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Everything posted by Polliwollidoodle

  1. I was really impressed with how both families seemed to mesh (language barriers of course but aside form that)-- and seemed to be pretty level headed and NOT adding to drama.
  2. WIth the little clip of "Coming Attractions" it sure sounded like he took a chunk of money from their accounts? Did anyone else catch that one?
  3. I wonder about this as well but also even just the initial trips they make to meet in person. There was all this hoopla over Dani in particular as she was in such a financial mess and yet did travel overseas. I am not sure when TLC $ starts but it seems that these peeps make the trips before TLC is on the radar. I would love to know this for real as in show me the money and where it comes from. Was it mentioned as far as Nicole making the trip where the $ came from (family? savings) . Although with Nicole, it seems TLC is there for this first meeting. The other people I am thinking of seem to have made the trips in the past.... (pre TV cameras)
  4. In CA, only medical marijuana is legal. Given that we haven't seen his establishment, I doubt he's in the business of legal marijuana. However... because marijuana is still illegal on a Federal level, there's a lot of uncertainty about how federal taxes apply to state-legalized marijuana businesses (and illegal businesses owe hefty taxes, since they can't claim deductions). So, theoretically, a person might want to deal only in cash to avoid a big Federal tax hit. But that's still shady (and illegal) as well. Which is why I doubt he's actually in the legitimate business side of things. Apparently not adept at this multi quote thing because I also tried to include the original post from SleepyJean-- good catch all around. I think that Zhorghe (Jorge) is so anxious to appear to be a super catch worthy of the bombshell he thinks Anfisa is---hows that for a sentence... He is probably so proud to have a wad of cash in his pocket and think he is so cool . He does not take the next step to realize that he is a target and will unfortunately probably continue to be one.
  5. I don't watch the show regularly, but I have certainly seen my share of episodes. I too am not so put off my cursing, but she curses in just about every sentence and does not seem to try to curb it in front of her little ones. For example when they are in the car- and it's an enclosed area and she is cursing away and the kiddles are right there. I have been really disturbed by that to the point where it surprises me that no one has suggested to her that at least while on camera, do not curse in the presence of the kids. I am surprised that thy don't curse so much. Then again, I don't hear them talking much. Brielle was a cute sweet kid way back but now looks like she is trying to be a mini plastic plaything. Kim at least, in my opinion, is rough and tough but has street smarts and common sense (mostly-except for the setting examples in front of the kiddies)but Brielle not so much.............
  6. I think if the Lord puts it in their blessed hearts to live in NY/NJ they might certainly think about moving in with the grandparents- looked like a good match to me. Jeremy's parents looked too young and normal to be Duggaresque but the grandma has potential. Please help me as I didn't watch the full episodes but what was the rational for the trip with so much of the family? I realize of course that they coudl not travel unchaperoned but how did they explain it other than yet another nice perk for the family. And finally, with the ones back at the homestead fixing up the guest house (and I would love to see the finished result of the wood stick on the wall that they all thought was brilliant to fill up the wall over the sofa?>>>!!!!)............... who was watching Anna's kids? And where is her hubby nowadays if not on tv? Thank you
  7. I was wondering about all this with the Nigerian Prince as well. I only saw a little bit but this was a big question mark for me. Also is his beloved who lives in Pa. a nurse?It seemed to say that- and I am just asking because if an RN, she really should have more sense. Well I guess anyone should have more sense but I mean she is obviously intelligent- and she did actually uncover his deceit.. I find Afisa just ridiculous. a caricature.
  8. Wonderful posts here- I know you all have covered this but I have to join the chorus as I originally intended- 1-All I see are these young people in way nicer houses than what they grew up in- with lovely kitchens and Subway wrappers and Chinese Food Take out containers. I am all for convenience but not exclusively. ((shameful)). 2- I couldn't believe Mat is walking the dog without a leash. And he has the stupidity to admit that the dog frequently chases joggers. I mean wtf? 3-Farrah and Deborah's attire on the beach. I guess they both are enjoying the fruits of hard labor with crazy ass sunglasses and new and improved (well new anyway) body and face features. 4- When Gary invited Amber and all to have some dogs on the grill- she didn't even have the decency to say THANK you but no thanks or whatever. I did not hear thank you at all. I only heard hesitation and "that's ok".no thanks???? Ok- I think I am done
  9. omg YES!! I was getting skeeved out looking at that thing. I guess I had forgotten by the time I posted. ,,,, not sure if it's appropriate for me to say thanks for reminding me because that was SO gross. and nice name realitymaven :)
  10. I watched last night- so happy to see this- and it was mostly a recap of their season but now watching it again, I honestly thought initially that Mo was coming in at least open minded. Maybe it was the editing ( again, don't worry I am not a fan of his) but I could see where it seemed like he was getting bombarded with Danielle and her financial woes and then she gets fired and then the lawyer explains that they will each be responsible etc etc. I am not saying this would have been a good relationship but if things were just about them getting to be a couple (lol with grown children and some adult children) then it would have at least been a different story. I couldn't believe when she is "confronting" him about taking trips without her and he says "did you ask to come and did I say no" as though it's all now not an issue. She really is pretty unintelligent and gullible. It's really sad. And the fact that she is so damn annoying well...there you go. I didn't see any thing about the other couples... looking forward I guess to next week.
  11. I just watched Jaqueline and I think aside from her lips looking awfully weird, her forehead/eyebrows do not budge. Even when she is being fairly animated speaking, she opens her eyes really wide and on any one else, the eyebrows would go up and down and go in sync with the expressions. Hers are totally not budging. I agree there is something very un atrractive or forced looking about her. She is a pretty woman, pre surgery.
  12. getting ready---------thank you!!!! geekamonggeeks.
  13. please help-- I have been out of it for a month or so and could swear today I was a commercial for some updated teen mom thing which looksl ike it is on tomorrow night? (as in monday 8-22-16. ). I fear I have missed a few new episodes oh my. Is there a new season or is there just some update show with Faux Dr Drew or what???? and thank you
  14. On a super superficial note, I thought GG looked absolutely the best I have ever seen her look. Then when they did a few of the cameos, where they usually take time and look all made up and cared for, she didn't look as good as she did that night at Asa's party.
  15. I do watch reality tv and consider it a guilty pleasure. I am always amazed at the parents who are fully aware of being filmed, and still behave in ways that should cause shame . I dont even mean it in the judgemental question of if this is wrong to have the kids in pageants, but the super competitive moms and the cranky and or oblivious kids... I just cannot understand how the moms and dads, even if they are really into this, how they cannot recognize how horrible they come across. (and needless to say , with editing I believe they even look worse.)
  16. From what I recall, MJ is Jewish. (she and Mike are, Reza is half though identifies more as Muslim as is Asa...but they sure do loves them some alcohol). While it's not typical here to have flowers at Jewish grave sites, it's really more practice and not something that is against the religion. Just wanted to clarify. But you are right that at a Jewish cemetery there are seldom flowers. Also I must have not been watching very closely because I totally missed any Hebrew writing.but I totally believe you.:)
  17. guess I am watching it now. I always feel bad for MJ when I see her mom and how her mom has not one nice word or comment of look or action for her daughter.
  18. I watched a mini marathon today- it looks like I got up to this one. I havent seen their last few seasons I think though I know I have seen some. Anyway I was actually enjoying this season (maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder?). I actually felt bad for both Mike and Jessica this time around and was shocked that Tommy showed up. I find MJ very puzzling- I like her but I too am just amazed at how she dresses and carries herself. She seems pretty real and actually kind for the most part- but this Tommy thing does not seem like a match to me. I wonder if it is still at the lust or infatuation stage. Cause they really don't seem to be a match to me. As in Mike and Jessica seem like way more of a match to me and look where that one is heading. oh well
  19. YES. I just was watching a bunch this morning- and I couldnt figure out who the therapist looked like. I havent watched Vanderpump Rules faithfully, but YES she looks like the one from that show. And excuse me, but I really have to question a "Therapist" who would do a show like this. Pure and sheer fluff. I mean it's fine if you are looking for name recognition but would you ever consider going to a therapist like this one? Please say no. oops and I also only recognize Brandi, Aubrey and Paulie.
  20. I am aware (from FB snooping) of people similar to this crew... what amazes me is how many have severe medical issues and quite a few unfortunately die quite quite young. ( like 30's and 40's. if they live to 60 they look worse than a 90 year old). I can't help but imagine that the diet is a big contributing factor. (of course so is lifestyle- so many are smokers as well). What always hits me is that the cheetos and lunchables etc have got to be way pricier than healthy food. Dont get me wrong, I love junk food and eat it as well, but I did not raise my daughters on donuts for breakfast. A dozen eggs is probably the same price as small lunchable and that would give you several meals. just for example
  21. a marshmallow with balloon lips. (sorry, I know that was cruel but she CHOSE to alter her appearance so I feel it's free game)
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