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Everything posted by profdanglais

  1. I don't remember Ross being the one to suggest it. Going to go reread that scene...
  2. I'm so glad to hear I am not alone in my frustration! @Llywela sorry to hear you have been driven to quit the show entirely. I have to admit that I am basically hate-watching it these days. @Grashka you make some interesting points. I agree that Drake and Morwenna were a bit flat in the books. Interestingly, I've noticed that the earlier books were more, 'prudish' let's say, in their writing. The romantic and sexual feelings of the characters were described pretty obliquely, whereas in the later books it's much more explicitly stated. Book!Drake and Book!Morwenna could perhaps have benefitted from a bit more oomph in the description of their relationship. But I'm glad Graham didn't try to tell the story of Morwenna's marriage too much from her point of view. I'm not convinced he could have done justice to the POV of an abused woman, and also having so much of Osborne's POV really reveals what a vile person he is. As for this week's episode--yet again we see how everything has to centre on Ross and be Ross's idea. But for him to suggest to Elizabeth that she have another 'early' baby is actually monstrous, given Elizabeth's eventual fate. It makes sense for her to conceive the idea herself and to be desperately determined to carry it out to save her marriage, but for her to do it because Ross told her to... well that makes Ross ultimately responsible for her death. Again, Debbie Horsfield makes these decisions without considering their repercussions for the character.
  3. When does the new season start? I'm surprised to see a sneak peek in July. What happened to Henry's helmet? Are there no head injuries as well as self-replenishing fuel tanks in whatever realm he's in?
  4. Hello, I've not posted on this forum before, but am inspired to now because I need someplace to vent about the way this show continually insists on using a sledgehammer to make its points, then taking that same sledgehammer to beat all the nuance out of its characters. The latest victim is poor Demelza (again!) whose affair with Hugh Armitage is no longer about her, but instead about how mean Ross doesn't appreciate her. And why does everything have to centre on Ross? George is so obsessed with him it's a wonder he finds the time to be a successful businessman. I also wonder that they haven't given him a moustache to twirl, with how comically evil his character has become. What really upsets me though, is Morwenna. Her story was the most heartbreaking in all the books for me. Sex on this show has never been explicit, and I do appreciate that, but they could have done more to show how traumatised Morwenna was by marriage to Osborne. And I'm sure they won't do justice to Osborne trying to have her committed because she refuses to sleep with him. Will they show her threatening to kill her baby if he touches her? Morwenna's story is a powerful demonstration of how terrible life could be for women in the 18th century -- married against their will, forced by law to have sex whenever their husbands demanded it, no rights or legal standing outside their marriage, no doctors who could understand much less treat the psychological effects of years of sexual and emotional abuse. It's an important story to tell, and so far this show is not doing it justice. It's like Debbie Horsfield is so intent on the events of the story that she completely fails to understand the characters.
  5. I can't think of a single subset of the fandom that would be happy about a Hook and Regina pairing. Swan Queen would hate it for obvious reasons. CS would hate it for ruining Hook and Emma's true love. Evil Regals would hate it because don't they tend to hate Hook? Outlaw Queen would hate it for ruining Regina and Robin's soul mateyness. Rumbellers would probably not care. I guess Swanfire folks might like it? But seriously, it's such a horrible idea. Please please no.
  6. I've been watching on Netflix for the past few seasons, because it's the only way the show can be seen in the UK. I find that it does affect my feelings about the show, because it's so easy to just fast forward through the crap bits. These last 2 episodes I only watched the EF stuff.
  7. If Emma dies, at what point does Hook just say eff this noise, 200-odd years is a long enough life when I keep losing everyone I love, and walk his own plank? What's his motivation to keep plugging along when everything he loves is gone? And don't say revenge, because I won't buy that a second time.
  8. I haven't seen the episodes yet, but reading this thread it occurs to me... if they wanted to call back to Season 1, why not have Emma be the one to make everyone else believe? That would show how much her character has developed much more than the thousandth retread of Henry the Truest Believer vs Emma's Walls. You could have all the characters cursed in Boston, and Emma goes about her life slowly realising that she feels inexplicably connected to some of the strangers she sees around her. Then she could find her wedding ring or something and have a flash of memory. She starts having conversations with these strange-but-familiar people, and as she does the memory flashes get stronger until she becomes convinced that they are all cursed storybook characters. She wonders if she's going crazy, she considers committing herself. Then she meets Hook in his cursed personality (or Henry, if you must) and it all comes back 100%, and so she gathers all the others together and reminds them all of who they are. They slowly start to remember, but can't quite break through the curse. Then Emma TLKs Hook (or, you know, Henry, if you must) and breaks the curse. Boom. Call back to S1, but with some character development for the main bloody character.
  9. I disagree, I think it was love at first sight for Deckhand Hook. The look on his face when they run into each other (literally) is one of my favourite bits from the whole series.
  10. So. I haven't commented at all this half season, although I've been reading the discussions. I really think I'm done with this show. For the first time I don't feel excited about watching it, and I am definitely not excited about whatever the heck is going to be going on in "Season" 7. As much as I've always loved Hook, I just can't see any direction his character could go without Emma that would make me want to watch it. I don't want a full season of Old Hook. I definitely don't want Sad-because-Emma's-dead Hook, or Pining-for-Emma-and-wanting-to-get-back-to-her Hook, unless there's some hope that he actually will get back to her, and with Jennifer Morrison gone, that's not happening. Honestly, I'd rather they recast Emma than try to rejig Hook into someone who could live contentedly without her, regress him into a vengeful villain, or heaven forbid pair him with Regina. TV gods preserve us from that horror. So I think I may just apply the same mind wipe that swept away all the horrible retcons they've brought to Hook's character since S4, and pretend that the wedding was the series finale. It's been real, y'all. I wish there were this kind of in-depth discussion for some better shows. Anyone care to migrate to the iZombie board? Or Sense8? (Seriously, I really want to talk with smart people about Sense8).
  11. Chiming in late to the discussion on Ginnifer Goodwin and her pregnancies... I think the main issue aside from the bizarrely unflattering wardrobe is her blunt haircut. In S1/2A her hair was adorable, with a little wispy pieces around her face, now it's just blunt across her forehead and that emphasises the roundness of her face. I'm a fan of GG from before Once and think she's lovely, but that hair is driving me mad. It's so unnecessarily bad. As far as the episode goes, meh, yeh, it was fine. The flashback was better than a lot of Charming's ones, but when he was fighting off the woodsman I couldn't help thinking "Oh, so this must be after Anna taught him how to courage," and eye rolling a little.
  12. Emma looked great in this episode. I loved her pretty blouse and blue jacket, and her hair and makeup were gorgeous. Aside from that, meh. I drifted off during the Wicked Evil sister spa bonding, didn't care for the characterisation of Aladdin, the Saviour stuff is nonsensical, and WT ever-loving F, Killian? More Oded Fehr being evil, please. That is all.
  13. Teaching 101: Don't ask a huge question and then get flustered when no one volunteers to answer it. Break the question down and guide the students to the answer. Giving them information with no context and then expecting them to be able to apply it immediately and with no help is terrible teaching, and anyone who'd had any teacher training would know that. Most people wouldn't care, but I've been a teacher for 15 years, and this is pretty basic stuff. This isn't the worst misrepresentation of teaching techniques on TV, though. There was a scene in Homeland that had me screaming at the television.
  14. Anyone seen this? Mine are fairly popular, apparently: https://www.buzzfeed.com/annas451019d1e/how-popular-are-your-once-upon-a-time-opinions-1kcr6?utm_term=.iur6w0R19#.owvvZ25r6
  15. I really, really hate Regina's flood pants and clunky shoes. Also, they really needed to define the difference between Regina and the Evil Queen more clearly. I mean, lasagne is surely something Regina learned how to make in Storybrooke, right? I can't imagine there were many Italian cookbooks in the Enchanted Forest. So how come the Evil Queen knows how to make it? What exactly is the difference between them?
  16. It's like 'pirate' is a trigger word for David. It didn't matter what Neal had done, he was a better choice for Emma because he wasn't a pirate. That seemed to be the breadth and depth of his thinking.
  17. All this business with the untold stories and using classic literary characters in a slightly unexpected way (or trying to, in the case of TW), I just keep thinking of how much better that has been done by Jasper Fforde. If you enjoy the idea of putting a twist on characters from classic books, read the Thursday Next series, starting with The Eyre Affair. Similar idea, faaar better execution.
  18. I'm a very secretive person and it's hard for me to talk about things that affect me emotionally. So I get Emma in that respect. But I also get that if I shut my husband out it hurts his feelings and our relationship. So I talk to him as much as possible and he understands that sometimes I'm not ready to talk yet. I do think Hook understands that Emma's first instinct when she's emotional is to shut down, which is why he left her alone when she asked him to. But Emma needs to learn to think about him and how he feels when she closes up. She has to give him something, even just "I can't talk about it yet, give me time." He'll understand. This does seem like a natural problem to have when someone like Emma gets into a serious romantic relationship, but the Show isn't framing it that way, they're framing it as another instance of someone hiding a secret for no good reason. That's what makes it so frustrating.
  19. I won't add to your list only point out that the one time someone didn't keep a secret was when Pan told Hook that Neal was alive and he immediately told Charming and Snow. Emma made a point of saying she was grateful, the Nevengers rescued Neal, and Hook and Emma got together in the end. Good results all around. So why do people on this show still think that keeping secrets is a good thing???
  20. Meh. This secret-keeping business just makes Emma seem like a jerk. Couldn't she at least have said "I'll tell you later" to Hook, as it's not really a conversation you want to have in the woods in the middle of the night, instead of just shutting him out? Does she really think she can hide this forever? And why is she trusting Hyde? I liked Belle's yellow dress and baby Rumbelle seems badass. If the Regina/Evil Queen storyline is ever going to be convincing, there has to be a difference between regular Regina and de-evil queened Regina. The original Star Trek had a similar plot line: the transporter splits Kirk's bad side from his good, the bad side goes rampaging and the good side is too ineffectual and indecisive to do anything about it. Eventually they manage to get the transporter to meld them again. We need to see some changes in Regina, some indication that she's not the person she was before being de-evilled. If nothing else, when William Shatner's acting is more subtle than yours, that's a sign that you need to put a bit more effort in.
  21. I've done this four times, four and a half if you count moving to England (separated by a common language, etc). Try not to worry. It's scary at first, but you'd be surprised how much can be communicated with hand gestures, and most people are usually pretty nice. I'd suggest learning the words for 'hello,' 'goodbye,' 'thank you,' 'please,' 'excuse me,' 'please help me,' 'how much,' and if possible 'I'm sorry, I don't speak [language], do you speak English?' Also, try to find out if the hand gestures or body language cues are significantly different to US ones. For example, in China and Japan, people use different fingers for counting or indicating numbers. Little things like that can go a long way when you're trying to communicate. Once you get through the first few weeks, things become much less overwhelming and you'll start to develop a routine and feel more comfortable with things. Do you mind if I ask where you're moving?
  22. Okay, but... are they lying down wearing their leather jackets??!? Is there ever a time when they're not wearing them? At this point, I don't care about moving in together, coffee, etc, I just want to see them embrace without two layers of animal skin between them.
  23. Time jumps would be a lot more satisfying from a narrative standpoint as well. Give the characters time to worry about Dark Emma, where she's gone and what she's doing, before they find a way to get to her. Show us Hook and the Charmings getting closer as they work together to find her. Show us Regina feeling remorseful about Emma taking the darkness instead of her and using all her magical knowledge to help find her. Don't just give us some super powerful wand that summons up a portal five minutes after Emma left.
  24. Hmm, I see your point, Shanna Marie. It would be an interesting challenge to the costume designers to vary Hook's wardrobe while still keeping it consistent with his overall style. How to be piratey in 21st century Maine without black leather. However, I did love his Camelot Dark Hook coat. It was ankle length and shimmery. Such a shame he only got to wear it for one episode.
  25. There are some themes in the Storybrooke costuming, though: Regina: sleek business-appropriate suits and dresses Emma: skinny jeans, boots, bland top, leather jacket David: jeans, shirt, blah Mary Margaret: twee tops, ankle-length trousers, Belle: Cutesy dresses Rumple: classy suits Hook: black leather/denim I do wish Hook would change up his shirts and waistcoats, though, and I HATE the black jeans. He needs to wear more blue. I love a dark haired man in blue.
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