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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. That was ok. The most painful thing, for me at least, is having to watch those poor contestants forced to laugh at Ian's "jokes" and their generally exaggerated facial expressions, although Johnny's greasy hair is a close second. But then of course, it is all balanced out by Mary - especially her use of the term "chuffed." Not a thrilling episode - the bakes were all pretty pedestrian, pies and tarts (at least as met the show's requirements) just weren't challenging. There really was nothing that I would be interested in making or eating, except perhaps Mary's partridge in a pair tart, and that was just a pastry bird stuck on a basic tart. I'm also not invested in these contestants, all of whom seem like perfectly pleasant people. I was sorry to see that Michael was unable to continue, because I thought he was the most interesting one there. Clearly, Ashlyn was out of her depth as the competition advanced, and deserved to be sent home. Although, some of the other bakes were less than stellar.
  2. I gave up after the first episode, I just can't watch this. My love for Rodigo (so well-written and acted) is more than offset by my hatred for Hailey (poorly written and acted).
  3. Episode 9 I thought it was ok, it certainly spent a lot of time going into the Hector/Julian relationship and why Hector is so messed up. The only surprise to me - that the Germans knew all along, and let him leak stuff just to make the US look bad. They really played Daniel. I feel sorry for Steven getting arrested, but he should have known better than to go without being sure that the arrest warrant had been lifted (and now, I'm assuming it never would have been). I sure hope we don't have to see him getting "enhanced interrogation." Also, show - thanks for just showing the waterboarding, and not the "rectal hydration" mentioned previously. So - Valerie's going to end up COS? She is really cold. Really, this show is so well-written and acted, it's a shame there isn't more viewership (I assume , based solely on the posts here).
  4. Good catch! i didn't even realize that was him.
  5. Episode 8: I really wish someone else were watching/commenting on this, as I am sure there is quite a bit I am missing. This series is great - well-written, well-acted, interesting without being too full of itself. This week was compelling, especially Hector's interrogation - the interrogator was great, although I wondered at "rectal rehydration." I don't know what Valerie (Michelle Forbes) is playing at, except that she obviously feels that Robert is her rival for COS Berlin, although it seems pretty clear he is purely a beta. Speaking of Robert - I really liked his parenting trouble, I guess this is to show that personally as well as professionally he is in deep water. I thought the scenes in which various people were "visiting" Clare's apartment were pretty amusing - did they have to take a number? Did Clare know that hector's recordings were there, did she know he was Thomas Shaw? Added: I assume the awesome Sandra will end up as head of station.
  6. That was so cliched and dreadful - especially that dinner party, which we were forced to sit through twice - that I canceled the series recording. There is literally no character I really feel like I have any interest in watching. I especially don't want to watch Noah being brutalized in prison. And I am probably the biggest fan of the Dominick West, who I consider to be sexy beyond description. "Pink telephone" - ha ha, that's the best thing related to this episode.
  7. I very much liked the dog food guy (and his adorable dog!), but that business is a non-starter. He would be better advised trying to get a deal with the established food delivery companies, like Blue Apron etc., to set up pet food as a delivery add-on. On the other hand, since I know very little about these services, maybe they already do that. I really wasn't at all interested in the rest. The big-head sous vide woman (ha ha, perfect, AuntieDiane6) did a poor job of explaining the benefits of her cooking method - it is not a substitute for a crock pot, not to mention there are many versions available for home cooks. The electric skate board - ugh. Can't carry much, subject to the elements. That seems like a super niche product, especially at that price point. I'm not even going to mention the caffeinated sugar cubes. Wouldn't a can of Red Bull or a 5-hour energy shot work just as well? I've watched this show for years and bought many of the products, but this season is really not geared to people like me (of a certain age, living in the burbs) AT ALL. I guess they're going for a younger, hipper show demographic.
  8. I don't know if liked this or not. It just doesn't have the charm of the British version, in my opinion, mainly because Nia and Ian are not Mel and Sue (wait - aren't they available now?) and Johnny, although a knowledgeable and articulate baker, is so scruffy I can barely bear to look at him and his awful clothes. Please Johnnie - wash your hair, you're a handsome man. Paul may have some personal failings, but he is charming and handsome. I thought the contestants were fine, except for the old woman (Nancy?) who went home. Thank goodness she was the first contestant to leave, because I thought she was really annoying and out of her league. With respect to the cookie episode, I felt sorry for Courtney but he really did have to go. Generally, those cookie show-stoppers were quite good, although I really liked Stephanie's - the originality, the humor, the bright colors. I was glad to see Ashland do well, because her biscotti bake was not good. Much as I (and the world) love Mary, I absolutely refuse to believe that a baker of her experience has never heard of a snicker-doodle.
  9. I thought it was ok enough to keep watching, especially because - Dewey Crowe! It reminds me somewhat of the plot of the wonderful "Red Rising" books (member of the underclass is transformed to pass as a member of the ruling class in order to bring the caste system down), but the Ben character just isn't compelling to me. I don't know if it's the writing or the acting, but I just don't have any feeling for him. I assume that he went undercover to discover the fate of Theo's sister (not sure what her relation to Aaron/Ben is - are they all siblings?) rather than to be a revolutionary. I really liked the fact that the plot was easy to follow, and the characters are physically distinct enough not to be confusing. I liked the little stuff, like the fine Norwegian champagne, the Canadian wall.
  10. I just saw that it was renewed for season 2 - I guess the fact that I watch it is enough for Epix. Thanks!
  11. Episode 7: Well, that was disappointing. It was just so predictable that Clare would not come out of it alive (although she was pretty bad ass), that the rendition was done by the Americans (I still maintain it was by that CIA guy to get back at Steven), that it would become clear to absolutely everyone that hector is Thomas Shaw. Speaking of Hector - that look on his face when Clare dies was just chilling. Not a bad episode, but could have been so much better. I still like the series very much, and am glad I am watching.
  12. What an exciting episode. I'm glad there was at least some recognition that Daniel's mission is actually to uncover Thomas Shaw, although I wondered why Valerie didn't let anyone know or why she didn't seem to care that Clare had disclosed all the details of the upcoming, tremendously important op to Hector, who was not authorized to know about it. Did she forget there was an internal leak? I thought that made it clear that the whole operation had been set up to flush out Hector/Shaw, but I guess not. Speaking of Hector - I'm not really clear what his motivation in leaking is. I thought it was because Daniel hadn't thanked him (Hector) for saving his (Daniel's) life, but now I wonder if the show is indicating that it arises out of any mistreatment of Julian at the black site. Otherwise, what was the purpose of the hospitalized guy who identified Julian? I felt sorry for Robert - after that exciting car chase, to find out that it had only been a decoy. WHo was behind that horribly mistimed rendition of Iosava? I assume some enemy of Steven, perhaps that guy who had been the front runner for the Dep. Dir. spot until Steven set him up.
  13. Wow, those puppies were adorable. I wasn't too impressed by the product, but it didn't seem bad, and was reasonably priced. I think I missed it - did the pupbox folks say if the winning shark could keep the puppy? I enjoyed the Bantam Bagel update, if only for the fact that keeping the name obviously was not a problem. I thought Lori was an idiot, until I saw her giving some really good retailing advice in some of those Beyond the tank (I think) segments. I loved the woman's dress, but is that really appropriate business attire? The jeans guys seem nice, but that isn't that really a rather limited subset - big thigh guys? I don't see them having a comparable womens line, although there are probably quite a few women with big thighs who don't want to show them off. I admit that I rarely pay full retail price for clothes, but I thought the pants seemed a bit expensive for what they were. I also didn't think the name was a good choice. I know they were gearing their products to weightlifters, but it doesn't indicate that the product was clothing, That algae woman was so delusional it was sad. I imagine that as soon as she said she didn't have any liability insurance, people were running to the courthouse to be first in line to file lawsuits, to get her few assets.
  14. Well, that was an interesting episode. I wish more people were watching. It never occurred to me that Julian was Shirley. I really liked the Chinese defector, too bad he's toast. I thought Hector had revealed himself, to some extent, to Daniel, but it doesn't seem like Daniel is at all concerned that Hector's bitterness might have led him astray. That hooker experience with Robert was just sad, but I thought the show did a good job showing just how he became disaffected with the CIA and was open to recruitment by Mossad. Isn't Daniel supposed to be looking for Thomas Shaw?
  15. Am I the only person still watching this? I have to admit, that I think it has gotten more interesting. I especially like the emerging presence of Steven's wife.
  16. I am still wearing my "Stronger together" T-shirt (we need it more than ever) and I plan to keep my Clinton/Kaine lawn sign up as long as possible. Not that I'll need any reminders, but still . . . .
  17. I couldn't even finish watching this. I don't even know how to express myself on the shit that has been heaped on Hilary over the years. SHE IS A HERO NOT A CRIMINAL! Sorry. I did go back, just so I could comment intelligently. Anyway, I thought Sam was her usual great self - making such good points, with humor and insight. I look forward to her show tonight.
  18. I just tried the Safe Catch tuna (bought at our local Wegmans), and liked it very much. It had a fresher flavor compared to our usual Chicken of the Sea. I liked the no added salt variety. We like but rarely eat canned tuna because of the mercury, so this is a good option for us.
  19. Am I the only one still watching this? I thought episode 3 was ok, it didn't really change my mind that the excellent cast and acting are better than the writing. I thought it was easy enough to follow (thankfully, I'm just not into complicated plots at the moment), but still feel that it just isn't any type of realistic depiction of spy stuff. I don't have any first hand knowledge of this, but just from watching a lot of other shows (which themselves may not be too accurate), but I had to wonder how indiscreet Steven, Richard and Steven's secretary were in the office - the office that was currently invaded by tons of CIA security people looking for dirt. Maybe I was a little too harsh in calling out the writing, because now that I think on it, the characters are pretty well established.
  20. I watched the last 2 episodes together also, and have to say I found them somewhat disappointing. As with prior episodes (especially the first one, with the extended ER scene), the pacing was dreadful. Again, way too long with the medical scenes (and I love Dr. "Coyle"), Paul's discussion about his mother's death was so drawn out, I was just bored. And that extended "therapy" session with Katie, where Stella drowned her in platitudes - ugh! On the other hand, I thought the acting was stellar (ha ha) all around. I also liked the action, like the Foyle clinic scenes, although I was surprised how lax they all were with this violent man and how there didn't seem to be any surveillance in the patient rooms. There were individual moments I really liked, liked the Foyle nurse being smart enough to check the CCTV. I would like there to be a 4th season, where Stella's underlings, now of higher rank, are on the hunt for a female serial killer with a self-inflicted nose ring.
  21. If I hadn't liked the first 2 seasons so much, I don't know if I would even have lasted through this episode. Those endless medical scenes were excruciating (thank heavens for FF), although I guess they were realistic and were to contrast with the extremely cursory care given the cop. I kept thinking random thoughts, like why did no one give poor Gillian a pair of scrubs? Why wasn't Paul Spector wearing anything but a bandage? Unless, as suggested above, they are going to explore Katie's fascination with a serial rapist/killer in a thoughtful and insightful manner (ha), I really don't want to see a hormonal teenage girl crying hysterically. At first I thought she was being set up as some kind of plot developer, in the sense that she would devise and implement some course of activity although I don't know what her purpose would be - to free Paul? Die with him? That was until that scene with Olivia - I had thought she was merely an utterly annoying child, until she showed how secretive and manipulate she was. I don't know how old she's supposed to be (the "dollies" last season made her seem very young, as did her seeking comfort from her mother), but getting her mother out of the room, and reading the laptop secretly makes her seem older. Perhaps they are going for a "bad blood" kind of thing, or maybe Katie and Olivia will team up? I thought it was pretty clear (although I am OFTEN wrong about these things) that they are setting up the nurse who kicked Gillian out of Paul's room to fall in love with him. Jamie D. may not be a great actor, but he is pretty. Wow, for a suspected serial rapist/killer, there is no security at all in that hospital.
  22. I have to admit, I really liked the spud brothers. I felt really sorry for the guy who owns the company, he seems so sweet and not very bright. I don't even begin to understand why he didn't take Robert's offer, since I doubt he actually understands the deal Kevin offered. Or, maybe I am just not sophisticated enough to balance the whole revenue/equity thing. Yeah, the unpack guys were pathetic. I'm surprised they even got on the show. I guess someone has made the decision that this season is just not going to focus on actual, buyable products or services. I've bought a lot of Shark Tank stuff over the years, but these pitches are just ridiculous. What really bothered me during this episode, though, was the segment that was just the sharks arguing loudly with each other. Haven't we had enough of that during this political season? I watch shows like this to escape that.
  23. Danielg342: I totally liked your entire post. Too bad you beat me to commenting! That was SO boring. This was a perfect illustration that a show is only as good as its villain, and Jervis is pretty substandard. Boring, boring, boring. I don't know if it's bad writing, bad acting or both, Penguin on the other hand, is always interesting. I also noticed (and was irritated by) the Lee/Vale thing - if they have to limit women's names to 1 syllable, couldn't they use "Val"? Also irritating: Jim growling his dialogue. Is Ben Sherman a really heavy smoker, or is that him emoting? I liked everything about Oswald, from his great interaction with the school boy, to his sweet infatuation with Ed. This episode would have been much better with more Harvey and Butch.
  24. i very much liked the first part of the episode, especially the Emmy bit because it is so true, but the main segment just didn't interest me. Yes, of course it is a huge problem, but really, who doesn't know that? I don't feel I learned anything new from watching the segment, and learning new things is one of the best reasons to watch the show. I should note that I certainly don't mean to minimize the drug problem, or suggest that it be presented humorously, but there was just no reason I could see for that extended segment.
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