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Everything posted by LBS

  1. Wow! No comments on Nick’s GOAT season? I actually don’t mind Nick when he’s not doing Bach Nation things (his podcasts are usually interesting) but his season was pretty dumb and he was/is more of a puppet to Fleiss and company than even Ben Higgins. I forgot how much I didn’t like Taylor with her EQ shenanigans and her update didn’t change that for me. Corrine got huge implants on her lips and breasts but she seemed happy. She always seemed in on the joke about the whole show and I liked that. I can’t wait for Juan Pablo’s roast next week. They hate him. He hates them. It’s going to be good!
  2. Wow! No comments on Nick’s GOAT season? I actually don’t mind Nick when he’s not doing Bach Nation things (his podcasts are usually interesting) but his season was pretty dumb and he was/is more of a puppet to Fleiss and company than even Ben Higgins. I forgot how much I didn’t like Taylor with her EQ shenanigans and her update didn’t change that for me. Corrine got huge implants on her lips and breasts but she seemed happy. She always seemed in on the joke about the whole show and I liked that. I can’t wait for Juan Pablo’s roast next week. They hate him. He hates them. It’s going to be good!
  3. @Mkay I’m sorry that you had to witness that and just wanted to give you a virtual hug. 💐
  4. Those pink cigarette pants..... I want them! I also loved the dress Ruby wore and the diner outfit.
  5. Me trying to figure everything out: and I am pumped especially after the FabFitFun InstaGram sponsored season of Peter the Bland. I’m not a right reason watcher so seeing this mess play out may make the last quarter of 2020 bearable.* *it won’t. I just jinxed myself.
  6. I watched it today. It’s a really strong episode and I still don’t understand why it was ‘controversial’. It ends on a message of hope which made me tear up because the issues addressed in the episode have not gotten better over the last two years.
  7. Numbnuts released the name via a sponsored IG post. As one does. Creed.
  8. Because she thinks she’s trendy, holistic, and cutting edge. See exhibit A. Placenta shake. In reality she’s a follower of any new shiny anti-vaxxer mommy blog suggestion.
  9. I never saw Ali’s season and I really enjoyed it! I knew of it on a surface level (the glacier 2 on 1, the tattoo, Rated R) since those are pretty much Bachelorette folklore now and I liked seeing it fleshed out. Can’t wait for next week! Also the double tank top look of the aught 10s. I owned SO many tank tops. Old Navy took all my money that year. 😂
  10. That makes me sick to my stomach. Those kittens are way too young to be separated from their mom and are literally trying to nurse the dog. I hate them. Hate. That is animal cruelty.
  11. The most apt description of 2020 I’ve read. It should be the Sub-heading for every history textbook written when 2020 is analyzed. 😄
  12. Same. I’m cautiously optimistic but then again on Dec. 31st, I was that way about 2020 so my bar is set real low.
  13. 42 and child free but absolutely loved this series! I grew up on the BSC books. My next store neighbor had all of them including all the Little Sisters and specials. I was insanely jealous. I was mostly Mary-Anne but desperately wanted to be a Claudia. I thought this series was so sweet and gentle but not saccharine. I told my SIL to watch it with her 10 year old. Vulture did a recap of every episode in case anyone wants to read them. Spoiler alert - every episode is praised.
  14. @Yeah No condolences to you and your family.
  15. I really hope Nathan is lying but I don’t think he is. This makes me sick to my stomach. I hope Kaiser gets out.
  16. Do you think they will show him? I know he’s person non grata in the Bachelor world (and should be in the real world) and has been accused of domestic abuse. But then to counterpoint my own point, they have to. He was such a villain. I’m not looking forward to seeing the fights between him and that Alex dude.
  17. 100%! It’s been so gratifying to watch her grow in spirit and strength. I loved her and Melissa hugging at the end. I feel that Melissa really wants her to be there and is rooting for her despite being the competition. I also really like Melissa and Bryan. This is going to be a tough finale because I like all of them! I usually have one I’m so-so on but with these three, I’m happy if anyone of them wins. side note: my parents and me had a bet going from the beginning on who would win. We each had to pick 2 strong contestants and a dark horse. Loser buys dinner next time we can all see each other . (March... seems like 7 years ago and probably won’t be able to see them until July) We all had Gregory. My dad had Bryan V and Nini. I had Eric and Karen as my other two. My mom had Eric and Stephanie! So I’m invested in both now. Literally.
  18. Rachel, as the only Black lead in 40 seasons, has an absolute reason to speak her mind. She is literally the only person with that experience and point of view. The Bachelor producers have no one else to speak to these because they only have ONE person to do so. That’s on them. Other leads can speak up and out and many of them are rightfully doing so as well. Marquel reposted a blog post that he wrote in 2014 in which he expressed how that although he was happy for Chris Soules to be picked as Bachelor, he felt that he was passed up due to his race. 6 years later and Peter over Mike Johnson, one would have to think that he had and has a point which is why he reposted and expanded on it on Instagram. Because it is a very accurate observation. Wells Adams was on JoJo season. She has also signed the petition and spoken out against the lack of diversity.
  19. She already deleted it from her IG. She’s such an idiot and he’s a racist (lots of swear words). I’m not going to get into politics but Michelle Obama was born in the South side of Chicago. She wrote a wrote a f’n book about it and there is a current documentary on Netflix about her (which is probably why David and his ilk are getting all meth’d up in arms now). She has also said several, several, several times that she would never run for president based on what her husband and her family went through during his term. anyhoot - she also said she is practicing social distancing by only going to the grocery store. Having friends over apparently is now grocery shopping.
  20. Well because of idiots like them, Lake Front Path is closed.
  21. I’m so sorry @Stats Queen. It’s a club no one wants to be in. Condolences and huge virtual hugs!
  22. F them. I live in Chicago and we are shelter in place for a reason. I haven’t had human contact besides my husband since I buried my sister 8 days ago.* Not even my family. He f’n flew here, got to her house, and is now cavorting outside with them both. Selfish, selfish, selfish people. All three of them. * I wrote about it in the Teen Mom 2 section. Too raw to write about it again. Not being a pity party or trying to gain sympathy but I get really angry at these people who flaunt the rules. True sacrifices were and are being made. Visiting your new lay is not one of those.
  23. My twin sister died on March 12th due to breast cancer. We buried her on Tuesday in Michigan with minimal family to comply with CDC. We can’t have a funeral for her in Chicago until at least mid-April and most likely May because the churches are closed as we are in “shelter in place” until 4/7 and now it looks like it’ll be a full 8 weeks from today. I can’t hug my family or friends at the time when all I need is physical comfort. You never realize how important death rituals are until you aren’t able to collectively grieve. I hate 2020. https://dykstrafuneralhome.com/obituaries/margaret-o-sullivan.130970
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