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Everything posted by AriAu

  1. Eddie Murphy doing Stevie Wonder to Stevie Wonder-absolute classic, especially when Stevie breaks out of the "Stevie Wonder Experience" and does it real and Eddie goes,"No, still sucks". VERY hard to find on line-I think NBC has had it pulled/ Dating back to the vintage Billy Crystal/Martin Short season, I still laugh when I think about the taped segment with Martin Short and Christopher Guest training for men's synchronized swimming, but Short having to wear a life preserver and nose plugs "because I am not a very good swimmer". I laugh just thinking about it.
  2. I think it is the perfect episode to watch right now since I think it is set on 4th of July....and yes, it gets a little dusty in my house at the end. Laura was not one of my favorites since Frank did not do a particularly good job. On the other hand, in the gumshoe from the mainland category, it wipes out any of the Luther Gillis episodes, which I always turned off.
  3. Agreed, but where does Spike, a more charming little weasel, fit in?
  4. From the episode where Venus and Johnny are tested as they drink: "Cop's got a hat, I need a hat". Almost everything in that episode made me crack up, especially the scenes with the cops and Johnny, as he keeps getting faster and faster response times the more he drinks. It is also the episode with the Pig and the Carp (Herb) getting into a fight in the bathroom. Saw it last night while I was surfing around and laughed a lot, even knowing everything that was going on
  5. Why was Cameron in Cincinnati? Oh yeah, so Joe could hire a whole bunch of other people, who did not even have time to hang their poster for the Greatest American Hero. That is perfect since every episode has me going "Believe it or not...." I cringed watching Gordon screw up with the Japanese business men, even when he tried so hard to be ready. He is really a sad sack of a guy and I hope he is not paid back by having his wife sleep with her boss. I keep watching to see what is going to happen and each week I have the same answer....not much. This show has to end after one season, right? They launch the product and that is it.
  6. Always been partial to any episode with Magnum's backstory with Michelle (and hence Lily), but also have a soft spot for the ones with Higgins's half brothers. Saw the one with Father Paddy today and hearing Higgins tell the story of how his siblings (half siblings!!) were begat always cracks me up.
  7. .I think the editing monkeys had a lot to do with that whole situation and definitely chose to highlight a "Mean Girls" type situation that might or might not have existed. Heather and Sarah definitely looked bad, but I will note that everyone on the show seemed pretty annoyed with Beverly and the way she worked, as well as whether she was a good member of a team. I usually try to judge the treatment of cheftestants more objectively than what we are shown by looking at whether other cheftestants like them and/or respect them-Stefan seemed to be a total dick in the NY season, but people seemed to like him, including Jamie who the editing monkeys made it appear he was hitting on, while in Las Vegas, it looked like Eli was being really awful to Robin until it became clear that she was annoying E V E R Y O N E in the cast. In this case, it seemed like no one was really on Beverly's side, so I am a little more likely to think Sarah and Heather were edited to look even worse than they really were.
  8. I think she has had a lot of bad luck in an industry where even a lot of good luck is often not enough to succeed. I think she would like to open a restaurant but only on her terms. At this point, she has had such mixed PR from this and from the industry that she may need to go cook somewhere and generate some positive buzz....or just win this and then wait for the investors to flock to her! (where is the sarcasm font)
  9. heckkitty, it will be interesting to see if the judges take the need for future drama into account. I know, I know that they always say they don't consider it,but given the head to head nature, maybe it will be in the back of their minds just a little. There is way more drama with Tiffani than Dale, but based on restaurant success, Dale should mop the floor with her. Isabella brings lots of drama too so we will see if it factors in at all. On the original format of TC Masters the judges did not seem to help out the people with bigger resumes (Besh in particular laid an egg), but may be something to keep an eye on here.
  10. Just got an e-mail from Martin Sheen endorsing Gov Quinn of Illinois-calls him a friend and everything. Can you get a powerful endorsement than from the last president I actually admired.
  11. I think that Cam is such a ham that I don't really enjoy when this family is featured. I feel that everything is forced and that there is no real affection. HOWEVER, saw a repeat last night of "Bringing Up Baby", the episode right after they don't get a baby (and Gloria is pregnant (and going to get so fat)) and their interactions were honest, true and funny. Lily actually made me laugh by acting like a 5 year old-"Then can we get a cat and name him Larry?" was a perfect line and funny. And the stuffed animals on the roof was laugh out loud funny.
  12. I'm afraid of something worse-it won't even be that interesting. This show has been a real snooze-another episode where nothing happened and it was totally unmemorable. I like Diane Farr as an actress, but the situation was meh. Only part I enjoyed was the interaction between Jeremiah and the waitress-of course something will develop, but his character has been so boring that I can't see her really being interested.
  13. The one I use the most, and I use many, many lines, is "Good writers borrow from other writers-great writers steal outright". Ok, Sorkin stole it from TS Eliot, but at least he stole a good one. I've also been no to say that "more and more, we've come to expect less and less from each other", but I then have to decide if I stole it from TWW or SportsNight or both. ETA: BIzBuzz, we both stole from the same great episode(s). I think I'll need to watch it/them tonight.
  14. Had a Jed Bartlet moment last week. Met the mayor of a major Midwestern city at a reception and in response to a question, he said, "I know what you want me to say, but I think it should go on the north side, not the west side, because it will be safer for everyone and better for all businesses. I know it screws you over a little, but that is what I think is right." Not quite as altruistic as saying he did it so that kids could afford milk, but the 1st thing I thought of was Jed with the dairy farmers in "The Shadow of Two Gunmen". Missing TWOP for this quote!
  15. But she is, at this point, acting like most working spouses back in the '80s. Hopefully she will break out of that mold and maybe some dealings with Cameron will help her so that their "relationship" (if we can call it that) turns into a 2 way street. Very bummed that the Pie Maker has turned into such an abuse dick. Was he planning on saving the day himself? Was he going to get back at the asshat reporter who told him he was not an engineer so not important? I know he is supposed to be some kind of "man of mystery", but he is just coming off as an unsuccessful Machiavleian jerk
  16. I don't know what this says about the episode but 2 days after watching it, I have absolutely no idea what it was about, what happened, what the cases were about or anything else other than Jeremiah pulling the white pillow out of the Rubbermaid container to yell into it. Oh and Eddie showing up at the end acting like his usual self centered duffus self.
  17. But I miss me some skeevy Howard-the tame one is just too boring.
  18. Wow, this is tough. I loved the entire Dr. Stephanie trilogy, especially the first few minutes of the Vartabedian Conundrum when Penny and Stephanie meet. I also love both major visits from Beverly Hoffsteder (Maternal Capacitance and Congruence). Also have a special place for Lunar Excitation (wow has Amy changed since then) and Desperation Emanation (got your back Jack, bitches be crazy), as well as Mrx Cooper's appearance in Zassy Substitution (pure gold, especially Laurie Metcalf's delivery). I especially love Bath Item Gift Hypothesis and not just for "if I had a healthy ovum I could grow my own Leonard Nemoy", but for the wonderful scene between Leonard and Penny just before it (where it is clear that the two actors are actually in love and not just the characters. HOWEVER, at the very top is Adhesive Duck Deficiency-both story lines are solid and the jokes are perfect "Sheldon, could you stop being, I don't know, you for a few minutes", and obviously the Soft Kitty at end is priceless ("Injured and drugged is a kind of sick"), but the camping stuff is also great ("It's like a freaking 7-11"). As for worst, I think I'll go with Robotic Manipulation or 21 Second Excitation or Speckerman Recurrence (it is sorta depressing when they remind us how picked on they are/were in the real world).
  19. Richard Schiff is in the new TNT drama "Murder in the First", playing a lawyer to the supposed bad guy. (If you see 30 seconds of the show, you will know that is not a spoiler). One of the first times we see the character, he is on a plane and I flashed back the first scene in the Pilot where he talks about how unlikely it is that something he bought at Radio Shack could disable the plane. However, he played the character as mopie Toby the whole time so I was disappointed, even with Tommy Schlamme directing.
  20. I am one of the ones getting frustrated. I want to like this show since I like Ned the Pie Maker and the other characters seem interesting and clearly have secrets on some level (only one of which is Draper like at all), but I am not following what is going on with the most important topic-the computer stuff. I don't know what "bios" is and I don't think I am supposed to be guessing. I know that they want us to focus on the "other" issues involving the characters and their pasts (as well as their futures) but I think it would be nice to have some idea what forms to basis for the storyline and the drama. I easily followed that IBM was getting back at them with their economic muscle (something our genius Pie Maker should have anticipated since there was no way IBM was going back to Greenwich Conn (or Armonk NY) with their tail between their legs), so why couldn't they figure out how to explain or demonstrate the basic tech stuff that would have made the other 40 minutes of the show understandable?
  21. Two other random observations The best duel is missing-Voltaggio vs Voltaggio.I know we got it in the Season 6 finale, but it would still be fun to see again. AND the best thing is NO SPIKE!! No stupid hat, no stupid game playing, no mediocre cooking, no bullshit.
  22. This looks to be the cooking highlight. Great chefs, great creative food, great cheftestants, no drama. Same goes for Shirley vs Brooke These will have lots of drama and in the first case liquid nitro and foam Is this Kevin's first time back for anything?
  23. I prefer to think that the whole season never happened and that Sorkin either wrote The Supremes and gave it to Debra Cahn or she was totally channeling him when she wrote it. Least favorite is either Access or 90 Miles away or Isaac and Ismael. Favorite is Bartlet for America, unless it is He Shall from Time to Time, but then again maybe it is Shibboleth ("It was made for my family by a silversmith named Paul Revere" always gets me), but I am always partial to Galileo, and then it is tough to beat In Excelsius Deo or....... This is like choosing among your children,
  24. "How do you know I don't have a big house" still cracks me up. It is a great episode and shows the affection they all have for each other. I remember watching the episode and thinking "I want to work with those people"
  25. Casey: "Whitson, Woodson Robovsky" Casey: "You're dating a porn star who likes sports?" Jeremy: "I know, that's why I'm not talking about it. Any minute now my mother's gonna wake me up and tell me it's time to go to school." "It's Draft Day Baby" By the way, and just an FYI, The Weather Channel says there is a 0% chance of rain today at Indian Wells.
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