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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Thomas' lecher schtick is weird, because besides the issue of it being inappropriate, it has never been considered attractive by women (except women who are looking for wallets and understand his lechery can be manipulated to their advantage). It wasn't attractive 100 years ago, nor in the 1950s, and certainly not now. I guess he thinks it impresses other men and now his TV audience. Plus, the disrespect he showed Ashley while he ogled Kathryn on TV was revealing. And, our Thomas is learning how to be passive-aggressive; he knew the ogling would upset Ashley. I'm pretty sure that Whitney is sensitive and due to the savaging he took from the public during earlier seasons he has chosen to be less visible.
  2. Kathryn said that the co-owner of the department store was her stylist. Maybe she is the one we have to thank when Kathryn looks polished and not disheveled. I wonder if the interview was rigged to give the store some exposure. Also, I wonder if they give Kathryn small amounts of clothes in exchange for promotions.
  3. Carole has serious food issues. If Dorinda gets off the sauce (and pills?) and into therapy, there is hope. I think in her private life she has a kind heart and some common sense. After numerous episodes we finally see Bethenny acknowledge that she actually didn't save Puerto Rico all by herself. People donated planes, she has a partner who really knows what he's doing and also has big pockets, and I assume lots of people donated money. Bethenny is a phenomenal organizer with nerve - these are the people who get things done. In one way or another, all of these women are overly dependent on men, and in some cases, their wallets. I think Bethenny may be the only exception. They are not headed into old age with any self-awareness or dignity. (Thus, Andy Cohen and Bravo) ETA: I don't think Dorina misses Richard so much as she's afraid of growing old alone. It ain't for sissies.
  4. I was so engaged with this episode. I appreciated production's challenges in trying to replicate a difficult location, probably on a limited budget. Which is probably responsible for the poor quality of the Abominable Snow Bear, who occasionally reminds me of our young but very large white Labrador, who breaks out into insane running in circles at least once a day. Anyway, I was glued to the TV while simultaneously trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Crozier is the perfect military commander - he's imperfect but rises above that to lead his men with compassion and confidence and, when necessary, force (blah blah speech speech string him up). I loved his scene with Fitzjames and his soapbox speech to the men. I'm glad the show hasn't glamorized Lady Silence. She's a realistic portrayal of someone from that time. She would be too devoted to her own people and customs to lark off with a kind English doctor. I do wonder why it didn't occur to someone that she could help them hunt food. As much as I've enjoyed the actor who plays Hickey, his ability to continually escape punishment seems implausible. What did the note that Fitzjames and Crozier found say? Even with freeze-frame I couldn't make it out.
  5. I hate the cow pie bingo. Those animals were stressed.
  6. As I watched last night I thought "Oh no, not an Illuminati-type deal."
  7. Did the report on Oksana state that while still a young girl or woman she had castrated four men? Goodgawdawmighty. The conversational asides are hilarious. Frank's fussiness even as he faced arrest and detention was great writing and acting. You just know that his captors were hoping he would be discovered and speedily dispatched by an assassin so they could get on with their business. I like that we are not having endless gore in this series. When Villanelle was confronting Frank it took me a moment to realize she had blood on her shirt, and that she had killed his guard. We didn't have to see the killing to be intrigued.
  8. Naomie has lost control of her show narrative and she knows it. That's part of her frustration and anger in her scenes. She probably was aiming for shady wit and instead she loses control in every scene and gives us (and the editors) screeching fishwife. She's probably furious at herself for ruining her best chance at a sweet reality TV spot. Plus, projecting like all get out onto Peyton. We all know that if VanderPump Rules called, Naomie would drop everything and move to L.A. Craig looked extremely uncomfortable at the start of his life coach session. She sure has his number - giving him careful praise, after which he lit up like a firecracker. He LOVED her. Plus, he gave us some tasty Naomie bon mots in other scenes. Cameron's testimony about her single mother's strength and providing a good example to her girls - preach. I love their relationship. I like Austen. I don't think we've ever seen him fly into rages or demean anyone, with the exception of his skirmishes with belittling Shep. I loved seeing his family time and the simple way he talked about the family's tragedy. Kathryn seemed really checked out during her meet-up with Craig at the fabric store. Perhaps she's on prescription medication. Is Craig trying to start a pillow business? Southern gift shops are filled with that kind of thing. (A memory: Alice Roosevelt Longworth - the Kathryn Dennis of her day - had the original pillow that said "If you can't think of anything nice to say, come sit by me.")
  9. Lisa had a bit of a Karen moment (RHOP) with the wig - it kept creeping back and exposing her real hairline.
  10. Maybe the new house has been planned as a flip all along, and for some reason Kyle didn't want to say so? Possibly they could not afford the old house and the new one at the same time? I'd assumed Kyle and Mauricio are flush with cash, but maybe not enough. During his lean periods Jeff Lewis (L.A. house flipper) could only afford to live in the house he was renovating. He'd sell it and then immediately move into a new flipper, repeating the process.
  11. Spoken like someone who is "renegotiating the terms of the marriage concubine contract or divorce settlement." I've assumed all along that Tom will dump Erica for a younger model, 'cause that's what some of these guys do. No matter how much Tom might give her in a divorce, her life with an umlimited budget will end. And her "products" have a limited shelf life and income. It could be that Erica has been on the divorce path all along, with Tom funding her vanity projects to see if any of them stick via the Bravo spotlight. I doubt she's panicking yet, because there's probably another wallet out there. She's begun the ad campaign, with that reunion dress exposing most of her enhanced breasts. I can't stand the sanitized Camille who was pushed through the PR machine after Season 1. Her true character is pretty shallow and manipulative. I just started watching again this season, but if they bring her back I don't think I'll be able to handle the desperation factor. Between her and Sob-Sister-Look-at-Me Kyle it would be unbearable.
  12. I stay up late just to watch this series each week - it's riveting. The great acting continues...I'm going to stalk all of Jared Harris' work. However I was confused about Hickey's purpose in talking about the dog as meat. Given that the crew knows hunting is difficult, was he hinting that he and his gang resort to cannibalism in order to survive? I wonder how often mutiny was a factor in these conditions. The show seems to be telling us that the captain is on to some of the crew's dangerous intentions. Has previous experience taught him to watch for the signals?
  13. On WWHL recently Carole really floundered when she tried to describe what has happened to her relationship with Bethenny. She sounded apologetic and as if she's in the dark. I worked in television news (local, in a big market) and I'm not impressed with Carole's credentials. I'm not taking away from the fact that she worked in news, but rather there are lots of people who do - there's tremendous turnover in the business - and few of them are hardcore journalists these days. The pressure is to offer entertainment, not straight news. With exceptions such as Wolf Blitzer on CNN. Carole seems like a coat-tail rider to me. She doesn't strike me as being very bright. I know she can spout political facts, but her social skills are off.
  14. I loved seeing Ashleigh - she did a great job and she breaks up the stupid bro-mance sarcasm stuff that Dan Abrams lapses into. He's so smug sometimes. I wonder if they are testing her out as a part-time host, given Dan's other show with Frantic Sourpuss (Nancy Grace). I hope they keep her.
  15. I know a couple of guys like Craig: handsome, smart, charming...lazy. Two of them married extremely wealthy socialites. I'm just saying...they spend their days dabbling in things that interest them, serving on the occasional board, and golf, boating, etc. Naomie was Baby Socialite Craig's first attempt at landing this type of deal. He'll get better at it. I had forgotten that Kathryn withheld the children for months while she tried to wrangle money from Thomas. She seems disheveled and disorganized (that apartment, the dirty fingernails. the phone, the raggedy outfits) and I think it's best for now if the children have limited visitation with her, kind of like play dates. It's so easy for addicts in rehab to fall off the wagon until they have several years of sobriety. I'm not sure Kathryn will ever give up her dream of a wealthy husband who affords her a lavish carefree life. I don't see her as wanting to be a full time mother. The South is littered with women like her. I grew up with girls whose mamas pushed them towards local scions from a very early age. (Tinsley Mortimer on RHoNY is one of these.) Long game: Kathryn eventually finds someone else and leaves Thomas and the children behind...or she waits out Thomas and ends up with him years down the road. I wonder if Thomas' father has threatened to withhold an inheritance as long as Thomas trashes the family name by being with Kathryn.
  16. I really like Cheltsie. She's obviously as thirsty as the rest of them, angling for an entertainment career, but she plays the reality TV game very shrewdly. She'll indulge in the JD-bashing, but she knows when to rein it in. She's a type that's revered in the South - the outdoorsy woman who's also beautiful. I think she's looking out for herself and is not willing to let give production what it needs to make her look foolish.
  17. Naomie apparently wants Craig to become a white-shoe southern lawyer, going to an office every day, working long hours, and eventually making partner and lots of money. Or perhaps put in long hours at her parents' business. Craig doesn't wanna do that...just yet. He's playing out the reality TV game, making as much money as he can through the show and appearances. He's making more than young attorneys do. Because she can't control him and dictate his life in accordance with her own plans, Naomie is furious with Craig. People like Naomie try to control their former partners even though they no longer love or respect those partners. I hope this is the last we see of their endless, meaningless "talks." Oh, and isn't Naomie striving to make a living the same way Craig is? Craig is one of those people who can't/won't do the daily grind of routine work. That won't change as long as he has money coming in. His parents understand this and want him to at least have some sense of purpose each day. Thomas is already tiring of Ashley: "I need a break." Also, he ordered her to stop speaking when she was jumping around with those stupid placards. He doesn't like her going for the camera time unless it's part of his plan. But production is encouraging her to be visible. Good job Kathryn for handling the luncheon well. I hope Kathryn has friends who don't drink 24/7.
  18. I don't watch this series enough to know - is Sonja still living in her NYC home? She made a comment about "I'm keeping the townhouse because it's a better investment than selling it and I can use it to make money." Is she renting it out? Is she sleeping on people's couches? I wonder if part of her stress is true worry about money. In terms of how her crowd views women, she's aging, divorced, menopausal (menopause causes depression and anxiety in many women and she said she went off hormones), no partner, no child support...no apparent financial prospects other than this show, the men she can mooch off of and whatever income she receives from the divorce (if any at this point). This is what happens when you live off of rich men. It's a cautionary tale. ETA: as Ghoulina sagely observed, assholes can become mentally ill. And, all this money and these women don't recognize beautiful age-appropriate fashion. One reason I stopped watching a couple seasons back was the Carole-and-Bethanny-stalk-Jules thing. There was a dinner party or something where they relentlessly poked her, taking turns, about her eating habits and other things. It was very vicious. They sat watching her, like animals watching prey, waiting to see what she said and did so they could pounce. And Carole is a bully who hides behind other, stronger, smarter women. ryebread called it. Go watch her most recent appearance on WWHL.
  19. Sonja is coming off the rails, with Dorinda not far behind. They both need therapy and probably meds. Carole's narcissism is jaw-dropping. And not grounded in any reality. She's a nasty piece of work.
  20. Kim got her own show because of ratings and money. Initially the draw was her outsize trashy personality and growing family; now it's the train wreck factor. Andy will keep her around as long as the ratings are good and DBT makes money. That's all he cares about.
  21. Just because Patricia is educated and worked in the art world doesn't mean she isn't a gold-digger. I definitely think she is one. The reason Cameron didn't object to Kathryn being left off of the guest list is that the shower was solely for the show. I'm sure Cameron's "real" baby showers were held privately, with family and real friends.
  22. Before she used what I think was an ulu to cut out her tongue (her father also had a missing tongue), I think she was placing animals/offerings in a circle around her. I think she cut them open as a way to entice the creature. I don't know why she ran to the crew, unless she was in fear of bleeding to death and needed the good doctor.
  23. They had open-brain guy at the carnival, propped up standing and with a hat - someone mimicked giving him a drink. Shades of "Weekend at Bernie's." I assume he burned. There were racks of some kind of clothing - did some of the men lose their critical outer clothing in the fire? I think Crozier was dismayed at the food spread because he knew they needed it to survive. I mean, the environment serves as a food freezer as they walk to the fort. I'm calling the bear-monster "Abominable Snow Bear."
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