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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Intervention has always had two sets of interventionists: Canadian and US. In the early days, the Canadian series wasn't accessible in the US. Jeff V. struggled with his own sobriety a while back and seems to have disappeared from the show. I was struck by what Travis said about cocaine calming him down, or something like that. I believe Ritalin is a stimulant that has the same calming effect on hyperactivity. The mother seemed entitled. She was determined that nobody tell her what to do, even in trying to save her son's life.
  2. CDAN says the implied date of filing for divorce as seen on the show is not the same date as has apparently been testified to in certain proceedings. I guess the date is extremely important for criminal and financial reasons.
  3. Thank you badhaggis. My cable lineup dropped it about two months ago, about four episodes in I think. 🤕
  4. Yeah, I thought that scene with her child was very telling. I suspect dad and the nanny do the nurturing.
  5. There was a little bit of spineless huffing and puffing in a later sound bite - "When chef couldn't do the crew meals, I decided to let it go for now, but I'll be watching." Something useless like that. She just had to have the last word.
  6. This series has disappeared off of my cable lineup.
  7. The chief stew reminds me a bit of Keira Knightly (the eyes). Interesting that chef owned up to his freak-out. He may have meniscus damage, one of the first things to cause knee pain in athletes, dancers, etc. Or old people like me. I swear my ortho told me that meniscus damage doesn't show up on MRIs, but I may be wrong about that. I like the deck crew (so far). A relief from the idiotic misogynists Bravo has crammed down our throats. It's too bad Malia was such a jerk in the previous season. She's a good bosun (or whatever it's called). I agree Sandy seems off. I think she has finally figured out that she is hate-fodder for production and the audience. Not very bright, that one. One of the stews is a very hard worker, but then she had to go wishing for a sugar daddy. How about moving into an industry where you can make a lot of money yourself? It takes time, education/skill, and hard work. Miss Bahamas can go. She's insufferable.
  8. Did Amrit's grandmother get blindsided on national TV by Amrit's announcement, or did the family prepare her? I didn't like the way her children were looming over her and instructing her what to think and say as she tried to process what she was hearing. However I appreciated Amrit's demonstrated care for her She seemed quite frail.
  9. I am infuriated. My last Lab lived with treatment for vestibular disease as an old guy. Unless Pol was referring to stroke or tumor, he blew it. Both conditions were ruled out via MRI for my dog. Pol needs to go.
  10. I also have vertigo via Meniere's disease. If Ramona was having a true vertigo attack, she would have been draped over a table or flat on the floor. The scene with her and Eboni was interesting in that Ramona knew she was being set up to look like a conservative jerk. Eboni really tried but Ramona avoided it. Ramona doesn't want to lose her fans. Eboni is so clearly using this show as a springboard to something better, like Garcelle has done. It's transparent and therefore obnoxious. Critical messages are best delivered carefully, in a way that helps your audience be receptive, and instead she's a sledgehammer. Cheap showboating tactics. Bravo could have handled the message much more effectively.
  11. I don't watch regularly. Don't all of the housewives series go after the newbies? Portia needs to calm the hell down. I wish production hadn't shown that - it was very odd. Erika doesn't own a self-awareness gene. Or a read-the-room gene. Or a humanity gene. She's foul. Crystal seems to be missing a sense of humor. Not a fan of Kathy. Let's just say she's immoral and entitled.
  12. The NFL case - possibly Tom's firm will receive some funds to compensate for whatever work was done prior to the transfer? And thus Erika's objection?
  13. Understanding their relationship is not complicated. He is the Wallet, and aging Wallets will pay for beautiful young arm candy, subservience, and a nursemaid/helper as they face down illness and death. Erika made a deal with the devil and played her role until the money was gone. I doubt love ever had anything to do with it, for either of them. Let's not romanticize this relationship.
  14. Knee injuries are no joke. I was once convinced to walk down a mountain after taking a bad fall while skiing, and I paid dearly with pain, surgeries, PT, etc. Knee has never been the same. Why didn't the chef at least ice his knee and take Aleve? I question whether he ordered all of those provisions, unless COVID forced them as a kind of insurance. Producer shenanigans? MRIs don't show soft tissue damage (at least that's what I've been told). I had to turn this off mid-way. The rapid preview edits of disasters, combined with the chef disaster, was too much.
  15. I remember this era - I had a knockoff ultrasuede shirtwaist dress that I could throw in the washer. I worked with another young woman who was a single mom with two children and not much money. She bought a JC Penney Halston dress and flashed the label to everyone. She was so proud of that dress. I would have liked to see more about Halston dressing international jet setters - more of the fashion, less of the overdone debauchery.
  16. You can have zero fucks to give. It is liberating. Did we see Kyle's dog intently watching one of the screaming matches? That made me laugh. Sometimes Erika's makeup is ironic or retro, but that image with the Sharpie eyebrows (TM Michael K at Dlisted) and fat greasy lips is frightening.
  17. My mother and other family cooks would not provide full recipes. They'd leave out certain instructions or ingredients. As I watched, it sounded as if Miss Dot did all of the work, and Miss Bunny simply gave away the treats. Also, whose home were they in when they visited Miss Dot?
  18. The woman who interviewed Erika has a Pinterest, and it appears as if Erika lived in the Beverly Hills Hotel and Bungalows. Unless the interview was simply conducted there.
  19. Simply put, it's clear Crystal can't stand Sutton and I'm sure Sutton feels the same way about Crystal. It doesn't matter what events occurred - they are gonna go after each other. It's too bad they showed the mammogram hysterics. Good way to discourage women from getting them. They used to be more painful, but the technology is greatly improved.
  20. The short dress and hooker heels, the "I put THC on my clit"...advertising her sexuality to potential sugar daddies.
  21. Crystal appears to be a miserable human being. She's sour all of the time. In one scene she acted as if she couldn't stand being around her family. Who wrote Erika's Poor Me script? An attorney or a PR firm? It's disturbing that Bravo is coddling her in exchange for ratings (and will probably continue to do so). Is the cute house the one she has been rumored to be living in for several seasons? The others know (in these scenes) something big is up with Erika and Tom, but they are too experienced in the ways of Hollywood divorce drama to speculate on-camera. Also, they have their own quite large skeletons, and they don't want Erika to retaliate.
  22. I had to snort at Gary's relief that another dude was in the hot seat. He relished criticizing JL. She was very whipped-dog. Alli's appearance/styling was bizarre. And did she put any thought into instantly getting pregnant with the new boyfriend? It felt very random. Daisy and Colin are the only ones who seem to be focused and have purpose.
  23. I didn't watch much of the season, but I think I saw commercials or something with Dani saying "I want to start a family" and "Let's make babies." She's an idiot for having unprotected sex with a 24-year-old whose residence is so far from hers.
  24. That scene with Nicolette hallucinating was chilling. As was the story about how she disappeared with a gang of men/boys for several weeks and could not remember afterward what had happened. She suspected GHB. We all know how that goes. Her father was maniacally childish - the giggling about his own destructive behavior. I hope she stayed away from her family and continued to thrive.
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