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Everything posted by RHJunkie

  1. I've only really seen her genuinely interact with Saint and if I've ever seen her smile, it was probably with him. I was surprised when Ellen said Mason's name and Chicago turned to look at him. So I think she does have face and name recognition skills but she's a naturally unbothered child. I think part of the reason she always looks like a doll is because she's always got the same facial expression, lol. He said his name very quietly the first time Kourtney asked him. He seems like such a sweet child.
  2. That's now what Sunny is saying though. She is saying that her Catholic beliefs teach her that life starts at conception and that is why she is against abortion. Her definition of when life begins is based out of her religious beliefs which, in a land that promises freedom of religion, does not give her the right to impose that definition and belief on others. She is true to her religious beliefs while recognizing that others have their beliefs and science which may support a different understanding of when life actually begins.
  3. You can tell all of them bought homes really close to one another. From the listing pictures we've seen for Jax/Brittany, Katie/Schwartz and Sandoval/Ariana, their homes look very similar. I think they all have white homes and the interior layout, backyard and indoor/outdoor space looks the same in each house. Kristen lives in the same neighbourhood but her house looks quite different and someone mentioned that she bought a fixer upper so that would make sense and a good call for her. All her friends are coupled up and have two VPR incomes to help make their purchase. She's got only one so she either got a sweet deal on that home or she may be carrying a bit of a mortgage on it.
  4. And these laws will continue to put the most marginalized and financially disadvantaged at risk while the wealthy will continue to get their backdoor abortions by well to do doctors in sterile environments with proper tools. Many politicians will continue to advocate for the sanctity of all life while they shut down gun control laws, vote to cut spending on health and education that directly support young and growing children..all things that are supposed to protect and positively nurture young lives. And of course many of these politicians will vote for abortion laws but will readily pay for their mistresses to have one and they'll hope they cover their tracks well enough so that they never get caught.
  5. Probably because he likes it long and doesn't want to cut his hair so his parents don't force him. Or maybe the parents like the long hair on him and since he doesn't complain about it they don't bother to get it cut. Most times from what I've seen, it's usually the kid who has no interest in cutting their hair. Celine Dion has three boys and all of them had crazy long hair for the longest time. I don't remember about the eldest son but her twins didn't get their first short haircut until they were six.
  6. James is a fucked up person with anger issues. He needs help and while his temper may not make him above criticism, speaking to someone in a way you know they won't respond kindly to and then act like you aren't contributing to the negative interactions is just bullshit. James got a taste of his own medicine with the assholes comment about his family, but I would laugh at someone calling my family hillbillies. I would definitely get mad if someone called my family assholes. They've been gaslighting him this entire reunion. Kristin has got James living in her head rent-free. I can't even explain this. Jax is still an asshole. Don't feel sorry for you anymore Brittany. You deserve him. Also Brittany, this might be hard to get through your box of bricks brain, but if you were so offended by him calling your family out of name and feel there's no place for that, then there's no reason to defend what Kristen said. You should have said 'even though he went for family, I don't agree with comments like that and Kristen you're out of line'. This group is willing to overlook each other's behaviours but is quick to point it out with James...per usual. Lala double downs on the nasty thing she said about Billie and said it like facts and none of them spoke up. None of them spoke up when Jax was insulting Rachel. None of them spoke up when Stassi was mocking James but quickly calling him out when he retaliated. None of them called out Kristen's comments about his family. Sandoval dropped the hardest truth on James and in comparison, James' reaction was tamed compared to how he responded to the others. At the end of the day, in all his shitty behaviour, James hasn't let go of the people in his life who try with him and he seems to be reciprocating as well, likely why Scheana, Sandavol and Ariana are still in his life and are his real friends. Katie did receive sympathy when she spoke about her brain injury and her accident. It's just that being a lazy, shitty human being hasn't been able to keep that good storyline going. Katie had a great redemption story up until she had Stassi groveling for her friendship again and she started feeling like Queen Bee. Getting mad at James for being asked questions about things he was willing to open up about is just beyond reason and sensibility to me but I guess that's expected with this group. What's embarrassing about a child helping out their family in tough times? You think that information is more embarrassing to your family than going on national television and acting like a prissy shit? mean girls? rubbing steaks on your ass and feeding it to people? getting blackout drunk? getting caught cheating on your partner? calling out your partner for having 'parts' that don't function. Those things are all cool but mentioning that you have a responsibility and a pressure to help provide for your family is embarrassing to your family? Oh fuck off, lol.
  7. I didn't mind Meghan's take on the Constance Wu saga. There's a lot of irony in her talking about how others should be mindful of their tweeting practices but I'm not going to hold her accountable for something someone close to her has done. I don't think her opinion conflicted with her own practices as I think she's actually quite deliberate in the way she expresses her opinions on the show and on social media. As for the abortion topic, seeing the full segment now...I don't think Meghan was that bad. Yes, she was definitely judgemental of the other women's opinions and made that very clear but I've seen her behave FAR worse. I understand that she may be passionate about being anti-abortion which I'm fine with and I'm also fine with her personal definition of life being at conception, but there are some odd and incorrect statements made. As previously mentioned, the science community almost unanimously agree on climate change. Science is not nearly as definitive when it comes to the point in which you define human life. Saying that the sciences are on her side of the argument is wrong. I also don't understand her complaint of women like her not being involved in the conversations that pro-choice women have. If you fundamentally disagree on a woman's choice to make that decision, how can you be made part of a protest that fights for the very right that you disagree with a woman having? I understand feeling left out of the 'feminist' conversation but it makes no sense to me why she wants to have a seat at the table of a cause that she not only disagrees with, but obviously judges others who don't share her views. I genuinely couldn't follow Joy's thoughts on Alyssa Milano's sex strike tweet. I also thought Meghan was unfairly painting the comment to be something of inappropriate and ill-thought out activism. I interpreted the comment as an intentional way to fight a narrative by using the same thought-process as those who are seeking to oppress women's rights in order to force a conversation. I don't know if that's how Milano intended for her comment to be taken, but in any case, I didn't see it as being anti-feminist because I don't think she in any way tried to judge or challenge the choice of a woman regardless if she took part or not.
  8. People have mentioned how much Penelope looks like Mason. Between his long hair and her shorter hair, I totally see it in this video...and now I can't unsee it. It's crazy how much they look alike.
  9. That's a conveniently ignorant statement considering that while science has determined point of conception, science is not unaninmous in what consitutes the point of human life.
  10. That's embarrassing. Good on Bridie for making that information public. They should be ashamed of themselves because they clearly lost sight of what the event was supposed to be about.
  11. And how does any of that mean she didn't build her business from the ground up? Do you think every business owner started their business by rolling up their sleeves and doing the labour all by themselves? Building a company from the ground up has to do with personal investment and how you manage your product - that doesn't mean having to make the product yourself - it could mean recruiting experts to develop the products for you. Sometimes people with ideas aren't necessarily the best minds to execute those ideas. Kylie has don't anything groundbreaking in terms of ideas and yes, there's a lot to criticize her for, but I see no point in unnecessarily discrediting her for something she obviously meets the criteria for. She built her business. Part of that was ensuring she recruited experts that she felt fit the brand she wanted to craft.
  12. I think The View reference was to Meghan getting some guest spots/appearances on the panel after her dust up with Laura Ingram. Shapiro is now a fan of hers because they often have the same speaking points. To acknowledge and put value on Meghan's opinion is to help substantiate his own opinions - which is typical - we tend to pull examples of things that support our own positions but given the things he's said about her in the past - it seems like it started with a 'an enemy of my enemy is a friend' type of mentality.
  13. You guys forgot the thing she does with her lips when she's silently stewing at something. Her lip seems to involuntarily twitch upward. It's like a closed-mouth snarl.
  14. All of her products are made exclusive to Kylie Cosmetics and are promoted and sold under Kylie's brand. Kylie's brand is her company. There is a distinction. Having started from the get go selling under her own brand meant building her reputation in the industry without using using the names of existing brands who already have a large base (the association between Kylie and Color Pop was confirmed after her brand and original products were launched). I believe Kim is going this same route and establishing her own brand for her make-up line. That is not the same as slapping your name and face on an existing brand. Khloe does that with Good American. Kylie and Kim don't fall into that category. I was argue all day, every day that Kylie is not a self-made billionaire, but she most definitely started her company from the ground up.
  15. In fairness to Kylie, I think the 'ground up' reference is to the fact that the business is an individually funded and self-run company that is its own brand. I take it as an affirmation by Kylie that her brand and products are not a result of collaborations where Kylie slaps her name and likeness onto products that are being produced under another brand's label.
  16. Ramona may have 'hosted' the event but given that she couldn't even remember Bridie's name who was the face and catalyst of the event, Bridie should have been the only person to have spoken at the event. She could have acknowledged the contributions of Dorinda, Sonja and especially Ramona as the host, thank all of the attendees on behalf of all 4 of the organizers and then go into why the event was important which would give her the segue to briefly talk about her personal experience. All of those knuckleheads talking over one another was just horrible and Dorinda seemed to be slightly tipsy in the way she was speaking. Not that sober Dorinda can't also be cringey to watch.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. I think some of the comments here are incredibly (and surprisingly) harsh. He's a kid that was taken into an adult situation and he's being judged for not acting appropriately...compared to what? Other adults? If he were a kid sitting in a restaurant spitting out words while he kept his ass in his seat and ate his dinner...would he be considered obnoxious or making adults around itch to bitch slap him? No. He's being judged because he was taken into a situation that he had no interest in being a part of so he simply found a way to entertain himself by talking to himself (and Saint seemed to appreciate it because he was thoroughly entertained by him). He wasn't throwing a tantrum, he wasn't crying, he wasn't screaming and trying to interrupt anyone. He didn't roll around on the floor and demand to go home. All the other grandkids seem to be more shy in certain situations. Penelope, Mason and Saint always seems quiet and shy. Chicago is always unbothered. North is a toss up but I think she's usually more comfortable speaking in a more familiar setting of if her parents were around. I'm inclined to think that people thought Reign was adorable because they were witnessing a kid simply being a kid, that is all. Wonderful for all of the parents out there that had shy, calm kids who always sat down and shut up exactly when you needed them to but I'm positive that is not every parent's experience and many of those parents would probably clap back at the idea that their kids deserved to be bitch slapped for not always being quiet when you would prefer them to be.
  18. Lu is just dreadful this season. The only person who seems to get a decent version of Lu is Tinsley (though Tinsley's fully observant of her behaviour). However, outside of that odd season with Carole, it's not Tinsley's 'thing' to insert herself into other people's drama. I loved seeing Dorinda's genuine reaction of shock when she realized she was standing next to Barbara, lol. Why is Ramona complaining about someone not showing up to her event when she has either not shown up or has intentionally doubled booked herself and left early from events? Ramona is so audacious. Sonja is absolutely right. Ramona is busy climbing the social ladder and she doesn't want any of the other ladies around her while she does it to take away her 'shine'. Ramona doesn't care about people, she only cares enough to feel like others care about her. She doesn't deserve friends, lol. That event speech, collectively, was just awkward as fuck and all 3 of them were mortifying.
  19. Day is a competitor. She's done enough in my books to not be overlooked. She constantly gets chosen because she seems like the weakest link but what she lacks in size or even muscle, she makes up for in heart and hustle. Felt bad for her that she had to leave so soon after to fighting for her survival. I had one small moment of feeling bad for Paulie when he was in the ambulance but after watching Wes crush it right after him, my immediate thought was that Paulie needed that slice of humble pie served to him. He's cocky as hell. Watching Paulie and his ego driven tears and Cara with her stupid tears, it was glorious to watch. Every last drop. I wonder what a challenge with Paulie and Jordan Wisely would look like Jordan is cocky but there's a swagger to him that I didn't find annoying...then again, I've never been convinced that Jordan is a manipulative narcissist. Damn, based on the previews, sounds like the legit finales are making a return. A 50 mile long final? I would only consider this if I was allowed to at least use a golf cart, lol.
  20. I just cannot with Chicago...that little girl ALWAYS looks unbothered with everything around her, lol. The only time I've every seen her truly interact with anyone is with her brother. Her demeanor seems so quiet that I imagine she's probably not a fussy baby.
  21. Damn, they definitely nailed it with Kris and Kourtney. I haven't seen all of the others though to compare likeness.
  22. It is an applicable term. One definition of the word is to 'slide oneself into position' Personally, I would have gone with 'Teddi likes to insert herself into other people's conversations'.
  23. Ariana absolutely knew that the trips were booked because of production, not because Lisa told them to go on a trip and have some fun which is why it was booked before those words even came out of her mouth yet Ariana and the Toms did use her words against her in defense of themselves. Ariana explained why she was upset. She said when out for drinks - Lisa's comments made the Toms look like idiots and because she's dating a Tom by extension, it made her look like an idiot. Ariana changed her tune after about simply defending her boyfriend but if it was truly about that, the thought of how SHE looked by extension would not have crossed her mind, or at the very least, those words would have most certainly not have passed her lips. Not everything has to be a conspiracy or always has to be malicious. She threw a jab because that's what she does (she thinks she's 'funny') and it also served a purpose of promoting the upcoming season of the show. Unfortunately for the Toms, the jab came at their expense. The Toms should have addressed it and it didn't require them having to be Lisa's doormats. When you call someone out and tell them how you feel about something they said or did, you're putting them on notice of what you're observing. Lisa could apologize (which I don't think she did) or she could double down and continually say it was a 'joke' an they could have simply said 'okay, I'll take it at face value because I know we have a banter style relationship but that one hurt my feelings and I felt crossed a line because I am taking this seriously and I just wanted to make sure I was honest with you about it, that's all'. Lisa would have acted all flustered like she often does but at least there would be no criticism on how the situation was addressed.
  24. My pen has run out of ink writing a list of all of the things Kyle has anxiety over. On one hand, I am impressed that she's been able to travel and have these various experiences in life given the number of things that give her anxiety, on the other hand, she should go to therapy for that. Isn't it better to figure out a way to not have to go through life afraid of everything? These women are barely seen eating and yet their food bill came up to $700. I get alcohol can rack up as well but I know they aren't picking up $200 bottles at the grocery store so my head can't wrap around that bill. That was not camping. Camille has loose lips. It's one thing to talk that openly about your sex life with your friends, but to do it in front of the cameras...her husband should probably keep it safe to avoid being a subject on the show, lol. Teddi is exhausting to be around. She has an opinion about everything under the guise of being this truth-teller but she's an accountability hack. She just likes to hear herself talk and assesses everyone around her like she's some therapist. Teddi sharing her opinions in a matter-of-fact way doesn't make it truth. And for someone who likes to interject her so much, she should have much better skin that what she's got. She got offended way too quickly. And maybe Teddi's observational skills aren't all that great after all. She accused Camille of not speaking her mind to someone's face literally after Camille just spoke her mind about Teddi TO Teddi's face, lol. By that logic, Teddi can't call herself direct either since she spoke about LVP to some of the other women before she put all of her cards on the table with LVP. I do think Teddi is direct but being direct is about being able to tell someone to their face what you're willing to say or think behind their back. Camille did exactly that just the way of Teddi has done.
  25. I think Meghan is genuine in her desire to see equal rights for the LGBTQ community but you're correct, an 'ally' is not the right term. They stand side by side for a mutual cause. Internal beliefs demonstrate a type of support but ally is far too strong of a word for anyone who acknowledges and verbally supports causes but does not use the means available to them to help make changes on the ground. To be honest, I think a large group of people who call themselves allies of the LGBTQ community are mostly allies in word and not necessarily in action.
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