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Everything posted by mjc570

  1. That recap was great, best one ever. I loved Laurel and Rochelle trying to kill the queen with rolled-up magazines - I was sure Gary was just going to swat it casually when he came in. I do have to admit that I'm really tired of the bugs/Red getting their own way all the time. Can't Team Laurel/Gustav/Rochelle ever get a victory? No music? Besides the Melanesian chorus, of course.
  2. If only I could ship MYSELF with Roger Cross. Sigh
  3. My take is that Brady is so invested in the case because he loves Tessa, and wants to show it. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I imagine that he had a hard time being accepted in that family - because he's a working guy, the racial thing, etc. I dislike special girl Tessa, both as a character and as an actress, so perhaps I am a bit Team Brady (ha ha, I wrote Brody, too). Or, as I might put it, Team Cutie.
  4. hincandenza: I agree with every word of your post. I wish I could like it a hundred times. Thanks for writing what I was thinking.
  5. I know this episode sort of aired and is available on-demand, but I won't say much except one thing really struck me - the chat room user's expectation of privacy. Ha ha ha!
  6. I don't really think there is much the gov can (or should, given that I am not an economist) do, in terms of subsidizing subprime loans. OTOH, it certainly can require that forms be written much more simply and clearly, and can require that financial literacy be taught in schools, just as it now has standards in math, etc. If someone is going to undertake the risks of entering into such an arrangement, they should do so knowingly. I could watch John do all Trump, all the time.
  7. I liked this episode, too, especially 4 being so deadpan. "I have to dislocate both shoulders" - not his. Couldn't those Seers see a better clothing design for themselves? Those jackets/aprons/booties are ridiculous.
  8. I'm not sure about spoilers, because the pilot's already aired, but I will just say that, in my opinion, it was dreadful. It was incoherent and senseless, and Ms. V. H. (I can't even remember her name) was so characterless I have no interest in her whatsoever. Yes, I realize a lot of that is plot related, and I assume she'll be more fleshed out as the series goes on, but what a boring, humorless character. She's like the anti-Wynona, Wynona being smart and funny and effective. I don't know if it's the writing or the acting, but I don't want to spend any of my time on this. And, I should say that I am a huge SyFy fan, and watch pretty much everything.
  9. Ha ha, that phrase is great. Wackadoodledom? Of course, I wouldn't vote for that representative just because he sounded rational and is handsome and charming, although sometimes I am grateful for "mere sanity" in our elected representatives. Yes, the bar is low, but from my own limited legislative liaison work at the state (Pa) level, I've come to believe that any public benefit from lawmaking is almost an unintended consequence.
  10. That was simultaneously boring and depressing. I realize it was all pre-recorded pieces, but they missed a big chance to follow up on the RNC stuff. I kept telling myself that those people were actually actors to keep myself from becoming enraged at the thought that their votes count the same as mine. I really would have appreciated some actual humor (sorry, Samatha) to lighten things up. The two parts I did like - that handsome republican from Beaver County (I'd vote for him anywhere, anytime, early and often) and that sweet huggly girl. How can anyone be undecided at this point between Trump and Hilary? They are so different, and everything about them has been out in the open, so what is left? I liked that she wouldn't let go. Sometimes (especially after watching this, actually), I could use an extended, infinite hug myself.
  11. I've just seen the first episode, but I have to say, I didn't really like it. For one thing, I am not a fan of the rogue/special snowflake detective, which is clearly our protagonist. I do like how the other detectives don't care, and just keep putting her in her place, at least until her special awesomeness inevitably overwhelms them. I aslo have no sympathy for her extreme reaction to her husband leaving her. And, just to complete my rant, I just don't think Anna Friel is all that good an actress, much as I loved Pushing Daisies. Everybody else is great. I kept thinking of Damages, with the tub scene opener. I assume we're supposed to be intrigued as to where she is and how she got there. I guess we're also supposed to be interested in her blackouts. Well, I'm not really, because I don't care about or for her. I'll watch another episode or two, just to see if the show goes in an unexpected direction. I hope so, and that I was doing it an injustice by posting this after watching just this episode.
  12. I liked Jonathan a lot, until the creepy voyeurism, I assumed he was there to rescue Nancy from the inevitable attempted rape or monster attack. Don't care about Nancy, do not understand why there is so much time devoted to her. I still like the boys, but 11 needs to step it up soon. I can't express how tired I am of Winona Ryder's horrible one-note performance. I was confused about who Sandra is - is she the sheriff's wife (I assume that was him at the end)? I thought he lived in a pigsty by himself.
  13. It's ok, so I'll keep watching. The biggest problem for me is Wynona Ryder 's horrible over-acting. Yeah, I get that she is frantic, that's she's without resources or support (hard not to, with the in-your-face contrast with Mike's family) but the constant crying and whimpering is ridiculous. I do like the boys, though, and the science teacher.
  14. I thought this was pretty much the only watchable episode of a pretty bad season. I do hate to say that, because I really liked season 1, but season 2 was just awful. The whole Mexico thing, the curse, ugh. The only redeeming factor - Gretchen Mol! I can't believe how much I dislike Hailey now. She's such a special snowflake - but why? I liked the way Gloria pulled a fast one on the Biber, who I have to say, was at least an interesting character. Not sure I'll watch a season 3, if there is one.
  15. I thought every one of those quick breads looked delicious, and can't wait to try a few when I have time. Sorry Dorett had to go, but it clearly was her time. I loved those looks Paul H. was giving Prison Paul. Speaking of the governor - his lion was awesome, but I don't understand why it got a special commendation. I would have given it first place since I didn't think Ian's plant was outstanding (still quite good), but even so, perhaps there could have been a tie? I don't know if they do that on this show. I do have a question about the judging of of the technical bakes - it seems pretty clear from their reactions who baked what - can the judge's see that. or is it in the editing?
  16. I'm ready to give up on this, although I guess I'll watch until the end. I really liked Season 1, even though Hailey was a bit of a special snowflake she was still down to earth and interesting. This season she looks different (gained weight?), and is just passive and boring. The only characters I like any more are Thomas and Gloria, and I think the fact they are excellent actors is not a coincidence. I no longer like Cynthia (loved her in the first season, she hasn't really done anything in this), Betty C. is too nice, and I have no idea what to even think about Lizzie/Elizabeth and Jason S. I found the whole Mexico thing boring (I assume there were "promotional considerations," Ana Maria unnecessary, and I couldn't understand why Hailey was so giggly during that dinner. Yeah, I get she was buttering that guy up (at first), but all I got out of that was that guys will put up with almost anything if they think they're going to get some.
  17. Not a twin - a clone! (Orphan Black reference)
  18. i liked this episode a lot, especially the servants (and I am using that term intentionally rather than "servers") having to wear those bunny ears. Bernadette Peters is just great, as is pretty much everyone else. What was the point of the horse in the house - just to show the wretched excess unreality of the party?
  19. I think this is a very cute, amusing show. Unfortunately, I think the US is so polarized politically that it just can't be satirized. I laugh, but also think how realistic most of the political stuff is, and how much grosser it is than alien bugs and exploding heads. While I liked the episode as a whole (especially the strident NEA defense), I especially liked the intro.
  20. S18 E6 (Harvest of Souls) SPOILERS What a mess. The main story line was just awful (for example: How could Rowena attempt to sell the pub without NIall's consent or even awareness? She stated that they needed the money for a new doctor, but for what? Their child had already died.) What was even the point -beside showing that desperation makes people stupid - of Jessica kidnapping Amy? Did she really think they wouldn't be discovered? Yeah, I know family feeling blah blah. I have to admit that the worst part for me - to the point where I literally couldn't look at the screen- was NIall's teeth-baring grimaces while he was talking and "emoting," with those huge teeth. Sykes is a much better actor than whoever played Niall (and Rowena, and half the other people in the cast, for that matter). Speaking of Sykes - yeah! Finally, while I first thought that Nelson and Kam going to the funfair was cute, I was completely turned off by her insistence that it was her shot that hit the coconut, unless she is joking and I am missing the point entirely, as so often happens.
  21. S18 E5 (Saints and Sinners) SPOILERS I quite liked this episode, all the loose ends were tied up and the SL was logical, except for the last murder, which I thought was preposterous. Speaking of the murders, I liked how they were all so inventive. My favorite part: The look of amazement on Peter Corby's face when DCI Barnaby said that he wasn't a killer. My least favorite part: Not enough Sykes. One thing I've always appreciated about the series is how pretty much each character, while simply portrayed, is not a complete cliche but an actual person. That's my fear for Kam, that they're going to go overboard in taking her completely realistic competitiveness and making it cartoonish. One thing I noticed - there seemed to be a lot of non-speaking people in the background of various scenes, either working or walking. Not sure what, if anything, that means.
  22. I'm also watching season 18 on Acorn - I'm up to episode 5. I liked the one about the cycling best, because I am really tired about the fabulously wealthy aristocrats that seem to make up most of the story lines. My favorite thing about the series - Sykes. My least favorite - a tie between the Barnaby daughter's too-cutesy name (Betty Barnaby, ugh) and the way they've turned Mrs. B. into an overused plot device who every episode comes up with the nugget of obscure info that leads to the case being solved. It would really be nice if DS Nelson were allowed to actually develop a personality.
  23. I liked this episode a lot - I'm glad they wrapped up the prison thing, and I like the new additions (the medic guy, Arax, Nyx and the swordswoman), so I hope they stick around, or show up later. The android was awesome, and 5/Emily really showed how smart she is. For some reason, 3/Boone was looking especially good, for the first time I saw him as a handsome man. I can't believe they killed of Franke Potente already! The only thing I did not like -the cartoonishly evil businesswoman.
  24. Re: Trenna Keating - that was DOc Yewell?!? I am speechless amazed. YEah, I wondered also why 6/Roger Cross was so flat.
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