it is supposed to be laurel. I also read somewhere that depending on the speakers you listened to it on, you heard something different. https://www.buzzfeed.com/juliareinstein/we-finally-have-answers-as-to-what-that-laurelyanny?utm_term=.skNrQaG0l#.ofwvey7nl
  12. From my experience, I think Derick's slide into asshattery began with his father's death. I'm sure if his father was still alive he would not be like this.
  13. I have seen many people around Jill and Derick's age that have co-opted the term wifey. A quick search on Etsy shows many tee shirt options. It's just another example of black slang going mainstream. Since the Dullards are now using it, it must be almost ready to be retired.
  14. Also they use the KJV bible. With the Duggar's education, it's not like any of the kids actually understand the language. All the kids can do is recite memorized bible verses that they have absolutely no clue what the verse actually means. Of course, this is starting to remind me of one of the reasons for the Protestant Reformation in England (other than Henry VII wanting to trade his wife in for a younger model). I really don't see how this is any different than a bible and church service being in Latin when the people spoke English. Language evolves and new translations are necessary for people to understand. I cannot imagine the men who created the KJV ever expecting people to be still reading it almost 500 years later.
  15. No it us not. The Rapture and Christian dominionist teachings are from the 19th century. But you know, us Catholics are going to hell for following the non-biblical catechism and the other doctors of the church. Oh the irony.
  16. While I am a serial plant killer, they live in Arkansas, shouldn't they have already done this? It's almost blueberry time here in eastern NC.
  17. I'm originally from there too. My mother also supposedly makes the best pierogi (she is the only ones of her sisters and cousins that actually makes them) but I am not a fan. But I will fight people for her sfuffed cabbage and nut roll.
  18. I have more than 10 years on her and have fewer wrinkles. Sunscreen and skincare are so important.
  19. Jill sounds just like my mother. She insist that halving a recipe causes it to taste differently. I was a pharmacy technician in a past life where I compounded prescriptions, and I know how to do the math. But, my mother does not believe me (story of my life). I can half baking recipes because of my training, but mom does not believe me.
  20. The cost of all education has greatly increased based mostly on relaxed regulations when it comes to student loans. The quality has not gotten any better, but the cost has soared. I read a great book last year that looked into this phenomenon, Lower Ed by Tressie McMillan Cottom. She does talk about how many beauty schools are not for profit and the vast amounts of debt the students will incur during the program. https://www.amazon.com/Lower-Ed-Troubling-Profit-Colleges/dp/1620970600/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1525956939&sr=8-1
  21. Those Christian schools tend to be the ones where the high school graduates have to then take the GED upon graduation. This degree is only useful for Tori homeschooling any future offspring.
  22. My mother had my older brother and I pretty young . She was 22 when she had me. Growing up in the suburbs of Cleveland, she was one of the youngest mothers in my class. She had my sister at 30 and my little brother at 32. When we moved to North Carolina, she was one of the oldest mothers at their school. Both of these were Catholic schools. Things have changed down here, and now parents are older down here.
  23. So I was rereading one of my favorite books, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and this passage really reminded me of Derick. Apologies for the language, but it's a direct quote. Some context, the character Don Federico is gay, likes to perform in drag, and was just beaten by the police. “Not evil,” Fermín objected. “Moronic, which isn’t quite the same thing. Evil presupposes a moral decision, intention, and some forethought. A moron or a lout, however, doesn’t stop to think or reason. He acts on instinct, like a stable animal, convinced that he’s doing good, that he’s always right, and sanctimoniously proud to go around fucking up, if you’ll excuse the French, anyone he perceives to be different from himself, be it because of skin color, creed, language, nationality, or, as in the case of Don Federico, his leisure habits. "
  24. I really want to ask Derrick a question about his stance on LGBT adoptions and abortion. I don't see how the country can ban abortion and allow adoption agencies to discriminate. I really want to know what Derrick plans on doing with all the unwanted children.
  25. I have found that "God's will" is whatever they want to achieve. If they want multiple children and are having a hard time conceiving, then it's God working a miracle and not the fertility doctors. They would never think God has a reason for their inability to reproduce. Of course, I hate to see anyone who refuses medical treatment and just uses prayer. God and medical technology are not mutually exclusive.
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