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Everything posted by Lamima

  1. Michele seems to have taken Tori's spot for being the HGIC....head girl in charge. What she wants, is what she gets. And she wanted Callum safe so nobody would say his name and they all wanted to help him win. I don't get it, you have to dwindle the threats for better chances in the final. And I thought all the Americans were an alliance yet Michele's F buddy is being kept safe as is his fellow tat face buddy, Emanual...well the response Michele and Jay had show they want to keep him safe. Also, does Michele know Callum has a girlfriend? How are they going to get down to a small number with this play a champion thing, if sometimes they win (like Big T)? Are they going to go to final with a lot of players? A lot more than usual? I am still waiting for Nanas to come and take out Mariah's giant guy (F buddy).
  2. The shaking hands like they are truly about to die....so eye rolling.
  3. Ok, so surprised to see no one has mentioned this... This seems 100% fake/scripted with all actors. Cute show and I will finish watching but it isn't like Survivor, Amazing Race< Big Brother oror The Challenge. It's all fiction and acted.
  4. I don't know. She was rushing up and hollering at him to hurry..and she had been having issues all episode so maybe he was checked out. He is older and as an older person myself I imagine the race would be hard and exhausting. Add in a disgruntled partner who is always rush rush rush....the poor guy is just trying to keep up and may be out of steam. She needs to chill out a bit. If they didn't try for that express pass they'd have been more solidly safe.
  5. Came here to say similar. Amd it was her fault they didn't see the taken sign at the Express pass. She is a piece of work. Poor dad.
  6. Jag as well, actually. None of the HGs could ever answer those questions. So I was shocked they both got the 1st 5 correct...and then both got the last one wrong and answered the same. Then I wondered if the show gave them the 1st 5 answers and told them they were on their own for the last one. To build some sort of drama. Lame.
  7. Idiot. Doing the right thing could also be keeping promise to Bowie.
  8. And we should mention what a stupid move Jag made keeping Matt. Played with his heart and not his head. What a dud season when this is the best of them. Blah.
  9. So, Matt and Bowie have made dumb moves and just done Jag's bidding. They are there to win for themselves yet they've played the game of a runner up. So I can't root for that. And Jag was voted out so I can't root for him. Felicia has done nothing and is irritating so I can't root for her. Guess I am rooting for Cirie. Solely based on the fact they should have gotten her out numero uno yet here she is a final 5. And I liked her on Survivor. Won't feel like a true win as she had a lot of help from production (having her son in the game too). But, this season sucked such big hairy ones that I really have nothing left to really root for so...Cirie it is. And she's looking like a goner this week. Boo.
  10. I see Bowie the goat to take to the end. Felicia will be out next. Then Matt and Jag will aim to take each other out. It will be Bowie, Cirie and Jag final 3 and Jag will win. Probably against Bowie in F2. My prediction. And so boring. Also, Jag was voted out so his win will be like Chris' Survivor win. And not be a true win, in my eyes. Bowie is such a waste. She could have really upped her resume had she put up Matt and Jag. Stupid player. Oh, and, none of them could get any of the HOH questions. This is such a pitiful cast. Awful season.
  11. Me too. First off, put freakin Tori in the sand, Michaela. Jeez. Who cares what you promised. Tori will win the finals. Mark my words. Second, this hall brawl was totally lame. The puzzle negated the actual hall brawl. Third, um, I call BS to Bananas not getting pulled from the hopper. BS. Tori and Bananas have been protected this entire game. Conveniently. So tired of seeing them. Not watching another season of regular or US version that they are in.
  12. What, Cory? Why lie? What you actually said was better.
  13. Still why wasn't Tori considered more. Ugh. And Fessy may keep winning. Bananas ain't looking all THAT. Or the other vet guy left. And Chris took out Wes. These old vets are washed up. They only get so far because they group up and bully people to not put them in arena. And the show helps fix it for them too. Also, the hopper....show can easily fudge that. Tj could have the ball with name they want in his pocket. Not sure it's such a random pick.
  14. Oh and Jared and Cirie should have been nommed because if one came down then one still would be on the block. By leaving Cirie off, she could have played and won veto and saved Jared and then both would have still been in. With just Jared, though, if he won then he could be reminded Cirie would replace him if he used veto. At least. So Jared definitely needed to be on the block. But I also think it best to put Cirie up too.
  15. I don't understand the purpose of this double eviction at all if both are going back in for another week with just 1 evicted after. So...just do a regular old single eviction. Like, how stupid. And to boot we will get R word dropper back in. So not only was he not evicted for dropping the R word but he also was not evicted when all the house (but his mommy) voted to evict him. Wow! That's something!!!
  16. So Jared nommed Corey and America and Matt or Jag won veto and took down Corey so Jared could nom Cam and Cam is the target? Do I have that right. Or was veto not played yet? Not watching this week until double eviction night.
  17. Dang. Yep, I am out this week too. Ugh. Bye Corey or Cam.
  18. Cam was like Romper Stomper in the port-a-potty brawl. Loved it! Best episode this season. Hoping something stupid doesn't mess it all up and we are stuck with the 3 bossy hens for longer. Loved how Izzy and Felicia took stuff off thinking they'd get pied (glasses and teeth) and then the slow realization came across thier arrogant faces....and they put their stuff back on. Ha ha.
  19. And, yet again, Tori and Nanas come out roses. All the way around, even when her eyebrows BF gets loaded in thr hopper. Nope, it pulls Monte. I wish the show would have stop clocks running next to the finish so when he blows horn we see the times. I feel like they have liberty to fudge the numbers.
  20. Yeah, when Tori said the show liked to make them look like dumb dumbs with the trivia daily...I thought in my head..."that's because you are dumb dumbs and it's why you have to do this show".
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