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Everything posted by Polliwollidoodle

  1. Clearly the verdict has to be there is one king- and it's papa. :)
  2. Well I was wondering as well when the show was on ( and I couldn't remember which channel). I thought I was the only one who saw it. I didn't actually search for it, thinking maybe I would catch it over the weekend. Now I am really even more curious. I thought it was a good show, kind of creepy family but more normal than most that get featured but I do agree with much of the comments above------------Big Dad is the drama king, and peeps definitely drank the Kool aid. Still- would love to see more of it.
  3. Leah's second day at big girlz school was a success for 2 reasons: 1- she made it there. 2- her hair looked long and fluffy So, she succeeded and will find something else to do. She's over it. (and may I say, if I am wrong, good for her.......but do we really think I am wrong?)
  4. This times 1000. So sad and so basic and SO TRUE.
  5. Just because something is legal doesn' t mean it's ok or that I have to like it or think it;s ok.
  6. I happen to think that doing porn is not a good thing. I guess you could say I am even a bit judgmental regarding it. I don't condemn someone who has done it but I can't really say that I think it's ok. With that though, I don't get the girlz keeping it out there as badmouthing material.They (Amber, Cate, and to a lesser degree Maci but still Maci) real trash. It might not be their fault for where and how they were raised, but as is discussed here by so many posters, many people grow up in very adverse situations and really do quite well for themselves. They come from trash it seems and even with this lifeline of TM $$ they are still trash with marginally nicer material stuff.
  7. Because that's what a good and devoted mom does and dresses like.
  8. So annoyed- I apparently missed the second reunion and the weekend at corey's. I wasn't too concerned as I am usually able to catch up with on demand but somehow it doesn't seem to be offered or at least it's not working for now. Hopefully one of these days it gets straightened out and I can catch up to you all. And I love the Dr. Ew. Marisa not sure if you coined it but whoever- it's a great one. thanks!!! oops--- but I wouldn't say Maci has it together.........but then again, I guess in this circle of moms, maybe so.
  9. I think it's another case of not quite proper usage of words. Close out to her is closing out the season maybe?
  10. How many books do you suppose Amber and Matt have read between them? (and you can count books they've read to Boo Boo).
  11. I totally thought Amber was not sober. And one more point- compare and contrast how Amber was dressed and how Christina was dressed. So on point.
  12. Absolutely agree with this comment. all of it. My daughter just had a baby and did not find out the gender. Most people were shocked at that, and I think didn't believe it (they thought she was keeping it a secret). I have always had a problem when someone says they want boy or a girl. I have known so many people who had problems having children- would have been delighted to have any- and then to hear someone say oh I want x or y is just scary to me. You want a healthy baby is what you want. But Dr D really seems to have lost his way - bad judgement bad comments all around.
  13. YASS. (yes:) a little structure and responsibility. you know, not juggling who is taking care of your issues and kid(s). for real
  14. Just to add a few more thoughts- Even if Leah stayed over and was late to school, you know Amber would have big reason why she was late. (big reason -whatever- power outage at their house, traffic incident on the road--- the school changed location) and she'd be in tears saying it wasn't her fault. I did think Dr Drew was a bit more fair and firm with Cate and Ty and I also thought Tyler was pretty with it. I thought Drew was off when he took issue with Tyler for giving Cate a glass of wine to celebrate their anniversary. I mean I see where he is saying she has an addictive personality but really, at least from what I see(and admittedly I am not the most devoted viewer) alcohol does not seem to be around much. I thought it was telling that Nova went to April (or April put her on her lap as opposed to CATE). I am trying to think of how to state this without sounding harsh, but man April really shows the hard life she has lived on her face. How old is she? I know she is younger than me by a good deal and man oh man she looks so ravaged.
  15. Yogi- apparently that is part 2 with Farrah and Maci. The way they did segments tonight with Amber and Catelynn. I guess maybe part 3 is the brawl with everyone? or maybe it is part 2. you know, gotta milk it for every second.:)
  16. Hearty agreement with the comments from tonight- I was highly offended at Dr Drew telling Christina she needs to take the lead when Gary gets anxious or something to that effect. WHAT?????? Gary was so levelheaded and soft spoken and conciliatory. Amber is a loose cannon. at first I was enjoying her being so frank and telling Dr Drew that he should stand up to Farrah- but then Amber just went crazy about everything. About Farrah, about Gary, about everything. And Christina and Gary are being told they have to walk on eggshells to be fair?? WTF
  17. I just resent when the legal system has to get called in (and let's face it folks- we are paying) when things do get over the line and over the top. We can snark about these people as they do put themselves out there but I think there is a limit. Obviously the ****STARS**** don't know limits; that's whey they're reality ***STARS***. Seriously much hype much publicity regarding nada.
  18. Very interesting. And I love your Family Chantel. Whenever he speaks, I am in awe of how poorly he speaks English. I mean little by little most people would improve with small baby steps like even recognizing that we say Chantel's family or Chantel's brother as opposed to well you know.
  19. I would hope that Farrah might watch some episodes and see just how on edge she is. I thought for the 2 minutes that Simon sat with her (with her sippy cup) and tried to say that she needs to tone it down and can't be so argumentative.... he was making a good point and seemed to me, to be approaching it in a decent way..........but it was for nothing because she just got sarcastic and nasty. I don't think that Debra is much better, but she is a little bit more rational and mature.
  20. I finally caught up and watched this episode on demand this morning- wow. I think there is one more for me to watch. This just gets more and more wacky. Amber talking about her mommy makeover. I get it- it's lousy being mentally ill and on top of that gaining weight. For real. Getting past the point that she is going for the quick fix here, I would think she might try to schedule it for when it would work better for her daughter and her daughter's caregivers (daddy and step mommy) .... and Catelynn really has no clue . Kim, Tyler's mother seems to be enjoying her celebrity look as Gary's mom seems to be as well. I guess I can't blame them but if you think back to the how they used to look, they definitely are way more image conscious.
  21. oy. I missed it too. This is when it starts to seem not right- watching all the disfunction erupt. Mature, healthy (mentally healthy) people do not slug each other or settle their differences that way. Someone before said something about taking the trash out of the trailer park ....... seriously- Matt tossed Farrah's DAD????? And Maci (the sweet talking southern belle) was cheering it on??/ How elegant and ladylike. What TRASH.
  22. This. Like a little lost child who is under the radar, not being hurt but ignored. Invisible.
  23. re Not to even disrespect working at Walmart, but you know there is no way that C could manage to keep said job. (like I think you have to be there at specified times on a regular basis, and able to work and stay there for a specified number of hours. many times this is multiple times a week). And yes, her thought of just being able to jump on the horse when her anxiety starts to rev up. Reality checks are needed. Big time
  24. Just caught 2 episodess; haven't watched in a while. I continue to be struck by how sad and out of control both Farrah and Catelyn's saga grow. It's to the point that I am really uncomfortable watching poor neglected Sophia and Novalee. I used to think that at least Farrah was a very good mother to Sophia but I guess that was quite a while ago. The conversations (shouting matches) she and Debra have totally in front of Sophia - are just 10000 percent inappropriate and horrible. Dont' get me wrong, I know there are times we lose our temper and words fly and things get out of control but this is just seeming to be constant and it' just so wrong. Novalee, my word what a neglected ignored little girl. Adults barely talk to her. She is just floating by. So sad.
  25. I don't watch so closely but I also just thought that it must have been TLC finding the address for Dani as I strongly doubt her sleuthing abilities. I guess that could be- so the information was handed to her and she did not "find it out". So to speak. Curious to see if anyone can shed light on this. Because there is no way she would find information like that on her own. simply not capable.
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