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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I feel like I'm watching an amateur show put on by grown men who fondly remember their drug-filled youth. There's so much attention put on drugs and booze that it's like drug-porn. Just because there was a lot of this behavior in the 70s - in certain circles - doesn't mean I want to watch it endlessly. It's boring.
  2. I expected Mattie's family to be dying. All that drama for pre-cancerous cells, which many women experience via Pap test, and a knee surgery. I hate how fake and "on" she has become. Is this the last season of this show? I'm pretty sure that before it began airing, I heard or read that it's the final season for this group. I can see why; it's nothing but fake drama. I'm wondering if all these trips back and forth are due to off-camera obligations, known to production ahead of time, and which they try to spin into fake drama. I'm sure Murray's grandmother (he calls her Mom 'cause she raised him) is truly ill, but Murray knew that before he traveled to SC. And if she was gravely ill, wouldn't he have stayed at home instead of returning to the show? All that melodrama from Boudreaux, over three episodes, he races home, only to spend about 15 minutes at the house.
  3. Holy cow. Did not recognize her. Haven't seen her since the 80s, I think. I did not see the Eddie-has-a-native-son story coming. Cool twist.
  4. I think this is season 18, not 15. At least, that's what my cable company tells me. Speaking of which, there's apparently a new show called Intervention: Codependents. Can't tell if it will be compelling...or the most annoying show on television. Sometimes the whiny manipulative codependents infuriate me more than the addicts. And there's also a "where are they now" series coming up. So excited! Thanks for the notice.
  5. I'm loving the little visual gems this show offers us. The latest is the opening shot of Jimmy propped up against the fading Texas flag, head down and Stetson over his eyes, like every cool cowboy ever. Genius!
  6. I keep having flashbacks to Bret Michael's bad bandana-and-wig get-up in Rock of Love. Especially after Jesus removed his hat. The show tried hard to invoke a Gone With the Wind class analogy, with the grand old southern mansion, a snooty overlord, and talk of earning one's keep. I love the little scenes between Denise and Daryl. He's often completely detached from emotions, always ready to spring into action against the forces of evil, yet he engages with Denise as if he's her smart ass big brother.
  7. I feel like I've seen the new couchie guy before. Maybe one of those house shows where they decorate or remodel a home? They pull in random people in the business in LA all the time. During the Walking Dead segment, the dogs sensed the tension and hid. Pee Wee peeked out from behind Brandy's head. I think one reason the Resnick family irritates me is that all four are crammed onto a couch and can barely move. They are all flailing elbows and knees and feet and big mouths crammed into a small space.
  8. Louie's casting was a stroke of genius. I also love ZG's realistic southern accent (that he uses for the twin brother). It's slightly different from his character's accent in "The Campaign." He's from NC and he knows his southern characters.
  9. When Jimmy and Kim were taking their smoke break in the garage, and discussing his plans, he said he might buy a home between Santa Fe and ABQ, and "we'd get one of those smoker things." He said "we" not "I," implying that he and Kim would be spending a lot of their nights together - possibly moving in together. Kim had a quick little reaction on her face - hopeful and a little happy I guess. Then later she had to pull back with the revelation of the faked video. She was reminded of what Jimmy can be and how she needs to be cautious.
  10. Somebody woke up Rashawn. He was more active in the latest episode than the rest of the episodes combined. I'm increasingly annoyed and therefore distracted by desperate-for-attention Persian sister. This time it was the boulder cleavage. On the other hand, at one point the dog was stretched out on his back, snoozing in her arms, tummy exposed, and that was adorable. She was upstaged by her dog. Ayn is a treasure.
  11. I think Cannavale is an underrated actor so I'm hoping this series improves. Too much of him with his mouth hanging open. It's fun to see the horrid 70s fashion. And, of course, to hear the music. Tommy James of the Shondells wrote a book in which he talked quite a bit about how organized crime had a stake in his music, or perhaps it was in his record label. I think at one point he went into hiding.
  12. Same here. In this latest episode, some of the acting was noticeably bad. Part of the cause may be them shooting so much action within the confines of a crowded facility. I can envision some of the less experienced actors concentrating mightily not to crash into a bed or wall as all those huge hoop skirts go flying by. I do think the actors playing Foster, Sam, Aurelia, and the toady doctor who wants to be XO are doing a pretty good job. My mother and her siblings had that accent. It's vanishing from the earth, which is a great shame. The woman who plays Gary Cole's wife has the faintest trace of it.
  13. Saul's perfectly organized little pool scenario, with a phone in a baggie that he can use while it's STILL IN THE BAGGIE, is everything to me. And his little snacks standing ready nearby. My TV screen showed that he had a sunburn where his shirt was open. I travel to NM frequently and it's one of my favorite places. I wonder where the fancy law office is in Santa Fe. The interior in some of the old buildings is to die for.
  14. I'd love an episode where we hear what Rashawn is really thinking. But we must always have at least one moment where his daddy laughs his great laugh. I wonder if Princella's name came from a can of sweet potatoes? Don't laugh - one of my names sort of was inspired by the same thing.
  15. I'm completely befuddled about Alyssa's bow-tie blouse and ill-fitting denim culottes. Did she reach into her mother's clothes from the early 80s? Did the stylist? What the hell?
  16. Didn't we hear one of Eugenie's many acquaintances state that Eugenie was seeing (having sex with) her husband again? That would explain his DNA on her panties. The detectives kept saying they weren't accusing him of anything, but they were dying for him to be guilty. It bugged me how aggressively they were pursuing him, with what amounts to character defamation on camera, if he's not the guilty party. "It's his ex-wife, he must have loved her once - why won't he come in and give us his DNA?" Now that we have so many proven cases of erroneous convictions, due to bad science and law enforcement shenanigans, I think more people will resist the casual "come down to our office and give us a DNA sample." Once I would have cooperated without a second thought, now I'm not so sure. Too bad they didn't solve the case.
  17. Also, it's all being captured on camera. He's probably repelled by the idea of this show and being captured forever on audio and video, for purposes of a true crime TV show. Did anyone catch the reference to his first name? Someone stated it in conversation.
  18. Just binge-watched the series. Agree that the story's focus was muddied by all the gratuitous (for me, anyway) nudity, sex and manic acting out. LA allows for all that craziness - can you imagine if Maura's story took place in someplace like Little Rock or Sioux Falls? And in the scenes where they are all talking over each other -- the wedding photo scene, Judith Light's mindless babbling - I nearly reached for the remote. I appreciated the concept of the Weimar thread, but there wasn't enough time per episode to execute it seamlessly. Really admired the performances by Cherry Jones - she killed it, with the charisma and macho posturing - and Kathryn Hahn. I was moved by Jay Duplass' seeming transition and awareness in the synagogue (or temple?) Yom Kippur service. I wonder if what I assume was sexual intercourse between Maura and Vicki (Angelica Huston) will have sent Maura into a confused panic about being trans? Was that a body double in Angelica's mastectomy-reveal scene?
  19. I thought he made this statement about their practice at all the houses, but maybe he meant in front of the victim's house. The clothes with no underwear scenario is weird. Why would she be knowingly dressed that way in front of yard workers?
  20. I'm with you. I find Light's portrayal of Shelly to be too comic and schticky. She's rolled all the stereotypical mannerisms of an older Jewish matriarch together and pitches them X10. It annoys me. On a related note, how old are she and Maura supposed to be? Light hobbles around and is all hunched over in some scenes as if she is 85 years old. Just binged through Season 1 and getting ready to dive into Season 2. Plan to motor through it during the anticipated Mid-Atlantic blizzard (as long as the power holds up).
  21. Agreed, and disappointed. That was a whole lot of nuthin'. Someone sneezes, they all raise their eyebrows meaningfully and proclaim "this is important" and it comes to nothing. I used to produce TV so I appreciate the challenge of trying to solve the case in real time and getting the episodes edited and up on the screen. But they've seriously misjudged about how much amped-up dramatic fake filler to include. Legally speaking, is Rhody really even a re-hired detective, or is he just showing up for the cameras? I suppose he must be on the payroll, because otherwise surely he wouldn't be allowed to interview suspects and so on. But his casually recruiting another former detective sure blurs the lines between what's real and what's fake TV. When they were digging up the dead dog, all I could think about was them trampling all over the crime scene. Plus, I'm annoyed they lingered over the repulsive image of the dog just for the shock effect. If Rhodie has been married six times, it ain't the job causing problems - it's Rhody.
  22. I'm startled by Nene's appearance here and on the fashion show. She looks like she threw on a dress and wig as she ran out the door. Maybe she and Gregg remarried because of his (alleged) illness? The remarriage never made sense to me, other than Nene's desire to have the wedding on TV. I missed earlier episodes but I understand Kenya's heartbreak over her mother. However, showing up with a camera crew at a family gathering was a serious mistake in judgment. Todd sure is maximizing his opportunities as Kandi's husband. I tuned in to see the aunties.
  23. I had a feeling this would be a disappointment, and for me it was. Too modern, too predictable, too derivative...we've seen similar stuff on The Knick (the drug-addicted doctor) and The Crimson Field (tubs of severed limbs, nurses squabbling). Not to mention Scarlett O'Hara being queasy at the sight of blood. I expected the two southern belle sisters to flounce around and fight over beaus and dresses. That was the belle in the white dress - it jumped out at me too. I may keep watching for the lovely Alexandria locations and southern house porn. I live right up the road in Arlington.
  24. I've started noticing this on numerous shows. There won't be so much regular blue as there are dark teal, gray-blue, light aqua...I think set designers and wardrobe folks must think they look good on-screen and are flattering to most actors. I also would like to know the significance of the beach house purchase. All I could figure was that paying cash for the place signals financial shenanigans at Axe Capital. But they made this plot point terribly murky (at least to this non-financial viewer).
  25. There's something off-kilter about her appearance on the show. I just haven't figured out what it is yet. I don't think the persona she's selling is the real deal.
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