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Everything posted by RHJunkie

  1. I had no idea that 50 and Randall work together currently. That definitely falls into the category of messy, lol.
  2. Lu has been decent this episode. She's been an entitled brat the past several episodes that I feel it's worth mentioning when she's not acting like a total tool. She seemed thoughtful and genuine when talking with Tinsley. Tinsley may not have been totally forthright in her hesitation after that Al Anon meeting...her explanation just doesn't seem genuine. She said that she was fine with telling her story but her issue with the meeting is that it requires her to speak in front of people which she doesn't like yet part of her storyline this season is about her getting back into NYC society which includes taking on hosting gigs...which requires her to speak in public. Ramona does lie but she lies with such conviction that I think that her delusional self can easily convince herself of things that didn't happen and can easily misremember things. I love how all of the women acted surprise seeing Mario at the bar and then retelling the story as though it was completely random yet none questioned how he happened to have 'gifts' for them. Maybe it was a surprise to the women but it was just an interesting moment where you clearly see production at play and they didn't even bother to think of a good explanation for it, lol. I'm not sold on Barbara being a part of this group but I don't see why Ramona has to harp on the wrap dress. It's actually a flattering style on Barbara. The mid-season trailer does look good. I guess there will be some irony to enjoy when it's Bethenny of all people losing her shit over Lu making everything about herself. I guess Bethenny recognizes it easily because she also does it all of the time as well. Hilarious in the clip alone, you can see Bethenny flip out on Lu for making everything about Lu and then turns it into something about Dennis which in turn is about Bethenny because that's all Bethenny has done this season - made a man's death all about herself, lol. Pot meet Kettle.
  3. This is obviously for show purposes. If LVP was going to hire Racquel for anything, it would make much more sense to hire her at Vanderpump Dogs where she has a genuine interest in dogs and I think it's been mentioned that she's volunteered there as well. I see this as production's way of letting the cast know that James isn't going anywhere. Racquel working at Sur gives more reason for James to be around though they'll have to rely on him to actually engage with the group because other than Sandoval and Ariana and maybe Scheana (when the others aren't around) none of the group will likely approach him. I foresee a lot of James showing up when his girlfriend is on the clock and the group of them huddled around talking about him being there to which he walks over and tries to have a conversation. Depending on whether he's sober that day or not will help shape the way the conversation is going to go.
  4. At this point, I don't get the impression that Kristin is resentful for giving up some of her younger years in order to settle down. I feel that Kristin is genuinely happy with being a mom and even seems to enjoy living on a farm and seeing her kids get to enjoy that kind of upbringing. I think she's been able to learn a lot about herself and what she likes because she settled down with someone who is so different from her and, therefore, has exposed her to things she likely wouldn't have been exposed to if she had stayed in Laguna or California in general. I think Kristin's issue is that she's comparing the way she supported Jay's professional career versus how he's supporting her and she's feeling a little ripped off. I think Kristin wants a cheerleader and not just a sounding board. Obviously, he's supportive of her career - he's not passing off his responsibilities to a nanny and then disappearing on golfing trips, he's holding down the fort the same way she did when he was playing football. He's agreed to let cameras into his home and be a part of the show for the sake of giving his wife's business a platform to promote itself. Asking someone to give up the privacy in their own home for any period of time is not a small request and if he weren't supportive, I don't think she could pull off having this show. I think it's probably the small things that may make a difference to her. Like when he and the kids baked her a cake to celebrate her book on the bestsellers list...maybe it's things like baking her a cake when the company reaches an important milestone or cooking her dinner because she had an extra busy day at the office or involving the kids in something fun for her. I'm still not sure if Kristin is wholly committed to this business as a passion or if it's a vanity project that she'll move on quickly from and replace with someone else but it's the real deal, then maybe it's those small things she needs to feel from him to know that he's taking her and dreams seriously.
  5. Is Lisa every trying to make a fashion statement? With her general fashion sense, I really hope not, lol. Her best looks are her casual looks which are pretty safe (jeans, tees, fitted blazers and flat shoes). The woman can barely walk in heels. I remember a recent scene in VPR where she and Sandoval were walking from Sur to Tom Tom and as they were walking side-by-side, from the back, it looked like he was helping his old, wobbly grandma cross the street, lol.
  6. It's not that I don't think Kim Z will never come back. It's just that I don't think she's a right fit for this show anymore because she seems to have an overall disinterest in engaging with any of the women or even being a part of the show in general. It's hard to establish relationships and have a role on the show if you act like you're better than all the other women because you have your own show, and therefore, you don't need to really engage with them. Because that's how Kim's attitude was coming into last season and it was without reason. Nobody had pissed her off, nobody had her name in their mouth, nobody was instigating shit with her.
  7. There are two parts to this: As someone who doesn't have children, I recognize that I can't fully appreciate the ebbs and flows of child-rearing the way a mother can, but it's also something that many mothers are quick to point out to people who don't have children, especially if the childless person is sharing opinions that are specific to child-rearing. Even though I practically help raise my younger siblings (the youngest is 15 years younger than me), I'm not a mother so I still feel like I need to preface any opinions I have by first acknowledging my reality that I don't have the full motherhood experience and therefore, I am not speaking as an expert or with judgment. So I don't really think anything of Meghan prefacing her comments on children with pointing out that she's childless. The second part to this is when she says stupid shit like she's not a fully formed woman because she hasn't had a child. I don't believe that she gets enough comments like that to really stand out and leave an impression. I think she just uses it as an excuse to cover for the fact that she said something stupid and realized it as soon as the words left her mouth OR when someone pushes back and makes it obvious that she just said something stupid.
  8. She's never blindly stuck up for Lisa and she shouldn't ever do so but it's exhausting seeing her try to defend her behaviour as being a good friend. As much as Lisa likes to embrace the role of the bullied, Kyle imagines behaviour that allows her to make herself a victim of Lisa's friendship. She constantly listens to all of the nasty things said about Lisa, she co-signs everything but also turns around and makes sure she says 'Lisa is my friend and I love her' as though that erases all of the negative shit she just co-signed about her friend. She's basically mad at Lisa for being mad with her for calling her a shitty person. If anyone who wants to see what Kyle's loyalty to looks like, don't look at her relationship with LVP or her relationship with her sisters...look at her relationship with Faye Resnick. She has defended everything that has come out of Faye's mouth. She has tried to brush aside Faye's past and she always looks deeply uncomfortable and unwilling to entertain negative comments about Faye. I don't know what Faye has on her that has illicited that degree of loyalty but that's what true loyalty looks like on Kyle Richards.
  9. The only good think that Dorit and PK have done is make two adorable little kids. Jagger on the guitar was beyond cute. Given the two sides we've heard, if LVP is telling the truth, I don't blame her for not reaching out to the women, but STFU about renovating your kitchen to get rid of negative energy. You just want an excuse to tell people what happened to you in your home with your former friend. Denise is really hit or miss - sometimes she looks youthful and light and other times she looks a bit older but I'm not sure yet why that is...maybe it's her makeup. Kyle should brush up on her astrological signs. Also, what is with her hat obsession? Gladys Knight sounded fabulous. Kyle told LVP that she had to speak up and be honest to protect her integrity but then Kyle tells Dorit that if she didn't personally know PK and Dorit she would have blindly defended LVP...so do you have integrity or not? Kyle defended Dorit because Dorit's accusations were self-serving to the accusations that Kyle has said and co-signed from others for years. She defended Dorit because she chose to believe her blindly with no proof of her assertions and now that Kyle's choices may blow up in her face with PK trying to work behind the scenes to mend the friendship with Ken and LVP, Kyle is scrambling and basically questioning Dorit's loyalty to her after she 'stuck her neck out for her'. I called out Kyle for being a snake long before this but this just another example of her being self-serving. Kyle doesn't mind being on the outs with LVP so long as there are others who will join her. This isn't the first time she's done this.
  10. Said in that way, I do think that makes sense and I agree (though emotional investment doesn't always have to come from a good place). Just having healthy conversation here, not set out to disprove your opinions on LVP, I'm just providing a different perspective because I find it relatable. I would say I'm considerate and thoughtful of others but my own personal experiences and insecurities in life have led me to a philosophical view that no one in this world is important enough to hate because that negativity has hurt me more than it has ever hurt anyone else. So it is more of my personal bias weighing in here and has less to do with trying to speak on LVP's behalf. I just got focused on the example you used but now is as good a time as any to clarify that I do agree with you that LVP does have a tendency to be flippant, especially with people who have annoyed her or people who try to confront her.
  11. Well, two things here: 1. I don't think hatred has anything to do with caring or being considerate of someone else's feelings. How can you care about someone else's feelings or being considerate of their feelings and still hate them? There are so many words that would better describe how those two things can co-exist: betrayal, disappointment, sadness, confusion, etc. you can experience and feel all of those things while being considerate of someone else but hatred...I just don't see how that's possible. Hatred is just negative energy that you allow to consume you in unhealthy and irrational ways. It's an ego-driven emotion that is driven more by intimidation than by 'care'. If someone hurt you and you say you hate them, that 'hate' is likely driven by other emotions like betrayal or disappointment. Philosophically, hate is driven by the need to destroy. Why would you feel such intent emotions about someone unless you were threatened by them? 2. The comment wasn't made flippantly as a way to brush Stassi off. The comment was made in response to being brushed off. Stassi was trying to walk away from the conversation and LVP said they had more to talk about. Stassi basically said 'what does it matter, you hate me' which insinuates that LVP is so blinded by her own emotions that she couldn't possibly have a reasonable and open-minded conversation with Stassi. Hence, the comment was made. Now if Kristen were to say that, she'd have a better point. So many years later and LVP still rides her ass.
  12. That's fair. I agree that we're seeing similar things and drawing different conclusions from it. Though I'm pretty sure her comment to Stassi was that she wasn't important enough to hate not that she's not important enough to care about. I don't see those two things as the same thing. It's one thing to give your power away to someone else in a way that harbours intense negative energy such as hatred...it's a whole other level to be willing to admit to someone that they have that kind of control over you. I don't see the two as being mutually exclusive....but in fairness, I could be misremembering the exact comment from LVP.
  13. She probably sees their prison sentence as them being held accountable. At the end of the day, it's her parents and I don't think it's reasonable to expect her and her siblings to keep a rational head about the situation. They have a vested interest in him remaining in the United States and I would be surprised if they didn't use their platform to do what they could to keep him here. It doesn't mean that she doesn't sound ignorant in the process...starting with her claim about voting for Trump in 2016 meanwhile she was 2 years below the voting age at the time.
  14. I think it's a play on Tinsley's reaction and lame explanation for not wanting to call Scott, hence why it was phoney. Or at least, that's the best explanation I got, lol.
  15. I don't get that about her presence at all. However, I do find her exhausting in other ways. Mainly her pretend lack of awareness of other people's feelings or intelligence. When people are smart enough to recognize her passive-aggressive digs at them, she pretends like it's just a joke and she's confused why they would take offense. When she asks a question or makes a comment (even when I don't think it was intended to get a rise out of someone), she pretends to be confused when it's explained to her that she hurt someone's feelings. I just think her 'confusion' often reads as disingenuous in these cases because it's as if she doesn't think she should apologize or acknowledge someone's feelings if a) they hurt her first or b) she didn't intend to hurt their feelings. So instead she acts like she doesn't understand what's going on because apparently, that's easier than simply apologizing.
  16. Not that I want Kim Z. back on the show but they could make it work if they wanted to. I think the issue with Kim is less to do with her not having many existing relationships on the cast that make her a seamless fit and more to do with her better than you attitude because she has her own show on the side. Kim's returned failed because she walked back into the group thinking she was above everyone else. She treated the show like it was her 'doing this shit for fun' income while everyone else was working to pay their bills, therefore, she didn't feel the need to put in much effort.
  17. All of them should have been going to therapy from the start, especially Kylie and Kendell. Having a healthy and confidential outlet where they could express their concerns and even their excitement about their show and new lives could have helped with adjusting to their growing fame and alleviate some of the anxiety and insecurities they have dealt with so publicly. Maybe a therapist could have helped Kim and Khloe see their worth beyond sex appeal and not have morphed their bodies in such a ridiculous fashion for the sake of selling it repeatedly for money.
  18. I think Joy addressed the nuance of Bernie's comments the best and it was done using fewer words than anyone else on the panel. You cannot ignore that there are innocent people sitting in jails. You can't ignore that there are people who are serving jail time for petty crimes like marijuana possession and that minorities are more likely to serve those kinds of crimes than white people. I don't believe those types of people should be sitting in jail, having their freedom and their rights infringed upon, but it's not practical to think that you can begin to decipher all the categories and fairly apply them. His 'slippery slope' comment led me to the interpretation that if we are relying on the judgment of other humans, then we are relying on a flawed system that will decide on whether someone's rights are being infringed. I guess it's like the saying that it's better to let 100 guilty men go free than to convict one innocent man. It's better for all prisoners to have their voting rights than to deny all of them (which includes those who don't deserve to be there). But again, like Joy said, it's not practical. I'm not surprised that Meghan didn't understand the point made and went off on a tangent thinking that Bernie's point was to advocate for terrorists. It's outstanding how dim this woman is and how unable she is to follow a point...or maybe that's intentional. She didn't even understand Sunny's point that low-level crimes ARE part of the conversation and you can't separate them because no matter what crime you are serving in jail, you don't have the right to vote while imprisoned. Also Meghan, someone's response 'not being good enough for you' does not give you the right to turn their response into an attempt to co-sign the comments of someone else. Did I mention that she's so fucking dumb? She threw out a hypothetical question and so she got a hypothetical answer she turned that into 'omg you guys are advocating for the rights of terrorist'. They were trying to explain to her dumb ass that the only way a terrorist should be able to vote is if they served their time and was allowed back into society because that is what the constitution says should happen. Isn't she supposed to be the fucking Constitutional advocate? So she's against the Constitutional as it relates to a hypothetical terrorist being released back into society but the Constitutional is unwavering when it comes to AR-15s because it says you're allowed to own a musket in order to protect yourself from a rebel government?
  19. She does have people who make appearances on the show. But 'friends' can refer to the audience members. I'm not sure I understood your question correctly so maybe my answer is totally off the mark.
  20. Maybe by 'royal' standards, she can't go back to De Lesseps but there's nothing legally stopping her from keeping that name. She can probably call herself the Countess for as long as she likes because the people in those actual social circles would probably think it beneath them to make public statements on the illegitimacy of her title. I think Lu's only concern is whether her husband shames her publically for using a moniker that doesn't apply to her anymore but I don't think he would do that and I don't think anyone cares enough about her or the situation to try and correct it. It's a stage title at this point.
  21. Haha...well I mean that's part of her show. She could call herself a Princess or a Queen in this context and would have the artistic license to do so. But that was a good rebuttal, I laughed out loud when I saw the picture, haha.
  22. Luann's marriage ended so quickly it's possible that she may not have even gotten around to the legal name change to D'Agostino. She can change her name back to De Lesseps and I guess it's possible that she can still claim the Countess title so long as she's unmarried but I've always chalked up the use of her title as being more prevalent to her role on TV and as a way to stand out from the other women. I would be really surprised if she still walks into events and is formally acknowledged as Countess Luann.
  23. I knew this was MTO News before I even clicked on the link. They are the only outlet that's ever reported that number and they don't really do any research or fact checking so I would say that number is highly suspect and to take it with a grain of salt...less than a grain of salt.
  24. Scheana is being a combination of manipulative and insecure. She was trying to get in his pants so that she can act coy when she sees Adam and make him jealous. She wants to manipulate Adam into seeing that she is the one for him and therefore make a commitment to be exclusive with her. Ethan is just a means to that. She's insecure because she always leads with being sexual because she thinks that's what men respond to (and many do) but she's apparently not smart enough to realize that it's probably why she can't find men that are all that interested in her - because she's selling herself as a 'good time'. And her crying over losing Adam because he's her best friend, SHE was the one wanting to pursue a sexual relationship with him while he was keeping it platonic. She was the one entertaining his 'I don't want a relationship' attitude and is now going out with men to make him jealous. I don't feel bad for her when she walked into a situation with a guy who was completely honest with her.
  25. Nene may be mentally checked out from doing this show, but her bank account is definitely all in. Nene can front about all of her non-HW ventures but I don't believe for a second that any of them has been as lucrative as being an Atlanta HW. She uses these small ventures as a means to negotiate a better HW paycheque, and good for her for that hustle but I'm not fooled for a second into believing that Nene has slowed down with her pursuit in Hollywood because she can't forget her roots from this show (she once explained her return as not forgetting where she came from, lol). Nene thinks too much of herself to slum it from the bottom and work her way up and so she'll likely continue for settling for gigs that sound good when promoting but are unlikely near the steady coin she gets from the HW franchise. Nene isn't going anywhere unless they send her packing or offer a salary that would be a big pay cut to what she's making currently. Her own ego may have her walk away all on her own.
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