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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I seem to recall that Lee claimed the bankruptcy filing was a fraud - someone pretending to be him. Weird.
  2. The transparency of the off-camera relationships with Lee and Sandy is annoying. They are both chasing the reality TV money and visibility. There is no rational explanation for why Lee would call the Foamy Idiot his friend. Hope the use of the Idiot's Mexican property was worth your integrity Lee. I hope you are smart enough to not invest your money with this fraud. Loving Ross. I wonder if he is Maori? Keep it up Kate and Unicorn.
  3. I also have very mixed emotions while watching this show because of the exotic pet trade. They get dumped regularly at the shelter where I volunteer. I baby-talk to animals (and, well, babies) like nobody's business in private, but try to tone it down to whispered sweet nothings in public. I already have the reputation as the resident crazy animal lady in my neighborhood. I think Dr. T's squeaky voice and excitement get the best of her sometimes. On the other hand I loved seeing Dr. K talk about and to the hyacinth macaw. "Oh no, my beak touched the floor!" I really like the vet techs at this practice. They roll admirably with every situation. Our house was a college rental when we purchased it, and we inherited a large raccoon population that the students fed every night. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a half-dozen raccoons began banging on my 2nd story windows, demanding to be fed. They would crawl up the lattice and hang out on the roof under the dormer window.
  4. Thanks for that insight CrazyinAlabama. Last night I did some Googling on Dr. Pol and it appears he has been disciplined by the Michigan vet board, and also there are some harsh and specific criticisms posted in various blogs, including by at least one country vet.
  5. I agree about Dr. Pol. Sometimes I see him provide pain relief for farm animals, other times not. He's more compassionate with horses, whom he loves. It could be a function of editing sometimes, because I'm not sure Dr. Brenda and Dr. Emily always give pain meds to farm animals either. In my experience, many farmers and ranchers don't like to pay for it.
  6. Terry Irwin seemed so cold when she appeared on the original show. I just chalked it up to her being reserved and perhaps an introvert. But I did wonder if she was the one with business smarts, pushing for all of the exposure. Didn't Steve's father create the family's animal business originally? If so, I hope he has not been pushed out. Or maybe there were shenanigans with Steve's estate. I'll watch the show with reservations, because I worry the new show will be Hollywood-ized. I adore Dr. Oakley. I like how accomplished she is, while apparently being very kind. I secretly yearn to be her (except for the Alaska winter part). I still struggle with some of the traditional methods for treating farm/factory animals. They suffer so and not all vets are enthusiastic about gentle treatment and pain medication for these creatures who are economic products. Trust military folks to know how to organize a rescue! I hope we see more women on Wolves and Warriors. East Coasters, there is a wolf sanctuary near Lititz PA. https://wolfsanctuarypa.org/
  7. Victoria is being used as camera fodder. They are dragging out cutting her to keep viewers. They do this to at least one candidate every season. It's especially painful for a young woman when she is repeatedly criticized for her weight or other aspects of her appearance on camera. I thought she looked a bit slimmer in her mid-section on the latest episode. Paraphrasing: "I'm uncomfortable being placed in this situation." I wonder if she and her mother have figured this out, and Victoria is being defiant, knowing that she will probably be cut anyway. Maybe she's already decided that she won't try out again and she's burning her bridges. Loved Judy's emerald green blouse. She always looks effortlessly chic. The "big" triangle looked great.
  8. Ineffectual, dim mothers who spend their days shopping, swilling booze, getting Botox, and hours in the hair/makeup chair, pretending on camera to be devoted moms, while the nannies raise the children, make me stabby. I look at D'Andra, weepy and pouting, then at real business women, and I know where business success lies. I also think that behind the scenes the majority of the domestic relationships are in trouble.. Lots of going through the motions on-camera.
  9. I know the show is toying with me in this first episode, with the elegant yacht, stunning scenery, upgraded staff and accomplished enthusiastic chef. I know that by the next episode it will all devolve into slamming doors, ship-mances and drunken staff. Sigh. I wonder if Foam Guy was exaggerating his inebriation. He seemed pretty sober while he was expertly slinging that jet ski around. And why is Lee pals with him? Odd pairing. Kate got her act together. There were a couple of seasons where she slacked off and, initially, she was unusually nasty to some of her staff. And she's got no business making fun of anyone else's physique. Did she get a brow lift? I agree that the Alaskan fishing boat captain seems familiar.
  10. Cameron used to be oh Thomas' "side" regarding Kathryn - i.e., refusing to appear in scenes with her - and now Cameron has her pretty little lips firmly planted on Kathryn's backside.
  11. I haven't been watching because last season I felt like I lost brain cells when viewing these particular women (no, it's not Dallas - I have family in Dallas, I've lived in TX, and I love TX). But for this group, there's no "there" there. However, hoping to engage in some light-hearted snark after yesterday's politics, I recorded this episode. I just have to say that Cary's very heavy makeup in her TH made me think of this: Sorry cannot figure out how to get rid of the extra image below.
  12. Kelli attacked a candidate's character, on TV, two episodes in a row. This should have been a private conversation. What a jerk. And Kitty snitting to another candidate "Don't think that because you're pretty you will be on this team." Who is the vet snitch? This is middle-school mean girl behavior. Plus, Kelli looked a mess on the field (the hair), which is unusual for her. At least we saw some more dancing.
  13. Because Chip emphasizes being entirely self-sufficient.
  14. If you watch the entire series - all seasons - Chip's pattern is to put down people/regions that are not Alaskan. He really emphasized it in the first season, then probably figured out he should back off a bit. It's true that Andy does the same thing. I feel like Sue's statements are more about her being an extreme introvert, and Glenn's comments along these lines are much softer. As I've stated before, these folks have all of their gizmos thanks to hard-working people in the lower 48 who work in factories. Also, our taxes pay for subsidies for some items that are hard to get in Alaska. These commodities are purchased in the lower 48 and flown at great expense to Alaska. The late Senator Ted Stevens ensured this was taken care of in every appropriations bill. My neighbor, a native Alaskan, who worked for an Alaskan senator, told me all about this. Luckily, not everyone wants the subsistence lifestyle, because if that were true, these "free" resources would be greatly diminished. There aren't enough to go around to support 100% subsistence for everyone.
  15. I hope Chip gives up on his tiresome "we live so much better than everyone else" proclamations. On the most recent episode he stated that other people don't know their neighbors. While this can certainly be true in highly transient big cities, especially with younger adults, it's not true elsewhere. I've lived all over the US, beginning in the Deep South, and I have always known my neighbors, be it an urban high-rise in DC or a little house in Cajun country. And military folks definitely form close life-long relationships. Everywhere I've lived there are neighborhood kids' play dates, BBQs, dinner parties, civic association meetings and committees...in my community we have community gardens and even a senior citizen age-in-place program, where volunteers help their elderly neighbors with chores and errands.
  16. Quite a few of my actor and dancer friends have done the cruise ship gigs. They are a grind and don't pay well. They are good experience but not a status gig. Good for Dayton for finding something to help gain experience, and being away from home broadens the horizons. She might make some great connections.
  17. A lot of the critiques we see are bitchery disguised as professional feedback. This has always bothered me about the show. Kelli, Judy and Kitty often have expressions of distaste on their faces; they struggle to be pleasant to candidates they don't "like." It's very unprofessional and very difficult for young women to handle. I hate for any woman to lose her job before she's ready to retire, but I'm curious what different coaches and choreographers would do for the DCC.
  18. I'm from the Cajun parishes and thought the actor's accent was so good (sometimes-it comes and goes) that I looked up the actor's birthplace. He's from the Midwest. Is Kim going to present a detailed flowchart to show how Huell's prosecution is racially biased? Oops, Miss Bluxom has the same idea. I'm not so sure about this, at least not these days. Many US cops are former military, and also where I live they have to have college degrees. They can shop at TJMaxx like everybody else (and do). On the other hand, the few times I watched Live PD, I noticed the cops and suspects sharing the same street speak, calling each other brother and such. Interestingly, the cop we saw looked kind of rumply, as if visually the character was being set up to be a bad cop, but I came away with the impression that he's supposed to be a good cop. In over his head with the wily Saul.
  19. Random comment, given the latest storm devastation and Bethenny's claims about her seemingly solo heroic relief efforts in Puerto Rico. I just read an article about DC restaurateur Jose Andres ( local celebrity chef), who was on the ground in PR five days after the hurricane, and along with volunteers and his checkbook, served 60000 nutritious meals daily, for a total thus far of 1.5 million meals. FEMA funded the first week's efforts, then withdrew its support, so Andres decided to create and fund an organization to continue the effort. His organization is still at it.
  20. I was startled when Travis singled out one candidate and gushed at how beautiful she was. Weird and unprofessional; maybe his nerves got the better of him. Loved seeing all of the dancing. That slow-mo shot of Hannah was stunning. I wonder if Charlotte has pushed for VK's making the team. Could explain the odd vibes from Judy, Kelli and the others, and the terse (resentful?) comments after the first elimination. VK strikes me as assuming she will make it. She really wants to be a DCC - "I wanted show group" - but is leaning heavily on her "charm" and legacy to make it. Judy and Kelli are having to bite their tongues.
  21. There was debate about why he had Narcan on hand. I heard a cop say that Narcan is now being used by addicts as a fail-safe tool. In other words, they plan to use opioids but keep Narcan nearby in case they need it. Kind of a 2018 Russian Roulette.
  22. I'm wondering if Hagood's hesitation was solely for the show, and in real life she intends to learn the business and assume responsibility when she's older. Do we know she has no siblings? She's still quite young. I read that her boyfriend Alex is a friend of Lyle's and that is how she got onto the show. The rest of the episode was a sodden, choppy mess and I didn't really watch it.
  23. I caught the new episode that showcases the coming season. Excited to see where Sue ends up, Glenn's family, and a new Alaska native participant. The show had become stagnant and predictable, with huge amounts of recycled footage; glad they are introducing change.
  24. I just binged season 7 with a temporary Showtime subscription. Despite the obvious problems with too many plots, inconsistently executed, and the preposterous incidents, I still enjoy the series. Maybe because I live in Washington and so many people I know have worked in all three branches of government. I was riding in a car with a new colleague recently, and he casually bragged about managing a contract to operate one of the US' interrogation sites. (The gleeful tone of his bragging was unsettling.) Agree that Carrie should never have had a kid. I predict that sister or BIL will get a job transfer somewhere far away and off the kid will go, never to be seen again. Having been around mental illness, I know that each person's symptoms are different from the next person's, at least over time. My friend's psychiatrists have struggled with a diagnosis and medication for decades, with one insisting on bipolar and another on schizophrenia (both can manifest as paranoia and delusions). There is a wide range of mania and depression episodes, from rapid cycling to prolonged episodes of one or the other. People do routinely "grow out" of a once-effective medication. All of which to say that when they decided that Carrie is bipolar, it's tough to just dabble in it occasionally (episodically), because in real life it doesn't work that way. Shallow pool: I was distracted by Keane's Botox when there were close-up facial expressions, and Dylan Baker appears to have sprouted a completely new head of hair. Keane's uneven-eyed squinting and brow-furrowing put me in mind of Austin Powers. Regarding Keane's severe wardrobe and hair, that's the look many female government and business leaders adopt in order to try to be taken seriously. And I'm glad Saul's university recruit looked like a real person. Poor Saul was a bit of an Eeyore this season, but he's one of my favorite TV characters. Also love Max and I think Anson is gonna be fun to watch. As should be Bridges. Love the old building porn. When Paley sat in the car with his chief, and she made the cynical aside about "of course this benefits you and me," he appeared to be having an insightful moment about political greed and I thought he was gonna turn into a good guy as a plot twist. Nope. ETA: whoever said O'Keefe sounded like Yosemite Sam nailed it. This life-long southerner found his accent ridiculous. But then, many other actors fail as well.
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