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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. I have seen many people around Jill and Derick's age that have co-opted the term wifey. A quick search on Etsy shows many tee shirt options. It's just another example of black slang going mainstream. Since the Dullards are now using it, it must be almost ready to be retired.
  2. Also they use the KJV bible. With the Duggar's education, it's not like any of the kids actually understand the language. All the kids can do is recite memorized bible verses that they have absolutely no clue what the verse actually means. Of course, this is starting to remind me of one of the reasons for the Protestant Reformation in England (other than Henry VII wanting to trade his wife in for a younger model). I really don't see how this is any different than a bible and church service being in Latin when the people spoke English. Language evolves and new translations are necessary for people to understand. I cannot imagine the men who created the KJV ever expecting people to be still reading it almost 500 years later.
  3. No it us not. The Rapture and Christian dominionist teachings are from the 19th century. But you know, us Catholics are going to hell for following the non-biblical catechism and the other doctors of the church. Oh the irony.
  4. While I am a serial plant killer, they live in Arkansas, shouldn't they have already done this? It's almost blueberry time here in eastern NC.
  5. I'm originally from there too. My mother also supposedly makes the best pierogi (she is the only ones of her sisters and cousins that actually makes them) but I am not a fan. But I will fight people for her sfuffed cabbage and nut roll.
  6. I have more than 10 years on her and have fewer wrinkles. Sunscreen and skincare are so important.
  7. Jill sounds just like my mother. She insist that halving a recipe causes it to taste differently. I was a pharmacy technician in a past life where I compounded prescriptions, and I know how to do the math. But, my mother does not believe me (story of my life). I can half baking recipes because of my training, but mom does not believe me.
  8. The cost of all education has greatly increased based mostly on relaxed regulations when it comes to student loans. The quality has not gotten any better, but the cost has soared. I read a great book last year that looked into this phenomenon, Lower Ed by Tressie McMillan Cottom. She does talk about how many beauty schools are not for profit and the vast amounts of debt the students will incur during the program. https://www.amazon.com/Lower-Ed-Troubling-Profit-Colleges/dp/1620970600/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1525956939&sr=8-1
  9. Those Christian schools tend to be the ones where the high school graduates have to then take the GED upon graduation. This degree is only useful for Tori homeschooling any future offspring.
  10. My mother had my older brother and I pretty young . She was 22 when she had me. Growing up in the suburbs of Cleveland, she was one of the youngest mothers in my class. She had my sister at 30 and my little brother at 32. When we moved to North Carolina, she was one of the oldest mothers at their school. Both of these were Catholic schools. Things have changed down here, and now parents are older down here.
  11. So I was rereading one of my favorite books, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and this passage really reminded me of Derick. Apologies for the language, but it's a direct quote. Some context, the character Don Federico is gay, likes to perform in drag, and was just beaten by the police. “Not evil,” Fermín objected. “Moronic, which isn’t quite the same thing. Evil presupposes a moral decision, intention, and some forethought. A moron or a lout, however, doesn’t stop to think or reason. He acts on instinct, like a stable animal, convinced that he’s doing good, that he’s always right, and sanctimoniously proud to go around fucking up, if you’ll excuse the French, anyone he perceives to be different from himself, be it because of skin color, creed, language, nationality, or, as in the case of Don Federico, his leisure habits. "
  12. I really want to ask Derrick a question about his stance on LGBT adoptions and abortion. I don't see how the country can ban abortion and allow adoption agencies to discriminate. I really want to know what Derrick plans on doing with all the unwanted children.
  13. I have found that "God's will" is whatever they want to achieve. If they want multiple children and are having a hard time conceiving, then it's God working a miracle and not the fertility doctors. They would never think God has a reason for their inability to reproduce. Of course, I hate to see anyone who refuses medical treatment and just uses prayer. God and medical technology are not mutually exclusive.
  14. I don't either. His arrogance astounds me.
  15. I wonder about the showing filming in Central America. I will admit that I have not watched any of the episodes, I'm just here for the snark. I can't imagine trying to establish an ethical and legal way to film the people in the area. This would make trying to edit a storyline very difficult or full of blurred out faces. I wonder if Derrick was upset that footage he found important did not make it into the show based on the limitations of the network. It could also be that TLC edited out most of the overtly religious material to try to come up with the bland offerings this show is known for. I can see Derrick wanting to edit his footage to create the story he feels is important. Derrick strikes me as the type that has a whole story mapped out in his head that he wants the whole world to know about. Little does he know that the story sucks and no one is truly interested. I'm just spitballing here and am probably very off base especially since I have not see their episodes.
  16. I know that TLC made him sign a release for the show. If Derick was too stupid to ask for compensation for the use of his face, willingly sat for interviews, and showed up for publicity shoots for no money, then he is too stupid to live.
  17. I do enjoy that all the View hosts are against Derrick's tweets. With some of the other more conservative hosts of years past, I could see at least one defending his First Amendment right.
  18. Reading Derrick's blog post is probably not the best way to start a morning. He is so wrong on so many levels. I admire many millenials and members of generation z that are fighting to change the status quo. Movements like Times Up, Black Lives Matter, and the young people of Stoneman Douglas are vitally important to our society. Women need to be able to live their lives without facing sexual harrassment on a daily basis. African Americans need to be able to live their lives without fear of being killed by police. Children need to be able to safely attend school every day. Getting rid of toxic masculinity benefits both men and women. But to Derrick, the white patriarchal status quo is more important and needs to be defended. People just want to live their lives safely, I wish Derrick could see that. Also, when I say my God isn't like that, I am talking about the heinous views of the Westboro Baptist Church and the like. My Jesus has never and will never hate LGBT individuals. And I could give examples from the Gospels that highlight this. Jesus loves everybody and no sin is greater than another one. Derick needs to take his own words to heart--"If it’s not a biblical picture of who God is, then it’s a man-made concoction of our own imagination. It’s a dangerous place to be when we stop looking to God’s word for our standard of change and defer to our own judgement."
  19. Why is he in a pack and play? Shouldn't they be using a real crib.
  20. I'm not going to lie, #14 made me vomit a little (#16 is also horrendous). I keep thinking about what happened in the Duggar and Willis household. In their messed up minds, speaking out about how their parents mishandled the Josh situation would probably be considered rebellion. Parents are not infallible and children should be able to respectfully disagree with their actions. The Duggar parents decided that fame and tv money were more important than their daughters' well being. In my opinion Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy all have a right to be angry with what their parents did to cover up Josh's molestation of them. This is not rebellion. I cannot fathom a god who expects total obedience to parents.
  21. For me, the thing that sticks out the most about Derrick is how he seems incapable of reacting in a healthy way when life does not got the way he planned. I put a lot of blame on Cathy for this. It does not look like he received the proper care after his father died. To me, it looks like Derick and Cathy developed a sick codependent relationship where nothing is ever Derick's fault. Also Derick deserves all the good things because he is a "super special Christian" or something. When bad things happen, Derick does not know how to cope. He is incapable of taking responsibility for his life. Yes cancer sucks, so does burying a parent (or sibling, or spouse, or best friend) before their time, or we find that we married the wrong person. No one's life goes the exact way we planned. We all have things we must overcome. Grow up Derick, learn to live with what you cannot rise above.
  22. I'm sure TLC had both Jill and Derrick sign a non compete clause at some point. They probably can't have a show on another network for so many years. Especially when Counting On is still airing.
  23. It's silent prayer with the Eucharist on the alter in a monstrance. You can come and pray for as long as you like. My church does it once a month for 24 hours. I really don't recommend taking the 3 am shift, but it's a really nice way to decompress. It's just you and Jesus in a darkened church. This is the most unguided of Catholic meditation.
  24. So Jill has an iphone and that looks like an ipad, but the Dillards were never compensated for their work on TLC? I'm sure their Cross Church housing comes with wifi, and many people receive electronics as gifts, but I'm not buying it.
  25. One thing that has been bothering about Derick's Twitter rampage, is his response about what if Izzy or Sam was gay. He claims that he would love the child, but I don't buy that. He would force the child to undergo conversion therapy (or whatever name it will be rebranded 10+ years from now). If the child refuses, Derick will cut off all contact. I watch enough of RuPaul's Drag Race to know what will happen.
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